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meets at the Farm Centre, 420 University Ave.

Charlottetown, PE Sunday mornings 10:00 am - 12:00 PM

March 31, 2013

Mercy 5

by Tom Zawacki
Serving This Sunday
Greeters Jane and Parnell Watts Worship Team TBA Communion Preparation Bernice Gallant OFFERING COLLECTION Kimble, John, Bernice Speaker Tom Zawacki Sound Bram Hamming Media Willy Hamming Toddler Ministry Carol Sudsbury & TBA CHILDRENs Ministry Laurie MacPhee & TBA Prayer Ministry Teams TBA Clean Up - TEAM F Greg & Debbie MacKinnon (lead), Errol & Shelagh Campbell, Garfield MacDonald, Cleve & Heather Meyers, Anthony McAndrew, and Brian Read.

This past Sunday I continued my series on Mercy by taking a look at the prophet Hosea. Jesus quotes Hosea twice in Matthews gospel, first in Chapter 9 and then again in Chapter 12. In both accounts hes challenging the Pharisees understanding of Hosea 6:6: For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. The Pharisees repeatedly complained about Jesus apparent violations of their religious regulations. Jesus responds with the example of Hoseas incredible prophetic life. Some prophets speak prophetic words; others are required to live prophetic lives. Hosea was the latter. The call on Hoseas life was to be a living example of Gods love for Israel. In Hosea 1:2, God tells Hosea to do something very unusual, especially unusual for a publicly recognized holy man of God. Go, take to yourself an adulterous wife and children of unfaithfulness, because the land is guilty of the vilest adultery in departing from the Lord. In great obedience and at great personal sacrifice to his heart as well as his reputation, this holy man of God, this well known prophet does it, he marries Gomer. Gomer betrays Hosea again and again with her unfaithfulness. Scripture says she had many lovers; she abandoned her husband and their children and entered a life of prostitution.Yet, still Hosea loves her, still he provides for her. According to Mosaic Law Hosea could have had Gomer stoned to death for her unfaithfulness but instead he chose mercy over the sacrifice of Gomers life. Hosea made the decision to NOT give Gomer what she deserved. As time went on Gomer lost her beauty and was no longer able to make money as a prostitute so she was sold into slavery. Again God speaks to his prophet Hosea. continued on page 2


Mercy 5 continued from page 1

Charlottetown Community Church & Surrounding Community The Presence of God That we Live Loved That we Live Love That we Live Supernaturally Laurie MacPhees nephew & sister Recovery & support for him and his family. Jane Watts niece Healing, prompt medical care & comforting peace. Trevena MacLeods mother Healing, freedom from pain, lifted spirits & support for her and her family. Marsha McAndrews friend Tanya Badgley & her mother, Connie Healing for Connie, support and comfort for her family. Melanie Taylors daughter Jessica Healing and lifted spirits. Jack McAskill A healthy new liver, a speedy transplant, healing & recovery, lifted spirits & support. Donna MacDonald Healing, freedom from pain, lifted spirits & support for her and her family. Lori Nelsons father Healing from surgery, radiation, and chemo, lifted spirits & support for him and his family. Lori McDonalds friend Jen Healing from cancer, lifted spirits & support for her and her family. Karen Gallants grandson Oliver Healing and support for him and his family.

Then God ordered me,Start all over: Love your wife again, your wife whos in bed with her latest boyfriend, your cheating wife. Love her the way I, God, love the Israelite people, even as they flirt and party with every god that takes their fancy. 2-3I did it. I paid good money to get her back. It cost me the price of a slave.Then I told her,From now on youre living with me. Hosea 3:1-3 (The Message)

As an example of Gods great love and mercy to us Hosea pays the price to set Gomer free from her slavery, takes her home and loves her again. My friends, Gods ways are not our ways. May we take Jesus words to heart and learn for ourselves what it means when he says: I desire mercy not sacrifice. Happy Easter, Tom


CHURCH FINANCES Four Week Average Giving: $1,938.16 Four Week Average Needed: $2,000.00 Lets keep praying for God to supply all we need! Community Good Friday Service 10:30 AM, March 29 Location: Community Baptist Church 162 Sherwood Rd, Charlottetown Tom Zawacki Preaching Spiritual Gifts Workshop WITH TOM ZAWACKI 7:00 PM, Thursdays Beginning April 11th Location: Room 107 at the Farm Centre Bring a notebook and a Bible. The workshop will include: Introduction to Spiritual Gifts Dream Basics Dream Elements Common Dreams Metaphoric Thinking Introduction to Visions Strange Biblical Events How to Give a Prophetic Word PracticalExercises Atlantic Vineyard Regional Gathering May 3-4, 2013 Location: Saint John Vineyard Guest Speaker: David Ruis Online Registration at
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Sundays 9:15 - 9:45 a.m. in the Farm Centre boardroom (second floor to the right at the top of the stairs). Anyone interested is welcome to join.


