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Factions Aiki Order Ang-Tii Baadu Ewok Shamanism Jedi Khala Priests Krath Masters of Ters Ksi Monks

of Shimura NilJihad Brotherhood Quala Death Knights Shadow Dragons Sith Teepo Paladins Basic Templates

Aiki Order
History: Morihei Ushiba, a Jedi Knight from a near-human, very long-lived race, founded the order of the Aiki Jedi order a millennium ago. Ushiba, who was then 120 years old, was a Jedi who was fascinated with martial arts of various races. During his training at the Jedi Academy, he became a Warrior Jedi, but during his voyages through the galaxy, he encountered a Shimuran Monk. Though he did not agree with Shimuras view on technology, he was fascinated with Ka. After studying Shimuran philosophy, he started his own school, where he taught the path of Aiki the way of perfecting mind through the perfection of the body. His skills in both armed and unarmed combat were legendary, but since he started the Aiki Order, he never killed anyone until his last fight. The Monastery of Aiki as his school was named was supposed located on a moon in a system somewhere in the Core Worlds. However, nobody was able to find it, and some historians think that Moriheis school might have been located on a ship. The truth is that the moon was in reality a rouge asteroid, fitted with subspace beacons and Sublight drives used to direct its trajectory. There is a rumor that somebody in the Outer Rim territories has found a transceiver tuned to receive signals from Monasterys beacon Morihei died at the age of 1,120 in his final fight. Ushiba and his Lightbo against Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, and 10 Dark

Side Adepts. Ushiba maimed Darth, wounded the Emperor, and killed all the Dark Side Adepts, but was finally killed by the Emperors Force Lightning and a final stroke from Lord Vaders Lightsaber. Some also say that he died to allow his son to escape Beliefs: The Aiki Jedi believe that though technology is not evil itself, the best weapon is ones own body. They follow the Jedi Code very strictly, and usually wander around the galaxy helping the poor oppressed. One must remember that being an Aiki Jedi is not just a way of having a cool character who can defeat an entire legion of the Emperors best troops with his bare hands. An Aiki is a person who resorts to violence only as the last resort, even more than the normal Jedi Knights do. Of course, the ability to disable enemies without permanently damaging them really helps and is more proof that your body is the best weapon you can get. The best comparison is that while Jedi Knights are based on Samurai, the Aiki Jedi are based on Buddhist monks. The Two Core Beliefs of Aiki Jedi: 1) A commitment to peaceful resolution of conflict whenever possible. 2) A commitment to self-improvement through Aiki training. Quotes: A mind to serve for the peace of all beings in the world is needed in Aiki, and not the mind of one who wishes to be strong or who practices only to fell an opponent. Aiki is not a technique to fight and defeat and enemy. It is a way to reconcile the world and make human beings one family. The secret of Aiki is to become one with the universe. Aiki is primarily a way to achieve physical and spiritual self-mastery. Known Aiki Jedi: Morihei Ushiba, a Warrior Jedi and the founder of Aiki Order, and his son, Musashi Ushiba, a famous Artificer and creator of many exotic weapons. Theres also Arigato Ushiba, mythical elder brother of Musashi who never became a Jedi because he though Jedi rely too much on Force and not enough on their own skills. Most historians think his existence is a myth pointing out that the legends of Arigato tell that he routinely defeated Jedi Knights in duels, using only an iron katana. Aiki Martial Arts: The Aiki orders combat style is based around a very complex set of martial arts rules. The following rules may be used for any martial artist in the Star Wars universe, but are provided to better understand the Aiki combat style. Blunt Damage: Brawling strikes inflict blunt damage. Physical armor protects at +150% versus blunt strikes. Damage form blunt strikes use the following table: <0: no damage done 0 8: Stunned

9 12: Wounded 13 15: Incapacitated 16 20: Mortally Wounded 21+: Killed Accuracy Modifiers: For each +5 over the difficulty number, add to damage: +1D in case of energy weapons +2 in case of physical weapons +1 in case of blunt physical weapons There are no separate melee combat and melee parry skills theyre both under melee combat, and one can specialize in attack or defense. Brawling and Dodge skills have no specializations. There are no Brawling and Brawling Parry skills. Use the following instead: Skill: Brawling (soft) Time Taken: One Melee Action Note: +1D Brawling Defense; only 5 when Brawling Dodging, can inflict stun damage at no penalty; -1D Brawling Attack; not + to damage; Headlock: inflict automatic stun damage unless opposed Soft or Hard Brawling test is made; Arm lock: arm/leg immobilized, if attack roll is +10 greater than defense, then immobilized Skill: (Ad) Martial Arts (soft) Time Taken: One Melee Action Prerequisites: Brawling (soft): 5D Note: User can split dice between Brawling defense or Melee defense, +1D per 1D; Dodge for +1 for 1D, max +1D; can split dice to damage or attack, +1 per 1D; can dislocate and break arms/legs like Brawling; Character Point cost x3, without adequate Imperial Permit training or use is a Class 3 offense Skill: Brawling (hard) Time Taken: One Melee Action Notes: +1D Brawling Attack, add +1 to damage for every full 3D in skill; + inflicts physical damage; -1D Brawling Defense; -15 when Brawl Dodging; can inflict stun damage at +15 difficulty; Headlock: Inflict automatic physical damage unless opposed Dexterity/Strength or Soft Brawling test is made. Arm lock: if attack roll is +0 to +10 greater than defense, then arm/leg immobilized; +11 to +20 then it is dislocated; 21+ its broken Skill: (Ad) Martial Arts (hard)

