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a) There is a bus with passengers traveling at 90 miles per hour.

Two passengers notice a beautiful location full of mountains and ask the driver to stop the bus for few minutes so that they can take few pictures. They move out and start taking pictures, after a while a mountain under which the bus was standing, falls over the bus and all passengers in the bus die. One of those two passengers who moved out of the bus says, I wish we were in the bus... WHY? Because if they were there, the bus would leave. b) There are 4 guys standing on the left hand side of a rope-bridge, hanging over a deep canyon. They are being chased by a tribe of hungry cannibals and need to cross the bridge in 17 minutes. Of course there are some restrictions: They can only cross a maximum of two persons at a time. And it's getting kinda dark so they have to bring a flashlight with them each time they cross, but there's only 1 flashlight (so, each time someone's gotta go back with the flashlight). By the way, the canyon is too wide to throw the flashlight across. They all walk at different speeds so take different times to cross the bridge: Man A takes 1 minute Man B takes 2 minutes Man C takes 5 minutes Man D takes 10 minutes. When two of them walk together the time of the slowest person counts (so, when A and D cross it takes 10 minutes). A: 1 minute to cross B: 2 minutes to cross C: 5 minutes to cross D: 10 minutes to cross a) A and B cross the bridge with the flashlight (2 minutes used) b) A comes back with the flashlight (1 minute used) c) C and D get the flashlight from A and cross the bridge (10 minutes used) d) B gets the flashlight and comes back (2 minutes used) e) A and B cross the bridge with the flashlight (2 minutes used)

c) There are three light bulbs on the second floor of a building and there are three switches on the ground floor which are used to turn on the light bulbs (one switch turns on one bulb). A man is on the ground floor and he knows that the three light bulbs on the second floor are all turned off. How can he just go up to the second floor ONCE to determine which switches control which light bulbs?? First, turn on one of the switch for a long time, e.g. 20 minutes, then switch it off, then turn on another switch, then immediately go to the second floor. On the second floor, see which light bulb is turned on. That light bulb corresponds to the switch which is turned on at last.

Sense the two light bulb which is not turned on, see which one is hotter, the one which is hotter corresponds to the switch which has been turned on for a long time but turned off subsequently.

d) What do you get when you go uphill then downhill and go across in the middle ? Letter A

e) O T



What are the next two letters in this sequence? S S....each letter corresponds to the first letter of each number starting from 1, 2, 3..... i.e. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven

f) A woman drops her ring in her coffee. When it is removed it is dry. Why? Because the coffee is still dry (in powder form).

g) a man is found hanging 3 meters in the air with a rope round his neck in the room there is no furniture or ladders of any kind. (The room is bare but the floor is knee deep in water.) How did he kill himself? He stood on a large block of ice and hung himself.

h) Moon's gravity is one-sixth of the earth. A bird can fly in 10m/s in the earth. How fast can it fly on the moon? There is no air. The bird will die immediately.

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