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National Symbol

The Thai national and royal symbol is the Garuda, a mythical half-bird halfhuman figure (steed of the Hindu god Vishnu) that adorns King Bhumibol Adulyadejs scepter and royal standard.

National Flag

(Introduced by King Vajiravudh, 1917)

Thailands national flag is composed of five horizontal bands of red, white, and blue. Outer bands of red representing the nation enclose equal inner bands of white evoking religion. The blue band, occupying the central one-third of the total area, symbolizes the monarchy. The harmony of design expresses the complementary nature of these three pillars of the Thai nation.

National Day: December 5, the birthday of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, is generally regarded as National Day. This day is a public holiday. Capital: Bangkok

Government: Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy King of Thailand: Bhumibol Adulyadej Prime Minister of Thailand: Yingluck Shinawatra (PT)

Currency: Baht () (THB)

Map of Thailand

GENERAL INFORMATION Siam is the name by which outsiders have known THAILAND for centuries. The country was known as SIAM to the world until 1939 and again between 1945 and 1949. On May 11, 1949, an official proclamation changed the name of the country to "Thailand" or "Prathet Thai" (in THAI language), by which it has since been known. The word "THAI" means "FREE", and therefore "Thailand" means "Land of the Free." Topography Thailand is naturally divided into four topographic regions: North Central Plain or Chao Phraya River Basin Northeast or the Korat Plateau South or Southern Isthmus

Thai Culture Thailand is located at the meeting point of the two great cultural systems of Asia, Chinese and Indian. In everyday life, Chinese culture has mixed very well with the Thai, whereas in Thai court culture, which has been based mainly on Buddhism and Brahmanism, India has exerted a strong influence. Thai culture can be divided into 3 aspects: linguistic culture, court culture, and traditional culture. Festivals & Events New Year's Day (1 Jan) Chakri Day (6 Apr)Songkran Festival (13 - 15 Apr) Ploughing Ceremony (9 May) Loi Krathong or Festival of Light (on the full-moon day of the 12th Thai lunar month : 28 Nov) Constitution Day (10 Dec) New Year's Eve (31 Dec)

Population: 66,720,153 Age structure: 0-14 years: 19.9% (male 6,779,723/female 6,466,625) 15-64 years: 70.9% (male 23,410,091/female 23,913,499) 65 years and over: 9.2% (male 2,778,012/female 3,372,203) Median age: total: 34.2 years male: 33.3 years female: 35.2 years Population growth rate: 0.566% Birth rate: 12.95 births/1,000 population Death rate: 7.29 deaths/1,000 population Net migration rate: 0 migrant(s)/1,000 population Urbanization: urban population: 34% of total population rate of urbanization: 1.8% annual rate of change Sex ratio: at birth: 1.054 male(s)/female under 15 years: 1.05 male(s)/female 15-64 years: 0.98 male(s)/female 65 years and over: 0.82 male(s)/female total population: 0.98 male(s)/female Infant mortality rate total: 16.39 deaths/1,000 live births male: 17.38 deaths/1,000 live births female: 15.35 deaths/1,000 live births Life expectancy at birth: total population: 73.6 years male: 71.24 years female: 76.08 years Total fertility rate: 1.66 children born/woman HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate: 1.3%

HIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDS: 530,000 HIV/AIDS deaths: 28,000 Major infectious diseases: Degree of Risk: High Food or Waterborne Diseases: Bacterial Diarrhea vectorborne diseases: Dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis, and Malaria Animal Contact Disease: Rabies Water Contact Disease: Leptospirosis

Nationality: Noun: Thai (singular and plural) Adjective: Thai

Ethnic Groups: Thai 75%, Chinese 14%, other 11% Religions: Buddhist 94.6%, Muslim 4.6%, Christian 0.7%, other 0.1% Languages: Thai, English (secondary language of the elite), ethnic and regional dialects Literacy: Definition: age 15 and over can read and write Total Population: 92.6% Male: 94.9% Female: 90.5%

School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education): Total: 12 years Male: 12 years Female: 13 years

Education Expenditures: 4.1% of GDP Maternal mortality rate: 48 deaths/100,000 live births Children under the age of 5 years underweight: 7% Health expenditures: 4.3% of GDP Physicians density: 0.298 physicians/1,000 population Hospital bed density: 2.2 beds/1,000 population Obesity - adult prevalence rate: 7.8%


Economy - overview With a well-developed infrastructure, a free-enterprise economy, generally proinvestment policies, and strong export industries, Thailand enjoyed solid growth from 2000 to 2007 - averaging more than 4% per year - as it recovered from the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98. Thai exports - mostly machinery and electronic components, agricultural commodities, and jewelry - continue to drive the economy, accounting for more than half of GDP. The global financial crisis of 2008-09 severely cut Thailand's exports, with most sectors experiencing double-digit drops. In 2009, the economy contracted 2.4%. In 2010, Thailand's economy expanded 7.8%, its fastest pace since 1995, as exports rebounded from their depressed 2009 level. Steady economic growth at just below 4% for most of 2011 was interrupted by historic flooding in October and November in the industrial areas north of Bangkok, crippling the manufacturing sector and leading to a revised growth rate of 1.5% for the year. The industrial sector is poised to recover however, and the economy will probably grow between 4 and 5%. The industrial sector is poised to recover from the second quarter of 2012 onward, however, and the government abticipates the economy will probably grow between 5.5 and 6.5% for 2012, while private sector forecasts range between 3.8% and 5.7%. Thailand Economy 2012: Here, data are in 2011 US dollars. GDP (purchasing power parity): $609.8 billion (2011) $600.8 billion (2010) $557.4 billion (2009) GDP (official exchange rate): $339.4 billion (2011) GDP - real growth rate: 1.5% (2011 ) 7.8% (2010) -2.4% (2009)

GDP - per capita: $9,700 (2011) $9,400 (2010) $8,800 (2009 )

GDP - composition by sector: agriculture: 12.2% industry: 45.3% services: 42.5% (2011)

Labor force: 39.28 million (2011) Labor force - by occupation: agriculture: 42.4% services: 37.9% (2008)

Unemployment rate: 1% (2011) 1% (2010)

Population below poverty line: 9.6% (2006) Household income or consumption by percentage share: lowest 10%: 1.6% highest 10%: 42.6% (2009)

Distribution of family income - Gini index: 53.6 (2009) Investment (gross fixed): 26.9% of GDP (2011) Budget: revenues: $65.21 billion expenditures: $74.99 billion (2011)

Taxes and other revenues: 19.2% of GDP (2011) Budget surplus (+) or deficit (-): -2.9% of GDP (2011)

Public debt: 45.6% of GDP (2011) 43.1% of GDP (2010)

Inflation rate (consumer prices): 4.1% (2011) 3.3% (2010) Central bank discount rate: 7.58% (31 December 2010) 1.75% (31 December 2009)

Commercial bank prime lending rate: 6.9% (31 December 2011) 5.935% (31 December 2010)

Stock of narrow money: $47 billion (31 December 2011) $43.2 billion (31 December 2010)

Stock of broad money: $448.7 billion (31 December 2011) $390.6 billion (31 December 2010)

Stock of domestic credit: $418.2 billion (31 December 2011) $365.5 billion (31 December 2010 )

Market value of publicly traded shares: $277.7 billion (31 December 2010) $138.2 billion (31 December 2009)

Agriculture - products: rice, cassava (tapioca), rubber, corn, sugarcane, coconuts, soybeans Industries: tourism, textiles and garments, agricultural processing, beverages, tobacco, cement, light manufacturing such as jewelry and electric appliances, computers and parts, integrated circuits, furniture, plastics, automobiles and automotive parts; world's second-largest tungsten producer and third-largest tin producer.

Industrial production growth rate: 5.2% (2011)


Electricity - production: 139 billion kWh (2008) Electricity - consumption: 131.6 billion kWh (2008) Electricity - exports: 1.979 billion kWh (2009) Electricity - imports: 2.313 billion kWh (2009) Oil - production: 406,800 bbl/day (2010) Oil - consumption: 988,000 bbl/day (2010) Oil - exports: 269,100 bbl/day (2009) Oil - imports: 807,100 bbl/day (2009) Natural gas - production: 30.88 billion cu m (2009) Natural gas - consumption: 39.17 billion cu m (2009) Natural gas - exports: 0 cu m (2009) Natural gas - imports: 8.29 billion cu m (2009) Natural gas - proved reserves: 312.2 billion cu m (2011)
Account balance:

$12.68 billion (2011) $14.7 billion (2010) Reserves of foreign exchange and gold: $202.2 billion (2011) $172.1 billion (2010)

Debt - external: $84.16 billion (2011) $74.05 billion (2010)

Stock of direct foreign investment - at home: $119.5 billion (2011) $115.9 billion (2010)

Stock of direct foreign investment - abroad: $29.79 billion (2011) $23.45 billion (2010)

Exchange rates: baht per US dollar 30.18 (2011) 31.686 (2010) 34.286 (2009)

Industry overview
Tourism Industry

Tourism in Thailand contributes a larger share of GDP than any other country in Asia. Thailand's capital city, Bangkok attracted large number of visitors every year.

In 2011, Bangkok was named by influential US travel magazine Travel + Leisure as the world's best city. According to Thailand's Department of Tourism, the country welcomed 10.35 million visitors, and collected a total of US$19.76 billion in international tourism receipts.