Time Taken: One Melee Action Prerequisites: Brawling (hard) 5D Notes: User can split dice between Brawl defenses; attack, +1D for 1D; and damage, +2 per 1D); can inflict stun damage at +10 difficulty Character Points cost x3; without adequate Imperial Permit training or use is Class 3 offense Skill: (Ad) Wrruushi (Wookiee martial arts) Time Taken: One Melee Action Prerequisites: Strength greater than 4D; Brawling (Wookiee) 5D; Height over 1.8 m Notes: User can split dice between Brawl defense, attack +1D for 1D, and damage +1 per 1D; inflict stun damage at no penalty. When inflicting stun damage, add +1D to damage roll. Character Point cost is x2.5; training or use is a Class 2 offense Skill: Brawling (Wookiee) Time Taken: One Melee Action Prerequisites: Strength 4D Notes: +2D to hit and damage when attacking arms or legs; 1D when Brawling normally Skill: (Ad) Noghri Martial Arts Time Taken: One Melee Action Prerequisites: Strength 4D, Dexterity 3D+2, Brawling (both) 5D Notes: User can split dice between Brawl defense, attack and damage +1D for 1D; inflict physical or stun damage at no penalty. Character Point cost x2; training or use is Class 1 offense for all non-Noghri. Finding a sensei for this one is extremely difficult Aiki Jedi Template: Dexterity- 3D Strength- 3D Control- 1D Skills: Brawling (soft) 5D, Brawling (hard) 5D, (Ad) Martial Arts (Aiki) 1D, 2D left to assign to skills Force Powers: Aiki Combat, Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Control pain, Enhance Attribute, Concentration, and 4 other powers Equipment: Knowledge- 2D Perception- 3D Sense- 1D Mechanical- 2D Technical- 2D Alter-1D

100 credits, robes, walking staff (Strength+1D)

History: The Aing-Tii Monks are a group of aliens who drift around in their spaceships, meditating, and contemplating. They pretty much stay within the Cron Drift, although they occasionally come out (like they did in Vision of the Future). They have been around for a VERY long time, as Master Yoda knew of them. My guess is that they originated on one of the planets within the Cron Drift, which was either destroyed or rendered uninhabitable when the Drift went boom. As to how the Aing-Tii made their way into the GE sim, you should probably check with Fel about that. He got it legalized, and was an Adept. Then he left, and now I'm in charge. I have a lot of books & teachings to go off of, though, so we're not really hurting for information. This strange race of creatures inhabits the furthest reaches of the Kathol Outback, near the Kathol Rift. They are one of the few travelers who actually seem to be able to navigate through the Rift, having been seen emerging from the Rift of several occasions. As a race, the Aing-Tii are tall, edentate mammals whose bodies are covered by bony plates. They have four legs, although they most often stand erect. Their heads are covered by helmet-like plates, and are dominated by two large eyes. They have no visible mouths, but use a group of long, thin tongues to sense and communicate. The tongues are used for tasting, smelling, and feeling. Much of their bony armor is covered with intricate, painted symbols that resemble the markings seen on their strangelyorganic starships. Their tails, also covered with thick plates, are prehensile and often used in defense and attack. The Aing-Tii are also Force-sensitive, although they don't use it and control it the way Jedi Knights do. No one is sure exactly why, but the Aing-Tii patrol the Kathol Outback between the Marcol Void and the Kathol Rift looking for slave ships. They incapacitate the slavers with their Sanhedrim starships, then free the slaves. Extended History: (as described by a Monk who remains anonymous) The Aing-Tii as they are seen in the GE are not quite the same group as in the book, Vision of the Future. Those are the Aing-Tii Monks. The Aing-Tii in the GE are the Aing-Tii Practitioners. The main difference between the two is that while the Monks sit around in their ships in the Cron Drift meditating, the Practitioners actually go out and do stuff, and apply their Code (simple as it may be) to the rest of the galaxy as best they can. The Practitioners were founded by a small group, perhaps 2 or three Monks, who decided that they did not approve of the path the rest of the Monks were taking. It was all well and good to meditate and learn the ways of the Force and the Galaxy... but what good was that knowledge if you kept it only among a few and never spread it outside the galaxy. These Monks, therefore, began speaking out among the others, saying they should send out a ship, to teach the others in the galaxy what they had learned. While the majority of the Monks disagreed with this new group, they did manage to gain a small following, enough to man a single Sanhedrim ship. They therefore put together a large library of their learning, and went out to teach the others of the galaxy. They first went to the Empire to try and teach them, but the Empire's classic distrust of non-humans drove the renegade Monks away. They then wandered around the Galaxy, here and there, attempting to teach people. They found only one student, a man named Fel (baronfel25). They taught him, and as he learned he made copies of all the Monks' information, including the plans to their Sanhedrim ships. Fel eventually learned all he could from the renegade Monks, and the Monks moved on. Since they had found no more willing students, they continued on into the Unknown Regions in search of more students. Their fate since that point is unknown. Fel, though, collected the information he had copied, and stored it in a library on the planet Exocron. He then spread feelers of information out, and slowly began to draw students to him... something the Monks could not do because they lacked ties with the other races of the known galaxy. Of these new students, several were Jedi and former Jedi. All of them were humans, all capable of feeling the Force. Thus began the Aing-Tii Practitioners. Fel wrote a Code of behavior, and attempted to teach the students, but soon found the job more than he had bargained for. Therefore, he announced to his students that he would be renouncing the Aing-Tii powers, and leaving. When he did so, he appointed the most advanced of his students, Dan Avantrix (yes, me) as head of the Practitioners in his place. At that point, I was just a Journeyman. I did not immediately promote myself to the level of Master as I'm sure some of the other students expected me to. I was not the most well-loved student there at the time. Luckily, I had the support of the other Journeymen, Coraz Baha and Myn Donos. I spent quite a bit of time going over the documents Fel had collected, and learning

