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Chapter 2: Physical properties of hydraulic fluid 2011 Chapter 2: Physical properties of hydraulic fluid Learning objectives At the end

of this chapter, you should be able to: 1. Explain the primary functions of a hydraulic fluid. 2. Define the term fluid. 3. Distinguish between a liquid and gas. 4. Appreciate the properties of desired of a hydraulic fluid. 5. Define the term specific weight, density, and specific gravity. 6. Understand the terms pressure, head and absolute pressures. 7. Differentiate between gage pressures and absolute pressures. 8. Calculate the force created by a pressure. 9. Understand the kinematic viscosity and absolute viscosity 10. Convert viscosity from one set of units to another set of units. 11. Explain the difference between viscosity and viscosity index.

2.1 Introduction The single most important material in a hydraulic system is the working fluid itself. Hydraulic fluid characteristics have a crucial effect on equipment performance and life. It is important to use a clean, high-quality fluid in order to achieve efficient hydraulic system operation. Most modern hydraulic fluids are complex compound that have been carefully prepared to meet their demanding task. In addition to having a base fluid, hydraulic fluids contain special additives to provide desired characteristics. A hydraulic fluid has the following four primary functions: 1. Transmit power 2. Lubricate moving parts 3. Seal clearances between mating parts 4. Dissipate heat In addition a hydraulic fluid must be inexpensive and readily available. To accomplish properly the four primary functions and be practical from a safety and cost point of view, a hydraulic fluid should have the following properties: 1. Good lubricity Hydraulic and pneumatic control lecture notes by Siraj K. Page 1

Chapter 2: Physical properties of hydraulic fluid 2011 2. Ideal viscosity 3. Chemical stability 4. Compatibility with system materials 5. High degree of incompressibility 6. Fire resistance 7. Good heat-transfer capability 8. Low density 9. Foam resistance 10. Non toxicity 11. Low volatility This is a challenging list, and no single hydraulic fluid possesses all of these desirable characteristics. The fluid power designer must select the fluid that comes the closest to being ideal overall for a particular application.

Hydraulic fluid must also be changed periodically, the frequency depending not only on the fluid but also on the operating conditions. Laboratory analysis is the best method for the determining when a fluid should be changed. Generally speaking, a fluid should be changed when its viscosity and acidity increase due to fluid breakdown or contamination. Preferably, the fluid should be changed while the system is at operating temperature. In this way, most of the impurities are in suspension and will be drained off.

Much hydraulic fluid has been discarded in the past due to the possibility that contamination existed- it costs more to test the fluid than to replace it. This situation has changed as the need to conserve hydraulic fluids has developed. Figure 2.1 shows a hydraulic fluid test kit that provides a quick, easy method to test system contamination. Even small hydraulic systems may be checked. The test kit may be used on the spot to determine whether fluid quality permits continued use. Three key quality indicators can be evaluated: viscosity, water content, and foreign particle contamination level.

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Chapter 2: Physical properties of hydraulic fluid 2011

Figure 2.1. Hydraulic fluid test kit. (Courtesy of Gulf Oil Corp. , Houston, Texas.)

2.2. Fluids: Liquids and Gases Liquids The term fluid refers to both gases and liquids. A liquid is a fluid that, for a given mass, will have a definite volume independent of the shape of its container. This means that even though a liquid will assume the shape of the container, it will fill only the part of the container whose volume equals the volume of the quantity of the liquid. For example, if water is poured into a vessel and the volume of water is not sufficient to fill the vessel, a free surface will b e formed, as shown in the figure 2.2(a). A free surface is also formed in the case of a body of water, such a lake, exposed to the atmosphere [figure 2.2(b)]. Liquids are considered to be incompressible so that their volume does not change with pressure changes. This is not exactly true, but the change in volume due to pressure change is small that it is ignored for most engineering applications.

