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A Monthly Newsletter Emily Meckley, Pastor Cell Number: 785-577-1752 Email: Virginia Smith, Youth and Family Ministries Coordinator Office: Monday and Thursday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm email:

2013 M Street, Belleville KS Church Phone: 785-527-5608 email address: web page: Church Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8:00 am to 1:00 pm Closed Friday

APRIL 2013 issue, Page 1 Worship Service Sundays at 10:45 am CONFIRMATION April 7, 14, 21, 28 5:15 pm UMYF April 14 - 28 5:30 pm YATT April 14 - 28 7:00 pm

Food Bank Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9:00 to 11:30 am Closed Friday Adult Sunday School 9:30 am Ages 3 years thru 6th Grade Sunday School 10:00 to 10:40 am

Blessed Easterall fifty great days of Easter. Easter is season of the church year, lasting from Easter Sunday to Pentecost, May 19th this year. Easter is not one closing day at the end of a lengthy period of Lent. Easter is one extended rejoicing in the resurrection that more than exceeds in length the Lenten disciplines. The fifty great days of Easter are a celebration of the resurrection, a celebration of life in the risen Christ. It is a season that those new to the faith can reflect on the importance of their faith, while more mature Christians look for deeper meanings than they had discovered before. So come each Sunday and join the community as we celebrate new life in Christ for each person. We will be celebrating the Holy Supper weekly this season, we will be taking new members into the congregation, we will have celebration with musical guests, we will be looking at our mission to the world and recognizing our graduating seniors. We do this as people of God, empowered by Gods Holy Spirit. I invite you to join in the celebrations. Know that Jesus brings life and life abundant for all. Come each Sunday to celebrate, to share with others, to bring justice and life for others in our community, but also throughout the world. Christ is Risen.He is Risen Indeed. Easter Peace, Pastor Emily

Can you believe summer is almost here?!? This summer, we will be offering a combined Sunday School class for kindergarten-6th grade children. This class will have a fun theme & include special music, crafts, & games to reinforce Bible learning. We are looking for adults to serve with this exciting Christian ! Education opportunity. Summer Sunday School only lasts for 12 weeks, but volunteers may choose to volunteer for 6 weeks if that works better for their schedule. Please contact Virginia if youd like to volunteer for Summer I (June 2July 7) or Summer II (July 14-August 25).

In April, the youth will be finishing up their series on The Me I Want to Be & moving into a two-part study on pop culture. We will learn to think theologically about various elements of our culture including television, movies, dress, advertising & other elements of society that we experience daily.

We set a date. Weve started planning. Now all we need is YOU!

Vacation Bible School is one of the most unique opportunities we have during the year to work together intergenerationally & reach out to those in our community that may have never heard the message of Gods love. Every member of our congregation is needed to make VBS a success! Whether that means donating supplies, helping with publicity, cutting out materials at home, or working hands-on with the children who attend VBS, God has gifted you with invaluable talents that we want to use for VBS. One thing that EVERYONE can do to help us prepare for VBS is PRAY!

GRAB YOUR CLIMBING GEAR... VBS 2013 is almost here! JULY 8 - 12

9 am - 12 pm

Pray for the Education Team, for the unchurched children in Belleville, & for God to reveal to you the way that He has called you to serve during VBS.



Imagine No Malaria is an extraordinary effort of the people of The United Methodist Church, putting their faith into action to end preventable deaths by malaria in Africa, especially the death of a child or a mother.

The United Methodist Church is using nearly 200 years experience in Africa to work against malaria. This comprehensive approach is divided into four main parts:
PREVENTION: Using bed nets. Access to diagnostic tests and medicine. Draining standing water. Improving sanitation. TREATMENT: Improving infrastructure. There are literally hundreds of churches, schools, hospitals and clinics operated by The United Methodist Church in Africa, but what good are they if medicines to treat malaria arent available? Imagine No Malaria makes sure these facilities have the diagnostic tests and treatment needed to save lives. EDUCATION: Thousands of local people in African communities are being taught how to avoid malaria. (Workers going door-to-door to deliver bed nets, install them in homes and teach people how to properly use and care for the nets.) COMMUNICATIONS: Your support helps upgrade communications networks throughout the continent and will ensure that a greater number people will be reached with life-saving information about Malaria.

