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DWD Bulletin - March 22, 2013

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SECRETARY'S COLUMN Dear Colleagues: With our department at the forefront of Governor Walker's comprehensive agenda to prepare Wisconsin workers for jobs of today and in the future, the agency's leadership conference March 14 -15 offered a welcome and extremely worthwhile opportunity for supervisors and managers to focus on what we need to accomplish in the months ahead. The conference focused heavily on new opportunities for meeting workforce demand by advancing our technology and developing a linked, comprehensive online system of tools and resources. To introduce the topic of change, the keynote speaker, David Zach, provided insightful remarks. He talked about fads, trends and principles, and how these can drive our decisions. As we build on our strategies to develop the skilled workforce, measure performance and expand on our employer-driven systems, David's message encourages us to adhere to our principles. Ensuring that job seekers and employers have the tools and resources they need to be successful as workers or employers is the principle that drives our products. Delivering quality tools and resource to job seekers and employers will always be at the heart of what we do. These principles should define and direct us as we move forward. While this was a meeting of managers and supervisors, we gathered with all of you in mind, and it is my expectation that what the participants learned from David Zach and other speakers will bring added value to all DWD employees and, ultimately, our customers. View photos from Leadership Conference
Leadership Conference keynote speaker, David Zach As we move to implement Wisconsin Fast Forward and Unemployment Insurance to Insurance (U2E), supervisors and managers are instructed to keep you informed of the work ahead. Our success depends on teamwork, and as goals are accomplished, all of us can share in that success and take pride in the achievements. To that end, a new U2E page on WorkWeb has been developed. I encourage you to visit the U2E site, view conference materials, stay abreast of developments, and take the opportunity to ask questions and offer suggestions.

The success of the 2013 DWD Leadership Conference is due to many individuals who worked to plan, organize, and take part in the sessions, either making presentations or assisting those addressing participants. In addition to Joe Handrick, who excelled as moderator, I want to especially thank Linda Preysz, Planning Committee Chair, as well as the members of her committee: Kitty Reed, Mike Greco, Robert Rodriguez, Karen Morgan, Brian Krueger and Margaret McGrath. With Wisconsin Fast Forward, U2E and the additional reforms in Governor Walker's budget, we have the opportunity to help create employment opportunities, advance the economy, and significantly help the



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customers we serve achieve true independence and pursue prosperity. I look forward to working with all of you.

Reggie Newson Secretary DWD In The News Regional apprenticeship consortium to go statewide in Wisconsin High School Apprenticeship Program Broadens Scope Investments will help people enter workforce DWD grants $50,000 to help unemployed Echo Lake Foods, Supervalu workers

Secretary Newson Seeks Nominations for Limited Number of Discretionary Merit Compensation Awards, Recognizing Outstanding Meritorious Service Secretary Newson is pleased to announce that he is accepting nominations for a limited number of Discretionary Merit Compensation (DMC) awards. These awards will recognize outstanding meritorious service of DWD employees, including sustained exemplary performance, unusually difficult or sensitive work that results in a significant contribution to meeting the mission of the Department, or outstanding performance on a special project or major assignment. Although DWD is fortunate to have many highly effective employees, these awards are expected to be very limited in number and are intended to recognize the most exemplary staff. These awards are not intended to be a general wage increase for all employees. ELIGIBILITY: In order to be eligible for consideration for an award, an employee must be in a permanent or project classified position and have had a satisfactory performance evaluation in the past 12 months. If the employee being considered is a supervisor, the supervisor must also have completed required performance evaluations for all subordinates within the past 12 months. TIMEFRAME: Nominations will be accepted between March 21, 2013 and April 5, 2013. It is anticipated that any awards given based on these nominations will be effective before June 30, 2013.



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PROCESS: Division Administrators will solicit input from their Bureau Directors, other managers, and supervisors regarding exemplary staff. Any nomination for the Secretary's consideration must be submitted on the DMC Justification Form which is included in DWD Policy 416. Following the nomination deadline (April 5, 2013), Division Administrators will review input and determine which nominations, if any, will be advanced to the Secretary for consideration. Following the consideration by the Secretary, those nominations that are recommended will be submitted to the Office of State Employment Relations for their review prior to an award being made. SELF-NOMINATIONS: Each DWD employee in a permanent or project position has the opportunity to submit a self-nomination for a Discretionary Merit Compensation award in writing to their supervisor. A self-nomination must include a justification with specific details of meritorious service to support the nomination. Any written self-nomination received by a supervisor shall be acknowledged by email and shall be forwarded by the supervisor to the Bureau Director for consideration. DWD POLICY: DWD Policy 416 provides more information on these awards, including who is eligible for awards and whether they are eligible for base building awards (an increase to an employee's base hourly rate) and/or lump sum awards (a single payment). QUESTIONS: Questions regarding DMC awards should be directed to the Outlook mailbox set up for this purpose: DWD MB DMC Questions. You may also contact one of the following people: Lynda Hanold Human Resources Manager (608) 266-6496 Gini Ewers Human Resources Specialist (608) 266-0414 Bill Komarek Human Resources Consultant (608) 266-8080 Laurie Conley Workforce Services Section Chief (608) 266-6937 March is Red Cross Month March has been "Red Cross Month" since 1943. The Red Cross thanks its donors and volunteers and urges people to continue to be involved by:

Signing up for a CPR, first aid or another Red Cross course. Getting involved as a volunteer. Giving a financial gift that can really save the day when the next disaster strikes. Donating blood. For our DWD blood donors, the next State Capitol Blood Drive is Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday - March 26, 27, and 28 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Capitol Rotunda. Do you know a high school senior who is involved with the Red Cross? The American Red Cross Red Cord Program recognizes graduating seniors and their efforts to help save lives. With the school's permission, the Red Cross will award students who donated blood at least four times during their high school career or volunteered at least eight hours at their school blood drives with a red cord which they may wear during their high school graduation activities.