Figure 2.2 free surface of a liquid Hydraulic and pneumatic control lecture notes by Siraj K. Page 3

Chapter 2: Physical properties of hydraulic fluid 2011 Gases Gases, on the other hand, are fluids that are readily compressible. In addition, their volume will vary to fill the vessel containing them. This is illustrated in figure 2.3, where a gas is allowed to enter an empty vessel. As shown, the gas molecules always fill the entire vessel. Therefore unlike liquids, which have a definite volume for a given mass, the volume of the given mass of gas will increase to fill the vessel that contains it. Gases are generally influenced by the pressure to which they are subjected. An increase in pressure causes the volume of the gas to decrease and vice versa. Figure 2.4 summarizes the key physical differences between liquids and gases for a given mass. Air is the only gas commonly used in fluid power systems because it is inexpensive and readily available. Air also has the following desirable features as a power fluid: 1. It is fire resistant 2. It is not messy 3. It can be exhausted back into the atmosphere

The disadvantages of using air versus using hydraulic oil are: 1. Due to its compressibility, air cannot be used in an application where accurate rate of positioning or rigid holding is required. 2. Because air is compressible, it tends to be sluggish. 3. Air can be corrosive, since it contains oxygen and water. 4. A lubricant must be added to air to lubricate valves and actuators 5. Air pressures of greater that 250 psi are typically not used due to explosion dangers involved if components such as air tanks should be rupture. This is because air (due to its compressibility) can store a large amount of energy as it is compressed in a manner similar to that of a mechanical spring.

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Chapter 2: Physical properties of hydraulic fluid 2011

Figure 2.3. A gas always fills its entire vessel.

Parameter Volume Shape Liquid Has its own volume Takes shape of container but only to its volume Compressibility Incompressible for most engineering applications Gas Volume is determined by container Expands to completely fill and take the shape of the container Readily compressible

Figure 2.4. Physical differences between liquids and gases

2.3. Specific weight, density and specific gravity Weight versus mass All objects, whether solids or fluids are pulled towered the center of the earth by a force of attraction. This force is called the weight of the object and is proportional to the objects mass as defined by
F = W = mg


Where, in the English systems of units (also called U.S. customary units used extensively in the United States) we have F = force in units of lb, W = weight in units of lb, m= mass of object in unit slugs, g= proportionality constant called the acceleration of gravity, which equals 32.2ft/s2. From equation (2.1), W equals 32.2 lb if m is 1 slug. Therefore, 1 slug is the amount of mass that weights 32.2 lb on the surface of the earth. Hydraulic and pneumatic control lecture notes by Siraj K. Page 5

Chapter 2: Physical properties of hydraulic fluid 2011 Specific weight Figure 2.5 shows a cubic container full of water as an example of discussing the fluid property called specific weight. Since the container has the shape of rectangular solid, its volume can be calculated using equation (2.2).
volume = (area of base )x (height )


Figure 2.5. Cubic container full of water. Substituting values yields volume = (1 ft 1 f )x(1 ft ) = 1 ft 3 It has been found by measurement that 1ft3 of water weighs 62.4 lb. specific weight is defined as weigh per unit volume. State mathematically, we have
specific weight = weight volume

Or Where



= Greek symbol gamma = specific weight (lb/ft3)

W = weight (lb) V = volume (ft3)

Knowing that 1 ft3 of water weighs 62.4 lb, we can now calculate the specific weight of water using equation (2.3):

water =

W 62.4 lb = = 62.4 lb / ft 3 3 V 1 ft

If we want to calculate the specific weight of water in units of lb/ft3, we can perform the units manipulation:

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Chapter 2: Physical properties of hydraulic fluid 2011

The conversion factor of 1/1728 is valid since 1ft3 = 1728 in3. This provides a consistent set of units of lb/in3 on both sides of the equals sign since the units of ft3 cancel out in the numerator and denominator. The resulting units conversion equation is

(lb / in 3 ) =

(lb / ft 3 )

Substituting the known value for the specific weight of water in units of lb/ft3, we have

water (lb / in 3 ) =

62.4 = 0.0361 lb / in 3 1728

Most oils have a specific weight of about 56 lb/ft3, or 0.0325 lb/in3. However, depending on the type of oil, the specific weight can vary from low of 55 lb/ft3 to a high of 58 lb/ft3.

Specific gravity
The specific (SG) of a given fluid is defined as the specific weight of the fluid divided by the specific weight of water. Therefore, the specific gravity of water is unity by definition. The specific gravity of oil can be found using:

(SG )oil
(SG )oil


oil water
56 lb / ft 3 62.4 lb / ft 3 = 0.899


Note that specific gravity is a dimensionless parameter (has no units).

