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Fish Ladders - M.


April 27, 2004


Fish Ladders
Michael Willis Hydraulic Design April 27, 2004

Introduction History Components of a Fish Ladder Types of Fish Ladders Fishy Impact Design Considerations



Main migratory fish

This is accomplished through

Salmon and Trout

fish ladders, lifts, collection pools, etc.

Young fish go out to sea live for a couple years, then come back to spawn.

then 1 egg in 1,000 lives to adulthood (spawn)

Fishways are used to facilitate the migration of fish past dams, weirs, waterfalls and rapids.

Fish passage around or through an obstruction designed to dissipate the energy in the water in such a manor as to enable fish to ascend without undue stress

Behavioral Studies are Needed

How am I going to climb this thing?

17th Century First Fish Ladders (Europe)

Very primitive, unscientific design

1909 Denil Publishes a paper

Describing a new type of fishway based on more scientific principles Called the Denil Fishway

Studied Studied

hydraulics of fishways as energy dissipaters mechanics of fish (as inanimate objects)


Fish Ladders - M. Willis

April 27, 2004

Denil Fishway

1937 to 1938 Bonneville Dam and fish facility on the Colombia River First time a large number of adult salmon were studied
Resulting in the an advance in the knowledge of fish behavior And the design of more complex and efficient fishways


Bonneville Dam

The design incorporated

Used large quantities of attraction water MultipleMultiple-entrance powerhouse collection system Fish locks and standard weir type ladders

With many of the components of the fishway still in use today

Bonneville Dam

Bonneville Dam


Fish Ladders - M. Willis

April 27, 2004

Bonneville Dam Design

Bonneville Dam

Bonneville Dam

Bonneville Dam


Taste like chicken!!!!

These facilities and numerous others have helped add to the knowledge of fish behavior And the design criteria that is in use today


Fish Ladders - M. Willis

April 27, 2004


Two Groups of Fishways

Design and Layout depends on:

Type of fish Migrating upstream or downstream

For upstream migrating fish



Fish Locks (lifts) Tramways Trapping

(Heights <= 20m) (Heights > 20m)

Which can be established by looking at existing structures and models

and Trucking Fish

For downstream migrating fish

Collecting in the headwater Or other means

Fish Ladder

Fish Ladder

Artificial upstream fish passage used for heads up to 20 m Consists of three parts:

Entrance Ladder Portion (Resting Pools) Exit

Must be designed so that the fish is able to find the entrance to the system and swim through without undue effort and unusual risk of injury.

Fishway Entrance

Fishway Entrance

You can lead a fish to water How do you get him to enter the fish ladder?

The most important part of the system Located in the downstream white water parallel to the main flow An additional water supply is provided to attract fish to the entrance
Help it feel more realistic to the fish


Fish Ladders - M. Willis

April 27, 2004

Fishway Entrance

Fishway Entrance

Around hydroelectric electric plants it can be very difficult to attract fish

Large flows from the

Two Factors to consider when designing the entrance:

draft tube and spill way can destroy the relatively small attractive flow

Location Hydraulics Fish

The USACE conducted studies to find what velocities are best:

Fish(80 Comparing

to 90%) preferred higher velocity to lower 13 fps to 3 fps (even if they were repelled by the faster flow they would try it again)

Fishway Entrance

Fish Entrance

Hydroelectric Plant entrance location

Along the shore Between the spillway

and powerhouse

At the farthest distance upstream

Entrance Characteristics

between 4 to 8 fps (closer to 8 fps) 2 ft wide, 5 ft high and at 3 ft depth Attraction stream 7 ft deep, 10 ft wide and 25 ft long Denil type entrances should be at 2.5 ft depth

Fish Ladders

Pool and Weir/Orifice Types


Two Routes of passage


Pool and Weir Pool and Orifice Vertical Slot Chute

through orifice

Jumping over the weirs

Generally sharp crested weirs are avoided Submerged Orifices

Control depth of flow over the crest Limit

volume of water flowing through the pass


Fish Ladders - M. Willis

April 27, 2004






Vertical Slot Fishway

Paired vertical slots (Hells Gate) Single vertical slot (More Commonly Used)

Allows fish to pass at

any depth

Good with water level fluctuations


Fish Ladders - M. Willis

April 27, 2004

Vertical Slot

Single Vertical Slot


Design Criteria HP
Fish Length

Slot Width

Pool Space
0.2 ft3/lb fish 0.2 ft3/lb fish

Length Width Depth

12 12

12 24

10 16.5

10 16.5

f(Q) f(Q)

Optional Optional

Double Vertical Slot

Chute Type Fishway

Institution of Civil Engineering and

the Committee on Fish Passage Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Designs are based on Denils research of baffles as roughness elements to reduce the flow velocity

Chute Type (ICE)

Chute Type (ICE)

ICE and Fish

Tested 25 baffles and selected A modified Denil baffle Slope 1 to 5 Max Length = 30 ft Velocity = 6 fps Flow Rate = 21 fps Water Depth = 3 ft Max Change on depth of 12 (Otherwise flow decreases to much)



Fish Ladders - M. Willis

April 27, 2004

Chute Type (Alaska)

