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6  theSun | FRIDAY MARCH 13 2009

news without borders

Giam Say Khoon and Hemananthani Sivanandam at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday

AIM, Suaram slam EAIC Bill

by Tim Leonard
profile and politically-linked cases.
“We are also alarmed by the fact that
Nazri: Bar Council
cannot escape the law
the A-G, who is a political appointee of
PETALING JAYA: Amnesty International the prime minister, is indeed given the
Malaysia and Suaram (Suara Rakyat Ma- full final decision-making mandate which,
laysia) expressed disappointment yester- in our view, defeats the notion of a case
day with the tabling of the Enforcement being handled and disposed of in a truly RM60b
Agency Integrity Commission Bill (EAIC) in independent, just and credible manner. package
Parliament on Wednesday. “We are also concerned with the THE Bar Council (Bar) cannot escape the law and the Bar’s powers is to express its view on matters
The two non-governmental organisa- scope of the newly-proposed commission
fails to can face action if it breaks the country’s rules, affecting legislation and the administration and
tions (NGOs) urged the government that covers 21 public agencies. stimulate said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department practice of the law in Malaysia.
instead to set up an Independent Police “It is impossible for a single body Opposition Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz. “The Bar also protects and assists the public
Complaints and Misconduct Commission of such limited capacity and resources Nevertheless, he said, the government had no in all matters involving the law besides some
(IPCMC) as recommended by the Royal to be able to handle all cases of the 21
pg 14 plan to amend the Legal Profession Act to tighten political matters without taking part directly in
Commission on the Police Force in 2006. agencies of vast differing procedures and and limit the jurisdiction of the Bar because such the country’s political process,” he said.
In a joint press statement, Amnesty operational order.” a move seems unnecessary. To a question by M. Kulasegaran (DAP-Ipoh
and Suaram opined that “the new Bill They said they would continue to lobby “The Bar is an entity like individuals which ena- Barat) whether the government would seek the
defeats the true intention of the Royal for the implementation of the IPCMC over bles the government to take proper action if the Bar’s views before tabling any legislation, Nazri
Commission, which essentially is to im- and above the newly-proposed EAIC. body breaks the country’s rules or laws,” he said in said only Parliament had the exclusive first look
prove the professionalism of the police In a separate statement, the Malaysian reply to Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir (BN-Jerlun). at any Bills before their tabling.
force and restore the diminishing public Bar Council likened the proposed EAIC to Mukhriz wanted to know whether the govern- “Therefore the government cannot give the
confidence in our police service”. a “toothless tiger” as it would have no ment would limit the Bar’s jurisdiction by amend- Bills to any parties, including the Bar, before their
“The Bill, in our opinion, fails to ad- power to act. ing the Legal Profession Act 1976 to stop it from first reading. That is a breach of regulations and
dress the fundamental characteristics intervening in government business. shows disrespect to Parliament.
of a complaint as it lacks independent » The proposed EAIC is empowered Nazri said under Section 42 of the Legal Pro- “If the Bar wishes to raise particular matters,
enforcement powers to provide effective to investigate an enforcement officer fession Act 1976, among the body can use Members of Parliament to do
checks and balances in a fair and trans- for misconduct even if the act or inac- so. If the government is of the view that an
parent manner,” read the statement. tion also involves persons who are not amendment is necessary, we will do it at the
“We also express serious concerns enforcement officers or if the enforce- committee stage,” he added. – Bernama
over the proposed structure of referral of ment officer was not on official duty. This
all investigations to the attorney-general
(A-G) for enforcement, hence giving rise
power, provided for under Section 24 of
the EAIC Bill, was wrongly reported in our
Karpal to boycott
to concerns of selective prosecution and front page report yesterday. The error is fracas probe panel
political decisions as in cover-ups on high- regretted.
KARPAL Singh (DAP-Bukit Gelugor) said
he has received a letter directing him to
Gobind thrown out again appear on Tuesday as a witness before a
select committee under Standing Order
80A but he will boycott it.
FIRST-TIME MP Gobind Singh Deo (DAP-Puchong) was yesterday thrown out of the “It’s not a select or a privileges com-

Dewan Rakyat for the second time since his election last year. mittee. To say it is a select committee is
He was faulted for pressing Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak to wrong. It is just a committee,” said Karpal in
answer a question relating to the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder case. a press conference in Parliament lobby.
Met outside the chamber, Gobind said he asked about the RM95,254,600 which was He said the Speaker should step down
proposed for the construction of court complexes during the committee stage debate
on the mini budget as he wanted to know why the country was spending so much
US honour as “he has got it all wrong”.
Karpal was referring to the heading
money when the infrastructure to uphold the justice system was not up to mark. for Ambiga ... of the letter which read “Prosiding Jawa-
tankuasa Pilihan Dewan Rakyat Mengikut
US Secretary
BN MP suspended for interrupting of State Hillary
Clinton and First
Peraturan Mesyuarat 80A” handed to
him by a Parliament personnel.
“It’s not even a jawatankuasa pilihan
BARISAN Nasional MP Datuk Siringan ment what action had been taken to Lady Michelle Obama
(select committee). There is no neces-
Gubat (BN-Ranau) was suspended by curb parties that used the term “social congratulate honoree
sity for this committee to be set up
Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia contract” to attack other races in a sup- Ambiga Sreenevasan, who under 80A to go about any inquiries.
yesterday for interrupting the question- plementary question when someone is Malaysian Bar Council The three individuals have already
and-answer session. called him “bodoh”. president, during the Tribute to identified themselves,” said Karpal.
Siringan was agreeing to Pandikar Mujahid Yusof then said: “Kalau jantan, International Women of Courage Karpal said Parliament should have
by saying: “Ngam, Tuan Speaker, ngam berdiri sekarang! (If you are man enough, Award presentation ceremony constituted itself as a court of law on
(Correct, Mr Speaker, correct)” in his seat stand up now!)” and reception at the State Depart- the same day of the incident and
when the speaker was trying to stop a On hearing the interruption from ment in Washington on Tuesday. punished those involved.
shouting match between Dr Mujahid Siringan, Pandikar immediately ordered According to the citation, Ambiga He said four DAP MPs and one PKR
Yusof Rawa (PAS-Parit Buntar) and him to leave the chamber. has used the rule of law to advance MP who were also asked to appear
some backbenchers. Siringan, who is a first-term MP, was human rights, the status of women before the committee have also opted
Mujahid Yusof had asked the govern- allowed to return in the afternoon. and religious tolerance in Malaysia. to boycott the meeting.

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