In addition to specific weight, we can also talk about the fluid property called density, which is defined as the mass per unit volume:

m V


Where = Greek symbol rho = mass density (kg/m3),

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Chapter 2: Physical properties of hydraulic fluid 2011 m= mass (kg), V= volume (m3). Since weight is proportional to mass (from the equation W= mg), it follows that specific gravity can also be defined as the density of the given fluid divided by the density of water. This is shown as follows:
W = mg


V = Vg
Solving for the density we have


Where has a unit of lb/ft3,

g has a unit of ft/s2,

has a unit of slugs/ft3.

Hence density equals specific weight divided by the acceleration of gravity. This allows us to obtain the desired result.
SG =


g g water



The density of oil having a specific weight of 56 lb/ft3 can be found from equation (2.6).

oil =

lb s 2 lb.s 2 slugs ft 3 = 1.74 3 = 1.74 4 = 1.74 3 ft ft ft ft ft 32.2 s2

56 lb

Note that from equation (2.1) W = mg . Thus, we have the following equality of units between weight and mass: lb = slugs ft / s 2

2.4. Force, pressure and head Force and pressure Pressure is defined as force per unit area. Hence, pressure is the amount of force acting over a unit area, as indicated by
p= F A

2.8 Page 8

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Chapter 2: Physical properties of hydraulic fluid 2011 Where p = pressure,

F = Force, A = Area. p will have units of lb/ft2 F and Area have units of lb and ft2, respectively. Similarly, by

changing the units of A from ft2 to in2, the units for p will become lb/in2. Lets go back to our 1ft3 container of figure 2.5. The pressure acting on the bottom of the container can be calculated using equation (2.8), knowing that the total force acting at the bottom equals the 62.4-lb weight of the water:


62.4 lb 1 ft 2

= 62.4 lb / ft 2 = 62.4 psf

Note that units of lb/ft2are commonly written as psf. Also, since 1 ft2 = 144 in2, the pressure at the bottom of the container can be found in units of lb/ft2 as follows using equation (2.8):


62.4 lb 144 in 2

= 0.433 lb / in 2 = 0.433 psi

Units of lb/in2 are commonly written as psi.

Head We can now conclude that, due to its weight, a 1-ft column of water develops at its base pressure of 0.433 psi. The 1-ft height of water is commonly called a pressure head.

Lets now refer to figure 2.6, which shows a 10-ft high column of water that has a cross-sectional area of 1 ft2. Since there are 10 ft3 of water and each cubic foot weighs 62.4 lb, the total weight of water is 624 lb. the pressure at the base is


624 lb 144 in

= 4.33 lb / in 2 = 4.33 psi

Thus each foot of the 10-ft head develops a pressure increase of 0.433 psi from its top to bottom. What happens to the pressure if the fluid is not water? Figure 2.7 shows at 1-ft3 volume of oil. Assuming a weight of density of 57 lb/ft3, the pressure at the base is liquid column changes it weight (and thus the force at its bottom) by a proportional amount. Hence F/A (which equals pressure) remains content.
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57 lb F = = 0.40 psi A 144 in 2

p = H

Figure 2.6. Pressure developed by a 10-ft column of water. (Courtesy of Sperry Vickers, Sperry Rand Corp., Troy, Michigan)

Figure 2.7. Pressure developed by 1-and 2-ft columns of oil. (Courtesy of Sperry Vickers, Sperry Rand Corp., Michigan.) Substituting the correct units for , and into equation (2.9) produces the proper unit for pressure:

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Chapter 2: Physical properties of hydraulic fluid 2011 p lb / in 2 = p ( psi ) = lb / in 3 H (in ) Or p lb / ft 2 = p( psf ) = lb / ft 3 H ( ft )

Figure 2.8. The atmosphere as a pressure head. (Courtesy of Sperry Vickers, Sperry Rand Corp., Troy, Michigan.)

