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Students, to start with any research work, you have to first write a their business. Seldom do businesses begin research studies for
research proposal.Today, we are going to discuss the various steps other reasons.
of writing a research proposal. In the small-scale proposal, the literature review and bibliography
What is a Research Proposal? are consequently not stressed and can often be stated briefly in the
A proposal is an offer to produce or render a service to the potential research design.
buyer or sponsor. Since management insists on brevity, an executive summary is
The research proposal presents a problem, discusses related research mandatory for all but the most simple of proposals (projects that
efforts, outlines the data needed and shows the research design. can be proposed in a two-page memo do not need an executive
summary). Schedules and budgets are necessary for funds to be
committed. For the smaller-scale projects, descriptions are not
• sponsor uses proposal to evaluate research idea required for facilities and special resources, nor is there a need for a
• Ensures the sponsor and investigator agree to research glossary. Since small projects are sponsored by managers familiar
question with the problem, the associated jargon, requirements, and
• For newcomer, research proposal helps learning from others definitions should be included directly in the text. Also, the
measuring instrument and project management modules are not
• Completed proposal provides a logical guidance
required. Managers will typically leave this detail for others.
Dear friends, after completion of this lesson you will be able to
External Proposals
• Prepare internal research proposal
An external proposal is either solicited or unsolicited. A solicited
• Prepare external research proposal proposal is often in response to a request for proposal (RFP). The
Depending on the type of project, the sponsoring individual or proposal is likely competing against several others for a contract or
institution, and the cost of the project, different levels of grant. An unsolicited proposal has the advantage of not competing
complexity are required for a proposal to be judged complete. against others but the disadvantage of having to speculate on the
For example the government agencies demand the most complex ramifications of a problem facing the firm’s management.
proposals for their funding analyses. On the other extreme, an Even more difficult, the writer of an unsolicited proposal must
exploratory study done within a manager’s department may need decide to whom the document should be sent.
merely a one- to three-page memo outlining the objectives, The most important sections of the external proposal are the
approach, and time allotted to the project. objectives, design, qualifications, schedule, and budget. The
In general, business proposals can be divided between those executive summary of an external proposal may be included within
generated internally and externally. An internal proposal is done the letter of transmittal.
for the corporation by staff specialists or by the research department As the complexity of the project increases, more information is
of the firm. required about project management and the facilities and special
External proposals are either solicited or unsolicited. Sponsors resources. In contract research, the results and objectives sections
can be university grant committees, government agencies, are the standards against which the completed project is measured.
government contractors, corporations, and so forth. With few As we move toward government-sponsored research, particular
exceptions, the larger the project, the more complex is the proposal. attention must be paid to each specification in the RFP.
In public sector work, the complexity is generally greater than in a Contents of Research Proposal
comparable private sector proposal.
1.Executive Summary
There are three general levels of complexity. The exploratory study
The executive summary allows a busy manager or sponsor to
is the first, most simple business proposal. More complex and
understand quickly the thrust of the proposal. It is essentially an
common in business is the small-scale study-either an internal
informative abstract, giving executives the chance to grasp the
study or an external contract research project
essentials of the proposal without having to read the details. The
Now let us discuss difference Internal proposal & External goal of the summary is to secure a positive evaluation by the
proposal executive who will pass the proposal on to the staff for a full
Internal Proposals evaluation. As such, the executive summary should include brief
Internal proposals are a memo from the researcher to management statements of the management dilemma and management
outlining the problem statement, study objectives, research design, question, the research objectives/research questions(s), and the
and schedule is enough to start an exploratory study. benefits of your approach. If the proposal is unsolicited, a brief
description of your qualifications is also appropriate.
Privately and publicly held firms are concerned with how to solve
a particular problem, make a decision, or improve an aspect of

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2. Problem Statement The literature review may also explain the need for the proposed

