USSA-Therapies مجلة - مثلي - أنا/ ملحق - العدد - الثاني

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USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

- 1
Punishment & Electro-Pulses Therapy

. :

Old Exodus int.

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

- 2
)Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT

Flash Backs
)Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD
)Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT

Cognitive Therapy
Behavioral Therapy

) (
Emotive Therapy


. .


USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

- ...
) Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET
Albert Ellis 1952 1991 ABC
A- Activating events B- Beliefs C- emotional & behavioral Consequences


) (

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

)Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR

. )
( .
)( )(


. :
: .
: .

- 3 GAY Affirmation Therapy

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

LGBT.A & American Psychiatric Associations & Pro-Gays Activists
) ( GAY Affirmation Therapy
- 4 )(
Mentoring Pastoral Care Therapy
Pastoral Care
- 5
Herbs & Chemical Therapy
// / /
) ( :


fluoxetine 20mg

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

. .

. :

+ + +

Humulus Lupulus
Ocimum Basilicum
Hypericum Perforamtum

Tilia Species
Mentha Piperita
Foeniculim vulgare
Pimpenella Ahisum
Melissa offcinalis
Matricaria recutita
Althaea officinalis
Thymus vulgaris

St. Johns Wort:

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

Hypericum Perforatum )(
. .
10 -5
. GNC (St.
Johns Wort).
Valeriana: 12 . .
. (Valerian).
Lime and Balm: 30 . . Tilia Lenden.
. Melissa officinalis
15 . .
Vervan and Marjoram: . : . Verbena Officinalis
. . Marjoram

Mistletose and Hawthorn: . Viscum Album

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

Crataegus Oxyacantha:

10 .
Dang Gui: . . Anglica Sinensis
Chamomile: . 50 .

Elecampane: . Inula Helenium %44
10 -5
. .
" " Lavandula officinale : 20 ) (

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

. 15


500 .
: 5 10 .

: .
: .
: :

: .

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

" " .


" " :
: ) :
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USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

) (
) ( ) (


. .


. .

: - !

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

) ( Turkey-
: .
) . 400-25 /( ) -3
30 /( )( 3-0.1 /
: C B



- 6 ) ( )(
)(Ex-Gay , Post-Gay) or Religiously Mediated Therapies & Spiritual Therapy (EXODUS

Living Waters Groups
Freedom Conferences for USSA Therapy, Freedom from Homosexuality

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

- 6 Cleansing Therapy
" " "

. ) (



. ex-gay
ex !!!

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

... ex-gay ex-ex-gay

.. pro-gay !

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

- 7
Counseling & Consulting Therapy
Initiative Private Counselling & Consulting
- 8 )(
)] [ ] +[ + + ( ) ( USSA- Unwanted
)Same-Sex Attractions Reperative Therapy (NARTH
)([Transitioning] Behavioral + [Grounding] Cognitive + Relational + Psychodynamic

National Association for Resarches & Therapy of Homosexuality : NARTH :
.. ..
- Gestalt Therapy .
Inner Child Therapy

Homosexual Enactments HE Gray Zone GZ ) ( Grieving GR
) (Relieving Shame Assertion A
Removing 2 Binds Reforming 2 Loops Uniting

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

Deep Grieving | :
* Healing of Memory
* Focusing
* Voice Dialogue
* Healing body image wounds
* Holding
* Touch Therapy
* Role Playing
* Psychodrama
* Bioenergetics
3 :
- : .
- : )(
-1 - :
) ( .

- 9
USSA Unwanted Same-Sex Attracted People Support Groups or Homosexuals Anonymous Group 14 Steps

- ) - 18 )(+18 ( - ) 20 ( - ) 30 ( -

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

! ) ( )( )(


-1 .
-2 .
-3 .
-4 .
-5 .
-6 .
-8 .
-9 .
-10 .
-11 . .
-13 .
-14 / / .

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

- 10 / / ) (
)Spiritual Community Support (Religious Support Groups[Church or Mosque]) (EXODUS
) (

Serenity Prayer
Oh God Grant me the Serenity
In order to Accept the Things that I can not Change
and the Courage to Change the Things I can Change
and the Wisdom to Distinguish between Both of Them
Help Me to Live Day by Day and to Enjoy each Moment
Help Me to Accept Obstacles and Pass them to reach Peace
Help Me To Accept the World and People as They are
Not As I want Them to be.
Help Me to Change , I am sure that You are The Sultan
and You will Do Everything Better
If I Submitted my heart and my Life to your Will

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

SSA Reparative Therapy :



- Cordial Healthy Hugs Sessions
Holding Therapy
Touch Therapy
.. )( .