Atmospheric pressure What about the pressure developed on the surface of Earth due to force of attraction between the atmosphere and the Earth? For all practical purposes we live at the bottom of a huge sea of air, which extends hundreds of miles above us. Equation (2.9) cannot be used to find this pressure because of the compressibility of air. As a result the density of the air is not constant throughout the atmosphere. Lets refer to figure 2.8 which shows a column of air with a cross-sectional area of 1 in2 and as high the atmosphere extends above the surface of the earth. This entire column of air weighs about 14.7 lb and thus produces a pressure of about 14.7 lb/in2 on the surface of the Earth at sea level. This pressure is called atmospheric pressure and the value of 14.7 lb/ln2 is called standard atmosphere pressure because atmospheric pressure varies a small amount depending on the weather conditions which affect the density of the air. Unless otherwise specified, the actual atmospheric pressure will be assumed to equal the standard atmosphere pressure.

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Gauge and absolute pressure Why then, does a deflated automobile tire read zero pressure of 14.7 psi when using a pressure gauge? The answer lies in the fact that a pressure gauge reads gauge pressure and not absolute pressure. Gauge pressures are measured relative to the atmosphere, whereas absolute pressures are measured relative to a perfect vacuum such as that existing in outer space. To distinguish between them, gauge pressures are labeled psig, or simply psi, whereas absolute pressures are labeled psi (abs), or simply psia.

Figure 2.9. Operation of a mercury barometer. (Courtesy of Sperry Vickers, Sperry Rand Corp., Troy, Michigan)

This means that atmospheric pressure equals 14.7 psia or 0 psig. Atmospheric pressure is measured with special devices called barometers. Figure 2.9 shows how a mercury barometer works. The atmospheric pressure to be measured can support a column of mercury equal to 30.0 in. because this head produces a pressure of 14.7 psi. This can be checked by using equation (2.9) and noting that the specific weight of the mercury is 0.490 lb/in3:
p = H

14.7 lb / in 2 = 0.490 lb / in 3 H (in )

H = 30.00 in of mercury

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Figure 2.10 has a chart showing the difference between gauge and absolute pressures. Lets examine two pressure levels: p1 and p2. Relative to a perfect vacuum they are
p1 = 4.7 psia (a pressure greater less than atmospheric pressure) p1 = 24.7 psia (a pressure greater than atmospheric pressure)

Relative to the atmosphere, they are

p1 = 10 psig suction (or vacuum) = 10 psig p1 = 10 psig

The use of terms suction or vacuum and the use of minus sign mean that pressure p1 is 10 psi below atmospheric pressure. Also note that the terms psi and psig are used interchangeably. Hence, p1 also equals -10 psi and p2 equals 10 psi. as can be seen from figure 2.10, the following equation can be used in converting gauge pressures to absolute pressures, and vice versa.
p abs = p gauge + p atm


Vacuum or suction pressures exist in certain locations of fluid power systems (for example, in the inlet or suction lines of pumps). Therefore, it is important to understand the meaning of pressures below atmospheric pressure. One way to generate a suction pressure is to remove some of the fluid from a closed vessel initially containing fluid at atmospheric pressure.

Figure 2.10. Difference between absolute and gauge pressures

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2.5. The SI metric system Introduction The SI metric system was standardized in June 1960 when the International Organization for Standardization approved a metric system called Le Systme International dUnits. This system, which is abbreviated SI, has supplanted the old CGS (centimeter-gram-second) metric system, and U.S. adoption of the SI metric system is considered to imminent. In the metric system, the units of measurement are as follows: Length is the meter (m). Mass is the kilogram (kg) Force is the newton (N) Time is the second (s) Temperature is the degree Celsius (0C)

Length, mass and force comparisons with English system The relative sizes of length, mass and force units between the metric and English systems are given as follows: One meter equals 39.4 in = 3.28 ft One kilogram equals 0.685 slugs One newton equals 0.225lb

A newton is the force required to give a mass of 1 kg an acceleration of 1 m/s2. Stated mathematically, we have

1 N = 1 kg 1 m / s 2
Since the acceleration of gravity at sea level equals 9.80 m/s2, a mass of 1 kg weighs 9.80 N. Also, since 1 N = 0.225 lb, mass of 1 kg also weighs 2.20 lb.