Although the floods in Thailand did impact on arrivals during the months of October and November 2011, the growth in the January-September 2011 period as well as the post-floods bounce back was high enough to keep arrivals on a positive trend for the entire year.

The Thai tourism industry continued its strong performance in the first six months of 2012, with total arrivals of 10,496,789, up 7.60% over the same period of last year, the country's tourism authority.

According to the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), the most important contributor to the growth was arrivals from China which, for the first time, crossed the one million arrivals mark in the six-month period to record a total of 1,124,234, up by a robust 28.87 % over the same period in 2011.

Despite last year's flood crisis, Thailand' tourism business registered a recordhigh revenue of 734.59 billion baht, up 23.92 percent over 2010. The largest number of foreign tourists was from Malaysia, at 2.47 million, followed by China, 1.76 million.

TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand ) Goal & Strategy for 2012: For 2012, TAT is targeting more than 19.5 million international arrivals. This is a 26% increase over their 2011 target. Tourism revenues for 2012 are expected to reach approximately 24 billion USD (766 billion Baht), an increase of 28 % over last year. o The TATs strategy for 2012 will focus on Thailands brand image, digital marketing, sustainable tourism and effective crisis communications.

From total arrivals in 2012 Visitors from East Asia are 45.88%, Europe 36.36%, Americas 5.71%, South Asia 4.40%, Oceania 4.75%, Middle East 2.34% and Africa 0.56%.


Agriculture plays an important role in Thailand's transition to an industrialized economy. In 2010, agriculture contributes 10.4 % to the overall GDP, but employs 42.4% of the overall workforce. Although agriculture's contribution to the nation's GDP decreases over the years, it still plays a major role to drive the Thai economy. Thailand is one of the world's largest exporters of rice and shrimp. In 2010, Automobile industry contributes 45.6 % to the country's GDP and employs 19.7% of the total workforce. One of its most important industries is

the automobile, which grew by 64% in 2010, with 1.6 million cars produced. This made Thailand the 13th largest motor vehicle manufacturing countries in the world. At its current growth rate, the country is estimated to be one of the top 10 motor vehicle manufacturing countries in the world by 2015. Electronics is also one of the largest industries in Thailand. An increasing global demand for high-technology consumer electronics such as wireless devices, mobile phones and computers. Thailand has become the favorable place for electronics industry investment. However, its lucrative industry faces competition from neighboring Malaysia and Singapore. Services contribute 44% to Thailand's GDP and employs 37.9% of the total workforce in 2010. Tourism is one of the most important industry that to the country's services.


The Ministry of Commerce of the Kingdom of Thailand is a cabinet ministry in the Government of Thailand. The Ministry is in charge of trade, prices of important agricultural goods, consumer protection, entrepreneurship, Insurance, Intellectual property

protection, exports and representing Thailand at the World Trade Organization. The Ministry was founded in 1892 by King Chulalongkorn, by separating the ministry from the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. The current Minister is Boonsong Teriyapirom, who succeeded Kittiratt NaRanong on 18 January 2012. Thailand is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Cairns Group of agricultural exporters. Thailand is part of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA). A China-Thailand Free Trade Agreement (FTA) commenced in October 2003. This agreement was limited to agricultural products, with a more comprehensive FTA to be agreed upon by 2010.

Thailand also has a limited Free Trade Agreement with India, which commenced in 2003; and a comprehensive Australia-Thailand Free Trade Agreement which started 1 January 2005.

Thailand started free trade negotiations with Japan in February 2004, and an in-principle agreement was agreed in September 2005.


The ASEAN-India Agreement on Trade in Goods was signed in Bangkok on Aug 13, 2009 and was operationalised in January 1, 2010. Negotiations are continuing on concluding its Investments and Services sector components, as well as for a BIMSTEC FTA and an India-Thailand FTA. Negotiations for a comprehensive bilateral agreement for trade in goods, services, and investments are currently underway, and are targeted to be completed by mid-2012. The 2nd Protocol to modify the Framework Agreement of 2003 was signed during the visit of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to India in January 2012. Investment by Indian and Thai companies into each others countries is growing. Indian FDI into Thailand is estimated to be around US$ 2.00 billion since 1970s. Thailand has invested US$ 90.55 million in India (April 2000Sep 2011) according to Department of Investment Policy Promotion of Government of India. The major Indian groups doing business in Thailand include: Tata group (automobiles, steel, software), Aditya Birla group (chemicals, textiles), Indo Rama group (chemicals), Ranbaxy, Dabur, Lupin (pharmaceuticals), Bharti Airtel, NIIT, Punj-Lloyd, Kirloskar, Mahindra-Satyam, etc, reflecting the diverse sectors of interest. Among public sector, Indian Overseas Bank, Bank of Baroda, Air India, New India Assurance etc. are present. Leading Thai companies in the fields of Agro-processing, infrastructure,

Automotive, engineering, banking, housing and hospitality have active and growing business presence in India. Major Thai companies active in India are C P Aquaculture (India) Ltd., Ital Thai Development Pcl., Krung Thai Bank Pcl., Charoen Pokphand (India) Private Limited, Stanley Electric Engineering India Pvt. Ltd., Thai Summit Neel Auto Pvt. Ltd., Thai Airways International Pcl., Precious Shipping (PSL) of Thailand, Preuksa Real Estate, Dusit and Amari group of hotels. Principal commodities of Thailand Import from India (2010-11) Iron and Steel Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery & Mechanical Appliances Organic Chemicals Electrical Machinery & Equipment & Parts Sugars and Sugar Confectionery Principal commodities of Thailand Exports to India (2010-11) Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery & Mechanical Appliances Plastic Rubber Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious or Semiprecious Stones, Pre. Metals, Clad With Pre. Aluminum


Private Law The most important reference of private law (or civil law) is the Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand. It is composed of several books. Books I and II were first promulgated on 11 November 1925 (BE 2466). The Civil code is updated as required by amendment acts (for example Act Amending Civil and Commercial Code (No 14) BE 2548 (AD 2005)).

Corporate Law Basic corporate Law is found in the Civil and Commercial Code sections 1012 to 1273 (Book II, Title XXII). Foreign ownership of certain Thai industries and foreign companies in general are regulated by the Foreign Business Act BE 2542 (AD 1999).

Personal Property Law The main source of property law is the Civil and Commercial Code sections 1298 to 1434 (Book IV).

Intellectual property Intellectual Property Law, that is patents, trademarks and copyright, are protected by the Patent Act BE 2522 (1979), Trademark Act BE 2534 (1991) and the Copyright Act BE 2521 (1978) and their amendments respectively. Trade secrets are protected by the Trade Secret Act BE 2545 (2002). The Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) manages intellectual property matters such as registration and enforcement. A registration system exists for trademarks and patents. Copyright is automatically protected for 50 years and does not need registration; however it can be filed with the DIP. Disputes are first heard in the Intellectual Property and International Trade Court.

Laws Relating to Foreigners Foreign Business Act BE 2542 (AD 1999) - regulates foreign ownership of certain Thai industries and foreign companies in general.

Import- Export License If you are importing or exporting, it is required to apply for an Import Export License (also called Customs Card) which is valid for three years. The Gold smart card is for importers and exporters; the Licensed Custom Brokers get the silver; the yellow smart card is for the owner or manager; the attorney gets a green card and the customs clearance card is pink.


Trade Regulations: The ministry of Commerce has designated certain classes of goods as being subject to import controls in the form of license requirements. These are principally goods considered to be directly competitive with domestic products. Export controls seek primarily to ensure that certain items, principally food staples such as rice and sugar, are available in sufficient quantities to meet domestic demand before exports can be permitted. The regulations also seek to ensure that product quality and exporter management standards are maintained.

1) Import controls According to the Controlling Importation and Exportation of Goods Act of B.E. 2522 (1979), the ministry of Commerce has the authority to designate classes of goods as being subject to import controls, in the form of license requirements. The Minerals Act stipulates that without appropriate permission, an importer is prohibited from importing tungsten oxide and tin ores and metallic tin in quantities exceeding two kilograms. The Ancient Monuments, Antiques, Objects of Art and National Museum Act provide that antiques or objects of art, whether registered or not, must not be delivered without permission from the Director General of Fine Arts.

2) Export Controls Thailand's chief exports are rice, sugar, corn and other agricultural products. Certain items, principally food staples such as rice and sugar, are reserved by law to ensure that domestic needs are net first before exports can be permitted. Therefore, certain kinds of goods require an export license according to the Export Standard Act (N0. 2) of B.E. 2522 1979, administered by the commodity standards office of the Ministry of commerce. The Act Controlling the Importation and Exportation of Goods authorizes the Ministry of Commerce to subject products to export control. At present, close to 50 items require such control.


3) Custom Duties Customs duties are governed by the Customs Law B.E.2469 (1992), as amended, and the Customs tariff Decree B.E. 2503 (1906), as amended. The first tariff under the customs tariff decree B.E.2503 (1960) is based on the Brussels Tariff Nomenclature system covering about 2,000 items with both specific and ad valorem rates. The export tariff is imposed only on a few items including rice, raw hide, rubber, wood, raw silk, iron scrap and powdered fish. Apart from tariff duties, certain imports and exports are also subject to business tax.