as much as I could about the Monks and renegade Monks, without bothering to try and learn the advanced teachings. During this whole process, I was able to refine the essence of the Aing-Tii Code to one sentence. "Before using the powers we control, we must think through the ramifications of their use, and take those into effect in deciding to use them." It may sound a bit puerile, but what it boils down to is this. The Code for the Aing-Tii dictates that before any use may be made of a Practitioner's power, they must fully think through the effects of that use. They then have to judge the possible results of their use, and look down the road. If the effects are acceptable, then they may use their abilities that way. If they are not, then they may not use their abilities that way. That is the basic precept that governs the Aing-Tii. They have no guiding direction for their powers, unlike the Jedi or Sith. The Aing-Tii Practitioners are allowed the most freedom in the use of their powers... but the process of training to use these powers teaches all Aing-Tii to think logically and therefore is self-controlling. To even harness these powers, the Aing-Tii must concentrate, and think through the effects in their mind. The Sith and Jedi focus on emotion as a way to reach the Force... the Aing-Tii rely on careful thought and thoughtful meditation instead. There was one other important revelation I discovered about the Aing-Tii set of powers... that they were incompatible with the Jedi powers. Because the two practices relied on different methods of touching the Force, it was impossible to combine the two. That revelation explained the difficulty that Myn, Coraz, and the other Jedi students were having. I was indeed force sensitive, but I had forsaken that heritage in the past (I shortly trained under Myn, just enough to learn to use a saber), doing my best to completely ignore it. Up until this point, I had succeded. Upon learning this, I announced it to my fellow students... that they must make a choice which path to take. Either they must forsake their Jedi learning, and begin anew with the Aing-Tii, or they must give up the Aing-Tii. The majority of the students decided in favor of their Jedi heritage. The exception was Myn Donos, who was learning many of the same lessons I was on his own, rather than from careful study. He joined me in the library, and began studying himself... but his research was instead on how to "un-learn" his Jedi training, whereas mine was still learning everything I could about the Aing-Tii and their powers. During this whole time, I was still training, learning things about the powers through experience. The vast knowledge I was gaining from the books helped in my quick learning, as did my naturally pragmatic outlook. Eventually, and with the support of Myn, I proclaimed myself a Master, and rightful leader of the Aing-Tii, rather than simply first among students. Later, after much work of his own, Myn reached the level of Master. The two of us formed the Aing-Tii Council. Until an Adept rises to lead the Aing-Tii again, the Council will make all rulings on the Code (I'll explain that bit in more detail later). Some time after both of us had reached Master, we realized that the school on Exocron was a waste of time... we had no applicants appear, save one or two who invariably left. Therefore, we closed down the school and left. I kept the hardcopy versions of the Aing-Tii books, and Myn took data copies of all the documents. We both at that point left to return to taking care of our respective factions. That's the history of the Aing-Tii in a nutshell... now there's our beliefs, abilities, doctrines, teachings, etc. to go into (remember what I said about long?) Beliefs Now, the Aing-Tii Code is nowhere NEAR as organized as the Jedi Code or the like... in fact, it tends to be a rather nebulous thing. It constantly grows and shrinks as it is refined. I already described it in general, so read my last post if you haven't already. The Code dictates that every Aing-Tii MUST think through the consequences of using their powers. And in fact, that becomes vital to using the powers. By the time an Aing-Tii has reached Journeyman level, it is impossible for them to use their powers without thinking it through. Once they have thought it through, they must weigh the effects of their choices. The Code is somewhat vague on what is acceptable or not. For one thing, the effects must be for the greater good. The effects may not harm the other Aing-Tii. Under NO circumstances may the effects aid or even tolerate slavery. If this aspect of the Code contradicts any other aspect, this one takes priority, although a better solution is to be looked for first. Slavery, though, is NEVER tolerated by the Aing-Tii. That is one of the precepts of the Monks that has been passed down to the Practitioners. In any use of the Aing-Tii powers where a sentient is killed, the Practitioner responsible must return as soon as possible to the Council of Masters to make an accounting for himself or herself. The Council will then decide if the use of the Aing-Tii's powers was appropriate. If it was not, the offending Practitioner is stripped of all rights, and instructed to never use their powers again. For the purposes of the Code, the use of Sanhedrim ships are considered simply another aspect of using the Aing-Tii powers.

The Code also has punishments laid out for infringements. However, it's rather simple, and rather straightforward. Any Practitioner accused of breaking the Code must stand trial before the Council of Masters. If the Council finds the Practitioner guilty, they are instructed to never use their powers again. If the individual is then found to ever use their powers again, they are deemed Rogue. This sentence carries with it much more weight than declaring a Jedi rogue. In essence, it is a death mark. The Rogue Aing-Tii is a fugitive. Any Aing-Tii who locates the Rogue is duty-bound, by the Code, to kill the Rogue. If they do not at least attempt their best to kill the Rogue, they too are declared Rogue. Also realize that to a Master, it is a somewhat easy matter to kill an individual from across the galaxy, although it requires much concentration, and knowledge of almost exactly where this person is (within a few cubic kilometers). The Council of Masters takes an active role in hunting down Rogues, as well. A Practitioner, upon locating a Rogue, is encouraged to inform the Council. At that point, the Council will attempt to destroy the Rogue from where they are. To an outsider, this practice may seem rather harsh. But to those who have learned the Aing-Tii, it is quite understandable. An Aing-Tii who is capable of acting against the Code, and ignoring their better judgement, is one who is on the verge of insanity. Remember that there is no such thing as a crime of passion with the AingTii powers. For the powers to be used, requires a clear head and much thought. Therefore, if an Aing-Tii is far gone enough to be declared Rogue, they will most likely turn their abilities to the destruction of anything and everything they are capable of destroying. Unfortunately, this includes just about any non-Force sensitive person they come within a few meters of. It is therefore of utmost importance that the Rogue be stopped, before they can wreak more havoc on the galaxy. Should a former Practitioner decide that they wish to leave the ranks, and learn another aspect of the Force, that is not held against them. That is because just as it is impossible to retain Jedi skills and learn the Aing-Tii, it is impossible to retain Aing-Tii skills and learn the ways of the Jedi or Sith. Now, most of the rest of this stuff can be found in the official Aing-Tii rules... but I'm re-phrasing it here for complete clarification. Powers: Transportation of matter Initiate: Level 1; No powers Apprentice: Level 2; Equipment scale over the size of a room Journeyman: Level 5; Character scale over planetary distances Master: Level 7; Capital scale over system distances. Ability to transport organic matter Adept: Level 8; Death star scale over galaxy distances. Ability to transport organic matter Equipment scale: 1 post Character scale: 2 posts Capital scale: 3 posts Death star scale: 4 posts (Moving a Death Star scale E.G. A small moon , will tire them out instantly) Notes: An Aing-Tii Monk may not transport another object, living or inanimate, into a solid object. Liquid and gaseous objects will be subject to displacement/diffusion effects. An Aing-Tii Monk must make a number of different posts dependant on the scale of the object they wish to transport. Example one: Transporting a gun (Equipment) from someone's holster