This section needs to convince the sponsor to continue reading work to appraise the shortcomings and informational gaps in
the proposal. You should capture the reader’s attention by stating secondary data sources. This analysis may go beyond scrutinizing
the management dilemma, its background, and consequences, the availability or conclusions of past studies and their data, to
and the resulting management question. The management examining the accuracy of secondary sources, the credibility of
question starts the research task. The importance of researching these sources, and the appropriateness of earlier studies.
the management question should be emphasized here if a separate
5.Importance/ Benefits of the Study
module on the importance/ benefits of study is not included
This section allows you to describe explicit benefits that will accrue
later in the proposal.
from your study. The importance of “doing the study now”
In addition, this section should include any restrictions or areas should be emphasized. Usually, this section is not more than a
of the management question that will not be addressed. Problem few paragraphs. If you find it difficult to write, then you have
statements too broadly defined cannot be addressed adequately in probably not understood the problem adequately. Return to the
one study. It is important that the management question be analysis of the problem and ensure, through additional
distinct from related problems and that the sponsor see the discussions with your sponsor or your research team, or by a
delimitations clearly. Be sure your problem statement is clear reexamination of the literature, that you have captured the essence
without the use of idioms or clinches. of the problem.
3.Research Objectives This section also requires you to understand what is most troubling
This module addresses the purpose of the investigation. It is to your sponsor. If it is a potential union activity, you cannot
here that you layout exactly what is being planned by the proposed promise that an employee survey will prevent unionization. You
research. In a descriptive study, the objectives can be stated as the can, however, show the importance of this information and its
research question. Recall that the research question can be further implications. This benefit may allow management to respond to
broken down into investigative questions. If the proposal is for a employee concerns and forge a linkage between those concerns
causal study, then the objectives can be restated as a hypothesis. and unionization.
Theobjectives module flows naturally from the problem The importance/benefits section is particularly important to the
statement, giving the sponsor specific, concrete, and achievable unsolicited external proposal. You must convince the sponsoring
goals. It is best to list the objectives either in order of importance organization that your plan will meet its needs.
or in general terms first, moving to specific terms (i.e., research 6.Research Design
question followed by underlying investigative questions). The Up to now, you have told the sponsor what the problem is, what
research questions (or hypotheses, if appropriate) should be set your study goals are, and why it is important for you to do the
off from the flow of the text so they can be found easily. study. The proposal has presented the study’s value and benefits.
The research objectives section is the basis for judging the The design module describes what you are going to do in technical
remainder of the proposal and, ultimately, the final report. Verify terms. This section should include as many subsections as needed
the consistency of the proposal by checking to see that each objective to show the phases of the project. Provide information on your
is discussed in the research design, data analysis, and results proposed design for tasks such as sample selection and size, data
sections. collection method, instrumentation, procedures, and ethical
4.Literature Review requirements. When more than one way exists to approach the
The literature review section examines recent (or historically design, discuss the methods you rejected and why your selected
significant) research studies, company data, or industry reports approach is superior.
that act as a basis for the proposed study. Begin your discussion 7.Data Analysis
of the related literature and relevant secondary data from a A brief section on the methods used for analyzing the data is
comprehensive perspective, moving to more specific studies that appropriate for large scale contract research projects and doctoral
are associated with your problem. If the problem has a historical theses. With smaller projects, the proposed data analysis would
background, begin with the earliest references. be included within the research design section. Describe your
Avoid the extraneous details of the literature; do a brief review of proposed treatment and the theoretical basis for using the selected
the information, not a comprehensive report. Always refer to the techniques. The object of this section is to assure the sponsor you
original source. If you find something of interest in a quotation, are following correct assumptions and using theoretically sound
find the original publication and ensure you understand it. In this data analysis procedures.
way, you will avoid any errors of interpretation or transcription. This is often an arduous section to write. By use of sample charts
Emphasize the important results and conclusions of other and dummy tables, you can make it easier to understand your data
studies, the relevant data and trends from previous research, and analysis. This will make the section easier to write and easier to
particular methods or designs that could be duplicated or should read. The data analysis section is important enough to contract
be avoided. Discuss how the literature applies to the study you are research that you should contact an expert to review the latest
proposing; show the weaknesses or faults in the design, discussing techniques available for your use. If there is no statistical or analytical
how you would avoid similar problems. If your proposal deals expertise within your company, be prepared to hire a professional
solely with secondary data, discuss the relevance of the data and to help with this activity,
the bias or lack of bias inherent in it.

