Christ's Chronicles Issue No 86

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March 2013

Issue 86

The Christs Chronicles

Welcome to the latest issue of Christs Schools newsletter
Future events for your diary
15th April 17th/18th April 22nd April Staff INSET Day-except for year 11 students who will be following their normal lessons Academic Review from 1pm by appointment PTA Meeting at 7pm P.E. Year 10 GCSE Trip 26th April 29th April 1st May 6th May 7th May 11th May 18th May 27th/31st May French Trip for Year 7 students depart French trip for Year 7 return HPV Vaccinations (3) Year 8 girls Bank holiday-School closed Year 7 Parents Evening 3.30pm to 6.30pm Richmond May Fair 300th Anniversary Celebrations Half Term Inside this issue:
Spanish Exchange New Homework Science Enrich PTA News Taster Day Year 10 Careers Jasper Spires Dorsa Nasrollahi 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7

Special points of interest:

Reviews Coming

Sports News Messages Requests Advertising

Yr 8 Geography
House News

8/9 10 12 14 16

Please check the school sports board for up to date weekly fixtures You can also check the school events calendar, which is updated regularly for more diary dates on our website at

Sports News Ruths Message Advertising Holidays

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The Christs Chronicles

Spanish Exchange in London

Spanish exchange students spent a week at Christs and despite the very bitter English weather they and our students all had a wonderful time. The Spanish students spent Friday in school and were most impressed. They could not believe how lucky we are to have such wonderful facilities including the sport fields, sport hall, drama hall, dedicated subject rooms, canteen, computers, library, smart boards everywhere...and most importantly happy people! However there was one thing that impressed our Spanish partners the most as they saw and experienced our school in one of the busiest weeks of the year: Comic Relief!! During this week the whole school got together to support, contribute and give in many different ways. There were many fundraising activities and the Spanish students had the opportunity to feel and experience our community spirit. Ms Campa
Also, thanks to Miss Conte, our Spanish exchange students enjoyed a food technology lesson where they learnt to make our traditional English scones.

Very soon we will be preparing our next Spanish Exchange. Make sure you dont miss this great opportunity to learn Spanish, have fun and make new friends.

Mathematics Master Class

Well done to Sandra Arezina and Thomas Goodyear who successfully completed six Mathematics Master Classes run by the Royal Institution at Kingston University. Around sixty Year 9 students from local schools attended the master classes on a Saturday morning, which were aimed to enthuse and excite young people about mathematics.

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New homework VLE via the school website

Mr Ridley has been working hard over the past couple of months developing stage 1 of our very own bespoke VLE software. This will enable teachers to put homework and resources online via the school website. All pupils (and parents) will then be able to access this work via their usual system login and password. Pupils will be presented with a front page of all their 'open' homework activities, the resources needed, and when they are due by. There is also an online submission option or the teacher may request to submit the work in class. Mr Raisin will be training all pupils after Easter on how to use this fantastic new resource, and we encourage all parents to login and have a browse (using the pupil login and password) once the system is live. We expect the functionality of the new VLE to increase once it becomes routine for teachers to be setting homework on the VLE, and pupils are routinely accessing and submitting work from home (or after school in the library). This increased function should include online marking and assessment. Everyone will be able to use the new system after Easter at: Mr Butler

Science Enrichment: Crime Scene Investigation (CSI)

We took eight keen and able year 10 scientists down to Stroud's college in Egham to take part in a Crime Scene Investigation (CIS) competition on Thursday 21st March. It was a real cold case murder committed in January 1977 and although there were 3 suspects no body was charged at the time. They were given case file notes, some objects and clothing found at the scene and access to microscope. The students had to carryout chromatography tests, fibre analysis, lift and identify fingerprints, produce a photo fit image of their suspect as they think they would look now and match DNA samples (that had become available later in the early 1990s). Points were awarded for each task. The students worked wonderfully as a team methodically piecing all the evidence together. In the final round Cleo presented all the evidence to the other schools and organiser in a clear and convincing manner to ensure that we came away the winners.