Shoot for NO Malaria event

April 28, after Worship, the Fellowship team is planning to grill hot dogs to be enjoyed outdoors at the church. We will be shooting hoops to raise money to purchase mosquito nets. There will also be an opportunity to make donations for the nets during Worship. Come join the FUN, EAT, HOOP IT UP and pay it forward! YOU can make a difference...together we will! This event sponsored by the Mission Team.
Janet Heyka, Team Leader

Sign upat ConnectionIntersectionto help at this Numanapackagingevent. We will leave the church at 5:00 pm and package from 7:008:00pmatKansas WesleyanUniversity. The goal is to fill a container, which means that 261,360 meals will be packaged. If we have several who want to participate in this mission, we will take The Holy Roller (churchbus and were looking fora driver). We plan to catch a bite to eat when we are finished packaging. For more information, please contact Janet Heyka (Mission Team Leader) at 5270229, or Phil Meckleyat7855771754.

TO WHERE? Mission, South Dakota to serve with Tree of Life Ministry at Rosebud Reservation. DOING WHAT? project with possible options to help with sewing, clothing and food distribution projects - something for every physical limitation GOING WHEN? August 4th-10th, 2013 WHO GOES? open to 14 year olds thru adults HOW MUCH? $250 per person plus meal/transportation costs (1st half of fee is due on or before May 12, 2013.) There will be trip fundraisers to help with trip expense and some food may also be taken along to lighten on-the-road expenses. Cultural Events will also be a part of the Mission Trip experience. Virginia Smith will serve as leader. PAGE 4

On March 17, Everyone Serve Sunday, we wore our green AND red! Following a delicious St Patricks Day potato bar meal served by the Fellowship and Mission teams, over 30 from our church family stayed to serve in our communities, near and far. Several went out on the brisk March day to rake leaves, clean ower beds and gutters, and trim shrubs for our neighbors. Others stayed inside to help with a project for the Food Bank. We were also busy making friendship bracelets to send to our sister church in Zimbabwe. Thank you to all who served and demonstrated their faith beyond our walls!

In 2013, the Kansas West Conference United Methodist Men (UMM) will implement a week long Mission Impact Tour with a bus full of young men, ages 15-22, who will be energized, trained and deployed for Christian leadership. The mission of UMM is to assist men to know Jesus Christ, to serve Him, to grow spiritually, and seek daily to do His will. Tentative Schedule: Sunday, July 7 1:00-5:00 pm Check-in at Wichita Calvary UMC Monday, July 8 6:30 am Depart for St Louis area church Wednesday, July 10 6:30 am Depart for Nashville, TN UMM National Gathering (Ron Davis, Patriots, Speaker & Phil Stacey, American Idol Top 5, Music) Sunday, July 14 Return to Wichita Projected Cost: $100 individual $100 church contribution for each attendee



God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish, but may have eternal life. John 3:16
SUSANNAH CIRCLE Tuesday, April 2 @ 6:00 pm Hostess & Lesson: Annette Watts RUTH CIRCLE Wednesday, April 3 @ 7:30 pm Hostess: Jewelda Scoeld Meeting at her home: 1802 I Street NAOMI CIRCLE Wednesday, April 24 @ 7:30 pm Program: Wilma Dove Hostess: Joan Grover Co-Hostesses: Neva Lee

GENERAL MEETING Thursday, April 4 1:30 pm Hostesses: Ruth Circle Program: Virginia Smith, Youth & Family Ministries Coordinator She will share about herself and her ministry. Each circle is to bring their Call to Prayer & Self-Denial offerings to the General Meeting to be turned in.

At Large Members are responsible for cleaning both kitchens and sharpening pew pencils during the month of April!

A Message from Carolyn Rauch, UMW President, During our Lenten journey towards Easter Sunday and the days following, we must continue to remind ourselves that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. So, let us all try to lead a more sin free life for Him. Let us follow Jesusteachings and help others in deeds and prayers. By doing so, we show others the love of Christ.


an award winning group, will be in our church to share their music ministry on Sunday, April 7. Come hear these four sisters; Alika, Danika, Janika and Lainika Seaman from Lebanon, Kansas tell their inspiring message of Gods grace, healing, hope and love through testimony and song at 10:45 am during the Worship Service. At noon, a meal will be sponsored by UMW in Fellowship Hall serving Crunchy Chicken casserole, salad, rolls, dessert and drinks (table service will be provided). A sign-up sheet is at Connection Intersection to volunteer to assist with food for the meal. Come meet and greet the girls. Eternity Focus will again be offering their selections at 2:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Refreshments will be served by UMW in Fellowship Hall following this time of music ministry.