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8.Nature and Form of Results Budget Items Rate Total Days

Upon finishing this section, the sponsor should be able to go Charge
back to the problem statement and research objectives and discover A. Salaries
that each goal of the study has been covered. One should also
1. Research director, Rs 200/hr 20 hours
specify the types of data to be obtained and the interpretations
Rs. 4,000
that will be made in the analysis. If the data are to be turned over
to the sponsor for proprietary reasons, make sure this is reflected. Jason Henry
Alternatively, if the report will go to more than one sponsor, that 2. Associate Rs100/hr 10 hours
should be noted. Rs. 1,000
This section also contains the contractual statement telling the 3. Research assistants (2) Rs20/hr 300 hours
sponsor exactly what types of information will be received. Rs.6,000
Statistical conclusions, applied findings, recommendations, action 4. Secretarial (1) Rs12/hr 100 hours
plans, models, strategic plans, and so forth are examples of the Rs 1,200
forms of results.
9.Qualifications of Researchers Rs12,200
This section should begin with the principal investigator. It is also
B. Other costs
customary to begin qualifications with the highest academic degree
held. Experience in carrying out previous research is important, 5.Employeeservicesand benefits
especially in the corporate marketplace, so a concise description of 6. Travel Rs 2,500
similar projects should be included. Also important to business 7. Office supplies Rs 100
sponsors is experience as an executive or employee of an
8. Telephone Rs 800
organization involved in a related field. Often businesses are
reluctant to hire individuals to solve operational problems if they 9. Rent
do not have practical experience. Finally, relevant business and 10. Other equipment
technical societies to which the researcher belongs can be included 11. Publication and storage costs Rs 100
where this information is particularly relevant to the research project.
Subtotal Rs 3,500
The entire curriculum vitae of each researcher should not be
C. Total of direct costs Rs15,700
included unless required by the RFP. Instead, refer to the relevant
areas of experience and expertise that make the researchers the D. Overhead support Rs. 5,480
best selection for the task. E. Total funding requested Rs. 2l.18O
10.Budget One reason why external research agencies avoid giving detailed
The budget should be presented in the form the sponsor requests. budgets is the possibility that disclosures of their costing practices
For example, some organizations require secretarial assistance to will make their calculations public knowledge, reducing their
be individually budgeted, whereas others insist it be included in negotiating flexibility. Since budget statements embody a financial
the research director’s fees or the overhead of the operation. In work strategy that could be used by the recipient of the bid to
addition, limitations on travel, per diem rates, and capital develop an independent work plan, vendors are often doubly
equipment purchases can change the way in which you prepare a careful.
budget The budget section of an external agency’s proposal states the
Typically, the budget should be no more than one to two pages. total fee payable for the assignment. When it is accompanied by a
Diagram below shows a format that can be used for small contract proposed schedule of payment, this is frequently detailed in a
research projects. Additional information, backup details, quotes purchase order. Unlike most product sale environments, research
from vendors, and hourly time and payment calculations should payments can be divided and paid at stages of completion.
be put into an appendix if required or kept in the researcher’s file Sometimes a retainer is scheduled for the beginning of the contract,
for future reference. then a percentage at an intermediate stage, and the balance on
The budget statement in an internal research proposal is based on completion of the project. .
employee and overhead costs. The budget presented by an external It is extremely important that you retain all information you use
research organization is not just the wages or salaries of their to generate your budget. If you use quotes from external
employees but the person-hour price that the contracting firm contractors, get the quotation in writing for your file. If you
charges. estimate time for interviews, keep explicit notes on how you made
The detail presented may vary depending on both the sponsors’ the estimate. When the time comes to do the work, you should
requirements and the contracting research company’s policy. know exactly how much money is budgeted for each particular
Budget Example:
Some costs are more elusive than others. Do not forget to build
Research Program Budget
the cost of proposal writing into your fee. Publication and delivery
of final reports can be a last minute expense that can easily be
overlooked in preliminary budgets.

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11.Schedule • The research team’s organization