The United States is Thailand's largest export market and second-largest supplier after Japan. While Thailand's traditional major markets have been North America, Japan, and Europe, economic recovery among Thailand's regional trading partners has helped Thai export growth.

Recovery from the financial crisis depended heavily on increased exports to the rest of Asia and the United States. Since 2005, the rapid ramp-up in export of automobiles of Japanese makes (esp. Toyota, Nissan, Isuzu) has helped to dramatically improve the trade balance, with over 1 million cars produced annually since then. As such, Thailand has joined the ranks of the world's top ten automobile exporting nations.

As the Thai economy recovered from the 2008 global financial crisis, demand for its goods increased and Thai exports in 2010 surged by 25.1% from 2009. Thailand is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Cairns Group of agricultural exporters.


Thailand's Import and Export Indicators at a Glance (2012): Exports: $244.4 billion (2011) $193.5 billion (2010) Exports - partners: China 11%, Japan 10.5%, US 10.4%, Hong Kong 6.7%, Malaysia 5.4%, Australia 4.8%, Singapore 4.6% (2010)

Imports: $214.6 billion (2011) $161.3 billion (2010)

Imports - partners: Japan 20.8%, China 13.3%, US 5.9%, Malaysia 5.9%, UAE 4.7%, South Korea 4.4% (2010)

Export (Value: Million Baht)

Total Export of Top 10 By 2012(Jan): List 2012(Jan) 258,064.2 245,774.0 171,016.0 141,597.8 125,121.9 108,461.0 108,011.2 106,106.3 81881.7 80161.2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Vehicles, equipment and components. Computer, Equipment and components Oil Gems and jewelry Rubber Rubber and plastic products Chemical Polymers Integrated circuits Machinery and mechanical components


Total Export Top 10 By 2011: List 2011 513,709.4 511,483.7 397,079.8 371,239.3 303,794.7 265,312.7 252,969.8 250,046.8 238,173.4 196,117.0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Computer, Equipment and components Vehicles, equipment and components Rubber Gems and jewelry Oil Polymers Rubber and plastic products Chemical Integrated circuits Rice

Import (Value: Million Baht)

Total Import Top 10 By 2012(Jan) List 2012(Jan) 473,497.3. 331,408.1. 257,928.6. 222,003.8. 192,669.3. 189,508.6. 119,519.8. 104,602.6. 99605.5. 87529.2.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Crude oil Machinery and parts Electrical machinery and parts Jewelery, precious stones, gold and silver bars Chemical Iron and steel products. Integrated circuits. Other metallic ores and metal scrap. Parts and accessories of motor vehicles. Appliances in the home.


Total Import Total Import Top 10 By 2011 List 2011 1004478.0 608,912.3 607,509.1 455,349.9 424,271.0 407,143.9 308,140.5 272,996.9 262,525.1 198,668.8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Crude oil Machinery and parts Jewellery, precious stones, gold and silver bars Chemical Iron and steel products Electrical machinery and parts Integrated circuits Other metallic ores and metal scrap Computer. Equipment and components Parts and accessories of motor vehicles

Business Volume of Different Products

Business Segment

2011 (Millions)

2010 (Millions) $ 8,429 $ 4,513 $ 3,853 $ 3,316 $ 3,884 $ 3,043

2009 (Millions) $ 7,120 $ 4,282 $ 3,471 $ 3,076 $ 3,132 $ 2,387

Industrial and Transportation Health Care Consumer and Office Safety, Security and Protection Services Display and Graphics Electro and Communications

$ 10,073 $ 5,031 $ 4,153 $ 3,821 $ 3,674 $ 3,306

Business Segment Products:

Industrial and Transportation: Tapes, coated and nonwoven abrasives, adhesives, specialty materials, filtration products, closure systems for personal hygiene products, acoustic systems products, automotive components, abrasion-resistant films, structural adhesives and paint Finishing and detailing products, energy control products

Health Care : Medical and surgical supplies, skin health and infection prevention products, drug delivery systems, dental and orthodontic products, health information systems and food Safety products

Consumer and Office: Sponges, scouring pads, high-performance cloths, consumer and office tapes, repositionable notes, indexing systems, construction and home improvement products, home care products, protective material products, and consumer and office tapes and adhesives.

Safety, Security and Protection Services: Personal protection products, safety and security products, commercial cleaning and protection products, floor matting, roofing granules for asphalt shingles, corrosion protection products, and Track and Trace products, such as library patron self-checkout systems

Display and Graphics: Optical films solutions for electronic displays, reflective sheeting for transportation safety, commercial graphics systems, and mobile interactive solutions, including mobile display technology, visual systems and computer privacy filters.

Electro and Communications: Packaging and interconnection devices, insulating and splicing solutions for the electronics, telecommunications and electrical industries, and touch screens and touch monitors.

Thailand Investment According to Bank of Thailand, in 2011 private investment should expand continuously. The strong financial status of the Commercial Bank shows sufficient liquidity that is able to support and expand investment credit. Many industries of high 70-80% production capacity need to expand their production capacity by increased investment. In 2011, the government invites the private sector to infrastructural investment in the form of Public-Private Partnership (PPP). This factor will inspire domestic investment.


In 2012 1st quarter Private investment expanded considerably from the previous quarter, especially investment for repair and replacement in manufacturing sector as reflected in rising machinery import.

Business would invest more on machinery in order to increase productivity and to substitute for scarce labor.

Foreign Direct Investment in Thailand:

Foreign direct investment in Thailand has picked up in the recent years with the advent of a number of international companies in the SouthEast Asian country. The leading car manufacturing company of Japan which is Nissan has declared that it would invest 20 million yens. The main purpose of the investment is to introduce 1 liter small cars that are highly fuel-efficient. Chevron is going to initiate the natural gas investment project in Thailand which is worth $3.1 billion and is expected to produce 420 million cubic feet natural gas on a daily basis. It is aiming to reach 1 billion per day mark in the near future. The leading office equipment manufacturing company of Japan which is Richoh Co Ltd. has declared that it intends to invest $94 million in Thailand. The leading automobile company Volkswagen is making 10000 unit to sell in Thailand. The biggest car manufacturing company in China which is Chery Automobile Co. has decided to invest $28 billion in Thailand in a joint partnership with Charoen Pokphand Group. They intended to produce 5000 vehicles. The Dutch banking giants International Nederlanden Groep have recently won the rights to invest in the Thai Military Bank. This deal is worth $618 billion and would ensure a 25.2% ownership in the company. The second biggest investment bank of Australia which is Babcock & Brown has decided to invest in buying 33% stakes in Muang Tollway Pcl for $115 million.


Board of Investment in Thailand (Flow Chart)



Thai kingdoms and late Kingdom of Siam(Thailand) were under absolute rule of the kings. However, after the 'democratic revolution' in 1932, led by westernized bureaucrats and traditional-oriented military, the country officially became under a constitutional monarchy with a prime minister as the head of government. Political parties & Leaders are Chat Pattana Party or CPN (Nation Development Party), Chat Thai Phattana Party or CTP (Thai Nation Development Party), Phalang Chon Party (People Power Party), Phumjai (Bhumjai) Thai Party or PJT (Thai Pride, Prachathipat Party or DP (Democrat Party), Puea Thai Party (for Thai Party) or PTP, Rak Prathet Thai Party (Love Thailand Party).

It has been globally recognized that Thailand is a politically stable country. On July 3, 2011, Thailand's Pheu Thai party won a majority 265 out of 500 seats in Thailand's general election. With the inclusion of several minor parties, Pheu Thai controls 300 seats in parliament.

August 5, 2011, Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra became Thailand's 28th prime minister who is first female prime minister & she is the sister of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra who was ousted in a September 2006 coup.

Economical: The Thai economy in 2012 is forecasted to expand steadily at an annualized rate of 4.5 percent driven by both domestic and external demand. The Thai Government has planned series of large-scale infrastructure projects and spending plans to support private consumption and stimulate domestic demand. Thailand recovered well from the global financial crisis with rapid implementation of a fiscal stimulus package and monetary easing, but its


economy suffered in the wake of the Japanese tsunami and, more importantly, as a result of severe floods in the second half of 2011. The floods claimed 815 lives and caused extensive damage to Thailands manufacturing and agricultural industries. As a consequence, GDP growth fell to 0.1 percent in 2011 from 7.8% in 2010. The International Monetary Fund is forecasting that growth will rebound to 5.5% in 2012. The policies are designed to launch the Thai economy to a higher level of growth that relies less on exports. However, the additional spending raises the risk of more rapid inflation, a possibility the Bank of Thailand will be watching closely. Headline inflation for 2012 is projected to be 3.5 to 4%. According to the forecast of the Economist Intelligence Unit, GDP growth in the Thai economy will come in around 4% in 2011, with political uncertainty continuing to undermine consumer and business confidence. In international trade the Economist Intelligence Unit forecasts that Thailands current trade account will remain in the black, but the surplus will decline to the equivalent of 4.3% of GDP on average in 2010-11, from 7.7% in 2009 when merchandise imports contracted even more sharply than exports.

