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01.00 Research Methods

01.01. Objective of the study
By doing the assignment well be able to identify organizational structure and how the bank hiring and select personnel it requires to accomplish its day to day tasks of Well also be able to identify the process described in the text and their application in real life scenario in an organization like bank. By this well be able to differentiate the process between the text and bank practice. And the most important thing is that, well get a clear idea, how personnel are hiring and selected in a bank, so that we can prepare ourselves according to that level. This will greatly benefit us to get ourselves recruited and selected without any serious hassle and make our career with more flexibility.

01.02. Limitations of the study

Usually organization doesnt want to disclose information regarding their official matters, most importantly those related to management decision. As our topic, hiring and selection is more or less close to that we had to face many problems to make them believe that this informations will just be used only for academic purpose. Then time limitation is another factor. We made many appointments but in many times we had to be frustrated. sometimes the officer gave us time, we went to the bank but the officer went outside for any official assignment, sometimes we could not make appointment on the flexible time of the concerned officer due to our class time and so on.

01.03. Source of Data

We have used both sources primary and secondary. We went to the bank Head Office 4 times for getting the answers of our questionnaire that is our primary source. We were given a brochure of the bank actually the annual report 2009 of the bank and we have visited the banks website that has worked as our secondary source.

01.04. Questionnaire
Questionnaires are an inexpensive way to gather data. A well-designed questionnaire that is used effectively can gather information on both the overall performance of the test system as well as information on specific components of the system. Questionnaires are versatile, allowing the collection of both subjective and objective data through the use of open or closed format questions. 2

Considering all these facts into account wed made a questionnaire based on our text (whatsoever process is mentioned there). Wed also included some other relevant question and some possible answers from our knowledge and skill acquired so far in our academic and personal life. For the betterment of understanding the questionnaire is enclosed herewith the assignment.

02.00. Introduction
To choice the right person for the right position is not so easy task. Running a bank is not only providing loan and making deposit. To maintain continuous customer satisfaction and make profit, round the clock it has to compete all other banks and financial organization including some leading organization like City Bank Ltd. HSBC, DUCH BANGLA Bank Ltd. Etc. Probably thats why BRAC Bank Ltd. always try to go through a rigorous hiring and selection process and this process include employment test taken by HR management of the bank. They are keen to find out the exact person for the exact position for its near about 74 branches throughout the country. Applicant those who can overcome all the rigorous part of the total process are only given the permanent job offer. One considerable thing is that, the large numbers of its contractual employees. Large number contractual employees of the banks total employees are given the opportunity to show their performance, skill, ability, knowledge for a considerable amount of time. If they can perform well, there is a chance for them to be permanent later on. This is how working in BRAC Bank Ltd. has been a covetable and lucrative offer in Bangladesh now days.

02.01. Background of the Organization

BRAC Bank is the last organization to have received a commercial banking license from Bangladesh bank, making it the youngest private commercial bank in Bangladesh. Its headquarters are based in the capital Dhaka. The bank is partially owned by BRAC the largest non-government organization in the world, International Finance Corporation, the private sector arm of The World Bank Group and Shore Cap International. BRAC Bank started its journey in 2001 and in just 8 years proved to be countrys fastest growing bank. Today, the bank has 74 branches, 60 SME Service Centers, 3 SME/Krishi branches, more than 212 ATMs and 424 SME unit offices across the country. It has disbursed over BDT10,000 corers of SME loan and has over 500,000 individual customers who access online banking facilities. Its services cuts across all strata of clientele are it corporate, retail or SME.BRAC bank has been awarded as the sustainable bank of the year 2010 at the F the award was jointly announced by Financial Times newspaper and IFC at the award ceremony on 3rd June 2010 in London. 3

02.02. Management
In Bangladesh BRAC BANK LTD. follows a 4-layer management philosophy. These are Managers, Executives, officers & Assistant officers. The top most authority of all the levels is the CEO. All Managers are the departmental heads who are responsible for the activities of their departments. They are the heads of their respective department and formulate strategies for that department. The Executives have the authority next to managers. They are ultimately responsible for certain activities & organizational functions. Officers are the next persons to stand in the hierarchy list. These officers are responsible for managing the operational activities and operating level employees. Assistant Officer (AOs) fills the last layer of this hierarchy; this is the entry-level position in BRAC Bank Ltd. They perform day-to-day operational activities and maintain close relationship with the end customers of BRAC Bank Ltd.

02.03. Product and Service

Consumer & SME Banking Corporate Banking Credit Finance Human Resources Information Technology Operations

To perform these huge job tasks the Bank always needs to attract, recruit and retain large pool of employees. And to stick to the best quality it has to maintain or go through a rigorous hiring and selection process.