Free will donations accepted at both the meal and refreshment time!




Leadership Team met on February 27, 2013 at 7:00pm.

Those present were Kim VanNortwick, Lay Leader; Janice Houdek, newly elected Secretary; Jay Kallman, Treasurer; Pastor Emily Meckley; Janet Heyka; Pam Scofield; Tandy Rundus; Ross Wurdeman; Susan Childs and Walter Molzahn. Pastor Emily opened the meeting with prayer. It was decided that the worship part of our meetings be presented by alternating members. Pastor Emily will provide the learning portion. Committee reports given were Treasurers report and Trustees report by Jay; he gave an update on the Kiosk. Tandy reported that Education is working on having a safety conscious church and creating a better environment for all. They are also working on job descriptions for Sunday School teachers. Susan Childs reported that SPPRC is also working on job descriptions for all staff members. Kim reported that the Fairstand is progressing nicely and that an idea was made of having a special service and meal before the fair in conjunction with the Fellowship Team. Two of the three chair positions have been filled. Janet reported that one of the ESS projects was to make friendship bracelets for our Chabadza Sister Church in Africa. A written report was given by Susan Arbuthnot for Fellowship. The next Leadership meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 3, at 7:00 p.m.
As reported by Kim VanNortwick, Leadership Team, Lay Leader

At camp, lives are changed, friends are made, and decisions are formed. Simply put, however you get to camp, the important thing is that YOU GET THERE! Bible stories will be read, told and explored through crafts, drama and video. Hiking, canoeing, swimming and other fun camp activities help us learn more about each other and about God. June 20 - 23, 2013 for 3rd - 6th Grades (next fall) Contact Stacia Piroutek by April 7 @ 527-0931 if you are interested! Learn more at -

born on March 5, 2013 2:25 am 6 lbs. 4 oz. 19 1/2 in. We welcome Collin into our family of faith. He is the son of Kurt & Kelli Childs and Bradys little brother. Grandparents: Barry & Susan Childs Dan & Marcy Simmelink

Collin Lee

April 1 thru April 5 Meals on Wheels Week Monday, April 1 6:30 pm - Boy Scouts, Fellowship Hall Tuesday, April 2 10:00 am - BHC Bible Study 5:30 pm - Bell Choir Practice, Overflow 6:00 pm - Susannah Circle Wednesday, April 3 9:00 am - Bible Study, Parlor 10:30 am - LTC Bible Study 3:30 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall 7:00 pm - Leadership Team, Overflow 7:30 pm - Ruth Circle, Jeweldas home Thursday, April 4 1:30 pm - UMW General, Overflow 6:00 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall Friday/Saturday, April 5 & 6 Girl Scout Lock-In, Fellowship Hall Sunday, April 7 2nd Sunday of Easter 9:30 am - Adult Sunday School 10:00 am - Childrens Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship Service, Communion 2:00 pm - Eternity Focus, Sanctuary 5:15 pm - Confirmation Class Monday, April 8 3:30 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall 6:30 pm - Boy Scouts, Fellowship Hall Tuesday, April 9 5:00 pm - Numana Project, KWU, Salina 5:30 pm - Bell Choir Practice, Overflow Wednesday, April 10 9:00 am - Bible Study, Parlor 7:15 pm - Praise Team, Sanctuary April 2 Huetta Derowitsch, Kale Johnson, Ryan & Jacie Bird April 5 Charles McEwen Tuesday, April 16 5:30 pm - Bell Choir Practice, Overflow Wednesday, April 17 Articles due for the May Newsletter 9:00 am - Bible Study, Parlor 3:30 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall Thursday, April 18 6:00 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall Sunday, April 21 4th Sunday of Easter 9:30 am - Adult Sunday School 10:00 am - Childrens Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship Service, Communion 5:15 pm - Confirmation Class Monday, April 22 Earth Day 3:30 pm - Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall 6:30 pm - Boy Scouts, Fellowship Hall Tuesday, April 23 5:30 pm - Bell Choir Practice, Overflow 7:00 pm - S/PPRC, Overflow Wednesday, April 24 9:00 am - Bible Study, Parlor 7:15 pm - Praise Team, Sanctuary 7:30 pm - Naomi Circle Thursday, April 25 World Malaria Day April 7 Shannon & Sheila White April 8 Carter White April 10 Susan Childs April 12 Kurt Childs April 15 Harold Monsanto, Allen Johnson Tom & Joan Grover, Justice Anderson April 18 Olive Shulda April 19 Annette Bredthauer April 20 Adam Templeman April 22 Lanette Herrman April 25 Jordan Seacat April 30 Nora Wurdeman