Your schedule should include the major phases of the project, • Management procedures and controls for executing the
their timetables, and the milestones that signify completion of a research plan.
Examples of management and technical reports
For example, major phases may be
• Research team relationship with the sponsor
1.exploratory interviews,
• Financial and legal responsibility research proposal,
• Management competence
3.questionnaire revision,
Tables and charts are most helpful in presenting the master plan.
4.field interviews, The relationships between researchers and assistants need to be
5.editing and coding, shown when several researchers are part of the team. Sponsors analysis, and must know that the director is an individual capable of leading
the team and being a useful liaison to the sponsor. In addition, generation.
procedures for information processing, record control, and expense
Each of these phases should have an estimated time schedule and control are critical to large operations and should be shown as part
people assigned to the work. of the management procedures.
It may be helpful to you and your sponsor if you chart your The type and frequency of progress reports should be recorded so
schedule. You can use a Gantt chart. Alternatively, if the project is the sponsor can expect to be kept up-to-date and the researchers
large and complex, a critical path method (CPM) of scheduling can expect to be left alone to do research. The sponsor’s limits on
may be included. In a CPM chart the nodes represent major control during the process should be delineated. Details such as
milestones, and the arrows suggest the work needed to get to the printing facilities, clerical help, or information-processing
milestone. More than one arrow pointing to a node indicates all capabilities that are to be provided by the sponsor are discussed.
those tasks must be completed before the milestone has been In addition, right’s to the data, the results, and authority to speak
met. for the researcher and for the sponsor are included. Payment
Usual1y a number is placed along the arrow showing the number frequency and timing are also covered in the master plan. Finally,
of days or weeks required for that task to be completed. The proof of financial responsibility and overall management
pathway from start to end that takes the longest time to complete competence are provided.
is called the critical path, because any delay in an activity along that
path will delay the end of the entire project. An example of a CPM
For all projects that require literature review, a bibliography is
chart is shown below.
necessary. Use the bibliographic format required by the sponsor.
If none is specified, a standard style manual (e.g., Kate L. Turabian,
A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations;
Joseph Gibaldi and Walter S. Achtert, MIA Handbook for Writers
of Research Papers; or the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association) will provide the details necessary to
prepare the bibliography. Many of these sources also make
suggestions for successful proposal writing.
Glossary A glossary of terms should be included whenever there
are many words unique to the research topic and not understood
by the general management community. This is a simple section
consisting of terms and definitions. Also, define any acronyms
that you use, even if they are defined within the text.
16.Measurement Instrument
Critical Path: S –1 –3-4-7-8-9-E Time to complete: 40 days For large projects, it is appropriate to include samples of the
12.Facilities and Special Resources measurement instruments if they are available when you assemble
Often, projects will require special facilities or resources that should the proposal. This allows the sponsor to discuss particular changes
be described in detail. For example, a contract exploratory study in one or more of the instruments. If exploratory work precedes
may need specialized facilities for focus group sessions. Computer- the selection of the measurement instruments you will not use
assisted telephone or other interviewing facilities may be required. this appendix section.
13.Project Management Other Any detail that reinforces the body of the proposal can be
The purpose of the project management section is to show the included in an appendix. This includes researcher vitae, budget
sponsor that the research team is organized in a way to do the details, and lengthy descriptions of special facilities or resources.
project efficiently. A master plan is required for complex projects
to show how the phases will all be brought together. The plan

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Evaluating the Research Proposal • The research proposal presents a problem, discusses related

Proposals are subjected to formal and informal reviews. The formal research efforts, outlines the data needed for solving the
method has some variations, but its essence is described as follows. problem, and shows the design used to gather and analyze
Before the proposal is received, criteria are established and each is the data.
given weights or points. The proposal is evaluated with a checklist • Proposals are valuable to both the research sponsor and the
of criteria in hand. Points are recorded for each category reflecting researcher. The sponsor uses the proposal to evaluate a
the sponsor’s assessment of how well the proposal meets the research idea.
category’s established criteria. Several people, each of whom is
assigned to a particular section, typically review
Proposal Management Govern Student
long and complex proposals. After the review, types ment
Internal External
the category scores are added to provide a Exp Expl Small Large Large Ter Maste Docto
cumulative total. The proposal with the highest Proposal
lora Small Larg orato scale scale scale m r’s ral
tory scale e ry contra contra contra pape thesis thesis
number of points will win the contract. The Modules
stu study scale contr cts cts cts r
formal method is most likely to be used for dy study acts
competitive government, university, or public Executive
√ √ √ √ √ √
sector grants and also for large-scale contracts. summary
Small-scale contracts are more prone to √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
informal evaluation. With informal evaluation, Research
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
the project needs, and thus the criteria, are well Literature
√ √ √ √ √
understood but not usually well documented. review
In contrast to the formal method, a system of /benefits of
√ √ √ √ √ √
points is not used and the criteria are not study
ranked. The process is more qualitative and Design
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
impressionistic. In practice, many items Data √ √ √
contribute to a proposal’s acceptance and Analysis
Nature and √ √ √ √ √ √ √
funding. Primarily, the content discussed above form of
must be included to the level of detail required results
Qualificatio √ √ √ √
by the sponsor. Beyond the required modules, n of
there are factors that can quickly eliminate a researchers
Budget √ √ √ √ √ √
proposal from consideration and factors that Schedule √ √ √ √ √ √ √
improve the sponsor’s reception of the Facilities & √ √ √ √ √ √ √
proposal. special
First, the proposal must be neatly presented. Project √ √ √
Although a proposal produced on a word t
processor and bound with an expensive cover Bibliograph √ √ √ √ √ √
will not overcome design or analysis deficiencies, Appendixes √ √ √ √ √
a poorly presented, unclear, or disorganized / glossary
proposal will not get serious attention from of terms
Measureme √ √ √ √
the reviewing sponsors. Second, the proposal’s nt
major topics should be easily found and instrument
logically organized. The reviewer should be able
to page through the proposal to any section of interest. The • The proposal is also a useful tool to ensure the sponsor and
proposal also must meet specific guidelines set by1he sponsoring investigator agrees on the research question.
company or agency. These include budgetary restrictions and • In addition, the completed proposal provides a logical guide
schedule deadlines. for the investigation.
A fourth important aspect is the technical writing style of the • two types of proposals: internal and external. Internal and
proposal. The problem statement must be easily understood. external proposals have a problem-solving orientation. The
The research design should be clearly outlined and the staff of a company generates internal proposals.
methodology explained. The importance/befits of the study must
• External proposals are prepared by an outside firm to obtain
allow the sponsor to see why the research should be funded.
contract research. External proposals emphasize qualifications
Modules to include in Proposals: A Comparison of Management of the researcher, special facilities and resources, and project
Oriented Proposal and Student Proposal
Points to Ponder
• A proposal is an offer to produce a product or render a
service to the potential buyer or sponsor.