Social-Culture: Religions: Buddhist 94.6%, Muslim 4.6%, Christian 0.7%, other 0.1% (2000 census) Education expenditures: male: 12 years

female: 13 years (2010) 4.1% of GDP (2009) School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education): total: 12 years Ethnic groups: Thai 75%, Chinese 14%, other 11% Age structure: 0-14 years: 19.9% (male 6,779,723 & female 6,466,625) 15-64 years: 70.9% (male 23,410,091 & female 23,913,499) 5 years and over: 9.2% (male 2,778,012 & female 3,372,203)

In spite of the pressures of change, Thai society is relatively stable.


The Wai is the common form of greeting and adheres to strict rules of protocol. Raising both hands, palms joined with the fingers pointing upwards as if in prayer, lightly touching the body somewhere between the chest and the forehead, is the standard form.

The monkhood (sangha), some 250,000 strong, plays a crucial social role.

Most teenage boys become monkhood properly later in life and may choose its strict precepts for life. In rural areas, they traditionally play an important role as school teachers. This profession in Thailand is held higher as compare to other countries.

Buddhism in Thailand is a stronghold of Buddhism. Buddhists believe that life does not begin with birth and end with death, but rather that every person has several lives based upon the lessons of life not yet learned and acts committed (karma) in previous lives. Buddhism is practiced in Thailand by over 90% of the population.

Thailand believes in Hierarchical Society. Thais respect hierarchical relationship which is defined as one person being superior to the other. Status can be determined by clothing and general appearance, age, job, education, family name, and social connections.

Technological: Mr. Virachai Virameteekul, the Minister of Science and Technology decided to focus on the use of science to strengthen capabilities of local communities.


Thailand experienced strong growth in its mobile sector. In 2010 mobile penetration was around 82 %. Thailand has a very promising future in mobile marketing.

The use of Internet has become more popular in the cities and also more accessible to different areas in the Thailand. In 2009, there were a total 18.3 million Internet users in Thailand according to the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center. Broadband Internet is readily available in major cities and towns, including Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, and Phuket, but is still to be sought after in smaller villages and in the countryside.

Thai team leader Dr Wibool Piyawattanametha at the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) developed cancer detection with novel optical endoscope.

The Thai IT market is the largest in the South East Asia region and despite a serious impact from the recent floods that will continue into 2012 is projected to grow at a CAGR of 11% over the 2012-2016 periods. The total value of Thai domestic spending on IT products and services should reach US$6.2bn in 2012 and US$9.3bn 2016.

Environment: Environment-current issues are air pollution from vehicle emissions,

water pollution from organic & factory wastes, deforestation, soil erosion, wildlife populations threatened by illegal hunting.

Environment-international agreements parties are Biodiversity,

Climate Change, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol, Desertification, Endangered Species, Hazardous Wastes, Marine Life Conservation, Ozone Layer Protection, Tropical Timber 83, Tropical Timber 94, Wetlands.

Environmental Law:
Commercial Forest Plantation Act, B.E. 2535 (1992) Community Forest act (1996, draft) Forest Act, B.E. 2484 (1941) National Park Act, B.E. 2504 (1961)


The Enhancement & Conservation of National Environmental Quality Act, B.E. 2535 Tourism Authority of Thailand Act, B.E. 2522 (1979) Wildlife preservation & protection Act, B.E. 2535 (1992)

Judicial system : Courts of first instance (Trial Courts) The Court of Appeals Dika Court (Supreme Court) Foreign Judgment

Labour Law: o Accountancy profession Act, B.E. 2547 o Employment & Job-seeker Protection Act, B.E. 2528 o Labour Protection Act (No. 2) B.E. 2551 o Labour Relations Act, B.E. 2518 (1975) o Labour Relations Act 1998 B.E. 2541 o The Professional Nursing & Midwifery Act B.E. 2528 o Working of Aliens Act, B.E. 2521 (1978)

Employment law: o Terms of Employment The maximum probationary period permissible under Thai employment law is 120 days. All employers are required by labour law to provide at least 13 official public holidays per year, and six vacation days after one full year of service. Apart from salary, all benefits arising from employment are regarded as assessable income subject to withholding tax at a progressive rate. Under Thailand labor law an employee is entitled to annual sick leave of 30 working days per year, with full pay. In addition to sick-leave, a pregnant woman is entitled to 90 days of maternity leave (inclusive of holidays), including 45 work days at full pay.

Intellectual Property Law o Copyright Act B.E. 2537 o Patent Act B.E. 2522 o Trade Secrets Act B.E. 2545 o Trademark Act B.E. 2534


Thailand has now become one of the biggest world centers mainly through its tourism facilities. Tourists from across the world come and accumulate in Thailand in search of color, rhythm and life. The hotels in Thailand are simply awesome. They provide the tourists the best services possible. There are branded hotel chains like Hyatt, Marriott, Sheraton and Hilton Hotels.

The Thai tourism industry continued its strong performance in the first six months of 2012, with total arrivals of 10,496,789, up 7.60% over the same period of last year measured by the country's tourism authority

Major flooding during Thailand's monsoon season, particularly between October and December, has weighed on tourist arrivals. Tourism Ministry Secretary Suwat Sittilor said in December that arrivals in November had fallen by 18% year-on-year (y-o-y), as the floods affected some of Thailand's major tourist sites. Sittilor warned that the damage to the industry could cost up to US$825mn, and this could yet rise further.

The flood damage is particularly concerning for Thailand as tourist arrivals had been rebounding strongly in 2011, as a result of improving political stability.

The y-o-y arrivals growth had been growing at nearly 20%, positioning Thailand well for a strong recovery. Despite the damage to infrastructure, the floods had provided only a short-term interruption to Thailand's strong recovery, boding well for continued arrivals growth in 2012.

Flood Damage Hits Bangkok and Southern Areas. The monsoon season floods hit a number of key tourist areas, particularly in the centre. Bangkok was

affected, although not so much in the central tourist sites. However, the city experienced some difficulties getting supplies in and out of the area, deterring tourists from visiting. Major tourist resorts such as Phuket, Krabi, and Chiang Mai in the north were relatively unaffected. In particular, greater political stability in 2011 allowed tourist confidence to recover, while the global economic recovery in the first part of the year gave a further fillip to arrivals. Overall, tourist revenue reached THB734.6bn (US$23.7bn), a 23.9% y-o-y increase. It was particularly impressive that arrivals from Europe rose by 28.9% y-o-y, despite the ongoing economic problems in the eurozone, while Asian arrivals rose by 5.3% y-o-y. Targeting Medical Tourism Thailand is building up its medical tourism sector, aiming to benefit from the nearby example of India. The government estimates that 1.6mn foreign nationals receive medical treatment in Thailand each year, with many of these visiting specifically for this reason. Knowing that the tourism industry is one of the most competitive business environments in Thailand, tourism associations are forecasting arrivals to reach nearly 20 million in 2012 and 31.8 million in 2015. In January 2012, Thai Airways announced that its new airline, Thai Smile, will begin operations in July 2012.


Above diagram represents that major tourist in Thailand are from East Asia and Europe; and other destination such as America, South Asia, Oceania, Middle East and Africa represent least tourist in Thailand.


Strengths: Thailand is known as Suvarnabhumi- Capacity to handle 45 million travelers a year & eventually 100 million with planned expansion will only make a Thailand more convenient destinations. Thai tourism sector include a strong brand image of its sub-sectors and resiliency to domestic problems. In many travel magazines and lifestyle surveys, Thailand is ranked in the Top Ten for the quality of beautiful beaches, entertainment and dining, value of products, recreational facilities, and shopping. Every year, Thailand reaps many awards in each of these categories. Thailands strong performance in 2011 has encouraged optimism among tourism officials, with the government targeting 19.5mn visitors in 2012. ASEAN countries grew 4.39% largely. The arrivals from China continued to surge by 42.12% in April (196,192) and it replaced Malaysia as the top market; There is also increased in arrivals from Russia(106055) by 20.01%, Korea(79783) by 14.21%, India(79130) by 10.2%, Laos(73552) by 10.22%, UK(73402) by 47.9%. There was substantial increase of 16.62% in Japanese tourists (103,657) compared to April 2011 when a tsunami and earthquake in Japan virtually brought outbound travel to a standstill. The global economy slowdown had little impact on tourist arrivals to Thailand. The Kingdom had a total of 8,871,930 visitor arrivals for the period of January through May 2012, up 7.27% compared to the same period in 2011.


Weakness: Weaknesses in the Thai tourism sector include the political turmoil and the effects of the sector on the country's environmental and cultural heritage. Thailand's growing shortage of engineers and skilled technical personnel may limit its future technological creativity and productivity. There is decrease in arrivals from Australia (71558) by 7.75% & US (56184) by 2.53% during 2012. Major Language problem is face by the Thai people.

Opportunities: For implementing the city & related district from 2012-22, the required the budget estimated by Thailand is 15 billion baht for 132 projects. This project include improving public transportation services such as offering shuttle bus service in town, building a road linking with the motorway, extending the rail link service from Suvarnabhumi Airport to Pattaya and building new ports in Pattaya and Koh Lan. The Pattaya plans to invest in beach recovery projects, promote new tourism routes such as community tourism in Na Kluea and green tourism at Koh Lan and Koh Phai. Projects to promote sustainable tourism such as educating locals about organic farming, allocating areas for biking, improving the environment and other tourist destination in Thailand. The opportunity is huge to continue investing in Thailand, especially in the hotel and resort business, and in the process exacerbate the oversupply plaguing many key destinations such as Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Hua Hin and Samui.