Picture (l-R) Ellie, Luca, Cleo, Megan, Josh, Will, Jack and Milly

Mrs Georgina Young 10E Tutor / G&T Coordinator

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PTA News
Quiz Evening 15th March Thank you to everyone who helped make this years quiz a huge success. It was a fun and enjoyable evening with great company, delicious food and wine and Mr Burke making us all laugh. We made a very respectable profit of 1,512 which will go towards buying new athletics equipment for the summer term. Photographs Compliments of Vicki Sharp Photography May Fair Saturday 11th May The PTA has a stall at the prestigious Richmond May Fair. As well as raising money this is a great opportunity to exhibit the school to the wider community. There will be the excitement of a tombola for which we will be asking parents and carers to contribute wine and chocolates. Also, people will be invited to bid at our fantastic silent auction so please start asking local businesses, shops and restaurants to donate vouchers and products as prizes. We will offer plants and cakes for sale, so get ready to do some gardening and plenty of baking. Photographs of the school will be on display and both pupils and parents/carers will be present. Please contact if you would like to help in advance or on the day. Also, please come to the next PTA meeting on Monday 22nd April at 7pm in the music block. Parents Forum Thanks to those who braved the bitter weather to attend the latest Parents Forum meeting where we discussed school Communications the minutes will be forwarded in the next Parent Forum email. We also had an opportunity to question Mr Morris, acting director of Post 16 Education, about different aspects of the proposed 6th form provision, and to feedback our opinions around 6th form uniform policy. The next meeting is on Tuesday 21st May at 7pm in the music block, where we plan to discuss Homework and Progress Tracking.

Richard Burke (compere) and Catherine Harris at the Quiz

Library News
The library is a well-used resource but we are finding that a number of books are not making their way back when finished with. Could I please ask you to ask your sons/daughters to check their bags and book shelves at home for any books that belong in the library. Ms Bell Librarian

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Taster Day at St Marys

On 13th March, 12 Year 10s had a most informative and enjoyable day at St Mary's University which included a tour of their Olympic standard sports facilities and the sports science labs. During the day they worked with undergraduate ambassadors learning about student life including the all-important topic of finance. In the afternoon, the session, which was delivered by academic staff from the teacher training department, went through 'how to be a successful learner' and covered some invaluable skills that will be useful as an undergraduate but also highly relevant now when approaching the final year of GCSE study. Sarah Brown

Year 10 Careers Day

On 20th March, the careers day for Year 10 aimed to help the students have a better understanding about the complexity and variety of careers, the changing nature of jobs, the range of skills valued by employers, how to set goals and understanding the point of a CV. We were delighted to welcome over 30 visitors to the school representing a number of different employment sectors from marketing and journalism, computing, counselling and community policing, architecture and the visual arts, as well as sports and bio-medical sciences. These visitors all met year 10 for a few minutes in a session a bit like a cross between 'What's My Line' and 'Twenty Questions'. The room was certainly buzzing with conversation and the students enjoyed hearing about real experiences. In a second session we had arranged for some business experts to help with a basic CV, talking to the Year 10s about what to include and how to start writing a worthwhile personal statement. We are grateful to IBM and Geoff Parmiter for helping with these sessions. There was also a presentation on some of the vocational courses at Richmond College as well as an activity where students had a mini debate on a given topic connected with further education which helps them think quickly - a useful skills for interviews. The final session was delivered by Karim Al-Abbas from Enlighten Education who aimed to help the students see the point of setting goals and linking decisions with achievement. We also had three speakers talking to the whole year group; Karim got the day off to a lively start with various interactive study skills games and optical illusions. At the end of the day, Vanessa Gough who heads IBM's recruitment centre spoke about the whole process of getting employment and the pitfalls of either forgetting to use the spell checker or assuming something correctly spelt will automatically make sense. My favourite example was a person who wrote that she had had a lot of experience in 'heath and safely'. The final speaker April Barrass from ALPS partnership gave a highly informative talk on apprenticeships, which is a growth sector as far as employment for young people is concerned. Sarah Brown

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Jasper Spires - New Junior Laureate

Jasper Spires in Year 9 won the first prize for his poem in the Arts Richmond Young Writers Competition. He was also appointed "Junior Laureate" for Richmond this year. and

awarded a cheque for 100 from the Malcolm Richards Trust. Here is Jasper's winning entry :

The Prince by Jasper Spires Walk into a house where the walls are clean. Where all seems peaceful but not anymore. Where not a soul is cruel or mean. Where the devil came knocking on the front door. There once was a boy who held a guitar. He loved to play to learn this craft. Played every morning till his fingers would scar. Then the devil came knocking on the front door There is shaft of darkness in a once happy house. Something savours the remains of a boy. In the chimney void of all but a mouse. The devil came knocking on the front door. The boy had a brother vindictive and cruel. He envied his youngers natural gift. Had face so wicked, the face of a ghoul? The devil is knocking on the front door. Then one Monday the parents left. Then the eldest took his chance. Snapped his brothers neck without a second glance with a heft. The devil has knocked on the front door. Hid the body in the chimney gap and picked up a toy. The parents arrived asked where is our boy? He ran said the eldest and left the room. The devil knocks and taps yet again so soon. He left the room with the guitar and an evil smile. The parents wept full of grief and sorrow. He was free from his brother for the while. The devil stops knocking on the front door