Chute Type (Alaska)


using aluminum

Max Number of Fish Velocity = 3 to 5 fps Flow Rate = 9 cfs Slope = 20 to 35 Degrees

= 750

Chute Type (Alaska)

Resting Pools
To allow fish to rest during their journey up the ladder Controlled
Height Slope Fish Endurance Ladder Every

of Weir/Dam


Should be at least twice the size of the pools

5 to 8 pools

Resting Pools

Fishway Exit
Main Concern
Fish will be swept down spillway Should

be well within the reservoir away from the spillway structure Avoided stagnant water Exit should have a trash boom


Fish Ladders - M. Willis

April 27, 2004

Fishway Exit

Design Concerns
Function of Fish Size/Pool Geometry/Water Temp. Calculate Energy Requirements for swimming through a port

Ep = Energy Required to Pressure (ft(ft-lb)

Ep = W H

W = Weight of Fish (lb) H = Difference in Water Surface Elevation (ft)

Ed = Energy Required due to drag (ft(ft-lb)

Ed = Dd

D = Drag force (lb) d = Distance in the water (ft)

1957 Yale River (low water)

Design Concerns

Design Concerns
Lower Limit (for 15 seconds) fps 10.8 13.7 10.6 7.7 11.0 Upper Limit (for 6 seconds) fps 22.4 26.5 21.5 16.0 22.0

Drag Force

Cd As V f 2

Cd = Drag Coefficient, 0.06 As = Area of Fish Swimming (ft2) Vf = Velocity of Fish (fps) = Density of Water, 1.94 slugs/ft3

Chinook Steelhead Coho


Area of Fish As = 3 Ar

Ar = 0 .0227 L

Chum Approx. Average

Ar = Area of Fish at Rest (ft2) L = Length of Fish (ft)

Swimming Through a Port

Swimming Through a Port

When a fish swims through a submerged port

Pressure Force and

Average Velocity for a 1 foot drop is 8 fps Vw = 2 gH

1 Mixing Velocities

Drag Force are encountered

How much energy is needed?

Fish 4

Ladder has a 1 foot drop and 15opening pound fish



Constant 7.75=6.2(1.25)


Therefore a fish must swim faster then 8 fps to get through the port



Fish Ladders - M. Willis

April 27, 2004

Swimming Through a Port

Swimming Through Port

Pressure Energy: Ep = WH

Total Energy Required

Ep = (4 lbs)(1 ft) = 4 ftft-lbs

Et=Ep Et=Ep + Ed = (4 ftft-lbs) + (3.22 ftft-lbs)= 7.22 ftft-lbs Fish experiences 8 fps for entire 2 swim
1 Mixing Velocities

Assuming the fish swims at the lower average velocity 2 of 11 fps Cd AV f D= Drag Force: 2

Since 8 fps cone extends 7.75

D = (0.06)(0.23 ft2)(1.94 slugs/ft3)(11fps)2/2 =1.61 lbs

Assume fish begins burst 2 before port Drag Energy: Ed = Dd


Ed = (1.61 lbs)(2) = 3.22 ftft-lbs

Constant 7.75=6.2(1.25)


Swimming Through Port

Ladder Decisions

Fish velocity with respect to water is: 11 fps

Ladder types

8 fps = 3fps It would take 0.67 seconds = 2/3fps to reach pass

on results of these equations

For a 0.5 Drop

Et Et

Prior Experience

= 3.61 ftft-lbs = 14.14 ftft-lbs

For a 2.0 Drop

Equations give a good idea of the endurance levels and speeds of the fish
Ladder type (Weir/Orifice/Chute) Slope Flow and Resting Pool

Comparisons between the energy req. at a natural state and the new energy req. If new energy req. >>>> natural energy Could cause excessive stress to fish

Velocity Locations


Other Uses

The use of fish ladders has helped to repopulate rivers and lakes that where once barren of their fish inhabitants

Fish Ladder Lips protect trout from from parasitic sea lamprey
Eels cant climb over


Sea Lamprey eel like creature that attaches to trout Generally only one of seven fish attacked survive



Fish Ladders - M. Willis

April 27, 2004

Nasty Eels

Fish Ladder

Fish Ladder Lips

USACE PSE&G US FHWA Santa Clara Valley Water District
Fishways An Assessment of Their Development and Design, Washington State University Charles Clay, Design of Fishways and Other Fish Facilities P. Novak, A.I. Moffat, C. Nalluri, Nalluri, R. Narayanan, Hydraulic Structures

Web Sites

Web Sites highway/gallery3.htm weathering.html fishing/



Fish Ladders - M. Willis

April 27, 2004

Leaping Over Weirs

Leaping Over Weirs

Air is 800 x lighter then water

Therefore the drag force is ignored

The total energy required for leaping is solely from the potential energy increase at the new elevation
Et = Ep = 1 2 mV f 2

Total Energy: Et = Ep
2 gH sin
Vf Vy

Vf =

m = mass = W/g

Vy = 2 gH = V f sin

Substituting for mass and fish velocity

H Et = W 2 sin


= 60 to 70 degree

This gives the energy requirement for leaping from a level pool



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