Pressure comparisons The SI metric system uses units of Pascals (Pa) to represent pressure. A pressure of 1 Pa is equal to a force of 1 N applied over the area of 1 m2 and thus is a very small unit of pressure.
1Pa = 1N / m 2

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Chapter 2: Physical properties of hydraulic fluid 2011 The conversion between pascals and psi is as follows:
1Pa = 0.000145 psi

Atmospheric pressure in units of pascals is found as follows by converting 14.7 psi in to its equivalent pressure in pascals:

p atm (Pa ) = 14.7 psi (abs )

1Pa = 101,000 Pa(abs ) 0.000145 psi

Thus, atmospheric pressure equals 101,000 Pa (abs) as well as 14.7 psia. Since the pascal is very small unit, the bar is commonly used: 1bar = 10 5 N / m 2 = 10 5 Pa = 14.5 psi Thus, atmospheric pressure equals 14.7/14.5 bars (abs), or 1.01 bars (abs).

Temperature comparison

The temperature (T) in the metric system is measured in units of degree Celsius (0C), whereas temperature in the English system is measured in units of degrees Fahrenheit (0F). figure 2.11 shows a graphical representation of these two temperature scales using mercury thermometer reading a room temperature of 680F (200C).

Figure 2.11: Comparison of the Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scales

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Relative to figure 2.11 the following should be noted: The Fahrenheit temperature scale is determined by dividing the temperature range between the freezing point of water (set at 320F) and the boiling point of water (set at 2120F) at atmospheric pressure into 180 equal increments. The Celsius temperature scale is determined by dividing the temperature range between the freezing point of water (set at 00) and the boiling point of water (set at 100 0C) at atmospheric pressure into 100 equal increments. The mathematical relationship between the Fahrenheit and Celsius is T 0 F = 1.8T 0 C + 32

( )

( )


Thus to find the equivalent Celsius temperature corresponding to room temperature (680F), we have:
T 0C =

( )

( F ) 32 = 68 32 = 20 C
0 0



Absolute temperature (Rankine units in English system and Kelvin units in metric system).

SI system prefixes Figure 2.12 provides the prefixes used in the metric system to represent powers of 10. Thus for example:
1kPa = 10 3 Pa = 1000 Pa

This means that atmospheric pressure equals 101kPa (abs) as well as 1010 millibars (abs).

Figure 2.12. Prefixes used in metric system to represent powers of 10.

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Chapter 2: Physical properties of hydraulic fluid 2011

2.6. Bulk modulus The highly favorable power-to-weight ratio and the stiffness of hydraulic systems make them the frequent choice for most high-power applications. The stiffness of a hydraulic system is directly related to the incompressibility of the oil. Bulk modulus is a measure of this incompressibility. The higher the bulk modulus, the less compressible of stiffer the fluid.

Mathematically the bulk modulus is defined by equation (2.12), where the minus sign indicates that as the pressure increases on a given amount of oil, the oils volume decreases; and vice versa:
p V / V


Where = bulk modulus (psi, kPa)

p = Change in pressure (psi, kPa)

V = Change in volume (in3, m3) V = Original volume (in3, m3)

The bulk modulus of an oil changes somewhat with changes in pressure and temperature. However, for pressure and temperature variations that occur in most fluid power systems , this factor can be neglected. A typical value for oil is 250,000 psi (1.72 x 106 kPa).

2.7. Viscosity Introduction Viscosity is probably the single most important property of a hydraulic fluid. It is a measure of a fluids resistance to fluid. When the viscosity is low, the fluid flows easily and is thin in appearance. A fluid that flows with difficulty has a high viscosity and is thick in appearance. In reality, the ideal viscosity for a given hydraulic system is a compromise. Too high a viscosity results in: 1. High resistance to flow, which causes sluggish operation 2. Increased power consumption due to frictional losses. 3. Increased pressure drop through valves and lines. Hydraulic and pneumatic control lecture notes by Siraj K. Page 17

Chapter 2: Physical properties of hydraulic fluid 2011 4. High temperatures caused by friction. On the other hand, if the viscosity is too low, the result is 1. Increased oil leakage past seals. 2. Excessive wear due to break down of the oil film between mating moving parts. These moving parts may be internal components of pump (such as pistons reciprocating in cylinder bores of a piston pump) or a sliding spool inside the body of a valves as shown in figure 2.13.

