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W h e the
~ Sun Bladdahood Rises in Our Hearts,
f the Darkness sf the Fundamental Ignorance Vanishes
ichiren Daishonin completed this to manifest the wisdom to perceive the truth
work during his exile at Ichinosawa of all worldly affairs in reality and with this,

4 on the island of Sado. It was addressed one can achieve victory in life.
specifically to Toki Jonin, a leading In this lecture series on the Gosho, "On
disciple who lived in Shimosa Province. Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime",
At that point in time, Japan suffered from SGI President Ikeda states, "When we chant
frequent natural disasters including major Nam-myoho-renge-kyo,the sun of the world
earthquakes. Each time a calamity struck, of Buddhahood rises in our hearts. The
the Japanese suffered and trembled in fear, ignorance and illusion that had shrouded
not knowing what the future held for them. the sun like heavy clouds are swept away.
With regard to this condition, the When the sun of Buddhahood comes to
Daishonin says in the preceding portion of shine within us, the darkness of ignorance
this passage that these calamities including vanishes."
great earthquakes are signs that foretell the Many a times in the course of our lives, we
widespread propagation of the Mystic Law find ourselves in a situation where our lives
to save humanity and also the appearance seem to be shrouded by endless darkness
of the Bodhisattva of the Earth (cf WND- and there appears no hope of overcoming
1, p 376) to fulfill this noble mission of our problems or suffering. However, as long
II propagation. In this way, the Daishonin as we continue to chant with doubt-free
%I displayed his profound wisdom to perceive faith, we will be able to dispel this darkness
the truth and essence of worldly matters in our lives and even be able to summon
based on Buddhism. He further teaches that forth the power from within to help the
one who perceives that essence of Buddhism people around us do the same.
understands the meaning of all worldly
We can interpret this passage to mean This was exactly how Mrs Miwako
that as long as One in and chant Daihachi (WD chief of Okayama prefecture)
daimoku to the Gohonzon, one will be able

1I CL August 2008
CL August 2008
46 Gosho In Daily Life

and her husband lived out their lives, Headquarters in Tokyo and together,
dedicating their entire beings to the kosen- President Ikeda offered solemn prayers
rufu (peace and happiness for all people) for Miwako's mother and brother. As he
movement in Okayama. was doing gongyo by the side of President
Miwako's maternal family took up faith Ikeda, Miwako's father could not stop
in Nichiren Buddhism in 1959. The family his tears from flowing as he was choked
first savoured the wonderful power of with profound gratitude and emotions for
faith when Miwako's sickly father, who was President Ikeda's kindness. On top of this,
suffering from tuberculosis, regained his President Ikeda also offered prayers for
health to the extent that he could go back them during the special memorial prayer
to work. With immense joy, Miwako and session held later that day.
her family deeply committed themselves From that day onwards, Miwako's father
to the practice of faith. was a changed man. He made it a point to
However, in the spring of 1967, Miwako bring Miwako to the monthly discussion
lost her mother and five-year-old brother meeting and he also began delivering the
in a traffic accident. At that time Miwako Seikyo Shimbun, the daily organ paper of
was only a secondary one student and she the Soka Gakkai, every morning. Looking at
simply could not accept the death of her two the complete transformation of her father,
beloved family members. Her father, a man Miwako thought to herself, "President
of few words, became increasingly reserved Ikeda must a be a great man."
and kept to himself more than ever. President Ikeda's tremendous life force
That summer, SGI President Ikeda was like a sun that ignited the faith of her
invited Miwako's father to the Soka Gakkai father and helped to dispel the darkness

CL August 2008

48 Gosho In Dally L ~ f e

Key points of the Gosho passage:

1. Buddhism teaches that everything is subjected to workings of the

Mystic Law. Thus, with wisdom based on Buddhism, one can perceive the
innate workings of the Mystic Law behind all worldly affairs. For example,
based on the law of cause and effect, Nichiren Daishonin was able to foretell
the future effect based on the cause that was being created.

2. This wisdom is not about one's intellect. It is developed and activated

by our faith, practice and study. The Daishonin teaches that as long as one
believes in and chant dnimoku to the Gohonron, one will be able to manifest
. ,-
8 the wisdom to perceive the truth of all worldly affairs in reality and with this
ig1 d wisdom, one can achieve victory in life.
1# 3. President Ikeda explains that this wisdom, which comes from our life-
11 state of Buddhahood, is like the sun that illuminates the darkness (delusions)
and enables us to see everything clearly and truthfully, without being misled
by our delusions. Thus the Daishonon states, "When the sun of Buddhahood
comes to shine within us, the darkness of ignorance vanishes."

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