Threats: Other countries in south-east Asia (Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia & Indonesia) have similar geographical climate as Thailand.


The country's uncertain political situation poses threat to broader political stability. It causes substantial reduction in Thailand's exposure to capital outflows.

Threats facing the government include the increased violence in southernmost provinces. American citizens in Thailand have been warned for terrorist attacks in Bangkok in the near future. Bangkok has been hit by several small scale bombs in recent years in what are thought to have been politically motivated attacks.



Thai Travel Info Service Company Limited

General Information: Founded in 2001, company was first registered as a partnership limited. Later in 2004, it became Thai Travel Info Service Company Limited. Mission: o To provide an integrated traveling business with main priority to offer a reliable and a wide variety of travel services in both domestic and overseas markets. o To be Thailand leading website to provide information and a wide variety of travel businesses on the internet. Online reservations for airplane ticket, hotel, package tour reservations, thus have a highly world class security online protection and log on system for customer data accesses recognized by the company believe that it is a very important issue for an online transaction to be highly secured. The company also has the computer server to help control and manage a very high effective security matter. Moreover, it is also a member of Thailand electronic commerce group which is supported by ICT ministry. From the statistic from the Government Information Technology Services which has been collecting the internet usage statistic of Thailand. This company




website visitor information since year 2007 from Jan Dec. The number of visitor around the globe was 4,052,286 which were increased from this year 140% increased from 2006(1688452.5) and thus made them to become the top the traveling website service provider (Travel Agency) in Thailand. Company profile: Registered Capital 10,000,000 Thai Baht fully paid. Commercial registration #0105547034583 issued by Business development commercial center department. Tax value added registered, the tax file number is 3031276604 issued by revenue department. TAT license #11/3799 issued by Thailand Traveling center. Certificate of electronic commercial business #0108614827406 issued by ministry of ecommerce. Head office 2100/1240-41 Soi 24/1 Ramkamhang Rd., Huamak Sub District, Bangkapi District, Bangkok (near ABAC university, Huamark Campus) Total number of full time employee in the company is 64 persons (As of February 1st, 2010) Main services of organization

Company sells over 30,000 routes of the air flight around the world of over 200 of the leading airline company. User can also book air tickets through our staff at Thai Travel Contact Center with Digital ISDN system 30 lines every day. Just give a call to company on 02-3088383. Thai Travel is also one of a few companies in Thailand who open booking through the website.

Company sell domestic and international package tour included travel with the leading airline such as Royal Orchid Holiday Package Hong Kong Cathay Super city, Package Wow Singapore Airline, American Dreamy

Package from United Airline, and etc. Services also include arrangement, planning a party tour, an individual tour, and a group tour. Advantage is quality and also the traveling center. Company has done a lot of marketing to be the tours distributor of the leading traveling allies.

Company provides hotel, resort, and apartment reservation service both domestic and international.

Company provide the traveling insurance service for both single and family with optional of daily, yearly by the world class leading company such as IAG and ACE Insurances.

Company provide overseas train booking services in Europe, American, and Japanese in an economy rate e.g. Euro Star trains, Japan Rail pass and Shinkansen, and etc

Renting cars from leading domestic and international car rent companies such as Budget Car Rent, AVIS and Hertz for special prices.

Company provides visa services in many countries for the customer who finds it is inconvenience to do it themselves.

The company provides following information to the customers Top Destinations in Thailand are as follows: Bangkok Ayutthaya Krabi Phuket Chiang Mai Chiang Rai Mae Hong Son Chonburi


Popular places in Thailand listed by the company:

Doi Inthanon National Park

Giant Swing

Karon Beach (Hat Karon)

Ko Lan Khwae

Mu Ko Phi Phi (Phi Phi Islands) The Bridge on the River

The Grand Palace

Wat Pho

Wat Phra Si Sanphet

Wat Phra That Doi Kong Mu

Wat Phra That Doi Suthep

Package Tours: There are many package tours for different destinations in Thailand provided by the company.


Package Tour divided by price:

Minimum price Package tours are listed (Price Range: 4,000-11,000 Bahts)


No. 1 2

Destination Chiang Mai Kanchanaburi

Price 4,050 Bahts 4,500 Bahts 6,500 Bahts

Duration 3 Days & 2 Nights 2Days 1Night 3 Days 2 Nights 4 Days 3 Nights 4 Days 3 Nights 3 DAYS

3 4 5

Phuket Khon Kaen Bangkok

5,900 Bahts 6,900 Bahts 6,910 Bahts , 8,500 Bahts ( 4 star Accommodation) 8,370 Bahts


Chiang Dao, Chiang Mai

7,313 Bahts

7 8

Krabi Koh Samed, Rayong

10,500 Bahts 10,999 Bahts

3 DAYS 3Days 2Nights








(Price Range: 11000-25000 Bahts) No. 1 Destination Pattaya Price 11,420 Bahts 12,900 Bahts Duration 4 DAYS 3 Days 2

Nights 2 Khao Yai, Saraburi, Surin 3 Ayutthaya, Bangkok, Kanchanaburi 12,216 Bahts 11,500 Bahts 4 Days 3

Nights 4 Days


4 5 6 7 8 9

Hua Hin Krabi Bangkok Patong Beach Chiang Mai Hua Hin, Kanchanaburi, Krabi, Phang Nga, Prachuap

12,599 Bahts 13,500 Bahts 13,500 Bahts 14,260 Bahts 16,640 Bahts 24,492 Bahts

3Days 2Nights 4 DAYS 2 DAYS 4 DAYS 3 DAYS 5 Days

Popular Hotels listed by the company in Bangkok (Best Offers): o These Hotels are divided into three categories: 1. Budget hotels 2. Luxury Hotels 3. Popular Hotels Budget Hotels: Duration: 1 Night. o Price: $41 2. Nantra Silom o Price: $32 3. Furama Silom, Bangkok o Price: $84 4. Fx Hotel Makkasan, Bangkok o Price: $34 5. Royal Ivory Nana Resort Hotel o Price: $36 6. Best Western Mayfair Suites o Price: $44 Luxury hotels: Duration: 1 Night.

1. Silom City Hotel

1. Lebua at State Tower o Price: $153 2. Dusit Thani Bangkok o Price: $127 3. The Sukhothai Bangkok o Price: $218 4. Banyan Tree Bangkok o Price: $151 5. Le Meridien Bangkok o Price: $124 6. Renaissance Bangkok Ratchaprason o Price: $144 Popular Hotels: Duration: 1 Night. o Price: $122 o Arnoma Hotel Bangkok o Price: $89 o Pathumwan Princess Hotel o Price: $128 o Amari Boulevard Bangkok o Price: $65 o Sivatel Bangkok o Price: $167 o Nouvo City Hotel o Price: $77 o Grande Centre Point Hotel and Res


Local Government Provides funding for: o o o o Information Centers Marketing Tourist Officer/Staff Facilities& Administration

Regional Economic Development Board

Commercial/Industry Development onomic Development Board

Tourism Development

Regional Tourism Association

Events & Conventions

Information Centre Operations


Functions of Tourism Industry The main function of Tourism Industry is to see a well-balanced, profitable & sustainable industry that continues to highlight the culture and heritage of Thailand, upholds its international image and standing, & also creates jobs for their young people as well as instilling in them a strong sense of environmental and cultural preservation. To Manage & maintain the growth of visitor arrivals by building better public awareness, fostering stronger partnerships with the private and public sectors, as well as with buyers and sellers at the various travel trade events.


Business activities of tourism industry in Thailand

Thai Hotel Association (THA) support tourism with cooperation from Tourism Organizations in both Thailand itself and overseas also. o THA promote private enterprise relating to hotel business and tourism industry. It arranges sales promotion domestically and internationally.

The TAT has been using digital marketing to promote Thai tourism for many years. It has planned to continue to tap into a wider pool of travelers through social networks, online games, and mobile applications. o The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT)s Ayutthaya Office has created online application to assist tourists with travelling information, particularly activities during August-November 2012. This application provides information regarding places of visit and other attractions in Ayutthaya. o TAT has launched the Nakhonsi Awesome Campaign to promote traveling in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. The province has spent 21 million baht reviving its new tourism image to entice more Thai and foreign travelers, especially those from Scandinavia, to holiday in the province & to experience various types of places and activities ranging from paying respect to Buddhas relics, observing art and culture, hiking on mountain trails, visiting waterfalls, to tasting many types of food.

The Thai tourism industry has also focused on the opportunities presented by niche markets. For travelers from the ASEAN region, main focus is kept on golf, health and wellness, shopping, entertainment, and cultural tourism.

Thailand is a shoppers paradise, with more new malls and outdoor shopping plazas opening up. In Bangkok, Asiatique the Riverfront, along the Chao Phraya River, will be Asias largest waterfront retail and entertainment complex. It offers new shopping, dining and entertainment experiences and will attract more visitors to Bangkok.