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Dorsa Nasrollahi wins the Speak out Challenge

Dorsa Nasrollahi won the Jack Petchey Speak out Challenge, 1st March 2013 - she was excellent and her win was thoroughly deserved. Her speech and all the photos should be on either the Jack Petchey site, You Tube or She now waits to see if she will be chosen for the grand final at Queen Elizabeth Hall. Sarah Brown

AWARD WINNER: Nikki Turnbull March 2013

CITATION: Nikki is awarded the Jack Petchey award for showing great commitment and perseverance to complete her Textiles controlled assessment. She has made a sustained effort and has been attending after school catch up sessions several times a week to get her work finished despite finding the paperwork very hard. She is working really, really hard!

Year 8 Geography London Docklands Trip

Over the last year one of the aims of the Geography Department has been to introduce Key Stage 3 Geography field trips. The value of fieldwork is not simply the geographical value of experiencing landscape features, busy urban streets, unfamiliar cultures, but the journey to the venue itself which helps ground the pupils local environment in the context of the global. It aids motivation and self-development. A new trip Year 8 has recently been on this Half Term was to the London Docklands, Canary Wharf. Students have been studying the urbanisation and regeneration of London and the Docklands provided the perfect venue. Students spent part of the day exploring the local Canary Wharf area, discovering signs of its industrial and trading past and comparing this to the new, modern and sophisticated banking district the area has become. The other part of the day the students spent in the Museum of London Docklands which showcased perfectly what the students had experienced whilst exploring the area. Such trips are critical for students' gaining experience as Tim Brighouse, an education expert says: One lesson outdoors is worth seven inside and we as a department aim to introduce further opportunities throughout Key Stage 3. Mr Roderick

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House News Attenborough House News

Attenborough House have had a very successful term in raising money for the school's Lenten Charity. Attenborough house have raised over three hundred pounds for Charity with more money still to be handed in by various members of Attenborough House. One of the charity events organised by Attenborough House was to run 'Starburkes' for a week, where the Attenborough House Captains set up a stall and sold various confectionary to students at break, lunch and after school, with the profit all going to Charity. There have also been Attenborough students who have worked hard to raise money outside of school under their own initiative. This has included students who ran their own bake sales, students who undertook a sponsored silence and students who organised a car wash. It has been fantastic to see the students work together for such a great award, which culminated with a well deserved Mufti Day on the day of Comic Relief. Prize winners were; Sandra Arezina and Hannah Perks for their hard work in organising the charity events. Thomas Bond for his 100% attendance and strong house point record this half term, Mr Roderick

Turing House News

Turing House raised 467.07 this term for Comic relief, through a range of activities. One of the most popular proved to be the KS4 versus teachers Dodgeball tournament, which raised approximately 60, but also raised the desire for future teacher versus student competitions. Excitement abounded with the MarioKart tournament, raised nearly 80 in total. Last, but by no means least, huge support was shown by Ruth through her culinary skills, and the staff in general, with weekly soup dishes being served in the staffroom. Students from all year groups contributed time, passion, and money to make this years fundraising the most spirited and productive in memory. Ideas are flooding in for future fundraising activities. Mr McPaul

Mr McPaul taking his turn at Sponge the Teacher

Elizabeth House News

Elizabeth House has worked with enthusiasm over the past 5 weeks to raise 471.75 for Comic Relief. Some of the many fundraising events we put on included 'Sponge the Prefect', 'Guess the Sweets in the Jar' and a Valentines Day cake sale. In addition to this we staged two competitions. The first was 'The Great Christ's School Bake Off'. Staff and students were invited to bake their best cake or biscuit. Entries were judged on appearance and then students paid to taste the cakes and vote for their favourite. The second competition was 'Ready Steady Cook' where staff had 30 minutes to bake against the clock.

