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theSun | FRIDAY MARCH 13 2009  17

838.39 T
11.98 7,198.25 T
business KLCI
STI 1,493.53 T
TSEC 4,754.65  5.31
Hang Seng 12,001.53 S
70.87 KOSPI 1,128.39  0.88
SCI 2,133.88  5.14
T S&P/ASX200 3,235.50  8.90

World Bank: Global

economy may shrink 1-2% this
year, World Bank president
Robert Zoellick said, as revised
Japanese data confirmed the
world’s No 2 economy suffered

economy to shrink 1-2%

its deepest slump since the oil
shock of 1974.
The latest grim snapshot of
the world economy highlights
the need for urgent action as
G20 finance chiefs prepare to
meet in Britain, but doubts have still at the start of the year, but a production and cutting jobs to in January and February
emerged whether they will continued surge in bank lending cope with collapsing demand. from 5.7% in December, the
make much headway due to in February spurred optimism Revised data yesterday National Bureau of Statistics
divisions over how best to fight of a rebound soon. showed the economy shrank said, The median forecast of 25
the downturn. Asian share markets mostly 3.2%, or an annualised 12.1%, economists polled by Reuters
“We haven’t seen numbers fell, as a burst of optimism in October-December, slightly was for a rise of 6.4%.
like that since World War Two, fuelled by Citigroup revealing it less than the initial estimate. Finance ministers from
which really means the Thir- had been profitable for the first A rise in inventories led to the G20 group and emerging
ties. So these are serious and two months of the year proved the slight revision, but analysts powers meet this weekend in
dangerous times,” Zoellick told short lived. In export-driven Ja- said that was nothing to cheer Britain to prepare for a sum-
Britain’s Daily Mail. pan, companies such as Toyota as it reflected slowing demand mit in London on April 2.
China saw industrial output Motor Corp and Sony Corp have both at home and abroad and But the emphasis on
growth shrink to a near stand- been aggressively scaling back not companies’ appetite to economic stimulus has been
produce more. met coolly by many European

market summary
“The data confirm that Ja- nations, who are more focused
pan’s economic state is quite on regulatory reform.
MARCH 12, 2009 severe. We see a sharp decline “What we’re seeing hap-
in exports, which puts Japan in pen around the world now is
Share prices INDICES CHANGE a bad situation because exports without recent precedent,” US
close lower FBMEMAS
5,441.85 -82.47
838.39 -11.98
are falling everywhere,” said
Seiji Adachi, senior economist
Treasury Secretary Timothy
Geithner said on Wednesday,
SHARE prices on Bursa INDUSTRIAL 2,036.27 -23.39 at Deutsche Securities. adding he wanted the G20
Malaysia closed lower CONSUMER PROD 278.43 -1.19 The Nikkei average fell to “put in place the kind of
yesterday, extending its INDUSTRIAL PROD 63.79 -0.74
1.1%, after surging nearly 5% substantial, sustained commit-
CONSTRUCTION 160.31 -2.26
downtrend, on continued TRADING /SERVICES 112.00 -1.50 in the previous session alone. ment to stimulus necessary to
selling pressure in key FINANCE 6,135.97 -138.13 China’s annual industrial lay the foundation for recov-
heavyweights such as Sime PROPERTIES 495.44 -12.47 output growth slowed to 3.8% ery”. – Reuters
Darby, Maybank and Public PLANTATIONS 4,360.54 -15.06
Bank, dealers said. MINING 241.15 UNCH
FBMSHA 5,852.90 -69.04
The benchmark Com-
FBM2BRD 3,793.55 -81.35
Aussie jobless rate at four-year high
posite Index (CI) fell 11.98
points to close at 838.39, TECHNOLOGY: 11.72 -0.09 MELBOURNE: Australia’ s unemployment rate hit a four-year high of
after opening 0.8 of a point 5.2% in February as the “global economic cyclone” tore into the job
lower at 849.57 compared 352.179mil market, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said yesterday.
RM584.885mil Rudd said the figures showed the government was right to press
to Wednesday’s close of
850.37. ahead with a 42 billion Australian dollar (RM102 billion) stimulus
The dealers said the Second Board and Mesdaq counters also package to help cushion an economy that analysts say may have
remained under profit taking pressure after the recent gains amid already tipped into recession.
the bearish sentiment due to the global economic slowdown. “No government can stop a global economic cyclone from coming
Investors reduced their holdings quickly, especially in plantation across our shores, but a responsible government seeks to reduce the
stocks, after palm oil stockpiles dropped by 15% in February while impact of that damage,” he told parliament. Madoff’s new surroundings at the Metropolitan Correc-
output and export declined by 11% and 7.2% respectively. Rudd said the global downturn was directly affecting Austral- tional Centre (MCC), across from the federal courthouse
“We are seeing some weakening in buying sentiment,” a dealer ian jobs, citing a more than 25% fall in exports recorded by China, in lower Manhattan, will be a far cry from the opulent
said, adding that the estimated support and resistance level tomor- Australia’s largest trading partner, in February. – AFP lifestyle to which he has been long accustomed.
row will be at 800 and 850 respectively. The 70-year-old former Nasdaq chairman who
Throughout the trading session, the KLCI moved between Madoff goes from penthouse to jailhouse pleaded guilty to fraud yesterday in one of the largest
836.51 and 849.57. NEW YORK: Multimillionaire swindler Bernard Madoff is leaving Ponzi schemes in history, will likely share an 2.5m-by-2.5m
Losers led gainers by 389 to 150 while 187 counters traded the luxury of his Manhattan penthouse to become just another cell with another inmate while he awaits sentencing,
unchanged, 518 untraded and 32 others suspended. – Bernama inmate in a crowded jail. scheduled for June 16 by judge Denny Chin. – Reuters

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