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The Old Mansion By Adam Lee Bai Han

ACT I Scene 1 Lloyd is on a school trip to Melacca in the year-end school holidays. However, Lloyd is not interested in the trip and is bored for most of the time. Lenard, Lloyds friend, planned to walk out into the streets with Lenard at night while everyone is sleeping and wander the city on their own. LENARD (Whispering while waking Lloyd) Come on, wake up. We dont have much time. LLOYD (Rubbing eyes and whispering) Are you sure about this? LENARD (Whispering) Seriously, we dont have much time! We will be waking everyone up if you dont hurry up! LLOYD (Whispering) All right. Lloyd wakes up. They both tiptoe towards the door. Lloyd looks around to make sure nobody is awake. Then, he slowly opens the door and steps out. They head towards the elevators. LLOYD You know, we are breaking every single rule doing this. If we are caught, were in big trouble. LENARD (Smiling) Dont worry, well return before anybody wakes up. Noone will even notice that were gone. LLOYD How can you be so sure of that? LENARD (Grinning) You just have to trust me. Scene 2 Lloyd and Lenard are walking beside the road. The hotel is a 10-minutes walk away from the town. Suddenly, it began to rain heavily.


CONTINUED: LLOYD Oh no, its raining. LENARD (Pointing to a old building beside the road ahead of them) There! Well get shelter over there!


They ran to the old building, which was fenced. The gates were unlocked, so they pushed it open and ran to the front porch. LLOYD (Gasping) Im all wet! This is all your fault! I shouldnt have come! LENARD Well, be grateful that we have found this old house for shelter. Lets just wait for the rain to recede. Lloyd turns back and investigates the old wooden front doors. He turns the knob and it gave. LLOYD The doors unlocked. Do you think we should see whats inside? LENARD Are you insane? We dont know who does this house belongs to. And, it could be haunted! Who knows! LLOYD Dont be ridiculous. Theres no such thing as ghosts in this world. Im going in. LENARD What? Dont! Im telling you, we shouldnt be entering this house! LLOYD You are such a coward. Fine, you can stay outside. I wont be long. Ignoring Lenard, Lloyd steps into the dark house. He took out a small torchlight that he kept in his pocket, and shone it around the house. Suddenly, the doors banged shut and Lloyd is trapped inside. Lloyd turns the knob but it was locked tight! LLOYD Lenard! Did you close the doors? Let me out! LENARD (From the other side of the door) I didnt! It just shut on itself! And the knob wont give. I told you not to enter, didnt I? (CONTINUED)



LLOYD But its too late now isnt it! Please Lenard, you gotta find me a way out! LENARD Dont worry. Ill figure something out. Try exploring the house, see if you can find another way out! LLOYD Are you crazy!? Im not walking alone in this creepy old house! LENARD Well, who told you to enter it in the first place? You dont have a choice. LLOYD All right, maybe Ill find another way out. Lloyd tries the windows but they were locked as well. He flashes his torchlight around the room, and finds old and dirty furniture everywhere. There was a door at a corner. LLOYD Theres a door here! Ill try it and see what I find there! This time, there was no response. LLOYD Lenard, are you there!? Lenard! Again, no response. After a while, Lloyd gives up on waiting and walks to the door, and turns the knob. It gave. Scene 3 Lloyd finds himself in a room full of mirrors. He sees his reflection everywhere. Suddenly, the lights were turned on above him. A voice called out from somewhere. MYSTERIOUS VOICE Welcome to the maze of mirrors! Getting out of here is very easy. If you find your way out of this maze in, say, 30 minutes, you survive. If not, hahahahahahahahahaha..... LLOYD Who are you and what do you want with me? I dont want to play this stupid game of yours and I want to get out of here!




MYSTERIOUS VOICE Why, it is not important to know who I am. What matters is if you are able to find your way out of the maze of mirrors! Your time begins now! Let the game begin! Lloyd begins to panic, but he knows he has no choice. He needs to find his way out of the maze, and he has a limited time. It was do or die. 28 MINUTES LATER Lloyd is sweating all over. He looks at his watch, it has been almost 30 minutes. He cant find his way out. Every corner he turns, its more and more mirrors. LLOYD Let me out! This is not fun! If you wanted to scare me, you got it right! I truly am scared! Now let me out! MYSTERIOUS VOICE Your time is almost out. Hahahahahahahahaha... Lloyd looks at his watch again. 29 minutes has passed. He needs to do something. He looks at the mirrors. Then, with no regard for his safety, he smashed himself against it. It broke and Lloyd fell forward. Glass shatters all around him. He took a piece of shattered glass and puts it in his pocket. He finds a flight of ladders and a door ahead. He runs for it. Scene 4 Lloyd opened the door, and finds himself in a lighted room. A man wearing a scary mask was standing in front of him. On his right hand, he points a pistol to a person kneeling beside him. It was Lenard. His mouth was taped and he was tied up. He looks scared. Behind them, were a series of monitors of the glass maze. MYSTERIOUS MAN Ah, thinking youre cheating your way out of the maze of glass? Brave little thing, arent you? LLOYD Youre crazy! We have nothing to do with you but why do you want to kill us? MYSTERIOUS MAN Crazy, what they say. Maybe I am, maybe not. But the game is not over. Its always on. You have a choice. Your life or your friends. You make the choice. Only one can survive. (CONTINUED)