Friday, April 26 Friday, April 12 8:45 am - MOPS, Fellowship Hall/Nursery 8:45 am - MOPS, Fellowship Hall/Nursery Sunday, April 28 Sunday, April 14 5th Sunday of Easter 3rd Sunday of Easter Imagine No Malaria Event Native American Ministries Sunday 9:30 am - Adult Sunday School (offering) 10:00 am - Childrens Sunday School 9:30 am - Adult Sunday School 10:45 am - Worship Service, Communion 10:00 am - Childrens Sunday School Noon - Imagine No Malaria Event/Hot Dogs 10:45 am - Worship Service, Communion on the Grill & Hoop Shoot Fundraiser 5:15 pm - Confirmation Class 5:15 pm - Confirmation Class 5:30 pm - UMYF, Fellowship Hall 5:30 pm - UMYF, Fellowship Hall 7:00 pm - YATT, Sanctuary 7:00 pm - YATT, Sanctuary Monday, April 15 7:00 pm - P.E.O., Overflow Tuesday, April 30 5:30 pm - Bell Choir Practice, Overflow

Please have your articles into the Church Office by Wednesday, April 17 for inclusion in the MAY Newsletter! PAGE

PASTOR Emily Meckley WORSHIP LEADERS TBA PRAISE TEAM Praise Team: Pam Scofield, Director Sid Scofield John Surber Stacia Piroutek Waylon Sheetz Kevin & Kelby Johnson Molly Hug Molly Williams Susan Childs Jillian Couture (flute) Sean Meckley (violin) ACCOMPANISTS 4/7 - Marge Waring 4/14 - Pam Scofield 4/21 - Tana Trost 4/28 - Pam Scofield BUS DRIVER Brian Young

USHERS & ALTAR CANDLES Jay & Lynell Kallman Mike & Lizz Skocny GREETERS 4/7 - Audrey Elyea, Kaye Ray 4/14 - Rex & Rhonda Bird 4/21 - Barry & Susan Childs 4/28 - Steve & Jewelda Scofield CAF DEL SOUL HOSTESSES 4/7 - Gina Aurand 4/14 - Stephanie Schintler 4/21 - Lori Scofield 4/28 - Tandy Rundus AV TECHNICIANS Kurt Childs Mikel Hadachek Rich Schintler Annette Bredthauer Ross Wurdeman MULTI-MEDIA Janet Heyka, Pam Scofield


Your generous gifts on this Special Sunday of the United Methodist Church will: Support Native American ministries within the annual conference Provide scholarships for Native Americans attending United Methodist schools of theology approved by the University Senate of The United Methodist Church (administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry) Strengthen, develop and equip Native American rural and urban congregations, ministries and communities (related to the General Board of Global Ministries).

Earth Day is the busiest day of the year for e-waste collection, yielding more The first Earth Day had sweeping political ramifications in the subsequent

than 3,500 tons of waste. Unfortunately, much of that waste is bound for Asia, where its disposition is unknown. mid-term elections, voters booted out several officials with poor environmental records, and Congress went on to make the 1970s the Environmental Decade by establishing the bulk of todays environmental regulatory authority. More than one billion people worldwide, many of them children, participate in or recognize Earth Day in some way, making it one of the largest civic observances in the world. The U.S. recycling rate in 1970 prior to the first Earth Day was a mere 6.6 percent for all recyclable materials. The rate today is nearly 35 percent. The U.S. recycling rate in 1970 was 6.6 percent, compared to a 34.1 percent national recovery rate.


First United Methodist Church 2013 M Street Belleville, KS 66935 April 2013 Newsletter
Our Mission is to prayerfully: SEEK God GROW in faith LOVE and SERVE others For the transformation of lives!

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