Money Magnet

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How To Become A Money Magnet

What You Must Know To Activate The Cash Flow Switch

by Vitaly Grinblat This is A 100% FREE Report! Please Share It With Everyone You Know.

1. Introduction: How We Create Abundance or Lack 2. Chapter 1: Your Mind and Money 3. Chapter 2: 6 Laws of the Mind 4. Chapter 3: Why We Sabotage Ourselves and How To Stop It 5. Chapter 4: What is Money & How to Create Your Own Wealth 6. Chapter 5: 8 Marketing Strategies for Attracting Money 7. Chapter 6: How to Create a Non-Stop Flow of Cash 8. Chapter 7: Putting It All Together 9. Conclusion: Using The Mind Method

Introduction: How We Create Abundance or Lack

One of the things that most people struggle with is understanding that we live in a very abundant world. There's no shortage of money or anything else, the only limitations that exist are the ones that we impose on ourselves. In this special report, I'm going to show you how to become a money magnet and attract all the abundance you'd like to have. Notice, I said attract. That doesnt mean work harder or work longer hours. Theres a science to being able to attract to you the desired results you are seeking. We live in a three-dimensional world that reflects back to us the energy, words, feelings, and thoughts we put out. To put it another way, imagine you're simultaneously living in two separate worlds. The inner and the outer. The outer world is made up of things that we see and experience in our lives. The people and the situations that we come across. And the inner world is made up of our thoughts. Our perceptions and feelings about what happens to us. Now the two worlds, are two different, separate worlds. When things happen to us in the outer world, most people react in their inner world, with thoughts of: happiness sadness joy sorrow fear worry confidence

and the list can go on. These thoughts, are all internal. Happiness or worry, for example, cannot exist in the outer world. Theyre part of your inner world, and will always stay there. Theres no happiness in the outer world, just like theres no worry or fear. Both are internal states.

Most people dont fully understand how the two worlds are connected. Most people live in the outer world of experiences, and think that the way they feel inside (the inner world) is caused by what happens to them in the outer world. When things are great, they feel great, and when theyre not, they feel sad, depressed, worried, and so on We are always thinking thoughts in our inner world, and were interpreting them according to our beliefs and conditioning, in other words, our perception of what happens to us. Most of the time we react to situations. This is why most people think theyre out of control. The fact is that our inner world is the cause, and the outer world is the effect. Our outer world is a reflection of what happens in our inner world of thoughts and feelings. Let me rephrase that. What happens to you, is caused by you, and how you feel. Not the other way around. This is good news. When you begin to understand that your outer world is created by your inner world, this gives you a sense of control. That means, that you can decide what experiences you want to create. You dont have to live in a constant state of reaction to what happens. Now, I want to pause here for a moment, and tell you that if youve never heard of these concepts before, that doesnt change the fact that this is how it works. You dont have to understand, or even believe in gravity, for it to work. It just does. You also need to know that we come into this three-dimensional world with a special blessing of protection that allows us to have thoughts and feelings that don't instantly materialize in front of our eyes, as they do in the non-physical dimension. So the fact that you can't materialize money by just thinking about it may seem to be a hindrance, but it's also part of a greater protection that allows you to learn the art of manifestation without getting hurt in the process.