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management aspects such as budgets and schedules. --------------- Yes --------------- No

Case study: A Research Proposal to Crystal Bank If yes, where did you apply for the loan? (Check all that apply)
Research The purpose of the study is to analyze various issues pertaining ------------- Savings and Loan ---------------
Purpose to the credit needs of consumers living in certain areas of' Credit Union
Austin that have branches of Crystal Bank. Crystal Bank is --------------- Mortgage Company ---------------- Bank
focused on improving customer satisfaction and Wishes to --------------- Other (Please specify_____________)
undertake a study to continue doing so. Specifically, the
research objectives are to What type of loans did you apply for? (Check all that apply)
------------ Home purchase ---------------- Automobile
• Gauge consumer sentiment on the services ------------ Home repair / remodeling ----------------
provided by various financial institutions; Educational
• Identify areas of improvement among the ------------ Major appliance purchase ---------------- Personal
services provided by the financial ------------------ Other (Please specify)
• Determine the type of loans most requested Rank the following factors in decreasing order of importance,
for / needed by the consumers; which will influence your choice of lending institution ni
• Identify the important and attractive applying for any loan. (1-Most important; 2-Second most
attributes of the different types of loans; important, and so on)
• Determine the types of lending institutions -------Institution reputation ------- Location of the institution
------ Present relationship with the institution --------Level of
most popular with the consumers;
service provided
• Identify the important characteristics that
----------------- Other (Please Specify _____________)
make a lending institution attractive to the
consumers; and
Sample Selection The sampling procedure employed for the project will be
• Provide a demographic profile of the stratified sampling, a technique widely used in such surveys.
consumers. Stratified sampling ensures representation of consumers living
near each of the 15 locations of Crystal Bank. The quality of
Research Design The survey research will be conducted by mailing a the mailing list will determine the successful implementation
questionnaire to a total of 300 consumers living in the areas of stratified sampling.
served by each of the 15 Austin area branches of Crystal Bank.
The questions cover a wide range of issues including Data Collection Telephone surveys will be used to gather information.
• Identifying the types of account operated by the Statistical Based on the type of scaled response, appropriate statistical
consumer, whether he or she is happy with the Analysis methods will be used and inferences made. However, given
services; the type of scales which will be used, a substantial part of the
• Obtaining likelihood of the respondent applying for analysis will focus on frequencies, relative frequencies, and
a specific type of loan in the next 12 months; cross-tabulations.
• Determining the characteristics of the loan
application and loan repayment that are important to Project Report A written report will be submitted, and an oral presentation of
the respondent; and the findings can be made by our firm.
• Identifying characteristics of the lending institutions,
which influence the respondent’s choice. Project Cost and The project will be completed within a period of 12 weeks
• Finally, it will seek demographic and lifestyle Schedule from the time the information requirements is are provided by
information about the respondents. Crystal Bank to our firm. However this is dependent on the
assumption that the data collection process will be completed
Sample Research Do you currently deal with a financial institution? with in a 4-week period. The cost of the project to be
Questions --------------- Yes --------------- No $10,000.00

If yes, what type of financial institutions do you deal with?