Post one Shoneb looked at the stranger coolly in the eye, he could see the gunslingers hand twitch near the gun on the hip. The image of the weapon came to his mind, the weight, the density, bonds between the molecules. Shoneb though his Aing-Tii abilities transported the gunslingers blaster to his hand. Example two: Transporting themselves (Character) out of a room Post one Shoneb wanted to leave this room, drawing upon his Aing-Tii training he knew the exact location of every molecule in his body. It would be simple for him, a Master of the Ang-Tii ways, to move himself such a short distance. Post two Sensing where he wished to travel to was clear, Shoneb transported, appearing on the other side of the wall he looked around. The corridor was clear, he could now begin phase two of the mission. Training: Apprentice: Level 1; Be willing to learn, and to un-learn any previously learnt knowledge. This may take some time depending on the knowledge and the strength the Force-user had to the Force before under going this training. During this time the apprentice learns how to use the methods of the Aing-Tii ways, they learn how to transport small objects over very short distances, though not without mishap until the apprentice becomes skilled at the 'basics'. Journeyman: Level 5; This requires the student to posses a fair amount of skill in moving objects, both large and over long distances. It also requires that you can successfully touch the Force to monitor a room for purposes of transporting objects to/from it. You also need to be able to transport to/from places you've never personally been to. That's where tapping into the Force comes in, not just in moving things. Master: Level 7; This requires that you be able to move large objects over extreme distances (like between systems). It requires that you can transport living objects without killing them. It requires that you can safely monitor areas many light years distant for the purposes of transporting to/from them. It also requires a degree of fine control, small transports of objects to create doorways in solid walls, etc. Adept: Level 8; An Adept requires not only hard work and training, but also a small amount of innate skill. It is much easier for Force Users to reach the Adept level (once they have un-learned their previous use of the Force) than it is for a non-Force User. That is because a Force User is, in general, a more powerful practitioner of the Aing-Tii Methods than a non- Force User. However, in the end it is much harder for a Force User to reach the Adept level than a non-Force User, because for many Force Users the task of un-learning their previous methods of touching the Force becomes too large a step. Once you are Adept level, it's fairly easy to move just about anything up to the size of a space station (something as large as the Death Star would place tremendous strain on the Adept) from any system in the galaxy to any other system. Aing-Tii and the Force: We are manipulating the Force here, same as the Jedi or the Sith do. However, for us the Force is not looked at in terms of light & dark, but instead we see it as a rainbow, with very little moral connotation. That is not to say that how you use the methods does not color them. That simply says that the methods themselves are neither good nor evil. Anybody can learn these methods of manipulating the Force. This is because the Aing-Tii methods do not require nearly the same level of touch with the Force that the Jedi or Sith methods do. Those methods require that you "feel" the force. With the Aing-Tii methods, however, we do not need to feel the Force and be part of it, we simply learn to draw on it. The limited amount that we learn to touch the Force is used primarily to monitor the places we transport to/from. Unfortunately, this limits what we can do. Much the same as a leper has very little dexterity, there is little we can do through the Force. To be specific, we only have one ability. That is, put simply, to instantly teleport matter from point A to point B. To the fully trained Adept, neither size nor distance is much of a barrier. As we train, we learn how to move larger things farther. Notes: Note: A Force 'user' is a Force sensitive who has trained in the art's of the Force. A non-Force 'user' includes Force sensitives who have undergone _no_ training, all non-Force sensitives are included under this category. Note: Only one object may be transferred at a time by the Aing-Tii powers, though transference is instantaneous. Note: If a Force-user takes steps to learn the Aing-Tii ways, to progress they most lose all their pervious abilities, and slowly rebuild their understanding in the one aspect of the Force. To learn the Aing-Tii ways, you

