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Delta Park is a beautiful park where you can go for comfortable walk around the perimeter of the park takes the better part of a morning, especially if you take the time to study the different plants. If you prefer a longer walk, go right down to the park's southern border and walk along Delta Park. There is also a sensory trail and bird-viewing hides, and the Florence Bloom Bird Sanctuary is merged into the park. The southeast corner of Delta Park is one of the most tranquil retreats and there are delightful picnic spots. The spacious park is also the home to a wide range of fascinating wildlife. There are holiday programmes, aimed at children between the ages of six and 13, on offer. About 20 000 children take part in the school programmes every year. There is safe parking at the centre and main entrance

Facilities/features/events: Dam, wild-bird sanctuary, scout training grounds, seating, filming movies and commercials, small concerts, school events and fun fairs.

Why we need open areas

The importance of open areas is that they affect our everyday life. They offer a place to rest, play and learn. Working farms and forests provide essential agricultural products. Historic homesteads and battlefields allow us to remember our past and help us connect with each other across the generations. Open areas that surround waterways helps keep our drinking water clean and protects us from floods. Wildlife areas provide habitat for our non-human neighbours and offer endless opportunities to learn and explore. Forested areas clean the air we breathe and wide, open landscapes help us feel free and refreshed.

Pressures that open areas face

The pressures facing open areas are wild life management, foreign invaders and pollution. That fact is becoming increasingly clear as the areas surrounding parks are wildlife protected inside parks the parks dont recognize boundaries and must often move in and out of the parks to feed, mate, or migrate while other species, like snakes, are intentionally imported for the exotic pet trade. When turned loose with no competition, invasive species cause chaos in an ecosystem and send a parks native residents toward extinction. Pollution such as air quality problems choke off plants, and even dirty water, soil pollution and water pollution also destroy open areas.

1) Delta Park is used as a park for children and adult uses and also provides a habitat for plants and animals 2) Park and includes some natural vegetation 3) Yes, soil and water pollution, people are causing the pollution and the effect on the environment is destroying the habitat for the animals and plants 4) There are some development in Delta park but most of it is still an open area 5) Yes although the state of the wetlands are not very good 6) Yes there are a lot of alien invasive plants in delta park


Woodland Kingfisher

Redknobbed Coot

Giant reed Daylilies


Sparrow Hawk

8) Approximately 200-500 people live around the area

9) The wetlands should be kept clean for the animals and plants that live in the open area and should not be built on or damaged by humans


Map of Delta park

Bibliography d=36:delta-park&catid=14:find-a-park&Itemid=39 issues/

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