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Steady state thermal analysis of a pipe intersection

A cylindrical tank is penetrated radially by a small pipe at a point on its axis remote from ends of the tank. The inside of tank is exposed to a fluid with a temperature of 232 c .The pipe experience a steady flow of fluid with a temperature of 38 C , and two flow regimes are isolated from each other by means of thin tube. The convection (film) coefficient in the pipe varies with a metal temperature and is thus expressed as a material property .

The objective is to determine the temperature distribution at the Pipe-tank junction

Following data describing the problem are given : Inside diameter of the pipe = 8 mm Outside diameter of the pipe =10 mm Inside diameter of tank = 26 mm Outside diameter of tank =30 mm Inside bulk fluid temperature , tank = 232 C Inside convection coefficient , tank = 4.92 W/m 2o C Inside bulk fluid temperature , pipe = 38 o C Inside convection coefficient (pipe) varies from about 19.68 to 39.36 W/m 2o C .

Provide information about variation of the thermal parameters with temperature data given below :

Temperature o C Convection coefficient






41.92 7889 .2505 6.898

39.85 7889 .267 7.143

34.64 7889 .2805 7.265

27.06 7889 .294 7.445

21.746 7889 .3069 7.631

W/m 2o C
Density (kg /m 3 ) Conductivity (J/s 0 C ) Specific heat (J/kg 0 C )

Assumption is consider during anaylsis

Quarter symmetry is applicable and that ,at the terminus of the model (longitudinal and circumferential cut in the tank). There is sufficient attenuation of the pipe effect such that these edges can be held at 232 o C Boundary temperature along with the convection coefficient and bulk fluid temperature are dealt with in solution phase ,after which a static solution is executed.

Step follow during analysis

Prepare for a thermal anaylsis 1. Set preferences. Input geometry 2. Read in the geometry of the pipe intersection Define materials 3.Define material properties vs. temperature. 4.Plot material properties vs. temperature. 5. Define element type Generate mesh 6. Mesh of the model Apply load 7.Apply convection loads on exposed boundary lines.

Obtain solution 8.Define analysis type 9. Examine solution control 10.Specify initial condition for the transient. 11.Set time ,time step size and related parameters. 12. Set output control 13. Solve Review result 14.Enter the time- history postprocessor and define variable 15.Plot temperature vs. time 16.Examine the results. 18.Exit the ANSYS program

Temperature contour and thermal flux display are obtained in Post processing. Convection surface load display by arrow Temperature map on inner surface of the tank and pipe Distribution of thermal flux vectors at intersection between tank and pipe.

Pipe intersection

Quarter symmetry model of the tank pipe intersection

Delete volume and below

Quarter symmetry model of tank-pipe intersection represented by a single volume V1

Oblique view of mesh

Meshed quarter symmetry model of tank pipe intersection

Load applied on surface of tank and pipe

While ANSYS is solving the anaylsis ,the graphical solution tracking (GST) monitor plot the Absolute convergence Norms as a function of the Cumulative iteration Number. Notice that the solution is assumed to have converged for values less than or equal to the convergence criteria.

Convection surface load displayed as arrow

Temperature map on inner surface of the tank and the pipe

Thermal nodal solution of the tank and the pipe

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