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Introduction In Asian traditions, there are many methods of seeking divination, some with mala beads, some with

sticks (such as Kuan Yin Oracle), and some with two dice. One of the most highly respected methods is through the spiritual power and wisdom of Manjushuri - The Great Buddha of Wisdom. The accuracy of the divination is said to come directly from the blessings of Manjushuri and it is her wisdom that manifests itself in the counting of mala beads. Manjushuri represents great wisdom, which empowers one to distinguish universal morality from all wrongdoing. According to many Sutras, Manjushuri was the teacher of seven Buddhas before the time of Sakamuni Buddha- the Founder of Buddhism. Below is my Chinese ink painting of Manjushuri - the Great Buddha of Wisdom. Her right arm holds up high, a flaming sword of wisdom, which slices through our ignorance and brings clarity to our minds and firmness in our resolve. Her left hand holds close to her heart the lotus flower which represents beauty, purity and perfection. On it rests the most precious PRAJNAPARAMITA, the book of the Perfection of Wisdom. She sits on a lion which represents wisdom in Buddhism. The roaring of the lion symbolizes the waking of one's Buddha nature and inner wisdom. Using the Mala Mala is a Buddhist rosary. Malas are made up of seeds, beads, crystals, or even semi-precious stones. There are 108 beads in one mala. I have designed some malas. Each mala is made up of 108 crystal-like colorful plastic beads. The shining, see-through plastic beads on a beautiful red nylon cord creates an unique setting for imagination and inspiration. Meditate in front of the image of Manjushuri - the Great Buddha of Wisdom. Then, hold your mala with both palms and blow on it after you have chanted the mantras. Now, concentrate on your question clearly. Recite "Amitofo" as you feel the mala beads. Amitofo is a transliteration of Amitabha Buddha, and the word Amitabha means infinite life and infinite light. Amitofo, therefore, is a blessing. When greeting a monastic or Buddhist, we join our palms and say "Amitofo." Then, recite the following several times and visualize the presence of Manjushuri: The magnificent Manjushuri who unobstructedly sees all the three times, the past, present and future with eyes of transcendental wisdom. Please come here and hear me. I prostrate to Manjushuri and take refuge in the three jewels. Through the power of truth and dependent arising please make clear the best course of action; on what should be accepted, what should be discarded, when to move ahead, when to withdraw, and when to stay silent. Checking with the Mala Beads

Your mala has 108 beads and if you have been using it to chant your mantras, it has great spiritual power. To use your mala as an aid to divination, randomly take any two beads (apart)leaving a short strand of beads in between. This enables you to hold the mala in front of you. Taking three beads from each side at a time, move slowly towards the center of the mala strand. Recite OM AH HUM as you move to the center. Stop when you see the remainder beads of 5 beads or less between your fingers. - With no beads left over between your fingers, the answer is excellent. Your proposed course of action is beneficial to you and everyone else. - When there is a single bead left over, the answer indicated that your proposed course of action is good, but less beneficial and there could be some hindrances, although these can be overcome. - When there are two beads left over, your intended course of action may benefit you in the short term, but could turn sour in the longer term. - When there are three beads left over, your intended course of action is neither good nor bad. The outcome is determined solely by your attitudes and actions. - When there are four beads left over, the outcome of your question is negative. Nothing beneficial comes from your proposed course of action. - When there are five beads left over, this is the most negative answer and you are advised not to pursue your course of action. The following is my Chinese ink painting of Manjushuri - The Great Buddha of Wisdom which is free with purchase of mala.

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