must 'un-learn' what you have already learnt. A character may not be a Force-user of any other kind and AingTii. Note: A non Force sensitive Aing-Tii monk is different from a Force sensitive Aing-Tii monk. Only Forceusers trained to 'feel' the Force, or those who carry within them the natural ability to 'feel' the Force my progress to the rank of Adept as they posses the "small amount of innate skill" to reach this level. Non Force sensitives are limited to the rank of Master. Note: Force sensitive Aing-Tii monks are able to use the Light/Dark level 1 powers, whereas the Non-Force sensitive can not. The former would have the 'danger sense' of a Jedi, the latter would not. Rules The Aing-Tii have five ranks. The lowest rank, Initiate, is given to the completely untrained. That has no level, since they cannot use any Aing-Tii powers. Any Force Users from other aspects of the Force will remain at this level until they have managed to un-learn their previous methods of attenuating themselves with the Force. The second level is Apprentice. This is given when the Aing-Tii has learned how to reliably access their powers. They have very little skill, but they have managed to bring their talent under control, and have conscious control over it. The third level is Journeyman. This is roughly equivalent to the Jedi level of Knight. This level Aing-Tii is quite proficient in their skill, and capable of completely controlling it. They have learned the mental discipline required of them, and are ready to pass on to fine control, and complex things, such as teleporting living objects. The fourth level is Master. This is the highest that most Aing-Tii will ever reach. The Council is formed of all the Practitioners of this rank (for the present, eventually there may be too many masters for that, and everything will change). At this level, the Practitioner has learned just about everything there is to learn about the Aing-Tii. The fifth, and highest level, is Adept. In the history of the Aing-Tii Practitioners, we have only ever had one adept, Fel. The difference between an Adept and a Master is one of power... sheer power. Where the Aing-Tii Master is capable of moving capitol ships from system to system, the Adept is capable of moving small moons anywhere in the galaxy. In addition the Adept is ALWAYS the head of the Aing-Tii. The Adept presides over the Council of Masters, and is the final word when interpreting the Code. Should the Council ever vote on an issue, the Adepts vote counts the same as 1/3 of to total vote, with the Masters of the Council totaling 2/3 of the vote. Thus, were there 4 Masters on the council, each Master would have one vote, where the Adept would have two. If there were 10 Masters on the council, the Adept would have five votes. The Adept is also capable of one skill that no other rank can do... they may designate an area of space to transport, rather than an object. Thus, it is possible for an Adept to transport several battleships at once, provided that they are close enough together, simply by designating the space enveloping them as the object to be transported. This method does pose problems, though, at the destination end. For this to work, there must be a completely clear area for the teleported items to appear in... thus objects may only be transported to a vacuum. Were this sort of transport attempted with a destination inside an atmosphere, the displacement would cause at best massive meteorological problems. This is something that the Code would not allow. An Adept is mentally incapable of violating the Code. Powers Ok, the power of the Aing-Tii is, theoretically, very simple. The Aing-Tii simply have the power to teleport matter from point A to point B, instantaneously. They also have the ability to look where they're going to be placing this stuff, to make sure they're not trying to stick it deep in the rock (although it would probably make some interesting fossils... throw archaeology all to hell). Unfortunately for those of you who are getting tired of hearing me drone on (remember, I told you to bring a pillow), in practice it's nowhere near that simple. You see, the Aing-Tii can get quite creative with this. For example, an Aing-Tii is capable of moving matter over a VERY small distance... but essentially lurching whatever is above or below the matter, as it is displaced slightly. This would be somewhat the equivalent of one of the sharp movements in an earthquake... without the follow up movements. Worse than subsonic vibrations. Or, the Aing-Tii could move the matter in a specific section of a wall to another section of that wall, increasing its density... and incidentally, creating a doorway. At the Initiate level, Aing-Tii are given only very small objects to train with... objects the size of marbles. These are very simple to deal with. The Initiates are not allowed anything else to practice on, since they are not yet capable of controlling their talents. To reach the next rank (Apprentice), the Initiate must learn control their talent, to be able to call upon it when wanted, and not have it manifest itself when not desired. Apprentices are given a series of increasingly large objects to work with. They also are taught how to use the Force to view places they have not been, and how to look at the destination for their transfer. To achieve the next rank, the Apprentice must learn how to transport large objects to anywhere else on the same planet. The

Apprentice must also learn how to view other places in the Force. This is NOT the same sort of sensing that Jedi do. Instead, this is manifested around a location, and the Aing-Tii detects the spatial relationships of matter. The Practitioner is not capable of telling WHAT the matter is, although they are quite capable of guessing, since all matter is different. The only distinction in the different kinds of matter is between its phases (solid, liquid, gas). Journeymen have mastered the ability to move objects over moderate distances, and now must learn to expand their range. However, they must also learn fine control of their powers. This is the point in their training that Aing-Tii learn how to move single molecules, and to re-shape matter. This is the skill involved in opening a door in a solid wall. In addition, Aing-Tii learn at this stage how to transport living matter. Previously, should an Aing-Tii attempt to teleport something alive, it would transport flawlessly, just when it arrived it would be dead. While an effective method of hunting for food, this is not a recommended method of travel. The Journeyman learns how to transport living matter (and keep it alive), although it is still quite possible to transport living matter such that it does not survive the process (if desired, it's a conscious choice). The biggest test of this skill is when the Journeyman teleports himself or herself for the first time. To reach the next rank (Master), the Adept must master fine control, and teleporting living matter. The Master is precisely what the term implies, a Master of the Aing-Tii powers. They are completely capable of moving any matter up to the size of a Cruiser to any system within the Known Regions. They are fully capable of transporting living matter without the subject feeling too much disorientation. They are capable of monitoring large areas through the Force. It is unknown what is required to reach the next level (Adept), since the only Adept in the history of the Aing-Tii left no records of his own passage to Adept. And now, ladies and gentlemen, I think I'm done. I'll see you in here next week at the same time, and I promise I'll find something interesting to lecture about... although you may wish to bring your pillows again, just as a precaution.

Ewok Shamanism The Ewok Shaman Lore is the Ewok equivalent of Force Use. "The living spirit is a great and mysterious power of which the Ewoks are all part of, even the leaves are things separate yet part of the tree. All things are part of the great tree." - Logray Ewok Shaman Training Every Ewok village contains a Shaman who is proficient in Ewok Shaman Lore. Ewok Shaman Lore is a Knowledge skill. Ewok characters begin the game with 0D in Ewok Shaman Lore, but may gain training to increase their skill from their village Shaman. A teacher must have an Ewok Shaman Lore at least 1D higher than his/her pupil. An Ewok who has no teacher may teach him/herself, but this costs doubles normal skill points. Double cost also applies if an Ewok increases his/her Lore to a higher code than that of the Shaman teacher. Initially the Ewok must approach or be selected by the Shaman Teacher to gain the initial 1D in the skill. This though takes time. The Ewok child may be taken away from the family for extended periods of time. This may vary from 1 week to a number of months. For the length of actual time spent in training, refer to the Star Wars Companion in reference to Force Skill training. The only difference is that the skill point spent to lessen one week is doubled. Mastering Ewok Powers When a pupil learns Ewok Shaman Lore, he/she does not yet have mastery over all the individual powers accompanying it. He/she must still learn powers from a teacher or else experiment to develop the powers. When a pupil receives the first 1D in Ewok Shaman Lore he/she also masters three powers.

