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03.13 Wednesday I did not go to the first class (exercise and massage).

The second class was Cultural Subject. This time we are with the other class in the assembly room. Now the Japanise guests were taking their presentation. They talked some words about themself (like name, hobby) and than spoke about their university. It took about an hour. They did not speak English therefore they read their text. After the end of their show they sang a song. In the evening some of us helped at Caf. It has been renewed and needs some changing. After that Mette held meditation (from 20.30). We were seven of us. It took half an hour. We had to feel that we are nothing and had to try to release of our bad feelings. Nem mentem els rra (feladat s masszzs). A msodik rn Kultra tanra volt. Ez alatt egy msik osztllyal voltunk egytt nagyteremben. Most a japn vendgek mutattk be eladsukat. Beszltek nhny szt magukrl (mint; nv, hobbi) ezutn egyetemket mutattk be. Mindssze 1 rn t tartott. Nem beszltek angolul mivel szveget olvastak fel. Bemutatjuk utn egy dalt nekeltek. Este nhnyunk a kvzban segdkezett. Feljts alatt szksg volt nhny vltoztatsra. Mindez utn Mette meditcit tartott (este fl 9-tl). Heten voltunk, mint a gonoszok s fl rig tartott. gy kellett reznnk mintha semmik lennnk, fel kellett ismernnk rossz rzseinket. 03.14 Thursday The first class was with Mette. We continued our little project about Open Space method. Last time we listed those things which we wanted to change in the school and had to detail (like Green School, Free time after classes, Volunteering, Long term project, weekend activities, learning English). Now everyone had to choose three details which is important to them. And according to it the teacher created 4 topic (cooking day, movie club, recycling boxes). And we had to discuss and make suggestion about them. After the class we shared them with the other classes at the assembly. In the second class we spoke about the preparation of the close party. When we have to cook our national food. In the evening we had a party with tha Japanese students. They had to go back to their country. And we celebrated it. Els rnk Mettvel volt. Folytattuk a kis tanulmnyunkat az "Open Space" mdszert. Ezt megelzen felsoroltuk azokat az elemeket, amiket meg szeretnnk vltoztatni az iskolban s rszleteznnk is kellett (mint Zld Iskola, ra utni Szabadids tevkenysg, nkntessg, Hossz tv tervek, htvgi programok, angoltanuls). Akkor mindenkinek ki kellett vlasztania 3 rszletet, amelyik fontos a szmra. s e szerint a tanr csinlt 4 tmakrt (fzs nap, film klub, jrahasznosthat doboz). Majd meg kellett beszlni s javaslatokat tenni e tmakrkrl. ra utn a nagyteremben msik osztllyal is megosztottuk ezeket. Msodik rn beszlgettnk a zrtkr buli elkszleteirl. Kzben a sajt nemzetnk teleit kellett megfznnk. Este tartottunk egy partit a japn tanulkkal. Vissza kellett mennik Japnba s ezrt nnepeltnk. 03.15 Friday In the first class we watched a video by Spielberg. In the second class we spoke about support reduction in Denmark for people who chose to go to University. Els rn Spielbergrl nztnk videt. A msodik rn beszlgettnk az ellts cskkentsrl Dniban, azok szmra, akik egyetemre kszlnek menni. 03.16 Sutarday Today there were guests here. Students could invite their families or friends. The lunch was very delicious with different foods. After lunch the guests could visit the different classes. And we had to introduce our class in front of the audience, too. The other classes spoke about their trip to Romania, Poland (Auswitch, Birkenau) and Germany. In the evening we went shopping and than there was the Caf opening at 20.00 after the reparation. A mai nap vendgeket fogattunk. A tanulk meghvhattk csaldtagjaikat, bartaikat. Az ebd nagyon finom volt klnbz telekkel. Ebd utn a vendgek bemehettek megnzni a klnbz osztlyok tevkenysgeit. Neknk szintn be kellett mutatnunk az osztlyunkat a ltogatkkal szemben. A msik osztlyban a Romniai, Lengyel (Auswitch, Birkenau) s Nmet kirndulsrl beszltek. Este vsrolni mentnk s ezutn a feljtott Kvz megnyitja volt 8 rtl.