Chapter 1: Your Mind and Money

The reason most people struggle with money is because of the feelings that get in the way of becoming rich, such as feelings of unworthiness lack, despair and confusion; and the inability to master the marketplace of life. See our natural state is to be "rich." The secret behind all this is something you may already know, which is this: life is energy, money is energy, and there are plenty of both. The sad fact is that weve been programmed by the system to believe that there are shortages and lack, and that financial uncertainty is normal. Its not. That idea is a psychological mechanism that has been deliberately created by those who have a vested interest in controlling people and keeping them in line by making them fearful. The media has done a great job of making us believe that one, theres a shortage of money and struggle is normal. And secondly that having money is bad. Just look at Hollywood. Its usually the rich guy whos the villain. Weve even created names for people with lots of money. Such as filthy rich or having this much money should be illegal Now when we say things like that to ourselves, what kinds of thoughts and feelings are we projecting? The mere observation of these incidents, even in movies shapes our thinking. Because we are taught to fear power, it is naturally assumed that the very rich could only become that way by being dishonest and crooked, and that they feed upon little people. While the economic forces of our planet are certainly stacked in favor of the big institutions and governments, there's nothing stopping each one of us from having our fair share. Most people, suffering from a limited mind-set, have no comprehension of just how much money there is actually available to anyone with the will to "step up and collect it. And theres NOTHING bad about making money. (As a side note just think for a second who funds all those charities or foundations? Its not the poor I guarantee it.) One thing you can start doing daily is telling yourself that there is no shortage of money. In fact, there are untold trillions of dollars, yen, pounds, Euros, and so on, swishing about in cyberspace -- more than you could ever spend.

Its pretty difficult to attract money if you have any negative thoughts about it. Money by itself is neutral, wealth is natural and even spiritual, it's easy to see that when you have money, it does not deprive somebody else. This is a very radical idea, contrary to what most people believe. But stay with me. See if you are wealthy, more often than not, you will be disposing of your money commercially (buying products and services) and charitably, supporting people around you. In doing that, you are actually adding to the overall flow of wealth to everyone on the planet. Take Bill Gates of Microsoft as an example. He may be the richest man in the world as I write this. But he didn't get there by himself. How many jobs did Microsoft create? How many companies have been started, products developed to support Microsoft, which in turn created more jobs? How many shareholders have benefited as a result of Microsoft's growth over the years? How about the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation? (the largest private foundation, with $33.5 Billion as of 2010.)

I think you get the idea. Being rich is good. There are trillions of dollars zipping about electronically on any given day. Those electronic signals are literally passing through your body right now, as are all the TV and radio signals that are in your local area. Heres something you can do right now. Take a moment and think about the billions of dollars electronically flowing through your hands at the moment. Now imagine making a slight flick of your wrist in order to halt some of that loot thats in transit so it sticks in the palm of your hand. Can you actually do this? Yes, because a flick of the mind is faster than a flick of the wrist. We are going to talk about how you can do this in a few minutes. If you take any object, including money and break it down to its most basic form, what you'll have is energy. Everything is energy. Money, and our ideas around money and abundance, follows the laws of

quantum physics. which states that everything exists as a wave-particle duality. What the wave-particle duality means at a quantum level is that what we see and perceive as a solid reality is not actually solid at all. Everything, and I do mean everything, exists in an oscillation or ill-defined wave of energy. This illdefined wave of energy remains the same unformed energy until a particle is observed, whereupon it changes from being somewhere in an ill-defined wave state to being solid and existing in a definable place. In order for money to become part of your life, it has to go from an unformed, ill-defined wave state of ideas -- dreaming, wishing, yearning, and vague maybes -- into a solid state: a dollar bill, credit in your bank account, a coin in your pocket. Lack and limitation can only exist when we make room for them in our mind. But prosperity consciousness knows no lack and no limitation. If you can convince yourself at the very deepest level of your being that there is no lack, no unfairness, and no discrimination, and that making money isn't difficult, you suddenly open yourself to greater wealth. This is because you've collapsed your self-denial, your aversions and resentments, and you flip from the insecure ill-defined wave state that asks, "Where's the rent coming from?" to the solid-particle state of creating more money in your life. Suddenly you know where it's coming from because the check is in your hand. This certainty that you know the money is coming and you are abundant comes from your beliefs. Your beliefs are the filters through which you see the world and what's real. When you believe you're rich you are. And until you do, you won't be. Sounds simple? It is, once you follow the laws of the mind.

