It Is Essential To Get Rid of Interest in Transitory Pleasure

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O Lord ! O My Lord ! May I never forget You !


It is Essential to Get Rid of Interest in Transitory Pleasures



O Lord ! O My Lord ! May I never forget You !


It is Essential to Get Rid of Interest in Transitory Pleasures AnityaSukhkiRuchiMitaanekiAavashyaktaa

Tvameva Maata Cha Pita Tvameva Tvameva Bandhusha Sakhaa Tvameva Tvameva Vidyaa Dravinam Tvameva Tvameva Sarvam Mama Deva Deva


O Lord ! O My Lord ! May I never forget You !


It is Essential to Get Rid of Interest in Transitory Pleasures

AnityaSukhkiRuchiMitaanekiAavashyaktaa QuestionerHowcanundivided,exclusivespiritualpracticetakeplace? Swamiji Undivided, exclusive spiritual practice will take place when one leaves attraction of worldly pleasures. If you let go the interest in hoarding worldly things and in gaining sense pleasure from it, then you will be greatly benefited. There isno doubt whatsoeverin this. Iam not saying to renounce money. I am not saying to becomea sadhu. Ijoin myhands and pray toyou with utmostsincerity that someway or theother get ridof this relish you have for enjoying sensepleasures andfor hoarding things. If that inclinationgoes away, thenthere will be much gains. This desire,will leadtodownfall of both the world andyou rather youwill gain nothing.Interest inhoardingand relish in sense enjoyments is very detrimental, there is no doubt about this. The relish forthe transitory, is theroot cause ofruins. Evendrinkingpoisonisnot soruinous,asthisisItissaidintheAshtavakraGitathat Muktimicchasichettaatvishayaanvishavattyaj(1/2) Ifyoudesireliberationthengiveupsenseobjectsasiftheywerepoison. Thereis only one point thatthe inclinationfor the worldmust end. Inplaceof inclination forthe world,develop inclinationfor God, enlightenment,liberation, love ofGod, beholding God, then you will bemostbenefited. Inthisthereis no doubt. You cannot live because of desire to live. Eventhoughyou may want to live,thentoo youwill have to die. If you give up the inclination tolive, then there willbeno harm,rather there willbe much gains. Even if the relish and inclination is reduced, then too there will be much gains. Not coming under the sway of relish You willbenefitimmenselybynot coming under the swayofrelish. Tayornavashmaagacchet||(Gita3/34) Ifyoueradicateit,thenwhatmoretosay!

O Lord ! O My Lord ! May I never forget You !

QuestionerThisrelishdoesnotgoawayMaharajji! Swamiji Yourpresentconditionisthatthisrelishisnotgoingaway. Itisnot that the relish does not go away, ratherit isnot thekind that will remain. The interest you hadfortoysinchildhood,thatinterestisnotthereatpresent,isit? The interest you had in pebbles, stones and colored glass pieces in childhood, is not there today, is it? It is not that the relishisnot going away, the relish is unable to last at all. Itcannotstay. Yougiverise to newinterest andrelish, andthenyousaythatitdoesnotgoaway! Therelishcannotlast. The relish for the transitory, will remain transitory only. If you have an inclination for God, then that will not end, rather the result will be that it will makeyourealizeGod.Gitasays "JigyasurapiYogasyashabdaBrahmaativartate."(Gita6:44) AseekerofYoga,transcendsactionsandtheirfruitsaslaiddownbythe Vedas,andwillsurelyattainGodRealizationorsalvation. If you do not have such quest, then no problem. When worldlyinclination is removed, then quest for Union with Divinity will also take place. It is entirely false that inclination does not go away. It is your present condition that you cannotgetridofthisrelish,duetowhichyouaresayingso. Interest in hoarding and enjoying sense pleasures is cause of much harm. Theassociationofsaints isthegatewaytoliberationandassociationwithmen inclined toward sense enjoyment and pleasure, is the gateway to hell Mahatsevaamdavaarmaahurviktestamodvaaramyoshitaamsangisangam (SrimadBhagwat5/5/2) Association with sense enjoyments and pleasure is not as harmful, as the associationofpeoplewithrelishandinclinationisharmful. Itislikesayingthat an association with a lepor, can cause leprosy. Therefore having inclination towardssense enjoyments,is harmfulbothforyourselfandtheworld,anditis very beneficial to give it up. Therefore have mercy and do that which is beneficial for the world. If youcannotdo what isbeneficial, then at least do notdoanythingharmful.