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics


| ] [ | |
/ ... ..
| |
| | .
)Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR

. ) (

| |

Bio Energetics

) / ( - )

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

| | |
| | |
- Group Sports < Teamwork Spirit
| | Free Pure Breathing |
< Living Waters | * | Zamam Waters .. Living Waters Book
|Secured Spider Web
| | |
| // | | .


USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

JIM: Journey Into Manhood
$ 650 - 400$ ) (250$

Masculinity Authenticity Need Fulfillment Surrender


* Journaling

* )

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

: ! !
* Knowing !

: !

: .
* | : ! !
* |
* -
* ) (
* ) ... (
BTJ : Beyond the Journey
PCC | People Can Change

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

AIM : Adventure in Manhood

Rock Climbing


: ) (Canoe



: ) (
walking, hiking , climbing, jumping, abseiling, swimming.
Cliff Jumping


Horseback Riding


USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

Therapeutic tools and techniques

family system therapy - 1
bibliotherapy - 2
bibliotherapy: I assign the client books to read
homosexuality: a new christian ethics by elizabeth moberly
reparative therapy of male homosexuality and healing homosexuality by Nicolosi
education - 3
I assist the client in building a support network and teach social skills, communication skills, and problem solving techniques"
the counselor needs to assist in teaching about etiology of homosexuality and the process of healing. therefor he needs to read books and become well versed in
understanding this condition
cognitive therapy - 4
meditation and affirmation therapy - 5
inner-child healing - 6
bio-energetic and core energetic - 7
role-play / gestalt therapy : / - 8
psychodrama : - 9
memory healing and neuro-linguistic programming - 10
family constellation - 11

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

- 12 mentoring
- 13 attachment / holding therapy
- 14 voice dialogue
- 15 exercise and sport
- 16 therapeutic massage
- 17 behavioral and gesture re-education
- 18 making contracts
- 19 friendship
- 20 transactional analysis
- 21 Journaling
- 22 recording sessions
Hungry: emotional hunger for a man, often when feeling rejected
Angry: unexpressed emotions turned inward
Lonely: legitimate need for love and connection with a man
Tired: stressed, overworked, life out of balance

+ / + / / /

* .. ! My Genes Made Me Do It

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

Homosexuality and the Scientific Evidence Dr.Neil Whitehead
* .. - Coming Out Straight - Richard Cohen
* .. - Preventing Homosexuality - PhD Joseph Nicolosi
* .. - You Don't Have to be Gay - PhD Joseph Nicolosi
* .. - Homosexuality and The Politics of Truth - Jeffry Satinover
* .. - Living Waters - USSA support groups therapy -
* .. } { - .
Healing Love (Love Healing - Homosexuality History & Reasons - SSA Therapy and Prevention) - Dr.Awsam Wasfy
* .. ] [ -. Healthy Relations - Dr.Awsam Wasfy
* .. } { - - :. :

Healing & God's Love, Rooted in God's Love [meditations for change] Dale & Juanita Rayan
* .. * .. * .. - . Selfimage|Children Trauma|Relations - Dr.Awsam Wasfy
* .. ] [ - . Life Skills - Theories & Practical Books - Dr.Awsam Wasfy
* .. - - - -

Curing Pornography Addiction - Healing Methods - Practical Successful Aids for relieving sexual addiction - Kevin Skinner
* .. - . . How We Grow - Dr.Henry Cloud & Dr.John Townsend
* .. From Weakness To Strength
* .. -. From Shame to Peace -Dr.Teo van der Well - Floyd McLang

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

* .. -. Good Impressions - Dr.Mamoun Tarabeh

* .. - The Secret - Rhonda Byrne
* .. .. ! - Your Body SPEAKS Your Mind - Deb Shapiro
* .. - How They Became Elites ? - Saad Soud Al Krebany
* .. Self Saticfaction *
* .. -. How to Change Ourselves- Magdy Helaly
* .. - Charming Charisma - Karim Al Shazhely
* .. - . Self Managing - Dr.Ebrahim Al Faqy
- 11
Sex Therapy & Physiology Therapy

- 12
Spontaneous Change

. Wolpe 1969
Fluker 1976
) (

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

Cameron and Crawford 1985 2 170

Nichols 1988
Shechter 1992 ) (.


) (Weinrich & Klein, 2002

- 13
Assemblies of Persons Claiming Sexual Orientation Can Be Changed
Ex-Gays 22 1994 -

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

) .(1994 Davis 2000 ) Gorner (2000

2006 ) .(2006 Foust
* Meta-Analyses
Clippinger ) (1974 785 ( 40) 307
(1978) E. C. James 35
27 37 .
" :
) ( ) "... .(183
(1997) Goetze 17 44
) Jones and Yarhouse (2000 30 .1994-1954
327 108 33
* / / %90
* %70


USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

Other USSA Interventions

* Astral Projection

. Inception


. .
American Psychological Association APA
) .(1997

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics


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USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

Recovery Stages


: ) (

-1 .
-2 ) ( .
-3 ) (.