(Check all that apply) Case Study: Research Proposal
---------- Savings and Loan ---------------- Bank
Repair Process Satisfaction Proposal
----------- Credit Union ---------- Other (Please ABC Corporation ‘CompleteCare’ Program
Problem Statement
ABC Corporation has recently created a service and repair program,
‘CompleteCare’, for its portable/laptop/notebook computers.
This program promises to provide a rapid response to customers’
service problems.
ABC is currently experiencing a shortage obtained technical
operators in its telephone center. The package courier, contracted
to pick up and deliver customers’ machines to ‘CompleteCare’,
has provided irregular execution ABC has also experienced parts
availability problems for some machine types.
Recent phone logs at the call center show complaints about
‘CompleteCare’ it is unknown how representative these complaints
are and what implications they may have for satisfaction with
ABC products. Management desires information on the program’s
effectiveness and its impact on customer satisfaction to determine
what should-be done to improve the ‘CompleteCare’ program
for ABC product repair and servicing.
Research Objectives
The purpose of this research is to discover the level of satisfaction
with the ‘CompleteCare’ service program. Specifically, we intend

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24 11.556
to identify the component and overall levels of satisfaction with Logistics

‘CompleteCare’. Components of the repair process are important The postal arrangements are: box rental, permit, and “business
targets for investigation because they reveal: reply” privileges to be arranged in a few days. The approval for a
1. How customer tolerance levels for repair performance affect reduced postage rate will take one to two weeks. The budget
overall satisfaction, and section itemizes these costs.
2. Which process components should be immediately Pilot Test
improved to elevate the overall satisfaction of those ABC We will test the questionnaire with a small sample of customers
customers experiencing product failures. using your tech-line operators. This will contain your costs. We
We will also discover the importance of types of product failure will then revise the questions and forward them to our graphics
on customer satisfaction levels. designer for layout. The instrument will then be submitted to
you for final approval.
Evaluation of Non response bias - a random sample of 100
High levels of user satisfaction translate into positive word of-
names will be secured from the list of customers who do not
mouth product endorsements. These endorsements influence the
return the questionnaire. Call center records will be used for
purchase outcomes for
establishing the sampling frame. Non responders will be
1. Friends and relatives and interviewed on the telephone and their responses compared
2. Business associates. statistically to those of the responders.
Critical incidents, such as product failures, have the potential to Data Analysis
either undermine existing satisfaction levels or preserve and even We will review the postcards returned and send you a weekly
increase the resulting levels of product satisfaction. The outcome report listing customers who are dissatisfied (score a “1” or “2”)
of the episode depends on the quality of the manufacturer’s with any item of the questionnaire or who submit a negative
response. comment. This will improve your timeliness in resolving customer
An extraordinary response by the manufacturer to such incidents complaints. Each month, we will provide you with a report
will preserve and enhance user satisfaction levels to the point that consisting of frequencies and category percentages far each
direct and indirect benefits derived from such programs will justify questions. Visual displays of the data will be in bar chart/
their costs. histogram form. We propose to include at least one
This research has the potential for connecting to ongoing ABC question dealing with overall satisfaction (with CompleteCare and/
customer satisfaction programs and measuring the long-term or MindWriter). This Overall question would be regressed on the
effects of ‘CompleteCare’ (and product failure incidents) on individual items to determine each item’s importance. A
customer satisfaction. performance grid will identify items needing improvement with
an evaluation of priority. Other analyses can be prepared on a time
Research Design
and materials basis.
Exploration: Qualitative We will augment our knowledge of
‘CompleteCare’ by interviewing the service manager, the call center The open-ended questions will be summarized and reported by
manager, and the independent package company’s account model code. If you wish, we also can provide content analysis for
executive. Based on a thorough inventory of CompleteCare’s these questions.
internal, external processes, we propose to develop a mail survey. Results:Deliverables
Questionnaire Design 1. Development and production of a postcard survey. ABC
A self-administered questionnaire (postcard size) offers the most employees will package the questionnaire with the returned
cost-effective method for securing feedback on the effectiveness merchandis.
of CompleteCare. The introduction on the postcard will be a 2. Weekly exception reports (transmitted electronically) listing
variation of ABC current advertising campaign. customers who met the dissatisfied customer criteria.
Some questions for this instrument will be based on the’ 3. Monthly reports as described in the data analysis section.
investigative questions we presented to you previously, and others
4. An ASCII diskette with each month’s data shipped to Austin
will be drawn from the executive interviews. We anticipate a
by the fifth working day of each month.
maximum of 10 questions. A new five-point expectation scale,
compatible with your exiting customer satisfaction scales, is being Budget
designed. Card Layout and Printing Based on your card estimate, our designer
Although we are not convinced that open-ended questions are will layout and print 2,000 cards in the first run ($500). The
appropriate for postcard questionnaires, we understand that you specifications are as follows: 7-point Williamsburg offset hi-bulk
and Mr. Malraison like them. A comments/suggestions question with one-over-one black ink. A gray-scale layer with a ABC or
will be included. In addition, we will work out a code block that CompleteCare logo can be positioned under the printed material
captures the call center’s reference number, model, and item(s) at a nominal charge. The two-sided cards measure 4 1/4 by 5 1/2.
serviced. This allows us to print four cards per page. The opposite side will
have the business reply logo, postage paid symbol, and address.