03.17 Sunday In the morning we went to shopping to buy ingredients to szusi. The Japanese people cooked szusi. In the afternoon we went to a theatre to watch Shrek. The daughter of our host family acted in this performance. It was good (but it was in Danish language). In the evening we had to write our recepie what we want to cook in the celebration when we invite our host family to. Reggel elmentnk megvsrolni a szusi alapanyagait. Nhny japn dik szusit ksztett. Dlutn sznhzba mentnk, ahol a Shrek produkcit nztk meg. A vendglt csaldunk lnya is szerepelt az eladsban. J volt (de dn nyelven volt). Este a recepttel kellett foglalkoznunk (s az sszetevkkel), amit fzni akarunk az nneplyre, amikor a vendglt csaldot meghvjuk. 03.18 Monday In the first class we dealt with Coaching. We set up pairs and we had to find out a goal which we would like to reach. And the other asked questions (which kind of feeling we get when reaching it, which difficulties we have in it...). The second class was swimming. After the dinner we could go to the fitness center nearby. Els rn Coachinggal foglalkoztunk. Prokat alkotva meg ki kellett tallnunk mi a vgcl, amit el szeretnnk rni. Msok pedig krdseket tettek fel (hogyan reznnk, a cl elrse kzben, milyen akadlyokba tkznnk...). Errl szl a Coaching. A msodik rn sztunk. Vacsora utn a kzeli fitnesz kzpontba mentnk. 03.19 Tuesday In the first class we had to choose one Millenium goal and make a presentation. It should have been about 3-5 minutes. After that the teacher (Inge) told us (and the others, too) her opinion about the mood of our lecture. And compared to the first meeting in January (when we had to introduce ourself to each other). The second class was drama. We watched some video. After that the teacher (Carl Henrik) showed us music performance about him from about 30 years ago. Az els rnkon ki kellett vlasztanunk az vezredre vonatkoz clt s kszteni egy bemutatt. Ennek 3-5 perc hosszsgnak kellett lenni. Ezutn a tanr (Inge) elmondta neknk (s msoknak szintn) a vlemnyt az eladsunk mdjrl (mozgs, beszdtemp, stb.). s sszehasonltotta a januri, els tallkozsunkkor tapasztaltakkal (amikor nevezetesen be kellett mutatkoznunk egymsnak). A msodik ra drma volt. Nhny videt nztnk meg. Majd a tanr (Carl Henrik) mutatott magrl egy 30 vvel korbban felvett zeneeladst. 03.20 Wednesday We visited (with the Japanese guy) the special school. There are students (from 7 years old to 16) who have difficulties in learning. In the class there were 6 students (about 10-12 years old). Their first class was Danish. After that we went outside for half an hour to play snowball. The second class was Math. Two teacher helped the students. After that there was a music class. We sang and after that the children lay down and had some meditation by music. After the lunch time they had to select three cards which caracterised them (good qualities). And they spoke about it. After that we went outside playing snowball and tig (fogcska). After that they celebrated one of their school mates birthday. After that we could play (with game sword). In the Folkhighschool there was representative meeting. In the evening there was a guest (sportman). Megltogattuk (a japn srccal) a specilis iskolt. Olyan tanulk vannak ott (7 s 16 ves kor kztt), akiknek nehzsgeik vannak a tanulssal. Az osztlyban 6 tanul volt (10-12 vesek). Az els rjuk dn nyelv volt. Ezutn kimentnk a szabadba hgolyzni. A msodik ra matematika volt. Mindez utn nek-zene ra volt. nekeltnk, majd a gyerekek lefekdtek s meditltak, mikzben zene szlt. Ebd utn a kvetkez rn ki kellett vlasztaniuk 3 krtyt, ami jellemezte ket (pozitv tulajdonsgaikat). Teht sajt magukrl kellett vlemnyt alkotniuk. s errl beszltek. Ezutn kimentnk hgolyzni s fogcskzni. Mindezek utn megnnepeltk az egyik iskolatrsuk szletsnapjt. Majd jtszhattunk (jtk karddokkal). Ezutn a Npfiskoln az osztlyok kpviselinek volt tallkozja volt. Este pedig vendgnk volt (egy sportember).