In traditional training these powers were: Sun Ritual Rain Ritual Passage Ritual Each time an Ewok increases his/her lore by a pip, the Ewok gains the capacity to master a new power. If the Ewok is learning from a teacher there is no cost, but it takes a week of time to learn each new power. If the Ewok is experimenting by his/herself, it takes a week of time plus 2 skill points per power learned. An Ewok may use a power not yet mastered but all difficulty numbers are +5 for Ewok Lore; +10 for other Force powers. Ewok Penalties Ewok spells require some form of material, somatic and vocal actions to be performed. Ewok Shaman Lore cannot be used instantaneously but must be prepared beforehand. By using a mystical combination of dance, vocal and instrumental rhythms, the Shaman is more able to become attuned with the environment and manipulate the spirits. An Ewok that does not perform this preparation will have a 1D penalty for using Ewok Shaman Lore. As Ewoks are less physiologically complex than human, their ability to manipulate the Force is more difficult. An Ewok Shaman is capable of using force powers but with the additional penalty of being one difficulty level greater rank than for a Jedi. (e.g. Moderate -> Difficult) Ewok Shamans gain their powers from the spirits of the trees, animals, land and the elements. The more complex the ecosystem, the more life, energy and spirits the Ewok Shaman can tap. The less complex the ecosystem, the more difficult for the Ewok Shaman to use his/her powers. Environment Modifiers Forest Shrub/Swamp Plain Desert Space Powers Sun Ritual Difficulty: Difficulty is Easy for 1 round duration, Moderate for 1 hour, Difficult for 1 day, and Very Difficult for 1 week. Effect: Dust, mist and clouds all depart from the vicinity of the spell increasing the amount of light there. For this power to have effect, the sun must be visible or at least capable of being seen. Rain Ritual Difficulty: As Sun Ritual but modified by Hydrosphere: Arid +10; Dry +5; Moderate 0; Moist -5; Saturated -10. +5 +10 +15 +20

Effect: Depends upon the availability of water (planetary hydrographic). Causes precipitation to occur in the vicinity of the spell. The area of effect and intensity of down-pour is left to the Game Master's discretion. Passage Ritual Difficulty: Easy Effect: The passage ritual is a Ewok ceremony to celebrate the passing from one Ewok Life Stage to another (i.e. Birth, Adulthood, Marriage and Death) 3xSLR < DIFF 2xSLR < DIFF SLR SLR SLR < DIFF >= DIFF > 2xDIFF Gains a dark side point Gains a dark side pip No Effect Gains +2D to all skills * Gains one Force Point **

* May be used only once during a characters life stage much the same as a Force Point ** May only used once during a characters life stage Tribe Friend Ritual Difficulty: Easy Effect: A stranger is accepted into the tribe as a friend. This power gives no apparent modifiers, but Game Masters may wish to use this in much the same way as in "Return of the Jedi" when the Ewoks accepted the Heroes. Dark Ritual Warning: An Ewok who uses this power immediately gains a dark side point. Difficulty: Easy and involves the sacrifice of a living creature Effect: In times of turmoil and hardship the dark spirits grew in power and had to be appeased with a sacrifice or they became angry and molested the Ewok Village. The Dark Ritual power appeases the dark spirits so that they do not harass the participants. For game purposes casting dark ritual will mean that any villains will be less likely to harm the Ewoks involved or the Ewok village. If necessary, the game master may elect to penalize any villains searching or attempting to harm the Ewoks or their village. This may be in the form of modifiers to skill rolls. Heal Wound Difficulty: Moderate for a Wound, Difficult for Incapacitated, and Very Difficult for Mortally wounded. Effect: Same as the Jedi Power 'Accelerate Healing'. Make two natural healing rolls for the current day +2 to each roll.

Remove Poison Difficulty: Easy for alcohol, Moderate for mild poison, Difficult for average poison, Very Difficult for Virulent Poisons.


Same as the Jedi Power 'Detoxify Poison'.

Cure Disease Difficulty: Easy for mild infection, Moderate for high fever, Difficult for serious sickness and Very Difficult for life threatening disease. Effect: Influence Difficulty: Easy for perceptions, Moderate for memories, and Difficult for conclusions + Proximity Effect: Same as the Jedi Power 'Affect Mind' Same as Jedi Power 'Control Disease"

Spirit Summoning Difficulty: A spirit's strength is based on its highest attribute or skill. Moderate for Minor Spirit (0D-1D), Difficult for Average Spirit (1D+1 - 4D), Very Difficult for Major Spirit (4D+1 and above). Effect: Summons a spirit of a chosen type into the object on which the spell is cast on.

Spirit Control Difficulty: The Shaman and the Spirit make an opposed Ewok Shaman Lore Skill roll. The Spirits Ewok Shaman Lore roll is equal to its PER/Ewok Shaman Lore/Control skill. 2xSHR < SHR SHR SHR < >= > Spirit Spirit Spirit The Shaman is possessed by Spirit Failure the Spirit leaves The spirit is controlled for one adventure

2xSpirit The spirit is controlled permanently

Effect: Allows the Shaman to use the skills and attributes of the spirit summoned. If the Summoner is possessed by the spirit, he/she takes on the personality of that spirit (PER,KNO and Force Powers) and in turn for the duration of the possession falls under the Game Master's control. Banish Spirit Difficulty: As Spirit Summoning Effect: Curse Warning: A Shaman who uses Curse immediately gains a Dark Side Point Difficulty: Difficult modified by relationship Effect: The Ewok Shaman roll is noted and labeled the 'Curse Strength'. The effect of the curse is left to the Game Masters discretion. Remove Curse Banishes the spirit back to the spirit world and loses control over the Ewok possessed.