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The audience of students had great fun seeing their teachers out of their usual comfort zones! The winner was the person whose cakes were snaffled up the quickest by this tough crowd. Overall we have had great fun, made some new friends along the way and raised a lot of money!
Ms Perkins Mrs Mbanefo competing in the Bake Off

Dickens House News

In the two weeks leading up to Comic Relief 2013 students in Dickens House organised and took part in a variety of fundraising activities in order to reach the target total of 300. Students arranged a 'Smarties and Chopsticks Challenge' which proved harder than anticipated and had students and teachers frustrated, yet eagerly competing against each other to transfer the most amount of smarties from one bowl to another. The students also arranged a 'Sponge the Teacher' competition and a superb set of 'stalls' with an enticing pirate theme was erected by Mr Rumsey and Mr Gray. Students were nervous at first, but confidence soon grew when they realised the satisfaction of sponging a teacher! Teachers that participated were Ms Hoyle, Mr Butler, Mr Roderick, Mr McPaul, Ms Young and Mr Edmonson, all sporting goggles and waterproofs! The most popular event was the Doughnut Sale that was held at break and lunch. Dickens House raised 2 per minute during this event. The creativity of our fundraising events was also noticed by the BBC and Red Nose team who came into film 'Dodgeball', 'Sponge the Teacher' and 'Smarties and Chopsticks'. The footage was then used on the Red Nose Day website and on the main BBC show. The Richmond and Twickenham Times also published a story on the events. The top fundraisers from each house in year 7 were taken to Blue Peter's Comic Relief show and made history as it was the last ever live Blue Peter show from BBC Television Centre. The end result was all four houses succeeding their targets and raising almost 1500. A mufti day was then held on Friday 15th. The energy and effort was a mark of how much the students cared about raising money for our Lenten Charity and the lengths they would go to make it a success. A special thanks to the Dickens House Captains for giving up so much of their time. Dickens House winners Spring 2: Tommy Goodyear 9M for 100% attendance for the whole year. Ella McMillan 11M 100% attendance this term. Ned Knight 7A highest achiever of House Points winner randomly selected out of the other highest achievers in each year group. Dickens is currently second in the House Point totals - we are only 31 points behind Attenborough. Miss Moran

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Sports Clubs and Reviews

London Scottish Top Class Coaching We would like to thank London Scottish for a fantastic 6 weeks of top class coaching at Christ's school. Every Tuesday their top professional players have been providing our Year 7-10 boys with tips, tactics and developing their advanced skills. With the numbers growing week to week , we hope our Rugby programme will continue to grow as we look to enter more competitions next year. Basketball Results Some fantastic basketball results from our Basketball teams this term. With our close link to Richmond Knights are Basketball squads have really shown that practise makes perfect with our students training twice a week, we have managed to finish in top places in many of the competitions. Year 7- Runners Up Year 8- Runners Up year 10- Runners Up Year 11- Winners Fantastic results for the boys who competed at the highest standards against some of the bigger schools in the borough. Netball Both year 7's and 8's have performed well in what has been a very cold season. The New Year 7 team have developed a strong side and are coming together as a unit. They have produced some strong results (beating Hampton Academy 7-0) Unfortunately their year tournament was cancelled due to heavy rain and so will be played on Thursday 18th April. Good luck! The year 8 team have a group of dedicated players who continue to regularly attend practise enabling them to build on one another's strengths. They continue to show promising improvements. Well done to both year groups. Miss Needham House basketball In the week before half term it was the year 8/9 combined teams basketball competition. The sports hall was packed out again to watch the finals in which Turing narrowly beat Attenborough to be crowned champions in the boys final and Attenborough beat Elizabeth in the girls final. Sportsmanship, cooperation and fair play were seen by all players- well done. In the year 7 competition, a very strong Dickens team took the championship for the girls; Elizabeth beat Turing in the boys final. Well done to all those who played and supported. Miss Needham

Year 7 Dickens House Basketball winners

Note: All clubs will begin Thursday 18th April, with the exception of cycling (yr. 7's only) which starts on Wednesday 17th April.

Page 11 CYCLING CLUB STARTS AFTER EASTER! Supported by British Cycling, a Cycling Club will start for Year 7 straight after the Easter holidays. Run at school every Wednesday, 12.20 1pm, the club will last 6 weeks. Pupils can bring their own bike and helmet or can be provided with on from British cycling. Places are limited for this exciting new club. Contact if you are interested. ANYONE FOR TENNIS?!!

Issue 86

Year 7 & 8 Tennis players there is a borough competition on Friday 28th June. Let Ms Needham know if you are interested and get practicing!