Chapter 2: 6 Laws of the Mind

Now I want to share with you the 6 Laws of the Mind. I learned them from a great mentor and a great Mind Power teacher, John Kehoe. 1. Law #1 - Thoughts are real forces Your thoughts are real forces, an energy that creates either favorable or unfavorable results in your life. Everything begins with thoughts. 2. Law #2 - The Mind is the sending and the receiving station of thought Whether you realize it or not, you are always sending and receiving thoughts. At every given moment, you have thoughts running around in your mind. Where do you think they come from? 3. Law #3 - The Law of Attraction Simply stated, thoughts that carry a strong feeling with it, attract other like thoughts. It is with your thoughts and feelings that you attract the circumstances in your life. 4. Law #4 - Law of Control Regardless of the thoughts you experience, you always have full control to either dwell on them or dismiss them. 5. Law #5 - Law of Insertion You have the ability to insert any thought into your mind. 6. Law #6 - Law of Connection Your inner and outer world are connected. What you experience in the outer world, is the manifestation of what's going on in your inner world. So how do you connect these laws in helping you make your mind a money magnet? When you believe that the Universe is full of everything you're ever going to need, that abundance is all around you and that you're able to attract all that you want, this when things start to happen. Start thinking about money instead of saying there is not enough money, start

saying things like: "There is a way to create more money in my life and I am finding it now because I am looking for it and because my mind is a money magnet." WARNING: If this sounds too silly for you, if you're saying to yourself - yeah right like saying this will make me rich... ... I want to warn you that this your subconscious programming talking, and a reflection of your deep held beliefs. Which is the reason you're not where you want to be financially. But if you've made it this far, I encourage you to trust me on this and just give it try. Imagine for a minute, you sit in a chair, start thinking and saying to yourself that you have a terminal illness. And you think and dwell on it, and all the painful outcomes that will result from this illness. Really sit there and focus on it. Ok, DON'T DO THIS. I'm just using this as an example, but do you think it's good for your health to do this? Would you sit there and deliberately think about becoming terminally ill? Probably not. Well, what do you think you're doing to your financial health, when you dwell on debt, lack, limitation, and the fact that you don't have money? See when you start thinking the opposite is when you activate the cash flow switch in your mind to start attracting abundance into your life. In addition to affirming you are a money magnet, take a little time each day to stop and concentrate on things you consider to be manifestations of abundance. Law of Attraction works when you simply observer or pay attention to something. So go to places where wealthy people hang out, look at the symbols of their wealth, and affirm that the abundance they are experiencing is good. Yes, money can be used for evil purposes, but money in itself is neutral and has no energy. By simply paying attention to success and abundance you automatically put yourself in a vibrational harmony with it, bringing it closer to you. Remember what you were taught in school about energy? Like attracts like!

Chapter 3: Why We Sabotage Ourselves and How To Stop It

I've noticed over the years, that many people don't feel good about money, success and abundance. As we've already discussed, creating the right feeling activates the law of attraction bringing more of the same into your life. So in order to make your feelings right, you've got to agree that abundance and wealth is natural. You can't look at abundance and wealth with anger or envy when you see others earning and enjoying it, and you can't become abundant or wealthy if you exclude yourself. So when you see a person in a limousine who is wearing fine clothes, if you say, consciously or subconsciously, "What a showoff. That lifestyle is not for me." you deny your potential or create wealth. Remember, you create more of whatever you focus on. Whatever you are experiencing in your life right now is what you have been focusing on either consciously or unconsciously no exceptions. A lot of people look down at sales people and companies who are trying to sell something. This is a big mistake. You don't have to buy the product, but if you don't feel good about others making money, if you have a negative attitude towards sales and marketing (which creates this flow of money all around us) than you don't stand a chance of ever becoming a money magnet. How could you? If you keep telling yourself it's bad, then your subconscious mind will go out of its way to prove you right and "protect" you from the bad, negative experiences that you've convinced yourself will happen as a result of trying to make money. After all you don't want to be a "bad" person, do you? See how it's all connected. The problem is that most people aren't aware of this and are walking around convincing themselves that money is bad, that making money is bad, that if you make money you'll be bad, etc., etc., etc..... I will admit it isn't easy for most ordinary people to look at extreme manifestations of wealth and really believe they can have the same manifestations in their life. Their ego is too racked with jealousy or inadequacy and judgment. We'll look at a multi-million dollar house and say, "That's not my kind of house." We see expensive things and say, "That's far too much or too expensive for me." But, in order to experience true abundance, you must be able to identify with wealth. You have to be able to join in with your feelings.

