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French Vocabulary, or People-that-I-actually-hate-more-than-Chechens Vocabulary (Sorry for all the superfluous commentary.

I just hate French Culture & History) Nich Glezman - Period 1A 1. Old Regime The Old French monarchy 2. Third Estate The plebians of French society, third group in the government (1 is religious people, 2nd is the nobles) 3. Louis XVI The final French monarch, ran away but came back and was killed in front of thousands of soldiers. Poster-child of the guillotine. 4. Estates General Assembly of all three estates to decide on a law. 5. National Assembly Group of the third estate people to make revolutionary decisions, met on the tennis court. 6. Tennis Court Oath Oath made by the Third Estate not to leave the tennis-court until a constitution was drafted. 7. September Massacres Started by a Prussian generals threat that, if one noble was harmed, the revolutionaries would be slaughtered. Naturally this meant that the revolutionaries would revolt by slaughtering prisoners that supported the king, due to a rumor that they would break out. Yay, its highschool except with French revolutionaries. 8. Great Fear More rumors (The French love those) that the Nobles were planning something. This time sparked by the spread of the revolution to the country-side, and people started whispering to each-other that outlaws were being hired to terrorize the people. And they took the phrase fight fire with fire literally, and became outlaws themselves. 9. National Convention Started by the Jacobin Club (Led by Georges Danton, a talented speaker and lawyer), essentially became an oligarchy-type system that reduced Louis XVIs power to that of a commoner and prisoner. And in 1793 convicted him of treason (To be honest, I dont understand how the figure-head of a state causes treason, sine he IS the state) and guillotined him to death, forever ending Louis job as Cover-girl. 10. Jacobin See above. Murderous people that replaced the Old Regime with a new, and far more deadly regime. 11. Guillotine Louis XVIs favorite play-thing. Also proved the French are kindergarteners that own property, I mean for Gods sake its a piece of metal with a rope attached ot it, and its treated as some amazing invention brought down by advanced civilizations. Did I mention I hate French culture? 12. Maximillen Robespierre Leader of the Revolution (Not to be confused with the counter revolution, or counter revolution, or the revolution counter.) 13. Committee of Public Safety Its key task was to protect the members of the revolution from its enemies, and by protect they mean slaughter people who look at them funny. Probably coined the term Cant spell Slaughter without laughter. 14. Reign of Terror Period of Robespierres rule. Or the Bush Administration(s). 15. Napolean Bonaparte Talented general of France (Thats an oxymoron) that became dictator of France (Another dictator. Theyre worse than Germany, and Germany was made a country BY a dictator.) Also known to have a short temper. And stature. Short. 16. Coup detat Napoleon took control of the failing French confidence in its government (Really, if thats true I could take over France any day.) starting a coup that ended in Napoleon being the dictator (Number 26434512) of France. 17. Lycee French public school, created by Napoleon (Maybe France might get an education.) 18. Napoleonic Code Laws created by Napoleon that, surprise, furthered his power over the people and limited civil liberties. (Otherwise known as French law in general.) 19. Peninsular War France Vs. Spain, France had trouble with Guerrilla troops of Spain, then being good tacticians, Britain ended up attacking the French with an Army. 20. Guerrilla Small groups of troops that ambush troops, and then hide after the attacks. Extremely difficult for even the most skilled armies to defeat up-front. SO the French had no chance at all. 21. Russian Invasion of 1812 Napoleon decides to invade Russia (Setting the example for Hitlers amazing attack *cough*) over grain trading issues with Britain. They lost. Dont mess with the Vodka induced Rusians. 22. Continental System Napoleon blockades British ports in order to make Europe self-sufficient. 23. Scorched-Earth Policy Burned Russian Grain, because Russia wouldnt stop selling it to Britain, 24. Waterloo Napoleon vs. Duke of Wellington near the city of Waterloo. 25. Hundred-days - British and Prussians attacked Frances armies, Napoleons forces Surrendered (Thats a French policy I think.) That Defeated Napoleons last vie for power.

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