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The Jedi religion and the Force

29/10/12 08:32

The Jedi religion and the Force

Most people think the Jedi order of Star Wars was a fictional order created by George Lucas from his fertile imagination. Actually, Lucas based it on the Djedi, an ancient order of Egyptian priest/warriors who wore hooded robes, carried a staff of power and guarded the pharaoh. The secret techniques and knowledge of the Force taught to these Egyptian Djedi were passed down from Atlantis by Thoth (aka Hermes and Mercury) who was one of the priest-kings of Atlantis who sailed to colonies in Egypt, Peru and elsewhere before the sinking of Atlantis in order to preserve the accumulated knowledge and wisdom of Atlantis. But in order to ensure that it would not be misused again, it was kept secret and only revealed to select initiates. In Spiritual Nobility, the Gnostic, Richard Duc de Palatine wrote "The Princes and Hierophant of the Mysteries of the Sun in Atlantis were fully determined that the misuse by mankind of the Divine Wisdom and its terrible powers would never again be allowed for fear that man might destroy himself. They therefore decreed that only those of the highest moral and spiritual development would be permitted to learn the Mysteries of God." Thoth taught divine alchemy, which wasn't a technique to change lead into gold, but a means of turning the dense human consciousness into the golden consciousness of an enlightened master. The symbol of alchemy is the caduceus, which Mercury is shown holding in statues and paintings. It consists of a staff with two intertwining serpents, crowned with wings. The staff is the spinal column, the two serpents are the balanced masculine and feminine energies of the kundalini, and the wings symbolize the higher consciousness that frees the mind once the kundalini is raised from the base of the spine chakra to the crown chakra. Through this alchemy, a Djedi could awaken the sleeping kundalini power (Force) and raise it to the head where it would manifest as supernatural powers and intuitive gnostic wisdom. The Dj in Djedi means "serpent." Thus a Djedi master was one who mastered the serpent power. While there is a secret society of Sufis in modern-day Egypt who teach the Djedi techniques, it's virtually impossible for a Westerner to become a member. However, Mark Amaru Pinkham teaches what was passed down to the Knights Templars by Egyptian Djedi in seminars offered by the International Order of Gnostic Templars. But apart from the ancient Djedi traditions of Egypt and the Templars, there are Star Pgina 1 de 3

The Jedi religion and the Force

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Wars fans who call themselves Jedis and who compose what could be called a new religion. It's members practice rituals and follow a code of conduct. A friend of mine from the Hearts Center, Sam Guccioni (aka the Jedi Sam Lightbearer), is a 20-something who teaches Jediism to a small group in Dallas. He feels that it's a fun alternative to organized religion, which many youth today find demanding of their time and closed to questioning. I talked to him the other day about it: Q Is there a central organization of the Jedi

order? A. The Jedi order is pretty much a decentralized movement. Although there are five established churches of the Jedi order and many groups on the internet, individual Jedis are pretty much independent of the Jedi organizations and there are differences in the teachings from one organization to the next. Jedi teachings are generally considered suggestions and guides rather than rules. Q. What are the main beliefs of Jediism? A. We believe in the Force, an energy field generated by all living beings. It surrounds us, flows through all things and binds the universe together. The Force is similar to the Indian prana, the Chinese qi, the Taoist tao, and the Christian Holy Spirit. We also believe that humans can tap into or shape the Force to unlock greater potential. Many Jedi also view themselves as guardians of truth, knowledge and justice, and actively promote such ideals. While many Jedi consider their beliefs to be a religion or spiritual path, some prefer to label them as a philosophy, personal development movement, or lifestyle. Q. What is the dark side of the Force? A. The dark side of the Force is the seductive temptation to use the Force for your own ends. If the Force offers something when you didn't request anything, that's a sign of the dark side, especially if it doesn't require any effort. The dark side offers concealment and invincibility. Those who follow the dark side believe that through Pgina 2 de 3

The Jedi religion and the Force

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passion they gain strength, through strength they gain power, through power they gain victory, and through victory their chains are broken. But they become even more enslaved to the darkness. Nevertheless, even the darkest Jedi can be redeemed if he lets go of his hatred. Love is the answer to the darkness. Q. What is the Jedi Code? A. The Jedi Code is also called the Four Jedi Truths: 1. There is no emotion, there is peace. That is, we replace the confusion of emotion with the clear thinking that comes with meditation. 2. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. Jedi strive to understand a situation before acting. 3. There is no passion, there is serenity. If we become obsessed with a person or thing, that can cloud our mind, thus we strive to remain detached. 4. There is no death, there is the Force. When we become one with the will of the Force, we become immortal, like Obiwan and Yoda. Q. Do some people chide you for living a fantasy? A. Some people think what I'm doing is cool. I'm following a spiritual path. Other people think I'm wasting my time on a fanciful dream. But the Holy Spirit and the Force are one and the same. Yes, Jediism may be a fictional concept dreamt up in a writer's mind, but the actualization of what it is is true. It may be called something different, but that doesn't make it any more different than what it really means - spiritual adeptship or mastery. Q. What do you do in your group? A. We go to a park every Saturday night and fight with our light sabers. But most of the time we sit around and talk. I'm a good listener, and my friends, Jedi knights in training, tell me their problems. I feel the will of the Force is that I should become a counselor. May the Force be with you, Sam.

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