What I am saying here is that it's not vital to your financial success that you can instantly visualize yourself in the Presidential Suite of a five-star hotel - providing you don't deny yourself the possibility. In other words, you may say, "I don't have to stay at the Four Seasons Hotel, but it's certainly something I could do if I really wanted to; it's certainly something that I am pleased exists. Moreover, I'm thrilled for the people checking into the Presidential Suite right now." You see how this is a different attitude and you're coming from a position of power rather than struggle, lack, and limitation. You switch from the negative affirmation that money is bad or that you are a victim of poverty, to the idea that money is neutral and abundance is natural. So, acknowledging abundance as a daily affirmation should be a part of your disciplined action plan.

Chapter 4: What Is Money & How to Create Your Own Wealth

Money is a medium of exchange for services rendered. If you want more money, you simply must render more service. The more service and the higher quality you can provide, the more money you will ultimately make. It's vital to understand and to remember that you are responsible for creating your own wealth. In order to do that you must also understand how to take these ill-defined wave length particles of abundance and turn them into cash flow. What do I mean by cash flow? I mean actual dollars in your wallet and bank account. Everybody wants cash flow. There is nothing wrong with that, but the question is how can we get more cash to flow to us? Well, enough theory. Lets get down to the nuts and bolts of how you can get unlimited amounts of cash to flow into your wallet and into you bank account. We are taking about how we can get cash to flow into our lives. The secret of cash flow has been hidden basically since the beginning of mankind because right in the center of the problem is the solution. What do I mean by that? Cash will always flow to individuals and business who solve problems. People will always pursue a business or an individual who is able to solve their most immediate problems. Doesnt that make sense?

Think about it. If you are sick, would you go to see an electrician? No, would go to the doctor. Correct? And if you are having some legal issue you wouldnt go to the doctor, you would go to an attorney. What if you need a mortgage? You would go to see a mortgage broker or a banker. You wouldnt go to Pizza Hut to get a mortgage. The key to being pursued and chased and being the most sought after person in your business, in your marketplace and in the company your work for, and having people throw money at you is to have the ability to identify a pressing problem that people have and then you become the solution. It is that simple.

Chapter 5: 8 Marketing Strategies For Attracting Money (in ANY Economy)

1. Providing value for people Money is a measure of value you provide. Problems you solve.

You can have anything you want, if you help enough other people get what they want. Zig Ziglar
Your goal should be to provide products or services that are vehicles by which your customers can fulfill their goals and satisfy their needs. And sales become a natural byproduct. Theres a Law of Income that states:

You will be paid in direct proportion to the value you deliver according to the marketplace.
Demand + Supply + Quality + Quantity How much does the marketplace wants what you have? How much supply is there? The less supply the more valuable it becomes. How good are your products and services? How much of your product or service you deliver? 2. Finding out what people want vs. selling them what you think they need. Trying to fill a need is not a great way to market your products. People dont always respond or buy what they need. But they go out of their way to get what they want. The key is to find out what they want. The best way to solve problems is to find out what problems people have. 3. Focus on solving problems What problems can I solve for others? People buy solutions to their problems. When they go to look for something online, theyre looking for a solution to

something. It could be minor or major, but theyre still looking for a solution. The more solutions we can provide, the more money we attract. Why should people give you their money? I can tell you this it is not because you have something to sell that doesnt make a difference. People have stuff to sell all day long, so you can forget about that. Just because you have something to sell, even if it is a great product or service, it doesnt mean people want to buy it. If you do have something to sell and your family and friends are buying it, it doesnt mean you can become wealthy selling it. More than likely the only reason they are buying it is because they are your friend or because they love you. But lets get real. People dont buy things just because somebody has something to sell. People buy things to solve some sort of a problem they have, whether it is a serious problem or its fun problem. It could be one of entertainment or finances or something else. But the bottom line is this: You need to be able to satisfy a problem in the marketplace or in the company that you work for in such a unique way that your employer is willing to give you a raise or your customers are willing to buy from you because you have helped solve an immediate and pressing problem.

