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KON-KURD! Adress: 41 Rue Jean Stas 1060 Bruxelles,Belgiuque 1el: -32 2 64 99 53 . BL58 00116252389 kod.

GLBABLBB lortisbank Bruxelles

Konto Nr: 001-1625238-3 e-mail: lL\-KOM Austurya, \LK-KOM Almanya, lLK-BLL Belika, lL\-KURD
Danimarka lL\KA-.85'67$1)UDQVD)('-KOM lollanda, lLD-%,5QJLOWHUH)(.$5-.85',67$1VYLoUH.XUGLVND5nGHWVYHo


We condemn Lhe arresL of Mr ?llmaz Crkan, Lhe vlce presldenL of Lhe ConfederaLlon of kurdlsh
AssoclaLlons ln Lurope (kCn-ku8u) whlch has 12 federaLlons and 163 assoclaLlons ln Lurope, AusLralla,
and Canada. Mr Crkan ls a depuLy head for Lhe lasL Lhree years and also a member of Lhe kurdlsh
naLlonal Congress (knk). Mr Crkan was deLalned on 24 March 2013 ln Lhe ZavenLem AlrporL/8russels
and 8 l 8 S n C M
Crkan was on hls way Lo 1unlsla Lo aLLend Lo Lhe World Soclal lorum 2013.

Mr. Crkan ls a kurdlsh dlplomaL and a peace acLlvlsL, who has been worklng wlLh, and ls very well
known by Lhe Luropean arllamenL ln 8russels and SLrasbourg as well as Lhe Councll of Lurope. Pe has
acLlvely parLlclpaLed ln many lnLernaLlonal forums such as Senegal, 8angladesh, 8razll and SouLh
Af C M 1 W S l beLween 26-
30 March 213. Cver 30 Lhousand lnLernaLlonal neLworks and organlsaLlons from 127 counLrles
expecLed Lo parLlclpaLe. d t ^ & !"#$%&'( )%$*%%#( *!+%#( ,#-(
+%#( *.!( '$&"//0%( $!( )"10-( -%+!2&,234( %5",01$3( 6!&( ,004( '!01-,&1$34( 7"'$12%( ,#-( 8%,2%( $!( 8&!$%2$( $.%(

We see Lhls arresL as a conLlnuaLlon of Lhe crlmlnallsaLlon of kurds by Lhe Luropean SLaLes such as
Cermany, lrance, Lngland and 8elglum. uouble-sLandards ln Lhese counLrles allow for Lhe sysLemaLlc
harassmenL of kurdlsh lnsLlLuLlons, arresLlng admlnlsLraLors and members and prohlblLlng Lhelr
acLlvlLles, raldlng Lhelr offlces. lurLhermore, we see all of Lhese as parL of Lhese L S
pollLlcal concepL of k 1urkey. We say Lwo-faced democracy of Lurope because Lhere
ls a clear lack of compllance wlLh baslc human rlghLs l
fallure Lo proLecL llfe of Lhree kurdlsh women acLlvlsLs ln arls and lLs relucLance Lo conducL a full
lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhelr murder.
We regreL LhaL Lhe followlng arresLs and murders colnclde wlLh Lhe peace process Look place ln 2009
and Lhe presenL one sLarLed for Lhe lasL couple of monLhs beLween 1urkey and Lhe kurds: Mr. Adem
uzun, a dlplomaL, who was ln peace negoLlaLlons ln Cslo wlLh 1urkey on behalf of Lhe kurds, was
arresLed ln CcLober 2012 by Lhe lrench CovernmenL. Mlss lldan uogan was a kurdlsh dlplomaL well
known by Lhe lrench CovernmenL, Mlss Saklne Canslz and Mlss Leyla Saylemez were women peace
acLlvlsLs, all of Lhem were assasslnaLed ln !anuary 2013 ln arls. 8ecenLly, Mr ?llmaz Crkan, kurdlsh
dlplomaL arresLed upon Lhe requesL of Lhe Spanlsh [udlclary on 24
March 2013. We undersLand LhaL,

KON-KURD! Adress: 41 Rue Jean Stas 1060 Bruxelles,Belgiuque 1el: -32 2 64 99 53 . BL58 00116252389 kod. GLBABLBB lortisbank Bruxelles
Konto Nr: 001-1625238-3 e-mail: lL\-KOM Austurya, \LK-KOM Almanya, lLK-BLL Belika, lL\-KURD
Danimarka lL\KA-.85'67$1)UDQVD)('-KOM lollanda, lLD-%,5QJLOWHUH)(.$5-.85',67$1VYLoUH.XUGLVND5nGHWVYHo

all Lhese evenLs are Lhe parL of blgger sLraLegy of Lurope agalnsL kurdlsh represenLaLlves Lo exerL
pollLlcal pressure.
kon-kurd urges Spanlsh and Lu auLhorlLles Lo release kon-k vlce-presldenL Mr ?llmaz Crkan
lmmedlaLely. We also demand some of Lhe Luropean SLaLes such as Cermany, lrance, Lngland and
8elglum Lo sLop playlng lnLrlgues on kurds and lnsLead supporL Lo resolve Lhe kurdlsh quesLlon by
peaceful and democraLlc means.
kon-kurd ManagemenL CommlLLee

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