In terms of tourism products, Thai spas swept up five awards from the seventh Asia Spa Awards ceremony in Hong Kong.


o The first branch of the new spa brand Cense by SPA Cenvaree will open at the newly-opened Centara Hotel & Convention Centre Khon Kaen during August 2012. The vision of Cense is to deliver effective spa services at affordable costs, while satisfying the discerning requirements of todays business and leisure travelers. In August 2012, Two Khon Kaen-based companies, Sirikarn Group and Fairy Plaza, have jointly invested 350 million baht to launch Ton Tann Green Market as a new attraction in the Northeastern province.


Tourist Visa Exemption: certain passport holders are exempt from holding a visa and will be granted a 30 day "permission to stay" stamp on arrival

Visa on Arrival: certain passport holders are granted up to 15 days "permission to stay" on arrival

Tourist Visas: applied for before departure for Thailand, this allows the holder a 60 day (plus further 30 on application) "permission to stay"

Non-Immigrant Visas: for a stay longer than two months (application requirements vary depending on the reason for the stay)

Retirement Non-Immigrant Visas: granted to those over 50 years who can demonstrate financial security (among other things)

Permission to Stay: This is the stamp that is stamped in to a passport on arrival in Thailand, regardless of which type of visa that has been issued. It shows the date of entry and the required date of departure

Extension of Stay: This is a stamp that is issued by Thai immigration under specific circumstances that allow the holder to stay longer than 90 days

Documents required by Tourist for Visa: Passport or travel document with validity not less than 6 months Visa application form (filled out) One (1) recent 4 x 6cm. Photograph of the applicant Roundtrip air ticket or e-ticket (paid in full) Proof of financial means (20,000 baht per person/40,000 baht per family) Consular officers reserve the rights to request for additional documents as deemed necessary Custom Rules Import regulations: Free import by each passenger holding a passport of his own, irrespective of age: 200 cigarettes or 250 grammes of tobacco or equal weight of cigars. 1 litre of alcoholic liquor. Non-commercial amount of gifts and other items for personal use of up to 10,000 local currency (Baht) One still camera with 5 rolls of film or one movie camera with 3 rolls of 8 or 16 mm. film.

Free import for non-residents: For holders of transit visas or who can obtain a visa on arrival: up to THB 10,000 per person or THB 20,000 per family. For holders of tourist visas: up to THB 20,000 per person or THB 40,000 per family.

Prohibited Narcotics and other controlled substances Counterfeit or pirated goods Goods with Thai flag on them Fake Royal or other Official seals Copyright infringing items

Counterfeit currency and protected wildlife. Drug smuggling in Thailand carries a potential death penalty.

Restricted Images of Buddha, religious objects and antiques require a permit from the Department of Fine Arts Live animals health certificate required along with complete and valid inoculations. Weapons, bullets and explosives require a permit from the Office of National Police. plants and planting material require a permit from the Department of Agriculture food and drugs require a permit from the Food and Drug Administration Wireless transmitters ad receivers, telecommunication equipments (The National Telecommunications Commission). tobacco products and alcoholic beverages require permits from the Excise Department Automobile parts (Ministry of Industry).

Additional Information on regulations: Violation of these rules or false declaration will result in heavy fines and forfeiture of articles concerned. The import of heroin may result in imprisonment for life or even death penalty. A declaration of goods acquired abroad is required if the total value exceeds THB 10,000 - per person.

Entry with pets: An incoming passenger can import up to two pets at one time. These include all domestic animals such as dogs, birds, cats etc. subject to the production of a required health certificate from their country of origin. Pets are still liable for the usual quarantine checks upon arrival.


Export regulations: Free export of tobacco products and/or tobacco: any quantity. Prohibited (without licence): 1. Antique or objects of art, whether officially registered as art or not. 2. Religious articles (excluding one small Buddha image normally carried on person).

Baggage Clearance regulations: Baggage is cleared at the first airport of entry in Thailand.

Currency rules Currency Import regulations: Local currency: up to THB 50,000 per person or THB 100,000 per family holding one passport. Foreign currencies: unlimited. However, amounts of foreign currency exceeding USD 20,000 (or equivalent) must be declared to a Customs Officer upon arrival by all travellers. Currency Export regulations: Local currency: up to THB 50,000 per person or THB 100,000 per family holding one passport. Foreign currencies: unlimited. However, amounts of foreign currency exceeding USD 20,000- (or equivalent) must be declared to a Customs Officer upon departure by all travellers.

Taxation: Thai Cabinet has approved a plan to expand a tax incentive scheme to help revive the tourism industry, hit hard by the latest wave of political turmoil.


Individuals will be allowed to deduct up to THB 15,000 ($463) for expenditure on accommodation bills paid to local hotels from their taxable income when computing their annual personal income tax. The incentive is an extension of last week's approval of a THB 15,000 tax deduction allowance for individuals buying domestic package tours from local operators.

Visitors from different countries to Thailand (Import) Rank 1 China 2 Malaysia 3 Russia 4 Japan 5 Korea 6 India 7 Laos 8 UK 9 Australia 10 USA 379,430 349,281 8.63 427,096 389,566 9.63 433,989 427,497 1.52 464,931 425,925 9.16 504,634 474,653 6.32 540,523 515,360 4.88 630,058 565,240 11.47 634,312 565,287 12.21 1,115,721 1,219,705 -8.53 Nationality Jan Jun 2012 Jan Jun 2011 % Change 1,124,234 872,348 28.87


Norms of Tourism industry in Thailand

Do not give your passport to hotel owners, and do not leave your passport as security when hiring a car or motor cycle. According to Thai law, non-Thai citizens should carry their passports at all times.

Entry to Thailand is normally refused to visitors holding passports with less than six months validity. It has also been refused if there are only two or three pages remaining in the passport.

Visitors entering Thailand on a 30-day tourist visa must not take up employment in Thailand. Anyone staying more than 30 days must apply for a visa in advance. Do not overstay the date stamped in your passport.

Thailand is a Buddhist country where Buddha images are held sacred. Sacrilegious acts are punishable by imprisonment even if committed by foreign visitors.

Thai people hold their King and Queen and the Royal Family in great reverence, and so won't tolerate foreigners showing disrespect to them Dress properly when entering a Buddhist temple. Miniskirts and shorts are not allowed. Take your shoes off before going inside the hall of worship. Ladies must not on any account touch a Buddhist monk, give things direct to him or receive things direct from him.

Tourist should never climb up to snap a photo, nor do something that could be considered disrespectful anywhere near the Buddha statue. Traditionally, Thais greet each other with a wai (by pressing the palms together at the chest). If someone wais you, you should wai back (except wai by a child).

Don't touch a person's head, nor ruffle his hair. The head is the noblest part of the body. A sincere apology should be offered immediately if you touch someone's head unintentionally.

Avoid placing your feet on the table while sitting. Never use your foot to point things out or to touch any part of the body of anyone, which is considered rude.



Indian Import Policy The main objective of Indian import policy is: To make the goods easily available.

To simplify importing license. To promote efficient import substitution.

Documents required by Indians for traveling Thailand from India: (For Application submitted in The Royal Thai Embassy, New Delhi.) The applicants must submit the following relevant documents, depending on the purpose of their visit: Passport or travel document with validity not less than 6 months with one blank page Visa Application Form completely filled out Two recent photographs of the applicant (3.5 x 4.5 cm) Evidence of Transportation (Any of below) Confirmed air ticket Vessel Itinerary

Evidence of adequate finance (Any of below) Endorsement of $500 per person or $1000 per family Bank Statement for last three month with minimum balance of Rs. 20,000/Credit Card issued by a bank or financial institution Proof of hotel/accommodation reservation in Thailand

Free import 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 grammes of other tobacco products 2 litres of Wines or alcoholic beverages 59 ml of perfume 250 ml toiletries


Authorized personal goods An unlimited amount of foreign currency can be imported into the country.

Prohibited The following items are banned from entering or leaving the country unless under certain circumstances or limitations. Illegal drugs Firearms and ammunition unless permission has been obtained Knives and deadly weapons Pets and other live animals unless permission has been obtained, Birds and bird products eggs and feathers, products Plants and plant products unless permission has been obtained Radio transmitters Culturally important or valuable antiques Counterfeit money and goods Pigs and pig meat

Restricted Species of wild life including ivory, musk and animal skins are prohibited from leaving the country. Unless taken by a native of the country, Indian currency is expressly prohibited from leaving India. Plants and plant products such as seeds or fruits are prohibited without prior permission. All Indian currency is prohibited from being imported or exported out from the country by foreign travellers. Indian residents going on or returning from a holiday abroad can freely take or bring in up to Rs. 7500.

Tourism and connectivity Air connectivity between India and Thailand is growing with nearly 140 flights per week, reflecting rapidly growing passenger traffic between the two countries.


Bangkok is connected by air to 9 Indian destinations. India and Thailand are cooperating closely on improving regional connectivity through initiatives such as India-Myanmar Thailand trilateral Highway, Asian Highway Network (under UNESCAP), and BTILS under BIMSTEC framework.

Indian tourists visited Thailand Arrivals 790,000 830,000 504,634

Year 2010 2011(Jan-Nov) 2012(Jan-Jun)

Thai tourists visited India Arrivals 50,000 45,000

Year 2010 2011(Jan-Nov)

Taxation Service Tax Exemptions Small service providers whose turnover is less than Rs 4 lakhs per annum are exempt from service tax. There is no service tax on export of services. Services provided to UN and International Agencies and supplies to SEZ (Special Economic Zones) are exempt from service tax. Service tax is not payable on value of goods and material supplied while providing services. Such exclusion is permissible only if Cenvat credit on such goods and material is not taken.