Figure 2.13. Fluid film lubricates and seals moving parts. (Courtesy of Sperry Vickers, Sperry Rand Corp., Troy, Michigan.)

Absolute viscosity A concept of viscosity can be understood by examining two parallel plates separated by an oil film of thickness y, as illustrated in figure 2.14. The lower plate is stationary, whereas the upper plate moves with a velocity v as it being pushed by a force F as shown. Because of viscosity, the oil adheres to both surfaces. Thus, the velocity of the layer of fluid in contact with the lower plate is zero, and the velocity of the layer in contact with the top place is v. The consequence in a linearly varying velocity profile whose slop is v/y. the absolute viscosity of the oil can be represented mathematically as follows:

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Chapter 2: Physical properties of hydraulic fluid 2011

v/ y

shear stress in oil F/A = v/ y slope of velocity profile


Where = Greek symbol tau = the shear stress in the fluid in units of force per unit area (lb/ft2, N/m2); the shear stress (which is produced by the force F) causes the sliding of adjacent layers of oil;

v = Velocity of the moving parts (ft/s, m/s);

y = Oil film thickness (ft, m);

= Greek symbol mu = the absolute viscosity of the oil,

F = Force applied to the moving upper plate (lb, N) A = Area of the moving plate surface in contact with the oil (ft2, m2).

Figure 2.14. Fluid velocity profile between parallel plates due to viscosity. Checking units of in the English system using equation (2.13), we have

lb / ft 2 = lb.s / ft 2 ( ft / s ) / ft

Similarly has units of N.s/m2 in the SI metric system. If the moving plate has a unit surface area in contact with the oil, and the upper plate velocity and oil film thickness are given units values, equation (2.13) becomes

F / A F /1 = =F v/ y 1/1

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Chapter 2: Physical properties of hydraulic fluid 2011 We can, therefore, define the absolute viscosity of a fluid as the force required to move a flat plate (of unit area at unit distance from a fixed plate) with a unit velocity when the space between the plates is filled with the fluid. Thus, using a fluid of higher viscosity requires a larger force, and vice versa. This shows that viscosity is a measure of a fluids resistance to flow. Viscosity is often expressed in the CGS (centimeter-gram-second) metric system. In the CGS metric system, the units per equation (2.13) are

dyn / cm 2 = = dyn.s / cm 2 (cm / s ) / cm

Where a dyne is the force that will accelerate a 1-g mass at a rate of 1 cm/s2. The conversions between dynes and Newtons as follows: 1N = 10 5 dyn A viscosity of 1 dyn.s/cm2 is called a poise. The poise is a large unit of viscosity. A more convenient unit is the centipoises, abbreviated cP.

Kinematic viscosity Calculations in hydraulic systems often involve the use of kinematic viscosity rather than absolute viscosity. Kinematic viscosity equals absolute viscosity divided by density:



Where = Greek symbol nu = kinematic viscosity. Units for the kinematic viscosity are given as follows: English: ft2/s, SI metric: m2/s and CGS metric: cm2/s. A viscosity of 1 cm2/s is called a stoke. Because a stoke is a large unit, viscosity is typically reported in centistokes (cS).

Saybolt Viscometer
The viscosity of a fluid is usually measured by a Saybolt viscometer, which is shown schematically in figure 2.15. Basically, this device consists of an inner chamber containing the sample of oil to tested. A separate outer compartment, which completely surrounds the inner chamber, contains a quantity of oil whose temperature is controlled by an electrical thermostat Hydraulic and pneumatic control lecture notes by Siraj K. Page 20

Chapter 2: Physical properties of hydraulic fluid 2011 and heater. A standard orifice is located at the bottom of the center oil chamber. When the oil sample is at the desired temperature, the time it takes to fill a 60-cm3 container through the metering orifice is then recorded. The time (t), measured in seconds, is the viscosity of the oil in the official units called Saybolt Universal Seconds (SUS). Since a thick liquid flows slowly, its SUS viscosity value will be higher that for a thin liquid.

