Comment Créer Un Effet 3D Sur Photoshop.

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Step 1 THE New Document and Text

Open up Photoshop and create a new document, for the size I used 1250x1000px. In this step well create the typographic element, select the Text Tool (T), I used a font called Code Pro by FontFabric, you can use any font you like, I wrote Rock in black using this font. Then rasterize the font, Type Rasterize Type Layer.

Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M), make a selection around the last letter, K for me, right click on the selection and select Layer via Cut.

Select the new layer with the last letter, use the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl+T) to Flip it Horizontally, to do that right click and select Flip Horizontal.

Use the Text Tool (T) to write an other word under the first one, I wrote On under the Rock Text with the same font and rasterize this type layer, Type Rasterize Type Layer.

If youre using the same font than me, select the Rectangle Tool (M), create two small vertical rectangles on the N letter.

Now lets add some flash shapes, select the Pen Tool (P) and create the first flash shape under the R letter, when you like the result, duplicate this shape, place the new one under the last letter and flit it vertically, Ctrl+T then right click and select Flip Horizontal.

Merge all the layers (text and shapes), Layer Merge Layers (Ctrl+E) then use the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl+T), right click on the selection, select Skew, select the right middle point and pull it up 8. Keep this text layer, rename it, Rock On Src, well duplicate it a few times.

Duplicate the Rock On Src layer again, rename the new layer Rock On Gradient, apply a Gradient Overlay layer style on the new layer, with two blue colours, going from #4CACFB #4BB9E8 with those parameters:

Step 2 Text Effect Part 1

Duplicate the Rock On Src layer again, rename the new layer Rock On Highlight, change the Fill to 0% and the Opacity to 90% , then add some Bevel and Emboss and Satin Layer Styles on it with those parameters:

Step 3 Text Effect Part 2

Duplicate the Rock On Src layer again, rename the new layer Rock On Emboss, change the Fill to 0% and the Opacity to 90% , then add a Bevel and Emboss Layer Style with those parameters:

Step 4 Halftone Effect

Now lets create the cool halftone effect on the text, create a new layer, select the Gradient Tool (G) with a Black to White gradient, create a gradient from the top to the bottom of the canvas.

Apply the Color Halftone filter on this gradient layer, Filter Pixelate Color Halftone with a 6px Max. Radius and 45 for all channels. Change the Fill of this layer to 50% and its Blending Mode to Soft Light.

Make a selection of the Rock On Src layer, to do this, right click on this layer Select Pixels, then reselect the color halftone layer and create a Layer Mask on it with this selection, Layer Layer Mask Reveal Selection.

Add a new Gradient Fill layer, Layer New Fill Layer Gradient with a White to Black gradient with a0% opacity on the black colour, and a 90 angle :

Change the Fill of this Gradient Fill layer to 50% . Create a Clipping Mask with this fill layer, Layer Create Clipping Mask.

Step 5 Text Effect Part 3

Duplicate the Rock On Src layer again, rename the new layer Rock On Gradient Highlight, change theOpacity to 30% and the Fill to 0% . Add a Gradient Overlay layer style on this layer with a black to white gradient, a 0% opacity on the black colour and a 50% opacity on the white colour with those parameters:

Step 6 Text Effect Part 4

Duplicate the Rock On Src layer again, rename the new layer Rock On Emboss, change the Fill to 0% and the Opacity to 90% . Use the Move Tool (V) to move the text 10px Up and 20px Left. Place this layer behind the Rock On Gradient.

Add a Bevel and Emboss layer style on this layer with those parameters:

Lets add a little more details and highlights on this text with a cool light stroke. Duplicate the Rock On Src layer again, rename the new layer Rock On Stroke. Use the Move Tool (V) to move this layer 10px Up and 10px Left and change the Fill of this layer to 0% .

Place this layer between the Rock On Emboss and Rock On Gradient layers then apply an Outer Glow layer style with a purple colour to it with those parameters:

Place this layer into a new group, change the Blending Mode of this group to Color Dodge.

Source: SupercolorsTuts

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