Difficulty: Opposed roll versus Curse Strength. Effect: Removes the curse. Dream Trance Difficulty: Easy + Proximity + (+5 Past; +10 Future) Effect: This power is similar to the Jedi Power 'Farseeing'. The power is used by taking tobacco or some other herbal drug. The Shaman lapses into a drug induced trance in which he/she perceives visions that are later interpreted. This is usually used to foretell the future or find lost objects. Spirit Trance Difficulty: Difficult to enter trance; Very Difficult to break away. Effect: Similar to the Jedi Power 'Emptiness'. The Shaman Spirit leaves the body and ventures into the "Spirit World". This is exactly the same as the real world but all the inhabitants are spirits (in a blue haze). The Shaman can visit his/her ancestors gaining advice or training. Venturing in the spirit world is dangerous. Away from the Ewok spirit village and in the voids of space lurk other spirits. A Shaman can be confronted with a dark spirit or lose his/her way, unable to return to the body. Evoke the Spirits Difficulty: Very Difficult Effect: The Shaman manipulates the raw power of the "Spirit World" itself, allowing him/her to perform great feats of magic. The Spirit World" is in balance. If the Shaman uses the power to return the Physical World to balance, it will be more likely to succeed than should the Shaman use it to break the balance. For every evocation there is an equal and opposite revocation. Any attempt to break the balance will result in another event at some later stage that will restore the balance. This entire power is left to the Game Master's discretion.

Since the birth of the Galactic Republic, the Jedi Knights upheld the peace. From system to system, grand Jedi Praxeums were established to train potential Jedi in the ways of the Force. For twenty-five thousand years, the Knighthood functioned as explorers, educators, and enforcers of justice. Through their strong connection to the Force, they were capable of amazing feats of mind and body. This section is a collection of various works by numerous people. No reader is going to agree completely with everything that this area has to say, but stick with the Golden Rule: If you dont like the rule, dont use it. Ways of the Jedi: The mysterious energy field known as the Force permeates the galaxy. It is created by life, found everywhere, a part of everything. It lies beyond that which can normally be perceived, yet a few beings-such as the Jedi-know how to feel its ebb and flow. With practice and study, Jedi learn to manipulate that energy, gaining control over life, thought and matter. The Nature of the Force:

The Force is an essential part of nature-like energy or matter-but it has yet to be qualified and analyzed. The Force is not to be understood in the manner as the physical qualities of the universe. The laws of physics are observable; technology is predictable and readily controlled. The Force is neither controlled nor controlling-it is a part of life itself; asking if it controls or can be controlled is like asking if a person controls his component cells, or the cells control him. It is not known whether the Force has always been, if it came about as life evolved into intelligence, or if it coerced the evolution of intelligence. To the Jedi, it does not matter. It is enough to know what the Force is. History of the Jedi: Long ago, those who studied and practiced manipulating the Force gathered together to establish the Jedi Knights, an order dedicated to protecting the galaxy from evil. The Jedi helped bring order and strength to a galaxy plagued far too long by conflict and fear. Their deeds became famous. Aided by the Force and armed with their unique Lightsabers, they came to be respected and honored throughout the galaxy. They were known as scholars, warriors, and philosophers. They were all those things-and more. The Jedi spread across the galaxy, protecting the Republic and watching over its many systems. However, within their knowledge lay the seeds of their destruction. Early on, the Jedi realized the differences between the Light Side and the Dark Side; they emphasized the importance of following the path of Light. For some, the warnings were not enough and temptation was too great: inevitably, some Jedi embraced the Dark Side and used their powers to bring great evil upon the galaxy. Such tragic events endured in Jedi lore. One of these infamous incidents occurred four millennia prior to the rise of the Empire: the fall of the Jedi Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma helped bring about the Great Sith War. In recent times, great evil arose again. The darkness engulfed the Republic, replacing it with the corrupt and evil Galactic Empire. The Empires New Order seized control. Palpatine and his servant, Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith, virtually exterminated the Jedi. The august order that had protected the galaxy for 25,000 years, that had seemed invincible, was struck down in a heartbeat. However, the destruction of Jedi was not complete. Few had survived. After Luke Skywalker, son of Darth Vader, defeated Vader, turning to back to the Light, Vader himself destroyed Emperor Palpatine. Skywalker then had to destroy the clones of the Emperor. The Jedi have returned The Jedi Code

THE JEDI MANTRA There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no death, there is the Force THE JEDI CODE The Articles of the Jedi Code and Supplementary Text Provided by Mace Windu (Mark)

I. JEDI ARE THE GUARDIANS OF PEACE IN THE GALAXY. Jedi live their entire lives as the guardians of peace in the galaxy. They take no specific orders from any one body except for the Jedi council. However, the Jedi should follow the demands of the senate unless the council agrees that the senate is wrong. A Jedi cannot force people to be just and decent. They must allow such qualities to arise from within. If a Jedi forces these qualities on an adversary they will not be learned permanently. However, with patience the Jedi can use his power and knowledge to guide an adversary's actions and thoughts leading him to what is right and good. II. JEDI USE THEIR POWERS TO DEFEND AND PROTECT, NEVER TO ATTACK OTHERS. A Jedi must never use the Force with the intention of attacking and defeating his opponent. The Force is only to be used in defense and protection of the user or of another who is unable to defend him/herself. Also, the phrase "The ends justify the means" does not hold as an excuse for a Jedi to do whatever he wants to succeed. A Jedi should not rationalize a wrong action as good just to be able to do it. A Jedi must keep constant watch on his actions and thoughts for the dark side of the Force is quick, easy, and seductive. Anger, Fear, and Aggression define the dark side of the Force. A Jedi must never use these emotions unless he is calm and at peace and has the utmost control of the emotion. If a Jedi becomes reckless in his actions he endangers himself and others around him. Complete concentration and patience are essential to a Jedi. A Jedi should not try to sway the Force to his own purposes, but rather allow the Force to guide himself. A Jedi's one and only physical weapon should be a Lightsaber. As a part of training a Master will show his apprentice how to construct a saber. A student should not construct one on his own without a Master's prior guidance. It is ok for a student to possess an already constructed saber as long as his master has consented and advised him on proper use. A Jedi should not make the use of his saber his first option in a conflict. He should exhaust all other options with the opponent before making use of his Lightsaber. This should be a weapon of defense and protection. But when forced to use it, a Jedi should act quickly and decisively . III. JEDI RESPECT ALL LIFE, IN ANY FORM. All life throughout the galaxy is unique in its own way and each being deserves the same amount of respect as any other. Each being of life serves a purpose to the common good of the galaxy. The Force binds all life together. The Force creates life