3.00. Organizational Structure/Design

An organizational hierarchy is shown below:

03.01. Chief Executive Committee

The organizational structure of is designed according to the various service and functional departments. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) heads the chief executive committee, which decides on all the strategic aspect of BRAC BANK. The CEO is the person who supervises the heads of all the departments & also is the ultimate authority of BRAC BANK & responsible for all kinds of activities of BRAC BANK Ltd & all its consequences. The structure of this top-most authority is shown as below:

Figure No.1: Executive Committee of BRAC BANK Ltd. Bangladesh.

03.02. Functional Department of BRAC BANK

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Human Resources


Financial Control

Personal Banking Dhaka Branch

Corporate Banking


Administration Development


Foreign Correspondcencence

Trade Service

Direct Sales



Gulshan Branch

Institutional Banking




Banani Branch


Marketing Administra -tion

Internal Control


HR Department

Network Service

Credit Department

Figure No.2: Functional Department of BRAC BANK Ltd.

04.0. Hiring
It is a process of discovering of potential candidates for the actual and anticipated organizational vacancies. In other words, hiring is a linking activity- bringing together those with jobs to fill and those seeking jobs.

04.01. Hiring source

Internal source Transfer Promotion Skill inventory Referrals External source Advertisement University Internet Alternative source Temporary help Employee leasing Independent contractor

Banks practice
BRAC bank depend both on internal and external source for hiring its employees.

04.01.01. Internal Source

i. Transfer They dont take transfer as a source of hiring. Rather they prefer promotion. ii. Promotion For promoting employees they use Performance Management Process (PMP) rating. Usually the immediate superior boss does this rating (like A1, A2, B1, and B2). The individuals also place their preference in which post they want to hold. Then the Human Department analysis the data and promote the employee based on their previous performance or rating and their preferences. iii. Skill inventory It is another source for hiring. There are some particular tasks like MIS department always recruit people mostly form IT background. 6

iv. Employee Referrals/Recommendation It is one of the best sources for individuals who will perform effectively on the job are recommendation from current employees. BRAC bank prefers recommendation from its permanent employees, because the employees rarely recommend someone unless they believe that the individual can perform adequately.

04.01.02. External Source

In addition to looking internally for candidates, it is customary for organizations to open up hiring efforts to the external community. This effort includes the following sources. i. Advertisement As an external source advertisement plays a vital role. For attracting people/ applicant BRAC bank usually advertise on the print media like newspaper and of course online advertisement is there both for entry level and midlevel position. ii. University For the entry level position like Management Trainee Officer (MTO) BRAC bank sometimes advertise in the career counseling of different reputed universities. iii. Internet In a modern world internet has profound influence on the hiring process. Here BRAC bank use media, online advertisement (like BD, Prothom etc.) and banks own website both for submitting resume and job circular. iv. Unsolicited application There are many people who submit their Resume or CV by hand to the banks HR department. Sometimes bank use this source when they need to fill a position within very short time and of course with a minimal cost. One thing BRAC bank does not do is they never go to any professional organization, and or employment agencies. In fact this two tools are not that much common in our country

04.01.03. Alternatives
Another thing BRAC bank never does is seeking any help from alternative source like temporary help, employee leasing, independent contractors.

04.02. Getting into organization

Getting job is a full time activity Start early Prepare resume

Banks practice
i. Getting job is a full time activity BRAC bank always tries to let the applicants realize that getting the job in BRAC bank is a full time activity. They will have to pass the initial screening, employment tests, interview and other gradual processes to get the job. So, obtaining a job in BRAC bank should be the major goal of any applicant. ii. Start Early BRAC bank always encourages the applicants to apply early in response to the advertisement since it shows the seriousness of the applicant of the desired job that they want to get. iii. Prepare resume BRAC bank wants all the job applicants to circulate information that reflects on their strengths and to send their information to the HR department in a format which is understandable and consistent with the BRAC banks hiring practices. To finish the entire recruitment process BRAC bank just needs only two weeks for the contractual job employees. But it takes almost two months to finish all the stage and formalities up for the permanent employees as it is more strict process then the contractual.

05.00. Selection
The selection process is composed of steps, each of which provides decision makers with information that will help them predict whether an applicant will be a successful job performer. Successful selection activities entail a lot of careful planning and careful thought.

i. Selection Process

Failed to meet minimum qualification

Initial screening Passed

Failed job specification or completed application

Completed application Passed

Failed test

Employment test

Failed to impress interviewer/ meet job expectation

Passed Comprehensive interview Passed Passed Background investigation ifPassed required


Conditional Job Offer

Problem encountered

Reject Applicant

Unable to perform Essential Job Element

Passed Medical/ physical examination if required (conditional job offer made) Passed Permanent job offer

Figure No.3: Selection Process of BRAC BANK Ltd.

05.01. Initial Screening


This is the first step in the selection process whereby job inquiries are sorted. It has two steps: o Screening inquiries o Screening interviews Banks practice BRAC bank apply both screening inquiries and screening interviews to eliminate some candidates before interview session based on the job description and specification after reviewing their application forms. They do it because of the candidates inadequate experience, education or study break. Screening interviews help BRAC bank to reduce their cost of taking the interview as well as to identify a salary range. BRAC bank weighs negative information of the applicant. For midlevel positions, BRAC bank also values special qualifications, characteristics and experience of the candidates.