LLOYD But why do you want our life? Why cant you just let us go! Please! MYSTERIOUS MAN No! Only one can leave. Or I kill both of you. LLOYD Why are you doing this! Just let us go and nothing would have happened! The mysterious man points his gun at Lloyd. MYSTERIOUS MAN I dont like to wait. Better hurry up with your decision. LLOYD Fine, you can take mine. As long as you promise youll keep Lenard safe. Lenard shakes his head wildly, but he was showing gratitude in his eyes. The mysterious man pulls the pistol slide, and prepares to shoot Lloyd LLOYD Wait! Before I die, can I talk to Lenard for one last time? The mysterious man hesitates for a while. MYSTERIOUS MAN All right. But not too long. Get on with it. Lloyd slowly walks to Lenard, who was kneeling beside the mysterious man. He kneels down beside him. LLOYD Hey, man. Dont worry. Once hes done with me, youll be safe. Lenard was shaking his head. His expression was grief LLOYD I have no choice. I started this. I will take responsibility. Lenard looked sad, but he understood. They had no choice. MYSTERIOUS MAN Thats enough.




Lloyd slowly stands up. Then, with a swift movement, he put his hands into his pocket and took out the glass shattering and dig it into the chest of the mysterious man. The mysterious man was taken by surprise, and falls backward in pain. Lloyd quickly unties Lenard. Then, they opened the door at the back of the room, which led to a series of stairs down to the backyard of the house. They climbed down, and ran back to the hotel. Scene 5 Lloyd and Lenard goes straight to the teachers room, and woke everyone up. The teachers were shocked to see Lloyds shirt soaked in red. Mrs Lyon, their teacher runs up to them. LLOYD (Gasping) Mrs Lyon! There was an old house! A mad man! Trapped us inside! A glass maze! Threatened to kill us! But we managed to get out! MRS LYON Oh, my! You need to slow down! Tell us what happened! And whyre your clothes soaked in red? LENARD Well we found this house down by the road. It began to rain so we ran to it for shelter. And Lloyd went in, but got trapped inside. LLOYD Yeah, and there was a maze of glasses. This mad guy, he said he gave me 30 minutes to find my path out, or Ill be dead. I have no choice, but to smash through the glass. LENARD While I was looking for another way in, something hit my head from behind. The next I woke up, I was in this strange room with this strange guy, all taped and tied up. LLOYD So I find my way up to the control room where the mad guy got Lenard in hostage. He asked me to choose between my life and Lenards. Of course I chose mine. This was all my fault, and I had to take responsibility. But just before the mad guy was about to shoot me, I remembered picking up a piece of glass in my pocket. I thought I could hurt him with it. I told him to let me speak with Lenard one last time so I can get close to him, then I dug that glass into his chest. He fell over and blood was tickling out.




LENARD Lloyd untied me and we got out. Then we headed here. MRS LYON Oh, my, I sure hope you boys arent lying about this. We need to contact the police. And why are you two out this late at night!? Lloyd and Lenard looked at each other and shrugged. Scene 6 The police wheeled an injured man out from the old house and into an ambulance car. Lloyd and Lenard sat aside. They were flooded by friends asking what had happened. A police officer approaches them. OFFICER Which ones of you are the ones kidnapped? Lloyd and Lenard walks up to the officers. OFFICER Are you guys alright? LLOYD AND LENARD Yeah OFFICER That guy is a criminal wanted for the murder and disappearance of several other people. You were their ninth and tenth victims, and the only ones to make it out alive. You were very lucky. But what are you doing at a place like that by yourselves at this time? LLOYD We were running from the rain. And curiosity got the better of me, so. OFFICER Well, you ought to be more careful. Shouldnt hang around dark places like these. Next time, you wouldnt be so lucky. I need you two to follow me back to the station for information. LLOYD AND LENARD Sure. Lloyd and Lenard follows the officer into the vehicle and back to the police station. The End

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