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Social Science I Second Semester, SY 2010-2011 UP Visayas

Movie stars, junior executives, perverts, perpetual bridge-players, psychiatrists, drug addicts, political extremists, conservatives, careeer women, prostitutes, liars, prudes, girls who wear make-up, priests, atheists, liberals, communists, alcoholics, the retired, criminals, divorcees, reckless drivers, and know-it-all professors (Simmons, 1965).

Social nature : deviant behavior as defined by specific groups
The case of those who live in Staphorts, Netherlands (1978) Kukuku from Papua New Guinea

Changing nature
From acceptability to deviance From deviance to acceptability

1. 2. 3. 4. Deviation from cultural norms Deviation from statistical norms Maladaptiveness of behavior Personal distress

- Any behavior that members of a society or social group consider a violation of group norm

Social Functions of Deviance

When a deviant behavior occurs, societys norms are reaffirmed.

Sociological Theories of Deviance

Strain Theory
a discrepancy exists between cultural values and the means of achieving them

Sociological Theories of Deviance

Mertons Typology
provides a classification of the different ways people respond to cultural values or goals
Cultural Goals I. Conformity Acceptance Acceptance Rejection Rejection Rejection and Substitution Institutionalized Means Acceptance Rejection Acceptance Rejection Rejection and Substitution Nondeviance Type of deviance Type of deviance Type of deviance Type of deviance

II. Innovation III. Ritualism IV. Retreatism V. Rebellion

Sociological Theories of Deviance

Differential Association Theory
emphasizes that individuals may be socialized by a group of people who engage in and accept deviant behavior Friendship groups, gangs

Sociological Theories of Deviance

Conflict Theory of Deviance
Although deviance is found at every level of society, the nature, rate, and punishment of deviance are frequently related to the socialposition of the deviant individual

Sociological Theories of Deviance

Elite Deviance
Deviant and criminal acts committed by the rich and powerful Even when criminal convictions are obtained, the penalties for elite deviance are often relatively light

Sociological Theories of Deviance

Labeling Theory
Focuses on the social nature of the process by which some individuals in the society are able to label other individuals as deviant criminal, drug addict, alcoholic, mentally ill Self-fulfilling prophecy?

Sociological Theories of Deviance

Primary deviance
Nonpatterned acts of deviance

Secondary deviance
Forms of deviance that persist in indviduals and that cause them to organize their lives and personal identities around the deviant status

The Process of Social Control

Social Control
Refers to the process whereby a group or society enforces conformity to its demands and expectations Rule Enforcers attempt to maintain social control and order through the threat or actual application of undesirable social labels Rule Creator devises the rules, norms, or laws

Coping with Deviance

Goffmans Theory of Stigma
Two types of stigmatized individuals Discredited Stigma the individuals differentness is known already or is evident on the spot Discreditable Stigma stigma is neither known about by those present nor immediately perceivabale by them

Leaving the Deviant Role

1. Deviants can organize to change the rules, norms, or laws of society to make an offending behavior acceptable 2. Professionals can establish delabeling ceremonies 3. Mutual-aid organizations can encourage the deviant individual to return to conformity to social norms

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