PRESENT RELATIONSHIP WITH INDIAN TRADE & COMMERCE Economic & commercial linkages form an important aspect of Thailands partnership with India. The past few years have seen a rapid intensification of these linkages between the two countries. Significant mechanisms to push forward economic cooperation between the two countries are: 1. Joint Trade Committee (JTC): established 2532. 2. Joint Business Council: Run by Thai Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Industry of Thailand and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) A major factor lies in the implementation of Early Harvest Scheme (EHS) under the Framework Agreement for Establishing Free Trade Area between Thailand and India which was signed in October 2003. The operation of EHS containing 82 products commenced on 1 September 2004. At present, Thailand and India are in a process of negotiating to concluding an FTA covering trade in goods, which would further boost stronger bilateral economic ties. Bilateral trade has grown significantly and has multiplied five times since 2000 to reach 6.64 billion USD in 2010. This represents nearly 35% increase from trade in 2009. The Trade figure in 2010 includes Thai exports worth 4.39 billion USD and Thai imports worth 2.25 billion USD. Major items of Thai exports to India include: machinery & machinery appliances; organic chemicals; electrical machinery and parts; rubbers; plastics; auto parts/accessories; fabrics; refrigerator compressors. Major Items of Thai imports from India include: precious & semi-precious stones; machinery & machinery appliances; iron and steel; medicinal & pharmaceutical products. Investment by Indian and Thai companies into each others countries is growing. In 2011 Indian companies have invested around US$ 1.5 billion in Thailand & Thailand has invested over US$ 44 million in India.



Trade Barriers with Country:

The global economic slowdown has posed an impact on Thailand, which relies mainly on its export sector. Thus, Thailand should consider turning to its ASEAN partners whose growth rates are becoming higher at present.

Thai government policy is highly restrictive and lack of transparency in the healthcare services sector such as hospitals, out-patient services, and medical check-up services.

Regarding public procurement, fair access by foreign companies to the Thai procurement market is limited as regulations in this area provide a clear preference for domestic goods and services, while rules governing significant infrastructure projects, potentially eligible to International Tenders, such as in the airport sector, do not follow international practices and suffer from lack of transparency.

Thailand applies de facto discriminatory excise duties on imported spirits and is at the same time reviewing its internal tax system. Applied rates imposed on most of imported spirits fall under a high tax bracket of 400 BHT, while local products always fall in lower tax brackets of 120 or 300 BHT.

In the automotive sector, the EU industry has voiced concerns about Thailand's very high import (80% for cars & 5-30% for parts & components) and excise duties (30-50% for auto parts & components) which result in high production costs. Thailand's excise tax structure and its calculation remains complex and heavily favors locally produced vehicles. The industry wishes to re-establish equal treatment with Japan via a Thailand-EU FTA.

The pharmaceutical sector suffers from difficulties and delays in registration of new drugs at the FDA and the uncertainties in Thai policy on compulsory licensing. The latter concerns a preoccupation with the alleged lack of transparency and involvement of affected rights holders and consequences of a systematic recourse to compulsory licenses, which should remain an exceptional and last resort solution, as also consistent with the notions of the

WTO's Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). In the retail and distribution sectors, Thailand has been trying to put in place legislation that would limit the development of retail and distribution services in the country by foreign companies. Modern large distributors have raised concerns that the law, under the pretext of protecting small traditional retailers, in fact aims at protecting powerful domestic supplying industry by preventing small retailers access to cheaper sourcing. Technical barriers to trade:

Certification requirement The Thai government requires the compulsory certification of 60 products in ten sectors, including agriculture, construction materials, consumer goods, electrical appliances and accessories, PVC pipe, medical equipment, LPG gas containers, surface coatings, and vehicles.

Technical standards The Thai Industrial Standards Institute of the Ministry of Industry announced the standard of safety requirements for household refrigerators and suggested that the standards be compulsory. The applicable scope includes the nominal voltage of single-phase appliances not exceeding 250 volt and that of other electrical appliances not exceeding 480 volt.

Trade barrier for tourism industry:

Thailand's tourism sector will not join the Asean Free Trade Agreement (AFTA) until 2015 due to opposition from operators and shortage of capital. There are also inadequacies in capital and technology compared to some countries. The AFTA deal will lift international trade barriers and many foreign investors are expected to expand their business into Thailand. Some sectors like retail, food, property and electric are also joining AFTA.

Tourism operators would not benefit from joining the deal now unless they were ready to participate in the agreement. Operators would need at least five years to prepare for international service standards, capital investment and human skills.

The Cabinet is extending tourism-recovery measures by increasing waivers of visa fees and reducing parking and landing fees for airlines and cutting entrance fees at national parks.


Investment The Tourism Investment Department, Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has established tourism industry investment database such as Hotel, Spa and Golf in major and minor tourism provinces, the potential area for tourist destination, border provinces, small and medium accommodation including related businesses in supply chain for the high-end market, Long stay accommodation business, etc. In Thailand, CBRE Thailand is the only property consultant in Thailand able to cover the hotel and resort market. They are currently selling a number of private residences in branded resorts in Koh Samui and Phuket. There is a wide range of both local and overseas clients who invest in the hotel and resort market in Thailand. These investors include property development companies and wealthy overseas private groups. In addition, wealthy local families also invest in land and properties and own and operate many established hotels and resorts throughout the country. Thailand is the second-largest investor in Myanmars hotel business. The Union of Myanmar Travel Association, hoteliers from Thailand had spent US$263.25 million in Myanmar, offering 1,896 rooms in total via 11 hotel brands, including Andaman Club, Kandawgyi Palace, Nikko (Chatrium), Mandalay Hill and Pearl Laguna.

In terms of investment from Thailand in Myanmar, the power sector ranked the highest with about $6 billion, followed by oil and gas at $2.19 billion, manufacturing at $630.84 million and then the hotel and tourism industry.

Identification of New Business opportunities with Thailand

Like most successful businesses, Sea Dawgs is all about additional income. The boat is licensed to carry 120 passengers per cruise & have scheduled by sixteen cruises per week with an average ticket costing THB 2,000 per person in Thailand.

Pattaya has become Thailands second city, as well as an international tourist destination. It includes investing locally, or in buying or selling a business in or around Pattaya. Their site includes listings of businesses and investment properties for sale on the Eastern Seaboard of Thailand. The businesses for sale includes bars, restaurants, guesthouses, mini-marts, laundries, massage businesses, hotels & even magazines for sale.

Thailands economic growth has created opportunities for U.S. companies in a number of infrastructure sectors including electrical power,

telecommunications, and renewable energy. Thai consumers are creating opportunities for new sales of U.S. medical products, cosmetics, automotive accessories, food supplements and

educational services. The Thai government is focusing resources on the development of its transportation network, especially train and high speed train projects as well as ongoing infrastructure projects, including the expansion of the Bangkok Skytrain and subway systems. U.S. firms engaged in these sectors will find opportunities for success.

The opportunities for the sale of aviation and airport and ground support equipment in Thailand are prevalent for American companies.

The government is promoting medical tourism as a means to attract more international visitors to the country. International patients will still be the main target for most leading private hospitals in Thailand. Most hospitals will try to


expand their specializations and use them as marketing tools to attract patients, both local and international. Thailands oil and gas sector offers exciting opportunities for U.S. machinery and Service because the sector is highly dependent on imported equipment and engineering services from countries with leading technology providers.


Thailand is an extremely popular holiday destination for Indian tourists. India is one of Thailands fastest growing markets and the biggest source-market for visitors from South Asia. Top destinations mostly preferred by tourists are Bangkok, Ayutthaya, Krabi, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Mae Hong Son & Chonburi. So these destinations have good potential to attract & increase more Indian travelers. 1,200 Indian nationals (800 Travel agent Association of India (TAAI) members, 300 spouses and accompanying people, and 100 VIPs) met in Phuket, Southern Thailand, to discuss the evolution of Indias travel industry. TAAI and TAT see high potential in youth tourism, health tourism, wedding & Honeymoon as well as golf. Thailand is a welcoming, peaceful country and a year-round tourism destination with high-quality, value-for-money products and services. So there is good potential to increase Indian tourists. More and more Indians are choosing Phuket & also Bangkok for wedding functions for the last three years. So these destinations have good potential to increase more tourists.

The export value of food products from Thailand grew 20% in 2011, while imports of food processing and packaging machinery grew nearly 8%. U.S. imports grew nearly 14%, increasing its market share by half a percentage from 6% in the previous year to 6.4% in 2011. Industry experts foresee further increase in demand for food processing and packaging

machinery. They believe the market has strong potential to grow at close to 10% annually in the near term.

Opportunities in Tourism Industry:

The Tourism Authority of Thailand has set a 2013 target of 22.22 million international tourist arrivals, generating estimated foreign exchange revenues of 966 billion baht (USD 30.62 billion, based on the exchange rate of 31.54 baht to the dollar). So, they have opportunity to increase their revenue.

Tourism is now recognized as Thailands most important service industry in Thailand. So, its contribution to job creation, income distribution and foreign exchange earnings is well above par.