: ) (

- 1 ) (

)people with Unwanted Same-Sex Attractions (USSA

" "
)( .


USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics


) (
-2 .
-3 :



... )( ::

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USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics


: ) /(

-1 .
-2 ) ][(
-3 ) ( ).
-4 )(.
: ) /(

-1 .
-2 ) ][ - (
-3 ) ( ).
-4 )(.
-5 .
Personal Motivation

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

: ) (



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USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics


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USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics


Positive Affirmations
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* . * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *
* * * *
* * *

* .
! !

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics



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USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

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) (
- 1 ) ( ) ( Ego syntonic .
- 2 ) ( Ego dystonic
- 1 ) ( )
( .
- 2
" :
" " : "


USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

" " Reparative Therapy :

2004 :

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USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

3 %70
1 ) ( .
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2 ) ( ) ( .

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USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

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USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics


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) ( Bisexual .
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USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

- 7 : ) ( )
( ) (
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) ( Subconscious Psychology
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9 :
10 :
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. ) " " ( :
. -12 : .

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

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USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

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USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

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USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

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USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

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USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

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USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

English Sources (Richard Cohen Coming Out Straight)

for further information see below
-Adopting the 4 stages for recovery (proposed by Richard Cohen in coming out straight) would be crucial for healing SSA in my opinion. These stages are:
1-Transitioning: behavior change
2-Grounding: cognitive therapy
3-Healing homo- emotional wounds: psychodynamic therapy
4-Healing hetero- emotional wounds: psychodynamic therapy
-Let us take one step at a time (let's not worry about all stages because I personally think we haven't pass the first stage yet, at least for me!).
Stage 1 (Transitioning: behavior change).
Richard Cohen explains that this can be gained by doing 3 factors
A-Cutting off from homosexual behavior
B-Developing a support network
C-Building self-worth and experiencing value in relationship with God.
-All of us agree on A don't we? and hopefully all of us have at least some degree of behavior control. Remember, this control is temporary and this behavior should be
replaced right a way by both B and C right? let us discuss B and C in much details.
-Support network (B): again, according to Cohen, it includes a lot of things (summarized nicely in a diagram on page 67, second edition, coming out straight):
Spiritual: Prayers, Spiritual Food, (Holy books: Holy Quran & Holy Bible), Spiritual Community Family, friends, spouse
Study of literature
Support groups
Telephone, E-mail, visiting people, mentors
Exercise, diet, sport
Therapeutic massage
-What we can accomplished from the above is:
2-may be telephone.

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

-What we can do on individual basis:

1-go to Journey Into Manhood weekend ( JiM), by www.
2-have a counselor who is familiar with reparative therapy.
3-read lots of good books
4-increase our Faith (Iman): (Prayers, Fasting (Siam) and other Worships)
we need a strong support group to keep us away from the unwanted behavior.
-What we can do as a group:
1-conference calls/chat
2-regional face to face group meetings with the involvement of Arabic counselor
3-national weekend meetings ( some brothers suggested that we talk to PCC and ask them if they allow some groups of Arabs to have a kind of JiM with some Arabic
These are steps toward healing which have proven successful for men and women around the world:
Step One Read or listen to Coming Out Straight: Understanding and Healing Homosexuality (additionally listen to the Healing
Homosexuality CD series).
Step Two Personal Counseling Session with IHF counselor and certified coach Christopher Doyle (for men) and IHF certified
coach, Hilde Wiemann (for women). We advise you to read or listen to Coming Out Straight before setting up a personal counseling
session. Mr. Doyle or Ms. Wiemann will help you develop a personal treatment plan and make recommendations for further healing
and growth. Office tel. (301) 805-6111, Email :
Step Three Teleconferencing Classes (TCC) Take part in our teleconferencing classes for those who experience unwanted samesex attraction (SSA). Participants receive individual assistance through 60 minutes of personal coaching and 30 minutes of teaching.
You will develop and begin working on your personal treatment planfinally a clear path to fulfill your dreams.
Step Four Tender Loving Care (TLC) Healing Seminars are a time for deep healing of the heart, mind, body and spirit. In one
weekend, you will experience personal and relational healing worth six months of therapy!
Step Five Family Healing Sessions, involving parents and children, are a way to resolve longstanding conflicts and create greater
intimacy. If your family is willing and able, this one-to-two day session is especially helpful in removing blocks that inhibit deeper
communication and shared love between family members.

