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FINGERPRINTS READING (1) Did you know? No two people have the same fingerprints.

Every person's fingerprint is unique. A person has the same thumbprint in his/her life. Even though a person's hands grow, his/her thumbprints stay the same. Even identical twins have different thumbprints. If you injure the tip of your thumb, your skin will grow back in the same pattern and eventually your original thumbprint will return. Patterns of Fingerprint Fingerprint is the one part of a human being that is absolutely unique to each and every person. The patterns of fingerprint are a way to find the absolute truth of a person's identity and is an interesting phenomenon to study. Fingerprints have been used as a form of identification since the ancient times. There are some basic patterns that most fingerprints can fall under. Each person will have a Whorl, Arch, or Loop on each fingertip. The fingerprints can be divided into four generalized patterns: The Arch, Loop, Whorl and Mixed Figure. The Loops can be categorized into Right Loop, Left Loop, and Double Loop. The Arches can be categorized into Plain Arch and Tented Arch. And, the Whorls can be categorized into Spiral Whorl and Target (or the Bulls-eye) Whorl, etc. Fingerprints are basically horizontal lines running across our fingertips that are "twisted." For example, the Arch pattern has a very little "twist," the Loop has more "twist," then the Whorl is a complete "twist" resulting in a whorl. According to the statistics, Loops constitute about 65 percent of the total fingerprints patterns; Whorls make up about 30 percent, and Plain and Tented Arches together account for the other 5 percent.

The General Psychological Characteristics of Fingerprints Patterns ARCHES: Self-contained, repressive, sensitive, and idealistic. Questioning his/her own actions, becoming more introspective with age through his/her anxiety to avoid error. LOOPS: These were the most frequently found patterns and indicated a graceful, adaptable outlook on life. Mental and emotional elasticity, versatile and emotionally responsive. WHORLS: Creativity, independence, determination and originality unaffected by convention or opposition. The Whorl is a point of intensification and is the mark of the individualist. It usually means a leader or a non-conformist who holds strong personal views and often denotes success, particularly when seen on the index and/or ring finger. The Spiral and Target Whorls (or Peacock's Eye) both carry the same usual meanings, but the Spiral will be less intense. The Peacock's Eye, which is a whorl enclosed in a loop, adds luck, protection and penetrating perception. MIXED FIGURE: Difficult choices and inner conflict. Practical and material minded. Critical, resentful, and lacking elasticity. Like to travel and explore mysteries.

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