O Lord ! O My Lord ! May I never forget You !

The relish for sense enjoyments can never be satisfied. It will eventuallyquietendown. Fulfillmentofrelishisnotpossible. Asyoucontinue to enjoy sense pleasures, accumulate money, relish for it will continue to increaseJimiPratlaabhlobhadhikaayi. Najaatukaamahkaamanaamupabhogenshaamyati| havishaakrishnavatrmevabhooyaevaabhivardhate|| (SrimadBhagwat9/19/14) By the enjoyment of sense objects, the relish for it is not diminished. Ifyou continuetograduallyaddgheeinthefire,thenwillthefire die down? No, it willincreaseevenmore. In thesame way, relishforsense enjoyments and hoarding continues to go on increasing. In the end, you will have to leave everything anddie. This relishfor honor respect,namefame, hoping thatpeoplemaythinkgood of you, think you to begreat andhighup there,expecting toget comforts, pleasure, andexpectingthatothersbehave in a favorable way towards you, these are all very deadly. They are very lethal foranaspirant. There is not eventhe slightestbitofbenefitin this,and thereisgreatloss. It is not at all so that the relish does not go awve been wiped out ( /) Inhistory,therehavebeenthousands, who have been able to overcometheirrelish,butyouwillnotfindasingleman who wasableto satisfy hisrelish. That whichcan never be fulfilled, thenfor youwhatistheharminleavingit? Questioner Maharajji, the interests and relish wehad in childhood, those havedied.Buttillchildhood,thoseinterestsdidremain. Swamiji The childhood relish and interest will not change, whether you become old or not. The object changed, the place changed, but the relish and interest that was there before, still remained, it did not go away. Now if youget rid of it,thenit cannot last. Ifyoutrytoholdontoit,thenitwillnotgo away. If youholdon toit,then evenBrahmajidoes not havethepowertoget rid of it. Manygreatsaintsandgreatsouls,liberatedgreatmentoocannotget

O Lord ! O My Lord ! May I never forget You !

rid of your relish. If youget rid of itthenitwillgoaway. Ifyoudonotleaveit then howwill they makeyou leave? Ifyou sodesirethenitcangoawayand ifit does notgoaway, then pray, cry, saytoGodthatthisisnotgoingaway, then by Gods grace, it will go away. The main point is thatyou do not even think about leaving it. There is one exceptional point that there is great importance to renouncing worldly relish, it is not even as importanttoimbibe good qualities such as compassion, forgiveness, generosity etc. The spiritual practice of renouncing, it even greater than oneofdoing something, but people give little attention to it. Byrenouncingthe evil, the good(actions that should be done) happens on its own. One does not have pride in the spiritualpracticethattakesplaceonitsown. Gita has expressed that a man who has relish for pleasures is a constant enemy of the Jnaani (Viveki) jnaanino nityavairinaam (Gita 3/39). An ignorant man sees pleasure in sense enjoyments. But the moment relishfor pleasure arisesin a jnaani,heunderstands that thisis thekindthat willlead to his destruction. It will never be fulfilled. This is a fire, fire dushpoorenaanalena cha! Therewill be greatloss due to this. Therefore gentlemen! minimally do at least that much that do not perform any action coming under the sway of relish for pleasure. If you continue to do work coming undertheswayofsensepleasures,thenitisthekindthatwillnevergo away.Itwillnotgoawayevenafterthousand,lakhs,crore,tencrorelifetimes. However much you may study, even if you becomeagreatscholarand orator, however many books you may write, howevergreat andfamous you become, but as long as there is relish for contact born pleasures, till then there will not be peace. This relish for pleasure, will surely lead to your downfall. All theharmthat is taking place,it isall happeningdue to it. All the groaners and moaners, the sufferers, the ones that are crying, that are undergoing alotofsuffering, thatarescreaming,thatarelyinginhell, thatare lying in the 8.4 million wombs, are all the fruits of this relish. As long as this relish remains, you will not experience any kind of peace. Therefore have mercy, destroy thisrelish. Ifyouarenotabletodoit,thenpraytoGodthatOh Lord!maythisrelishbewipedoutonceandforall!