Ask yourself, what solution can I offer to people who have a specific desire, a specify craving or a specific yearning? Whatever solution you offer - People have to crave it. People have to have an appetite for it. 4. Increasing the quality and the quantity of your services How can I increase the quantity and the quality of the service I provide? Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich refers to a QQS formula for success in marketing. Quality + Quantity + the proper Spirit of cooperation. If you work for a company, identify the problems that have gone unsolved very specific problems and find a way to solve them. Thats going to immediately raise your level of contribution and your worth to your company. That helps you accelerate though the ranks of your company to get raises and become overqualified for your current position. Keep in mind the only reason you are in your current position and making the amount of money you are now is because you have not made yourself

overqualified for that position by solving your companys immediate problems. You may resist this idea, but it is the truth. You are getting paid what you are worth to you company, whether you agree with it or not. If you run a business you need to know and identify the specific problems in your marketplace. You must be very specific. You want look at that problem and you want to give them the solution. 5. Use leverage Creating additional revenue from existing customers, by providing add-ons, or back end products. Every business can think of creating additional revenue sources with their existing customers. Automate systems to free you up. With technology it can be done easily with some businesses. Hire more people to duplicate what you do. MLM/Network marketing companies have figured this out a long time ago. That if you recruit more people, you sell more products and services. Ask yourself, how can I duplicate myself so I make money when Im not in front of a customer? Create residual streams of income. It could be products that pay a residual fee or commission. Or a membership program. 6. Understanding that everyone gets paid a commission Regardless of how you get paid, you get paid for results. Adopting the attitude from Jim Rohns quote that Profits are better than wages By providing quality service and getting paid for productivity, we can dictate our income. 7. Doing more than expected It will comeback to you in multiples. Its another universal law of Giving/Receiving. If you do more, you get more.

Many companies out there advertise all these great things about their product or service. People put all these great superlatives on their resumes. Then they get hired, or somebody who retains their services or buys their products and it under-performs or they under-perform.

The person who purchased the product or service feels let down or even worse cheated. Why? Because they didnt make the solution bigger than the promise. Even if you sell yourself like crazy, your goal must always be sure that all those big promises you are making about your product, your service or yourself is still nothing compared to the results of what you can deliver. Do you know what happens when you do that? People dont just come to you once to get their problem solved they will come to you again and again and again. And if you run any kind of company I am sure you know it is really important for people to come to you again and again because having people buy from you just once will put money in your pocket, but it will not create wealth. Let me repeat that. You create wealth by having people come back again and again over and over with such a high level of overwhelming satisfaction that they are just bursting at the seems wanting to give you more money for new problems that they have. This also applies to their ongoing problems that they feel you have the most satisfying solution, whether it is a temporary one or a permanent one. On top of that, they will start to send other people to you to solve their problems. Thats the secret to permanent and lasting wealth. Define problems and offer solutions. Over-deliver. 8. Understanding that time is the most important asset, and how you spend it will determine the money you make 80/20 rule exists in everything we do. 80% of our business comes from 20% of our customers. 80% of the productivity comes from 20% of the efforts. If you have sales people or downline reps, 80% of your sales come from 20% of the people. The goal is to identify what those top 20% of activities are and who those top 20% of the customers are, and spend 80% of your time on the 20% activities and the top 20% of your customers.

Chapter 6: How to Create a Non-Stop Flow of Cash?