05.02. Completed Application Forms o General Form o Weighted Form o Successful Application
Banks practice i. General Form General forms are the company-specific employment form used to generate specific information that the company wants BRAC bank use general application form for the online application ii. Weighted Form Its a special type of application form that uses relevant applicant information to determine the likelihood of job success. BRAC bank uses this application form to differentiate between potentially successful and unsuccessful job performers. iii. Successful Application To be competitive and become accustomed with the modern world and economy, BRAC banks application items are being changed over the time to be validated for each job. Their applications items are being continuously reviewed and updated.

05.03. Employment Test o Performance simulation test o Work sampling o Assessment center
Banks practice

Usually the tests are held in Human Resource department of the bank. i. Performance simulation test Performance simulation tests are work sampling and assessment centers evaluation abilities in actual job activities. To gain the specific behaviors necessary for doing the job uses Performance simulation test. ii. Work sampling Its a selection device requiring the job applicant to actually perform a small segment of the job. BRAC bank uses Work sampling to give the candidate an opportunity to show his/her effectiveness in the specific portion of the job. They give case study during their exam. iii. Assessment Assessment centers are more elaborate set of performance simulation test which are designed to evaluate a candidates managerial potential. BRAC bank doesnt practice assessment centers. Here, the BRAC bank authority compares the result of admission test, managements expectation and real job out put of the candidate.

05.04. Comprehensive Interviews

It is a selection device used to obtain in-depth information about a candidate such as assessing ones motivation, values, ability to work under pressure and ability to fit in with the organization. Comprehensive interview has three parts: o Interview effectiveness o Impression management o Behavioral interview

Banks practice
i. Interview effectiveness BRAC bank design their interviews to create a difficult environment in which the applicant is put to the test to asses his/her confidence levels. BRAC bank also discloses the other motivational factors rather than the base salary in the interview session. ii. Impression management BRAC bank also values the term impression management. It influences the candidates performance evaluations by portraying an image desired by the appraiser. Sometimes, the management allows salary negotiation. iii. Behavioral interview 11

BRAC bank practice behavioral interview sometimes to observe the candidates not only for what they say but how they behave under stress and other situations. BRAC bank, for this, marks the nonverbal communication. Uses behavioral interview mainly for the MTO and Mid-level positions.

05.05. Background Investigation

Its the process of verifying information provided by the candidates.

Banks practice
BRAC bank usually does not investigate applicants background, unless there is any particular prior or post notice. It could be negative police verification/ report any order from court or something like this.

05.06. Conditional Job Offer

Its a tentative job offer that becomes permanent after certain conditions are met.

Banks practice
BRAC bank management are satisfied and positively assured of the candidates background, they offer a conditional job offer to the candidate and give him/her a chance to make the job permanent by showing good performance. In this offer, BRAC bank also discloses the salary range for the position. Employees are given training where they have lacking and to make them understand the organizations culture, how to use the premises and so on.

05.07. Medical Examination

Medical/Physical Examination is an examination to determine an applicants physical fitness for essential job performance.

Banks practice
Before giving the permanent job offer, BRAC bank takes the physical exam that show whether the minimum standards of health exist in candidates to enroll in companys health and life insurance programs.

05.08. Permanent Job Offer

Employees who perform successfully in the preceding steps are considered eligible to receive the permanent job letter by an HRM representative.

Banks practice
The decisions of employment are actually made by the HR department of BRAC bank. After all the necessary steps and completed especially after the comprehensive interview the successful applicants are given the job offer letter.

06.00. Conclusion

Being one of the large private banks BRAC Bank Ltd. is providing very good job opportunity with competitive salary. By their excellent service in 74 branches in 7 divisions, they are always contributing to minimize the unemployment as well as encouraging the talent young generation to accept newer and newer challenge day by day. Not only proving job, BRAC bank arrange training, in home and abroad for the betterment of its employees. This increase organizational commitment, less turnover and of course increase productivity/ in other words profit. Performance based promotion make the employees more energetic, enthusiastic, sincere, creative and hardworking, and dedicative to the customer and to the bank particularly. Nonetheless, its beyond explanation that they are also helping to increase our GDP, promoting international trade like export and import and so on.

07.00. Reference

Human Resource Management By Devid A. Decenzo and Stephen P. Robbins Human Resource Management By Fisher Annual report (BRAC Bank Ltd. 2008-2009) Questionnaire

Contract Address:
If you would like to speak with a representative, pleas call any of the number below and BRAC BANK Ltd. will gladly assist with any question you might have. Phone: Fax: E-mail: + 88 02 8859202 +880-1819-230000 + 88 02 9860395

Swift Code: BRAKBDDH Address: Gulshan Branch BRAC Bank Limited 1 Gulshan Avenue Gulshan -1 Dhaka 1212


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