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Kiley Neal

Prole Im a writer rst and foremost, but my interests and experience extend to editing (especially copyediting) and social media/platform building. Experience

Introduction to Creative Writing, Fiction Writing, Screenwriting, a Special Topics course on the use of innovative forms in Creative Writing, Creative Nonction Writing, Advanced Fiction Writing, Senior Seminar on the role of narrative in video games In Progress: Literary Citizenship, Advanced Creative Nonction Writing

Medieval Literature, Reading and Writing about Literature, 18th Century British Literature, Shakespeare in Conversation

Introduction to Philosophy, Introduction to Existentialism, Current Issues: Philosophy of Mind, Ethics, History of Modern Philosophy, Immersive Learning in Philosophy (Stance, three years)

Editing and Style (a Professional Writing course), Computer Science 1, Honors Speech, Personal Finance, Spanish (I also received 6 credit hours in Composition for my AP Exam scores.)

- Editorial Board Member (2010-2011)

Responsibilities: I completed editorial training, reviewed philosophical work by undergraduates, and created forward-looking criticism, while meeting close deadlines and volunteering for extra work when needed

- Associate Editor (2011-2012)

Responsibilities: In addition to the above, I organized, trained, and led a review team comprised of local students and external reviewers from other parts of the world. I also synthesized helpful feedback for our authors, summarized my teams opinions for the rest of the board, etc.

- Editor-in-Chief (2012-2013)
Responsibilities: As Editor-in-Chief, I led the training of the rest of the editorial board, served as the hub for all

professional communication, facilitated all board discussions, organized and assisted the associate editors who worked directly below me, read and reviewed philosophical work, arranged special events, copyedited the journal extensively, updated all les and internal documents for my successor, made all nal decisions regarding content and design, and much more.

- PetSmart - Pet Care Associate - July 2012 to present - Marsh Supermarkets - Cashier & Ofce - August 2010 to July 2012 - Wiley Dining Court - Student Associate - August 2009 to May 2010 Education Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN - 1 year before transferring to Ball State Ball State University, Muncie, IN - Class of 2013 (graduation pending in May; expected magna cum laude) -B.A. in Creative Writing (Philosophy minor) Current cumulative GPA: 3.844 Academic Achievements Deans List continuously throughout all four years of college career Member of philosophy honor society Phi Sigma Tau (Secretary/Treasurer, 2011-2012) Member of Golden Key International Honour Society Skills

I have extensive experience with Facebook, Twitter, and Blogger, and my fantasy-writing blog can be found at A course in Literary Citizenship has given me the knowledge to help people both within and outside of the writing world build an online platform and reach out to potential consumers and associates.

As editor-in-chief of an academic journal, I gained valuable rsthand experience with the ins and outs of copyediting. I am intensely familiar with the Chicago Manual of Style (footnotes in particular), and have also used MLA often in my own writing. Im a many-time champion speller who rarely needs to consult a dictionary, and I have an eye for typos and other errors.

I have often been commended by employers for my initiative, commitment, and positive attitude. At Stance, I displayed considerate but effective leadership and a knack for organization, especially via email. Finally, and most importantly, my education has nurtured my ability to write both creatively and professionally. References To obtain contact information for professional references, please email me at

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