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Cost Summary It selected Goa-based Photo phone Industries Ltd. Thereafter

Interviews $ 1550.00 there have been several developments for the company.
Travel costs 2500.00 The present position is, however, not as good as the company
would like to see. It is facing severe competition with Kodak and
Questionnaire development 1850.00
Fuji, who have been spending heavily on brand building. Kodak
Equipment/supplies 1325.00 had also established its manufacturing base in India in 1995.
Graphics design 800.00 During the past ten years-1988 to 1997-the market share of Konika
Permit fee (annual) 75.00 has declined. In view of this, Konika is now keen to increase its
Business reply fee (annual) 185.00 market share. It would like to build up its image and strengthen
itself from the grass root level.
Box rental (annual) 35.00
Printing costs 500.00 Questions
Assuming that marketing research can help Konika to achieve its
Data entry (monthly) 430.00
objective, prepare a suitable research proposal for the proposed
Monthly data files (each) 50.00 study.
Monthly reports (each) 1850.00 References
Total start-up costs $ 11150.00 Aaker D A , Kumar V & Day G S - Marketing Research (John
Monthly run costs $ 1030.00 Wiley &Sons Inc, 6th ed.)
• An additional fee of 0.21 per card will be assessed by the Bell J- Doing your Research Project (OU Press, 1993)
post office for business reply mail. At approximately a 30 Kothari C R – Quantitative Techniques (Vikas Publishing House
percent return rate, we estimate the monthly cost to be less 3rd ed.)
than $50.
Levin R I & Rubin DS - Statistics for Management (Prentice Hall
Practice work of India, 2002)
Case Study 1-Sony India 1 Nargundkar R – Marketing Research Text and Cases (Tata McGraw-
Sony, a multinational corporation based in Tokyo, Japan, stepped Hill 2002)
into India in early 1995, in the post liberalization period. Within a
couple of months in the same year, it set up its manufacturing
unit. The company makes its presence felt in India through Sony
Entertain Television, Sony Music and Sony India. While the first
two are comfortably placed in their niche markets, it is the third
which is expected to bring in all those exciting Sony digital products.
Although the government has cleared its plans to manufacture its
various products, it has not been smooth sailing for Sony India.
Sony India is facing some major problems, one of which is the
emergence of a grey market for its brands. While it is targeting its
sales around Rs 1050 crores by the turn of the century, it has to
have a better understanding of India’s economic, social and political
Sony India would like to develop itself as its parent company
developed its business units in United States (New York), Europe
(Cologne), and Asia (Singapore). Since it is a multinational company
manufacturing multi-products, it has a challenging task.
1. Do you think research can play an important role in the
development of Sony India?
2. If Sony India takes recourse to research, should it set up “in-
house” research or hire the services of marketing research
3. If the choice is in favour of marketing research agency, what
factors should it consider while selecting a particular agency?
Case Study 2-Konika Corporation
In 1988, Japan-based Konika Corporation, decided to have a
representative in India and started scouting around for a distributor.

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