For information about the Red Cross, go to ( for blood



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donation) or call 1-800 RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767). And for those with access, a monthly Red Cross Newsletter is available on DWD's EBoard.

OVER 100 EMPLOYEES GET WELL WISCONSIN ASSESSMENT AT DWD GEF-1 MARCH 11 & 13 Over 100 state employees participated in the first Well Wisconsin Assessment at GEF-1 on Monday, March 11 and Wednesday, March 13. Staff members who took part in the easy, 15-minute assessment got a baseline measure of their health factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol level and other data. Representatives from four health care providers performed the assessments. "The first assessment event was a success," said Jeanne Benck, DWD Health and Safety Officer. "In all, 116 people took advantage of the opportunity at work to participate in Well Wisconsin to learn about their health and to earn financial incentives. We accommodated those who signed up as well as quite a few walk-ins." Well Wisconsin promotes the financial incentives your health insurance provider rewards you for learning more about your personal wellness and taking control of your health. In less than an hour, you can take a Wellness Assessment and Health Survey to qualify for special incentives from your state health insurance plan. Every adult on your state health insurance plan can participate, including your spouse or adult children who are 18 or older. The level of reward depends on which company you chose for your state health insurance. DWD will offer more opportunities for assessments at GEF-1 on June 3 and 4. Other sites will be scheduling Assessment events as well. Check the Calendar of Wellness Assessment Events at the Well Wisconsin website or see the FAQs for more info on how to participate. Well Wisconsin is facilitated through your health insurance provider, and is subject to all federal and state privacy laws. Your health information will not be available to any State of Wisconsin manager or employee, and will only be seen by your insurance company. Your health insurance provider cannot change your coverage, premium, or out-of-pocket costs as a result of your Wellness Assessment or Health Survey outcomes. If you need additional information or have questions about Well Wisconsin, please contact Jeanne Benck, DWD Health and Safety Officer, (608) 267-3731.

Diane Gertz - Employment & Training Specialist, Kenosha I want to let you know how much I appreciate the work you're doing. Your class was awesome as I learned a lot. When I got home I had a job offer for a temporary contract position which I accepted, but will continue to look for permanent employment. Again, thank you ever so much.



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Client's email, submitted by Rene O'Connor- Workforce Development Program Manager, Kenosha

Gillian Van Dien - Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Madison Thank you for coming to Waunakee last Friday to present to the teachers. I heard many positive comments from the staff. Thanks again! Client's email from high school teacher, submitted by Kristin Rolling - Communications Specialist, Madison

Lea Collins-Worachek - DVR District Director, Milwaukee I wanted to send you an email to thank you for the wonderful candidates you referred to me. Out of all the interviews I have conducted, working with the OJT initiative has been by far the smoothest. I have already recommended your service to a number of my colleagues. Again, I am grateful for your partnership and am looking forward to working with you in the future. Employer Testimonial Farmers Insurance, Brookfield, submitted by Kristin Rolling - Communications Specialist, Madison

Robert Abegglen - Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Manitowoc I want to say "thank you" to the DVR staff who have assisted me and in particular, Rob. He has given me the ability to go back to work and live my life with purpose. Rob is a hard working, wonderfully educated gentleman that does your department proud. I wish the best to all that have participated in the success that this program brings. Client's comments submitted by Kristin Rolling - Communications Specialist, Madison

Jim Mazzetti - Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, and Connie Riemer - Consumer Case Coordinator, and Patty Noland - Workforce Development Program Manager, Wausau Thank you so much for helping me get the car!! It is wonderful!! Thank you so much for being so great to work with--you are always kind and professional. Now I feel more confident about work and about things in general. I will continue working hard and saving and doing my best . Thanks again Client's comments submitted by Kristin Rolling - Communications Specialist, Madison

Frank Tamel - Employment & Training Specialist, Milwaukee I received a job offer from Rockwell, and will be starting there part time in less than 2 weeks.



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When I graduate in May I'll be going fulltime. Thanks for all of your help. Email from Sgt. First Class Patrick L., Submitted by Amy Hansmann, Employment and Training Specialist Lead, Milwaukee

Chris Paulin - UI, Employment Security Assistant, Milwaukee Today I spoke with a claimant who mentioned the great customer service he received from Chris. The claimant stated that the service received from the claims representative was excellent. I have been trying to get an issue with my claim resolved for quite some time. I have spoken to several different people and they have all given me different answers. The person I spoke to today (Chris Paulin) was excellent and followed up with as promised. I appreciate all the help. Good job Chris and thank you! Submitted by Amonda Stokes - UI Claims Supervisor, Milwaukee

Editor's Notes
Thank you for taking the time to read the Bulletin. It is our hope that the information found here will be of value to our readers. Most Bulletin stories come from employees, which is how we like it. Please feel free to make a submission in the future. Send a retirement announcement, a thank you note, story and/or photo of something you'd like to share with other employees. Check out the Bulletin story submission guidelines and then be sure to submit a story idea for the Bulletin.

Last Revised: March 22, 2013



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