A relationship exists between the viscosity in SUS and cS. This relationship is provided by the following empirical equations:

(cS ) = 0.226t
(cS ) = 0.220t

195 , t 100 SUS t

135 , t > 100 SUS t

2.15 2.16

Where the symbol represents the viscosity in cS and t is the viscosity is measured in SUS, or simply seconds.

Kinematic viscosity is defined as absolute viscosity divided by density since, in the CGS metric system, density equals specific gravity (because H 2O = 1 g / cm 3 and thus has a value of one), the following equation can be used to find the kinematic viscosity in cS if the absolute viscosity in cP is known, and vice versa.

(cS ) =

(cP )


As previously noted, in the SI metric system, N.s/m2 and m2/s are the units used for the absolute and kinematic viscosity, respectively. Although these are good units for calculations purposes, it is common practice in the fluid power industry to use viscosity expressed in units of SUS or cS.

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Figure 2.15. Saybolt viscometer. (Courtesy of USX Corp., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.)

Capillary tube viscometer A quick method for determining the kinematic viscosity of fluids in cS and absolute viscosity in cP is shown in figure 2.16. This test measures the time it takes for a given amount of fluid flow through a capillary tube under the force of gravity. The time in seconds is then multiplied by the calibration constant for viscometer to obtain the kinematic viscosity of the sample fluid in centistokes. The absolute viscosity in centipoises is then calculated using equation (2.17).

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Figure 2.16. Capillary tube viscometer. (Courtesy of USX Corp., Pittsburgh, Pennysylvania.)


Viscosity index

Oil becomes thicker as the temperature decreases and thins when heated; hence, the viscosity of given oil must be expressed at specified temperature. For most hydraulic applications, the viscosity normally equals about 150 SUS at 100 0F. it is a general rule of thumb that the viscosity Hydraulic and pneumatic control lecture notes by Siraj K. Page 23

Chapter 2: Physical properties of hydraulic fluid 2011 should never fall below 50 SUS or rise above 4000 SUS regardless of the temperature. Where extreme temperature changes are encountered, the fluid should have a high viscosity index.

Viscosity index (VI) is a relative measure of oils viscosity change with respect to temperature change. Oil having low VI is one that exhibits a large change in viscosity with temperature change. High-VI oil is one that has a relatively stable viscosity, which does not change appreciably with temperature change. The original VI scale ranged from 0 to 100, representing the poorest to best VI characteristics known at that time. Today, with improved refining techniques and chemical additives, oils exist with VI values well above 100. High-VI oil is good all-weather-type oil for use with outdoor machines operating in extreme temperature swings. This is where viscosity index is especially significant. For a hydraulic system where the oil temperature does not change appreciably, the viscosity index of the fluid is not critical. The VI of any hydraulic oil can be found by using
VI = L U 100 LH


Where L = Viscosity in SUS of 0-VI at 100 0F,

U = Viscosity in SUS of unknown-VI oil at 100 0F,

H = Viscosity in SUS 100-VI oil at 100 0F

The VI of unknown-VI oil is determined from tests. A reference oil of 0 VI and a reference oil of 100 VI are selected, each of which has a uniquely the same viscosity at 210 0F as the unknownVI oil. The viscosities of three oils are then measured at 100 0F to give values for L, U and H.

Figure 2.17 provides a pictorial representation of the H, L and U terms in equation (2.18). Note that the change in viscosity of a hydraulic oil as a function of temperature is represented by a straight lined when using American Society for Testing and materials (ASTM) standard viscosity temperature charts. Figure 2.18 shows the results of a viscosity index test where oil A is the 0-VI have VI values of 50 and 140, respectively. For example, the VI for oil B is calculated as following using the viscosity values at 1000F for oils A (L value), B (U value) and C (H value) from figure 2.18:
VI (oil B ) = L U 2400 1700 100 = 100 = 50 LH 2400 1000

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Figure 2.17. Typical curves for a viscosity index test

Another characteristics relating to viscosity is called the pour point, which is the lowest temperature wt which a fluid will flow. It is a very important parameter to specify for hydraulic systems that will be exposed to extremely low temperatures. As a rule of thumb, the pour point should be at least 200F below the lowest temperature to be experienced by the hydraulic system.

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Figure 2.18. Viscosity index. (Courtesy of USX Corp., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.)

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