180 yes 180 6 year olds took part in a fantastic sports festival at Christs on Wednesday 13 th March. All the pupils seem to have a great time and certainly left looking hot, sweaty and happy, clutching their certificates! 24 Christs pupils were on hand to run the event and did a fantastic job. Real enthusiasm and commitment from 9E & M. Well Done guys! 16 of our Year 8 & 9 netball team girls had the fantastic opportunity to attend some fabulous coaching through a new netball club starting at Barn Elms. The girls had a great time consolidating their skills and learning a few new ones with a young Regional player and coach. The club is a great new asset to the area as there is very little available for primary or secondary pupils who are keen to expand on their netball potential. There is a great new junior section for Primary pupils and also a Year 7 11 section as well. The emphasis is on fun and the club aims to start small and really get to know its members. If you would like to find out more contact RACKETLON! An exciting new competition is running soon in Richmond borough. Racketlon is open to pupils in Year 9 12 and involves playing tennis, badminton, squash & table tennis

in a triathlon style competition. There is the opportunity for free coaching sessions on Friday 19 th & 26th April. Further details from Rowing Competition
The Richmond Borough Rowing Competition was cancelled this this term. That was great for Christs pupils as we were unable to attend on the set date! What do I have to do? The Year 7s have to row on an Ergo for 2 minutes, the year 8s for 3 minutes, the year 9s for 4 minutes and Year 10/11 for 5 minutes. How far can you go in that time? It would be great if we could enter a team when the date is rearranged so if you row regularly and would be interested in representing the school please email Thats all for now! Heather Jackson, SSCo, Christs School

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The Christs Chronicles

On Friday 15th March Christ's year 10/11 Football Team played in the Borough Cup Final against Teddington at Beveree the ground of Hampton and Richmond Borough FC. The team went out for the game, in a confident mood having beaten Teddington in an earlier encounter 3-2. It was a very close game with excellent football played by both sides. Christ's were on top in the first twenty minutes but unfortunately went one down to a breakaway goal. Christ's did however equalise before half time. In the second half the game was very even but Teddington had the edge with their pace up front and scored two more break away goals. Unfortunately it was too little too late when Christ's pulled one goal back with two minutes to go. Final result Teddington 3 Christ's 2. Christ's goals scored by Luke Peare and Alfie Steadman. All the team played their hearts out and should be congratulated for their hard work and sportsmanship. Special mentions goes to Ben Harrison who manfully rallied the team and led by example. Mick Greenwood

A Message from our Chaplain Ruth Scott

Dear Parents and Carers, Easter is almost here with its message of the possibility of new life coming out of death-dealing circumstances. Our service on the last day of term will focus on the human experiences of betrayal, courage, grief, love and joy themes embedded in the story of Holy Week and Easter, and in our own lives. In preparation, textiles students under the guidance of Ms Perkins have been making banners representing each experience. Ms Taylor has enabled group discussions in some of her classes around the following questions: Why do friends betray us? What is courage? Why do people feel grief? What difference does love make? What is the difference between happiness and joy? Film clips of their reflections will be fed into the service. During the last half term a Year 11 Lent Group have enjoyed meeting in the Chapel with Nicolas, a member of the local ministry team in the Richmond Team Churches (photo below).

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Once a week, a group of Year 7s have joined me in the Chapel at lunchtime to make Easter decorations while listening to relaxing music. We will use some of these in the Easter service. Lent has been a time of major charity work in school with the Houses raising just over 1,400 to date. The students and staff have collected money through many fun activities that you can read about elsewhere in Christ Chronicles. A member of the Comic Relief team led an assembly for us. As a result of that we then had a BBC film crew coming in to film some of our fund-raising events, most notably Throw a wet sponge at a teacher (always a popular event!), which appeared on the charity website and on television on Red Nose Day. Six students from Year 7, also took up the invitation to be part of the last live broadcast of Blue Peter from Television Centre. Through our weekly Lent lunch of soup and roll the staff contributed over 180. Thank you to those of you who sponsored me to dress up as a penguin and go on the Tube to do my regular slot on Radio 2 with Chris Evans. You raised 176. At the beginning of this week, Year 8s put on an exhibition of the things they had made for their Year 8 challenge, and those who had songs to perform or films to show entertained the Year group. Dominic (8A) spent hours making Warhammer scenery. Arthur (8E) made a copper water feature. Chamindri (8A) and Noor (8B) created some brilliant paintings. Niamh (8B) and Sami (8M) each produced a fabulous film. Cameron (8E) made a lovely bird box with his granddad. Some students learnt stunts. Others developed photo-shop skills. Many students cooked all kinds of food which Ms Campa enjoyed sampling! Here is William (8M) cooking up a lasagne at home. Thank you to all of you who support the students with challenges or in raising money for charity. It makes a huge difference to them and to us. Every blessing this Easter, Ruth (Christs School Chaplain)

