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The prehistoric views justifying the work of the T.P.S is expressed by Politicians or Political Parties as follows : They have a tough job A very stressful job They ( T.P.S) put their lives on the line for us They are a role model for our Youth They provide mentoring They are our Finest Officers They lead our communities by example They are our Champions Old views that in my opinion harbors denials. Denial has been the norm for many years, to remotely even think that Torontos Finest can be found using sexist, racist and profane language, abusing authority , and worse Lying or fabricating statements in court is a practice that may occur uhm .in other undeveloped countries perhaps???. Oh no, not in Canada, Hell no way. The truth is that the reputation of the T.P.S is damaged long before the G20 Fiasco. Some one stated in anonymous condition to the media that new recruits are not taught properly to behave as good officers as expected by the Chief and the Board. For example I have hear Councilors, speaking marvels and trumpeting the excellent work T.A.V.I.S is providing to resident in Priority Neighborhoods of Toronto.. that is a good example of that denial , the Board commend the Chief for the excellence service T.A.V.I.S provides while the truth if the opposite. As stated in my previous deputation with regards the interactions with Residents and T.P.S officers, the random street stop and carding of T.C.H.C residents undermine public trust and confidence. Residents for the most part dont have faith on the system.. hearing of tough talking yesterday in the news by the Chief makes me to Cautiously yes I , applaud for his efforts and good intentions to restore credibility y and trust

RECOMMENDATIONS: Here are some good recommendations to the Chief to assist in removing the bad apples from within the T.P.S : 1.- The Citys Whistleblower protection approved by City Council on Jun 15 2011: No City of Toronto employee, elected official or council appointed accountability officer, shall take any action in reprisal or retaliation against an employee for making, or suspected of making, a complaint or allegation of wrongdoing in good faith. The Board was also advised that if a police officer believes that another officer was not truthful in court, or receives information alleging that another police officer was not truthful in court, he/she has a responsibility to formally report those concerns or allegations. A City of Toronto employee and this includes T.P.S officers, who believes that they are the subject of a reprisal, related to their reporting of wrongdoing, shall notify the Executive Director of Human Resources or the City Manager of the alleged reprisal for investigation. 2.- Advocate the Province to request a reform to the S.I.U investigation team and process. The S.I.U is also at guilt because it let go bad apples back in the force thus the reputation of the T.P.S is affected. 3.- The Board to make recommendations where necessary to the Practice Memorandum on Police Testimony released by the province on Jan 10,2013. 4.- Put words into action. Apply discipline where needed up to including termination from employment. We need tangible results no more old rhetoric of what ,may occur or will happen. Publish the results of that discipline action to public view that may help bit by bit to restore faith in the service. 5.- Last,..Toronto Taxpayers Citizens, demand action. Enough covering the legal expenses and paying a salary and benefits of an officer accused of crime while the court process the subject staying home with pay Are you kidding me???.. Most Torontonians dont have this privilege. And You should not be the exemption. Bad Apples should apply for I.E or/and Social Service while awaiting for your case in the courts.. The shocking taste of real life, should teach Bad Apples or Idiots in Uniform quoting the Chief, a lesson and hopefully, this learning experience will give a bad cop a lesson and a chance to rectify your wrongdoings.

Sincerely always Yours,

Miguel Avila

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