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

1. Journal: HALT thoughts, feelings, and needs when you feel anxious or want to masturbate, view porn, go into chat rooms:
a.Use the HALT diagnostic tool:
Hungry: emotional hunger for a man, often when feeling rejected
Angry: unexpressed emotions turned inward
Lonely: legitimate need for love and connection with a man
Tired: stressed, overworked, life out of balance
b. Work on those issues, resolve conflicts, and get your needs met in healthy ways
and in healthy relationships.
c. Do not focus on the problem (masturbation, sex with guys, or porn). Focus on the real issue(s), and create positive solutions:
Call someone, using the HALT diagnostic tool
Pray/meditate to identify causes and real needs
Work out your issues with the person you have unresolved feelings about
Get your needs met in healthy, same-gender, non-sexual relationships
Create a more balanced schedule
Direct your energy outward, for others
2. Develop a Support Network of Relationships
SSA men on journey of healingPCC on-line group
OSA men who know about your SSA and love you
OSA men who dont know
3. Use Practical Exercises for Men in Recovery from SSA by James Phelan (order:
4. Exercise (preferably with another man) & eat a healthy diet
5. Read books on healing unwanted SSA

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

Growth Into Manhood by Alan Medinger

Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality by Joseph Nicolosi
Desires in Conflict by Joe Dallas
Homosexuality: A New Christian Ethic by Elizabeth Moberly
You Dont Have to Be Gay by Jeff Konrad
6. Create an Affirmation CD
Make a list of things you wish your father had said and done with you
while you were growing up. Make a list of things you wish male peers
had said and done with you while growing up.
(2) Create an audio tape/CD from this list: Have a male mentor/friend, and other men you trust make the recording. Put beautiful music in the
Use this on a daily basis, ideally morning and night. Begin with smaller dosages: three times a week. Then build up to 5-6 times per week, then increase to
8-10 times per week. Eventually, use it twice a day, every
morning and night before bed. Process your feelings as they come up by
stopping the recording as necessary. If daily use is too much at first,
listen a few times per week. Be consistent, and then slowly increase the
dosage until you are listening to it twice daily. Succeed small rather
than fail big.
7. Build skills: assertiveness training, communication skills, problem-solving techniques.
Read and do the exercises in Ten Days to Self-Esteem by David Burnsone lesson every one to two weeks. Make a time commitment. Review
with your coach/dad/other male mentors. Perhaps you and your dad can do it together.
Read and practice the skills in Your Perfect Right by Robert Alberti and Michael Emmons.
Learn and utilize good communication skills:
How to share yourself responsibly
How to listen effectively
8. Begin inner-child healing: identify thoughts, feelings, and needs. Read Recovery of Your Inner Child by Lucia Capacchione (New York: Simon and Schuster
Fireside Book, 1991). Purchase a sketchpad and crayons or colored pencils. Do one chapter every two weeks, or more as you are motivated. You need to become
a good parent to your own soul. Hold a pillow or doll, and imagine that you are sharing with the little boy that you used to be.
9. Listen to the Inner Child and Memory Healing CD several times per week ( on the resource materials page).

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

10. Attend Healing Seminars:

Tender Loving Care (TLC) Healing Seminar:
Journey Into Manhood (JIM):
New Warrior Weekend: / Is gay affirming
Adventure In Manhood (AIM):
11. Begin the process of grieving, forgiving, and taking responsibility.
Be with close male friends and mentors while you grieve the losses of your past. You need to be blessed by healthy men (those who experience
the fullness of their gender identity and have healthy love to give and share with you).
Read Focusing by Eugene Gendlin.
- Practice the six-step method to identify feelings and resolve present-day
Voice Dialogue:
Read Embracing OurSelves by Hal and Sidra Stone.
Practice voice dialogue method.
- Learn to know yourself better by identifying the different parts of your inner personality.
d. Healing Touch: Receive healthy touch from you dad and brothers. Practice holding and healthy hugs with your father.
12. Continue the process of grieving, forgiving, and taking responsibility relationship with mother.
a. Read Emotional Incest Syndrome by Patricia Love, with Jo Robinson (New York: Bantam Books, 1990).
Explore the unhealthy ties related to your relationship with your mother.
Grieve the losses of your past, and the unhealthy attachment with mother.
d. Process and appropriately release any stored emotions related to your mother that will allow you to grieve, forgive, and take responsibility.
Separate and individuate from her in the present day.
Establish healthy boundaries in the relationship with your mother.
Sexual Reorientation Coaches of the International Healing Foundation:
Bob Abbott, Email: / Tel. (864) 313-1736
Hilde Wiemann, Email: / Tel. (301) 537-2848

USSA Worldwide Therapies Sorts, Circulations & Dynamics

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