On the Tube at Richmond

With Chris Evans in the studio

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Calling all year 11s. The Challenge wants to offer you the chance to come on our summer programme in 2013. Youll have the chance to meet new people, develop your CV and gain skills for sixth form, university or future employment. -Test yourself and face your fears by tackling the biggest outdoor challenge of your life. Take on activities such as canoeing and abseiling with some of the best instructors in the UK. -Live with your team in a flat at university and undertake a project with a difference. Drama, Enterprise, Media, Photography or Sport, which one of these passions will you choose to develop? -Work with your team to make your mark in a local community. You can decide what youll do, plan how youll do it and pitch your ideas to our panel of expert judges. -Graduate and become part of The Challenge Society where youll have access to volunteering opportunities and be able to reunite with the friends you made over the summer. The Challenge will be presenting at an assembly at Christs School on the 26th February. For more information, please contact Tamara Obeng on 07785627455, or email Alternatively please do visit our website at:

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Advertising cont.
Arts activities for Easter holidays The Arts Service has a wide range of activities on offer for children and families throughout the Easter holidays. Fill your holidays with creativity! Visit Orleans House Gallery in Twickenham for exhibitions and work with professional artists specialising in a range of different art-forms. More information and online booking at

Heathrow Mega Rally, Saturday 27th April, 9.30am Dear Headteacher, With the prospect of Heathrow expansion back on the agenda, it is more important than ever that we step up our campaign against it. As part of that, I'm thrilled to confirm that I will be joined by Boris Johnson, MPs from all parties, and Council Leaders at a 'mega rally' I am organising to demonstrate the strength of feeling against the third runway, and to promote the Council's crucial upcoming referendum on the issue. There will be a series of short speeches before Boris casts the first 'vote' in a giant ballot box to be constructed by pupils and teachers at the Richmond Park Academy. This an opportunity for everyone living under the flight path to come together and make clear their opposition to expansion. We have done so before, and we will keep doing it until the Government gets the message. I want Ministers to be left in no doubt that if they give expansion a green light, they will face a campaign on a truly massive scale. Please do attend the rally with your family, friends, neighbours and colleagues, and please circulate this email as widely as possible. It goes without saying that we need the biggest possible turnout. If you've received this email from a friend and would like to be kept updated, please email me directly at The event will take place at Barn Elms Playing Field between 09:30-10:30AM on Saturday 27 April 2013. Please see HERE e=001yYbbxwxRCAaX0OpnlAXbyoRbg7FTgMRL4BXmyTchrVQUI8xbux4mSUo7HUGEJSNqhkQ9lJW HKCcZR9HsIZWLklnzWauqpjqYk6Rnt9cwGVzJ9wFAoPO7pFQaYiuRT8G3UBC8qojVM08WoMqH9zIq h_7bFrJ4QDzDhL3wk0ZAuGrI6bzs6Fdg96L4f0seK1nL2dvrusPQJ6pMDAlHCgnJnrT-liZX-f7FF3uYaSzwS7dGjIeVN1-x5UcJYFKzKAD> for a map of the location. Best wishes, and I very much hope to see you there, Zac Goldsmith MP for Richmond Park and North Kingston

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Additional information:
To contact Staff by e-mail please use their first initial and then surname written as one word followed by generic ending:

There is also a quick link via school website.

Christ's School Queen's Road Richmond Surrey TW10 6HW
Phone: 020 8940 6982 Fax: 020 8332 6085 E-mail:

Holidays: Term Dates 2013:

Summer Term Monday, 15th April 2013 - Friday, 19th July 2013 Half Term Monday, 27th May 2013 - Friday, 31st May 2013 INSET Days: Monday, 25th February 2013 Monday, 15th April 2013 (Year 11 in as usual) Friday, 12th July 2013

Timetable for school day All students to arrive at school and be ready for registration at 08.30 Morning break 10.20-10.40 Lunch break 12.20-13.00 End of school 15.00

Winter uniform required: blazer, white shirt and school tie. To order uniform go to our website: http:// home ALL girls are required to wear navy skirt available online or black trousers from Sept. 12

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