Here is something very important. If you solve small problems you will make small money. If you solve big problems you are going to make big money. The reality is that Cash flows to those who are able to solve peoples pressing problems. Did you get that? Write it down now. Paste it up on the wall and look at it because it is your key to unlimited wealth. There are lot of other ways to go about creating wealth, but this is the best way for the average person with little or no skills to create wealth. It is also the only one that is guaranteed to succeed. Its worth repeating once again that cash flows to those who solve people problems. You see, if you are broke or not making enough money there are only two reasons; One, you are not solving enough problems for people, or two, the problems you are solving are too small. So dont just ask the universe for more money ask for ways to solve more and bigger problems for others. And then the money automatically flows. If you do this, guess what? Your pockets are going to start bulging with money. They are going to burst at the seems and wealth will be yours. People who solve problems are money magnets. They cant stop it from coming. They couldnt stop it if they wanted to. They will die and the money will still be going in their direction. Because the legacy that they built was built around the problem solving model, so the money just continues to flow their way. So remember - money flows to those who solve problems for other people.

Chapter 7: Putting It All Together

Congratulations for reading this whole report. Now the question is what are you going to do with it. One of my favorite quotes is "If you keep doing the same things, you'll get the same results. For things to change, you have to change" It's good to remind yourself of this often. Step1: Start paying attention to your thoughts. Remember where the thought goes, energy flows. And we attract THAT which we pay attention to and think about most of the time. So if you want to become a money magnet, start by planting the thoughts of success into your mind. The Law of Attraction is the same as the Law of Cause and Effect, which says: If you Sow, you will Reap. So you will attract, the question is what? If you plant cucumber seeds, you will not grow tomatoes. You will have cucumbers. And if you want tomatoes you need to plant tomato seeds. If you want money, success, wealth... then you need to think about money, success, wealth, abundance... and develop the beliefs that will support that what you want to attract into your life. Start by affirming the fact that abundance is all around you and that you are attracting everything that you want into your life. Do it for 30 days and watch miracles happen. BUT you must commit to doing it. Doing it for a day or two or three, will probably not get you much results. You've been programming your mind for many years at this point. And you can't change this programming in one day. But if you do this for 30 days, your life will change.

You will have a different outlook on life. You'll see opportunities you didn't even know existed before. But you must commit to start focusing your mind ONLY on those things you want, and not pay attention, think, or dwell upon the things you don't want. Step 2: Start solving problems for others. I want you to do an inventory of yourself or your company. I want you to identify what problems you are solving for people. Not problems you think you are solving, but what problems are you really solving for people? You need to be honest or this exercise is a waste of time. Identify the problems you are solving for other people. Now look at how much money you are making, whether you have a business or you work for somebody else, and ask yourself this question, Am I solving problems for those people? If you work for someone else, ask yourself, Can I easily be replaced? If you can easily be replaced, then you have very little value to your company as a problem solver. Look at what you're making now. Are the problems you are solving small? Then more than likely you have small income or revenue. The size of the problems you solve will impact the amount of wealth that you can build. You need to understand supply and demand. Where there is a huge demand and a small supply, the price of the supply goes up. What I am asking you to do is to start looking for a problem that needs a solution. Even if there is a ton of solutions already, maybe there is no one satisfactory solution. What if you used a little creativity and came up with a killer solution? I mean a solution that really works. The demand can go up because you are the only one with that solution, or maybe there is just a handful of others that has a matching solution the supply becomes very limited so you are able to raise the price and make more money. When you solve peoples problems in your company or in your business - thats how you create wealth. That how you get cash to flow to you.

Using The Mind Method

I want to now introduce you to the Mind Method. Everything you want in your life can be attracted to you by using the Power of Your Mind and so hence is the Mind Method. The Mind Method is a simple but powerful method, easy to implement and takes less than 10 minutes a day to start using. The Mind Method works by helping you achieve focused concentration and desire on what you want. By doing the exercises you'll discover how quickly it acts to help you and, if you don't know what you want yet...

... the Mind Method can help you generate the focus and desire you need to find your purpose in life, then help you get what you want.
It's all about learning to connect your inner world of thoughts and feelings to the outer world of results you experience, to achieve the desired outcome not by some mere chance or luck, but by deliberate creation, thus KNOWING in advance what your outcome will be. I'm am confident that by doing these exercises on a daily basis you can gain full control of your life and achieve anything you truly desire.

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