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Questions for Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

General Peter Pace

General Pace assumed his current position on October 1, 2001

Served as Commander in Chief, US Southern Command, from 8 September 2000 -

30 September 2001
Served as Director of Operations (J3)from 5 August 1996 - 23 November 1997

General Questions
A. Background questions

Military Planning
Note: The purpose of this section is to obtain an understanding of the process that would
have led to the development of plans in DoD after August 1998, including who has
ultimate authority to "put the plans on the shelf. "

A. Describe your role in the development of military plans within the Joint
Chiefs of Staff.

B. Please detail the process in which plans are developed within JCS and the
CC's upon a request for such plans from the Secretary of Defense or the CJCS
(e.g., plans for military action in Afghanistan).

1. Please detail the process of deliberation of those plans among the

commands. For example, incorporating reaction from USSOCOM,
JSOC and SOCCENT to plans developed by GENICOM.

2. Who within the DoD structure is the ultimate decision maker for
options. For example, can the Combatant Commander of CENTCOM
determine options for military operations to take place within his
command should not be further developed and instead, "put on the

i. What is the approval process for these plans?

3. Once a contingency plan is placed on the shelf, how often is it


Khobar Towers
A. We recognize you assumed office as J3, JCS, after the 1996 Khobar Towers
attack. However, what do you recall was the attitude of those at the Joint Staff
when you assumed command of the J3 (on August 6,1996) regarding KT?
B. What was your view regarding the DoD response to the KT incident, which
was to increase force protection for U.S. troops

Secretary Rumsfeld's Memorandum and Military CT Efforts

A. Is DoD winning the global war on terrorism (GWOT)?

B. What are some of the specific changes that have taken place within OSD
(policy formulation and structure) in its effort to win the GWOT?
a. What other changes are needed to better fight the GWOT?

C. President Bush and Secretary Rumsfeld have discussed the defense

transformation that is central to winning the Global War on Terrorism. In January
2002, Rumsfeld outlined six key transformational goals in a Speech at the
National Defense University. General Myers stated that his goal is to foster
changes that result in a dramatic improvement over time in the way a combatant
commander wages war. Please update us on how defense transformation is
progressing regarding its effect to win the GWOT.

A. Is DoD changing fast enough to fight the GWOT?

B. How is success in the GWOT measured? What are the metrics by which
success is measured?

C. Does the U.S. have a broad, integrated and comprehensive plan to combat
terrorism? Are the various instruments working well together (diplomacy,
intelligence, military, financial, etc)

D. Describe the adequacy of intelligence provided today to the warfighter? Has it

improved since 9-11? If so, in what ways?

1. Are you satisfied with the quality of the intelligence you receive? Is
the quality of the analysis up to your standards?

E. Assess the role of the Predator in the war in Afghanistan post 9-11.

F. You were not in you current office during the October 2000 USS Cole attack.
However, we would like to hear your views on the U.S. response. For
example, the focus on law enforcement and no military response.

G. Provide an assessment of joint CT operations between the CIA and SOFs post
1. Should there be a joint force of CIA paramilitary and SOFs rather than
two separate entities to combat terrorism?

H. Discuss the role of NORTHCOM, its subordinate commands and the new
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense in CT efforts within the

I. Discuss your understanding of the decision making process leading to the

establishment of SOCOM as a supported command in the GWOT.

J. What role can the military play in winning the hearts and minds of those who
might one day become our enemies. Is this part of the DoD GWOT mission?

K. In your view, how prepared was the military to mount a large conventional
operation after 9-11? Do you know if there were any plans on the shelf for this
type of action?

L. Lessons learned

M. Recommendations

N. What should we have asked?

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