03.21 Thursday In the first class we were speaking about our patterns (our good and bad ). After that we had to pull ten cards which we like (like courage, love, patient). And we had to rank them setting a preference. In the second class we spoke about assisted suicide. And then everybody got a paper (each of them contained a product) and we had to speak about them as we wanted to sell them to the others (we had to persuade the others to buy). In the evening we were in the Caf. Az els rn a mindennapok sorn hasznlt mintinkrl beszlgettnk (j s rossz szoksokrl). Ezutn hznunk kellett tz krtyt, milyenek vagyunk (mint btorsg, szerelem, trelmessg). Majd rangsorba lltottuk ket kezdve az elnysebbel. A msodik rn az eutanzirl beszlgettnk. Utna mindenki kapott egy paprt (mindegyik tartalmazott egy-egy termket) s gy kellett beszlnnk rla mintha el akarnnk azt adnnk msiknak (meg kellett gyznnk a msikat, hogy vsrolja meg). Az este folyamn a kvzban voltunk. 03.22 Friday We went to Odense with the teacher (Per) to buy things for Sunday. We have to cook for the host family and to the teacher (our countries' food). In the second class we had to evaluate this term and tell the teacher which we would want to change. In the evening we had a party. Odensebe mentnk a tanrral (Per) bevsrolni vasrnapra. Fznnk kell a vendglt csaldnak s a tanroknak (sajt orszgaink telt). A msodik rn rtkeltk az elmlt flvet s elmondtuk a tanrnak mi az, amin vltoztatnnk. Este tartottunk egy bulit. 03.23 Saturday In the morning we went to Faaborg. There is the house of our teacher (Mette). She has her summer house there. We got chocolate eggs for Easter. And drank hot chocolate. And played memory cards, etc. In the evening we went to Gritt house (another teacher) to have dinner (Merre and Per were there). It was very delicious meal. After that there was a party in the Caf. Reggel Faaborgba mentnk. Ott van a tanrunk (Mette) hza. Ami az nyaralja. Kaptunk csoki tojst hsvtra, forr csokoldt ittunk, jtszottunk memria krtyval stb. Este elmentnk Gritt hzhoz (egy msik tanrhoz) vacsorra (Mette s Per is ott volt). Az tel nagyon finom volt. Mindez utn egy buli volt az iskola "kvhzban". 03.24. Sunday From 12 o'clock we began to preparing for the dinner. We had many things to do. And the Host families were invited to 6 p.m. We finished i tat 10 p.m. They were satisfied. (There was food from Chinese, Japanise, Lithunia, Estonia, Check Republic). Dltl elkezdtnk kszlni a vacsorra. Nagyon sok dolgunk volt. A befogad csald is meg volt hvva 6 rra. A vacsora 10 rig tartott. Nagyon meg voltak elgedve. (Az tel sok orszgbl szrmazott, mint Kna, Japn, Litvnia, sztorszg s Cseh kztrsasg). 03.25 Monday We had to tell each person in the class what we feel to thank them (and told them our wish). And the teacher (Mette) wrote the words on the black board which we dictate about what we learned in the school. We had an american woman from the USA who is dealing with this kind of education system. The second class was swimming. Now it was a speicial day because we went to an Aqua Park. In the evening we had a little party in Caf. And I had to said goodby to the classmates and to some people. El kellett mondanunk mindenkink az osztlyba, amit gy reztnk, hogy meg kell neki ksznni (s elmondani nekik jkvnsgainkat). Azutn a tanrnnek (Mette) diktltunk szavakat, amiket felrt a tblra arrl, mi az, amit tanultunk itt az iskolban (nyelv, kultra, fenntarthat fejlds, stb.). Kaptunk egy amerikai vendg hlgyet, aki ilyen tpus oktatsi rendszerrel foglalkozik. A msodik rn sztunk. Most ez egy klnleges nap volt, mivel Aquaparkba mentk. Ezutn egy buli volt a Kvzban. Elbcsztam osztlytrsaimtl s ms trsaktl egyarnt. 03.26 Tuesday In the early morning my room mate accompanied me to the bus stop and said goodbye. After that I came to Hungary.

Korn reggel kiksrt a szobatrsam a buszmegllba s elksznt, "goodbye" mondta. Majd visszajttem Magyarorszgra.

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