There is lots going on, be free, go where the life is, family first. Church website is now updated with all activities.


WORSHIP TEAMS If you have been thinking that you would like to take part in or lead worship on Sundays please contact John McDonald on Facebook, by email at, or call or text at (902) 213-0504.


Womens Becoming Group There will be no meetings until April. See Lindsay Perry for more information Mens GROUP 6:00 PM, Wednesday, April 17th Location - Tom Zawackis Movie Night Braveheart See Tom Zawacki for more information YOUTH GROUP 7:00 PM, Friday evenings Location - Carl & Sheryl Friedrichs This group is for teenaged youth. For information, contact Carl or Sheryl Friedrich. MOMS & TOTS GROUP

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CHILDRENS MINISTRY If you are interested in volunteering in Childrens Ministry, contact Laurie MacPhee. If you are interested in working with the Toddler Ministry, contact Marsha McAndrew. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The Sunday morning service requires a large number of volunteers. If you can help, email, put a note on the Facebook page, sign one of the sheets in the lobby, or mention it to one of the leaders. Positions we are often looking to have help with are:

A Charlottetown Community Church Group


10:00 AM, Wednesday mornings Location - Contact Michelle Barton for location For information, contact Michelle. The Parenting Children Course 7:45 PM, Wednesdays starting March 6. 10-week small groupfor those parenting 0-10 year olds For more Information please contact Ian or Natasha Hall at 314-9395 or email Natasha at natasha@ OPEN TABLE Weeks of March 25th and April 4th For information, contact Shelagh Campbell or Natalie Simmons. LADIES BOOK CLUB 7:00 PM Wednesdays at Linda MacFarlanes Home 51 Candlelight Park in North River He Loves Me by Wayne Jacobsen This week theyll be discussing Chapter 11.

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Your Prayers Matter Because You Do

When I was a high schooler, my friends and I spent a Friday night in a part of the county where we did not belong. As far as my parents knew, I was at the local ice creamery enjoying a treat with my friends. Actually, we were twenty miles away from home, in the country, looking for fun on a country road. We didnt have fun. Instead, we had a flat. The spare tire was flat, too. We had no other option except to call my dad. I rousted him out of bed at the midnight hour. He drove his truck out into the back roads and found us. We fixed the tire and drove home. When we reached the house he sat me down in the living room and gave me a good talk. He took away my car keys. He took away my privileges. But then, surprisingly, he took away my fear by saying, Max, Im upset with you. But I understand the temptations. I remember what it is like to be a teenager. Dad, a teen? Shocking thought. But he remembered. God, a human? Stunning truth. But he remembers. We dont have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. Hes been through weakness and testing, experienced it allall but the sin. (Hebrews 4:15 MSG) There is never a time that he responds to your prayer with this thought: I just dont get it. He knows how you feel. And, this is huge, he knows what you need before you ask him. (Mt. 6:8) You dont have to write your own prescription. God doesnt need our counsel or advice. Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear. (Isa. 65:24) People sometimes say, Be careful what you pray for, God will give it to you. Hogwash. If you dont need it, he wont give it. He loves you too much to give you the wrong answer. Is God no more than a computer, programmed to respond to the data you enter? By no means! He is your Father who says: I know the thoughts I think towards youthoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hopecall upon me and pray to me and I will listen to you. (Jer. 29:11) Prayer is only as good as God is. Since he is good, so is prayer. Prayer works because he does. Prayer changes things because God changes things. Prayer makes a difference because God has determined to make a difference. Prayer matters because you matter to God.
2012 Max Lucado


Habitat for Humanity PEI looking for volunteers Habitat for Humanity is always looking for volunteers to help with the construction of homes, in the ReStores, on their committees and in the affiliate offices as well. If you are interested in becoming part of their volunteer team, or would like more information, please contact Emily at (902) 367-3041 or

CAN SUNDAY DONATIONS FOR THE FOOD BANK Weekly, a box is placed in the lobby to collect donations for the Food Bank or for families that we recognize are in need. Any non-perishable items are greatly appreciated.

Charlottetown Community Church

Part of the Vineyard Network in Canada P.O. Box 1081 Charlottetown, PE C1A 7M4

Pastor Tom Zawacki (902) 892-5001

If you would like to get something in the newsletter (prayer request, FACEBOOK announcement, etc.), please email it to by Joining the Charlottetown Community Church Facebook group is the fastest way to get up to the minute news, prayer Wednesday of each week. requests and get in on discussions. Check it out today!
Our desire is to be a community of grace that presents Jesus in a relevant way reaching our city and beyond with the love of God.

Our Mission is Possible:

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