O Lord ! O My Lord ! May I never forget You !

If there is an awakening within, an interest to get rid of the relish in pleasures, in other words, if you develop a firm determination that I want to get rid of this, then it will be wiped out. In history, there have been thousands, whohave been abletoovercometheirrelish,butyouwillnotfinda single man who was able to satisfy his relish. That which can never be fulfilled,whatistheharminleavingit? Questioner Maharajji, the interests and relish wehad in childhood, those havedied.Buttillchildhood,thoseinterestsdidremain. Swamiji The childhood relish and interest will not change, whether you become old or not. The object changed, the place changed, but the relish and interest that was there before, still remained, it did not go away. Now if youget rid of it,thenit cannot last. Ifyoutrytoholdontoit,thenitwillnotgo away. If youholdon toit,then evenBrahmajidoes not havethepowertoget rid of it. Manygreatsaintsandgreatsouls,liberatedgreatmentoocannotget rid of your relish. If youget rid of itthenitwillgoaway. Ifyoudonotleaveit then howwill they makeyou leave? Ifyou sodesirethenitcangoawayand ifit does notgoaway, then pray, cry, saytoGodthatthisisnotgoingaway, then by Gods grace, it will go away. The main point is thatyou do not even think about leaving it. There is one exceptional point that there is great importance to renouncing worldly relish, it is not even as importanttoimbibe good qualities such as compassion, forgiveness, generosity etc. The spiritual practice of renouncing, is even greater than one ofdoing something virtuous,but people give little attention toit. Byrenouncingtheevil,thegood (actions that should be done) happens on its own. There is no pride in the spiritualpracticethattakesplaceonitsown. Gita has expressed that a man who has relish for pleasures is a constant enemy of the Jnaani (Viveki) jnaanino nityavairinaam (Gita 3/39). An ignorant man sees pleasure in sense enjoyments. But the moment relishfor pleasure arisesin a jnaani,heunderstands that thisis thekindthat willlead to his destruction. It will never be fulfilled. This is a fire, fire dushpoorenaanalena cha! Therewill be greatloss due to this. Therefore gentlemen! minimally do at least that much that do not perform any action

O Lord ! O My Lord ! May I never forget You !

coming under the sway of relish for pleasure. If you continue to do work coming undertheswayofsensepleasures,thenitisthekindthatwillnevergo away.Itwillnotgoawayevenafterthousand,lakhs,crore,tencrorelifetimes. However much you may study, even if you becomeagreatscholarand orator, however many books you write, however great and famous you become, but as long as there is relish for contact born pleasures, till then there will not be peace. This relish for pleasure, will surely lead to your downfall. As muchharm thatis taking place,allis happening duetoit. Allthe groaners and moaners, the sufferers, the ones that are crying, that are undergoing alotofsuffering, thatarescreaming,thatarelyinginhell, thatare lying in the 8.4 million wombs, are all the fruits of this relish. As long as this relish remains, you will not experience any kind of peace. Therefore have mercy, destroy thisrelish. Ifyouarenotabletodoit,thenpraytoGodthatOh Lord!maythisrelishbewipedoutonceandforall! If the interest to getridof the relish in pleasures is awakenedwithin,in other words, if you develop afirm determination that I want to getridofthis, thenitwillgoaway Narayan!Narayan!!Narayan!!! FrombookinHindiNityaYogkiPraaptibySwamiRamsukhdasji


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