By far the most important opportunity is the emergence of the ASEAN Economic Community and prospects of free movement of products and people by 2015. These opportunities increase manifold when the nearly 600 million strong population of the 10 ASEAN countries is expanded to include ASEAN +3 (China, Japan and South Korea) and beyond by another three countries to include ASEAN +6 (Russia, India and Australia). To capitalize on this, the TAT has crafted the Thailand and Beyond Strategy to be ready for AEC in 2015.

The core theme of the 2013 TAT Action Plan is Higher Revenue through Thainess. The TAT will attract tourists with the Charm of Thainess which includes Thai Experience, Thai Way of Life, and Thai Culture.


Business Opportunities in other areas:

Myanmar could offer Thailand several benefits for its abundant natural gas and cheap labor as well as transport networks. Although many Thai businesses have already expanded into Myanmar, the AEC formation, which will happen in 2015, will definitely allow greater access for Thailand to Myanmar to seek business opportunities and promote the economic growth.

The rise of a green China will offer new business opportunities to Thailand. CP All Pcl (CPALL), (Charoen Pokphand Group) the worlds thirdbiggest operator of 7-Eleven convenience stores, said it plans to expand its network in Thailand to 10,000 outlets by 2018 to maintain annual profit growth at 15 percent. o The company, controlled by 73-year-old Thai billionaire Dhanin Chearavanont, plans to add 3,300 stores to its existing 6,700 in the next six years. About 500 outlets will open each year, more than half outside Bangkok. Stores in provincial cities and rural areas will account for 60 percent of the companys total, from about 50 percent.

Problems & prospects of business with Thailand

Problems: The floods in Thailand impact on arrivals during the months of October and November 2011. The number of tourists decreased highly during this time. The flood affected eight million people in 76 provinces and over 120 million baht or $3.9 billion worth in damages. The flood had damaged many destinations in Thailand. This was major problem faced by Thailand peoples to carry out business during that time. Big companies like Canon Inc., Honda Motor Co., and Toyota Motor Corp were bogged down by the flood


10% of the countrys rice production was destroyed. Thailand is the worlds largest exporter of rice, so the disaster put upward pressure on world food prices, which were already at the highest levels.

Thai peoples are facing problem mainly in English language which is mostly preferred all over the world. They face difficulty to communicate in English language while interacting with the foreign countries for the business.

Political instability & Global economy slow down were also major hurdles to carry out business in Thailand. Global financial and economic crisis impacted the bilateral trade The trade figure was US$ 4.9 billion declining by 17% (Indian Exports were US$ 1.7 billion, down by 34%, while Thai exports were US$ 3.2 billion declining by 3.6%). Prospects:

Despite the damage to infrastructure, the floods had provided only a shortterm interruption to Thailand's strong recovery, boding well for continued arrivals growth in 2012.

The TATs marketing recovery campaigns facilitated a quick short-term recovery. The tactical and strategic campaigns included numerous activities at global travel trade shows and regional road shows, hard-sell marketing events, partnership with airlines and tour operators, and government-approved policy measures; such as, the tourist visa fee waiver, reduced aircraft landing and parking charges, etc.

As Thai people are face difficulty to communicate in English language. So country has now started taking actions to improve the education system by making modifications in their existing system. This will help them to carry out their business in foreign countries without any language barrier.

Bilateral Trade for the annual year 2011 is about USD 8.19 billion. Thailand is trying to move upward by taking necessary actions & hard efforts.


Tourism Industry: The Thai tourism industry continued its strong performance in the first six months of 2012, with total arrivals of 10,496,789 by 7.60%. Tourists arrivals increased in Thailand as compare to previous year: (Statistics) China (196,192) by 42.12% Russia (106055) by 20.01% Korea (79783) by 14.21% India (79130) by 10.2% Laos (73552) by 10.22% UK (73402) by 47.9%.

There was substantial increase of 16.62% in Japanese tourists (103,657) compared to April 2011 when a tsunami and earthquake in Japan virtually brought outbound travel to a standstill.

There is decrease in arrivals from Australia (71558) by 7.75%, US (56184) by 2.53% & Malaysia dropped by 22.16% during 2012. Top destinations in Thailand are Bangkok, Ayutthaya, Krabi, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Mae Hong Son & Chonburi. 504,634 Indian tourists visited Thailand in 2012(Jan-Jun). 45,000 Thai tourists visited India in 2011(Jan-Nov).

Other Industries: In Agriculture industry Thailand is one of the world's largest exporters of rice and shrimp. One of the most important industries in Thailand is the automobile, which grew by 64% in 2010, with 1.6 million cars produced. This made Thailand the 13th largest motor vehicle manufacturing countries in the world. Electronics is also one of the largest industries in Thailand. Thailand has become the favorable place for electronics industry investment with


increase in the global demand for high-technology consumer electronics such as wireless devices, mobile phones and computers. Import-Export: Export partners includes China 11%, Japan 10.5%, US 10.4%, Hong Kong 6.7%, Malaysia 5.4%, Australia 4.8%, Singapore 4.6% Import partners includes Japan 20.8%, China 13.3%, US 5.9%, Malaysia 5.9%, UAE 4.7%, South Korea 4.4% Religions: Buddhist 94.6%, Muslim 4.6%, Christian 0.7%, other 0.1% Company:

Total number of full time employee in the Thai Travel Info Service Company Limited is 64 persons.

The number of visitor of the Thai Travel Info Service Company Limited around the globe was 4,052,286 which were increased from this year 140% increased from 2006(1688452.5) and thus made them to become the top the traveling website service provider (Travel Agency) in Thailand.

Company sells over 30,000 routes of the air flight around the world of over 200 of the leading airline company. Company sell domestic and international package tour included travel with the leading airline such as Royal Orchid Holiday Package Hong Kong Cathay Super city, Package Wow Singapore Airline, American Dreamy Package from United Airline, and etc.

Company provides hotel, resort, and apartment reservation service both domestic and international, provides overseas train booking services in Europe, American, and Japanese in an economy rate, provides Renting cars from leading domestic and international car rent companies such as Budget Car Rent, AVIS and Hertz for special prices.



Thailand has now become one of the biggest world centers mainly through its tourism facilities. Agriculture, Electronic & Automobile industries are also contributing highest to Thailand economy.

Though flood had damage many destinations in Thailand it has strongly recover soon & Thai tourism industry continued its strong performance & had generated more revenue through maximum number of visitors.

Though Thailand had face many difficulties during political instability & global economy slow down, it has become most attractive destination for tourism in Asia.

Tourists from across the world come and hoard in Thailand in search of color, rhythm and life. The hotels in Thailand are simply awesome. They provide the tourists the best services possible. There are branded hotel chains like Hyatt, Marriott, Sheraton and Hilton Hotels.

In Bangkok, 15 August 2012- Ministry of Tourism and Sports Department of Tourism plans to develop more tourist attractions, nationwide, to increase the countrys tourism appeal. It will also inspect and install more signs in foreign languages at tourist attractions, nationwide, to provide more convenience for tourists.

Thai Travel Info Service Company Limited provide an integrated traveling business with main priority to offer a reliable and a wide variety of travel services in both domestic and overseas markets. The Company provides hotel, resort, and apartment reservation service both domestic and international.

The company has been awarded for the reliable electronic commerce website (Trustmark) issued by business development department of ministry of ecommerce.



The country should take necessary action to maintain their political stability in future so that they can increase capital outflows. Due to increase in import of electronic integrated

circuits, chemicals, crude oil and fuels, and iron and steel, Thailand needs to increase the production of high-technology items and vehicles. Other countries in south-east Asia (Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Indonesia etc) have similarity in geography with Thailand. So Thailand has to use new strategy to attract the tourist towards it by using its natural and cultural charm, low-cost carrier flights to destinations. TAT should focus more on high-income markets, niche travelers (honeymooners or medical and health visitors), repeat travelers, as well as focusing on emerging incoming markets such as Asian females, US and European seniors, or emerging countries such as Brazil, Argentina, or Indonesia. The government should try to reduce violence in southernmost provinces to increase the tourist from different countries. The Country should take necessary steps for the development of infrastructure to support tourism, expedite improvement in the standard of facilities, safety and hygiene, with consideration given to accessibility to tourist destinations for the disabled and the elderly. The Country should Develop, restore, and revive existing natural, historical, and cultural tourist destinations & promote the development of new destinations in areas with potential for linking nature, culture and local lifestyles. The country must improve public services in order to attract and be able to efficiently service the market for quality tourists. The Government should promote tourism activities to add value to the tourism sector & improve the quality of tourism services & also promote Thailand as a filming location & support Thailands bid to host international events.
64 n 202011-English(1).pdf &id=284%3Ain-spite-of-2011-floods-thai-tourism-arrivals-stillup&catid=5%3Anews-releases&Itemid=82 &id=266%3Aasean-tourism-forum-2012-atf2012&catid=9%3Apresentations&Itemid=81 %A5br%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%84%E0%B8%B2% E0%B9%81%E0%B8%A5%E0%B8%B0br%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%B2%E0%B 8%A3%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%87%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%81/ %E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%96%E0%B8%95%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8 %A3%E0%B8%84%E0%B8%B2/tabid/512/Default.aspx m_report_q1_2012.pdf
65 port_q1_2011.pdf 2_71847.pdf


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