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DEFINATION Those, learner learn something quickly and faster than others and they have a great memory. Normally they having superior mental ability or intelligence. It has a label of potential. Their thinking is more intellectually complex than others. Intellectual complexity is the ability to perceive multitudinous relationships in all things in life. For fast learner, nothing is as simple as it seems. They see clearly that the answer depends on the context they see endless shades of grey, not black and white. Intellectual depth is the ability to see many layers of meaning in each life situation. Intellectual depth enables gifted children quickly to pick up mixed messages in social situations and this can leave them very confused. It can also inhibit social conversation as gifted children want to explore every issue in depth and at length and others quickly tire of this.

General intellectual ability is an avid reader has avid interest in science or literature provides very alert, rapid answers to questions is creative in new ideas, seeing associations, pursuing innovations has the capacity to look into things and be puzzled is involved with many exploratory type activities displays a willingness to accept complexity has the capacity to use knowledge and information other than to memories shows superior judgment in evaluating things learns rapidly, easily and efficiently

IMPLICATION STUDENTS Implication of giftedness is her behavior in school. Because fast learner children learn so quickly, they have often mastered the material presented in class long before the other students have mastered it. While the other children need lots of repetition and drill, gifted children need very little. For example, non-fast learner children need between 6 and 10 repetitions while gifted children need only 1 or 2. However, they are usually required to sit through the repetitions of the same material just as the rest of the students do. They have to do the same "seat work" they other children do. Moreover fast learner kids also get bored. Their minds need challenge and it's hard for them to sit still while the same material is presented over and over. They will also rush through "seat work" because they see it as meaningless. The other children need the drill, but the fast learner children have usually already mastered the material. Some fast learner children will "play the game" and complete the worksheet or other assigned work, but for others it is like mental torture. This is probably the number one complaint of parents of gifted children and it is one of the most difficult issues to deal with. TEACHERS Unless a teacher is familiar with gifted children, he or she will not understand and will see the child as disruptive, defiant, immature, and lacking social skills and inhibition control. Fast learner children and teachers often get into what seems to be a power struggle. misbehave when they aren't challenged. Fast learner children may Teachers who don't try to

understand them often get into power struggles with these children. The child craves challenge, and the teacher insists on all children doing exactly the same thing. Naturally, fast learner children resist this. They may begin to resent the teacher and lose respect for him or her. To the teacher this looks like a challenge to authority, but the child simply wants to be treated with

respect and doesn't feel as though she is. Being asked to "learn" things she already knows is not being treated with respect, particularly if the teacher has a negative attitude toward the child. Children pick those attitudes up easily. TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS A teacher should be employing a superior teacher. He or she should find out what they already know. Assess their level of achievement, and determine competencies and areas of deficiency. Teacher also should give them credit for concepts they have mastered. Teacher also cannot have them repeat content work just because its the curriculum or because its there. Employ differentiated curriculum methods. Teacher should provide new and different challenging activities for them to do instead of drill- and-practice or grade level work. Provide opportunities for them to work with complex and abstract ideas. It also should be based on capitalize on interests. So that teacher should find out what their interests are and build projects around their interests. Teacher also can use curriculum compacting and allow them some flexibility in the way they spend the time "bought back" because they have mastered a concept. Other than that teacher can allow them to learn at a faster pace than their age peers. Use discovery learning techniques and inquiry methods; avoid teacher dominated methods. Trust them to learn in nontraditional ways; guide and lead them in learning differently. Help them to find other advanced learners. Never judge their social skills solely on the way they interact with their age peers. Thrill them with many, varied, challenging and engaging choices. Focus on higher order thinking skills. Give them lots of experience with setting their own goals and evaluating their own work.

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