and thus a Jedi should seek to preserve life at any cost. A Jedi should show unconditional love to any lifeform. Jedi also respect the uniqueness of life. The cloning of life is not approved by the Jedi. A Jedi must never clone himself just to create another being like himself. It takes away from the precious uniqueness of life and is not ethical. IV. JEDI SERVE OTHERS RATHER THAN RULING OVER THEM, FOR THE GOOD OF THE GALAXY. The Jedi live their lives with a code of honor. Material wealth holds no meaning to a Jedi and though it is ok for a Jedi to possess money, it holds no personal value to him/her. A Jedi only leads people; a Jedi does not rule over people or command them to do anything against their will. A Jedi does not do anything for the glory of it. Winning a battle should not be followed with arrogance by a Jedi. A Jedi cannot take part in any profit-making enterprise. One cannot profit from their protection. V. JEDI SEEK TO IMPROVE THEMSELVES THROUGH KNOWLEDGE AND TRAINING. The levels in rank for the Jedi are the following: The first step to becoming a Jedi is becoming a Jedi trainee. Children less than a year of age should be tested of their midi-chlorian level first and if over 10,000 they may be trained. Also, a Jedi Master may choose to allow a child to be trained even if the midi-chlorian level is not high enough if the Jedi council approves it. Once a Jedi trainee, the child will be trained for up to the next twelve years. At any point during those twelve years, an approved Jedi Master may take the trainee as his Padawan learner, which is the second level to becoming a Jedi. A trainee must be chosen to be a Padawan by age 13 or he will not be allowed to be a Jedi knight. The Padawan will follow his Master and learn the rest of his training in the Force from him. A Master may only have one Padawan at a time. The Master will teach the Jedi code to his apprentice and teach him all there is to know about the light side and dark side of the Force. The Padawan phase of becoming a Jedi will only end when two conditions are met. First, the Master must announce that his Padawan is ready to take the trials held by the Jedi council, and second, the Jedi council must approve the Padawan and announce him as a Jedi Knight. Being a Jedi Knight is the fourth phase in the cycle of the Jedi. For many, this will be the final phase. The step up to the final phase, a Jedi Master, is a tough one, but not a mandatory one. Only the greatest and smartest of the Jedi become Masters. The Jedi council will decide and approve any Knight who wishes to become a Master.

The key to a Jedi's never-ending cycle is patience. Without patience a Jedi only opens himself up to the dark side more readily. A Jedi is at his strongest when he is calm, at peace, passive, and patient. A Jedi's ability to do something is not all there is. One must know the thing. One must master every facet of every skill. One must understand how it fits in to everything else in the galaxy. During the life of a Jedi, he/she will find that some talents in the Force come easier than others. Each Jedi has his/her own unique strengths and weaknesses in the Force and the greatest Jedi are ones who can balance the use of their strengths with the control of their weaknesses. Jedi skills in the Force are rooted in three areas. Control is internal. It is the Jedi's ability to recognize the Force in himself and to use it to his benefit. Sense involves the next step, in which the Jedi recognizes the Force in the universe outside herself. Here she feels the Force and is able to draw upon it for information about the world around her. Through it she is connected to the rest of the universe. Alter is the third and most difficult to master, for it involves the student's ability to modify the force and redistribute its energies. Through these skills, the Jedi can influence the universe, making changes as needed to accomplish its goals.
The Responsible Use of Power: A Jedi acts from wisdom, using persuasion and counsel over violence and Force powers. Force powers are to be used to serve the interest of the Light. Using the Force for personal aggrandizement, for personal power or wealth, for convenience when other means would be more prudent-all of these traits are of the Dark Side. A Call to Action: A Jedi cannot allow evil to occur by inaction-a Jedi who voluntarily stands by and allows evil to be committed is encouraging the forces of darkness. Jedi are also bound by the actions of those around them. It is not acceptable for a Jedi to associate with those who willfully choose to commit evil. When a Jedi is confronted by a situation where evil is being committed, the Jedi must act to prevent that evil. There is a variety of means at the Jedis disposal-persuasion, creating a distraction, armed action, or simple mind tricks-but intervention is necessary. Tremors in the Force: The Jedi lives in harmony with the Force, sensing its flow, drawing upon its energiesand sometimes perceiving disturbances and presences in that flow. The actions of others can cause disturbances in the Force. A lone individuals impression might be like a candle flickering in the wind, while a great tragedy or act of great good may be like a sudden burst of lightning. Those who manipulate the Force often and with great power shine like the light of a sun.

Each time a Jedi draws upon the Force, there is a slight tremor as the Force is subtly altered. If the Force is used sparingly and with harmony in the natural order of things, such tremors are slight and barely detectable even at close ranges. Those who frequently use the Force cause many, many tremors. When the Force is relied upon-used constantly to bend the universe to fit the will of the user-such tremors may be great enough that Jedi on distant planets may detect the user. Those who use the Force as a crude instrument of power are very likely to catch the attention of others. New Jedi students are particularly likely to be detected. In their desire to master their powers, they often manipulate the Forceyet their dabblings, if too frequent, draw the attention of other nearby Force-users. The purge of the Jedi was facilitated by servants of the Emperor who detected, tracked, and exterminated novice Jedi. Premonitions and Visions: Some Jedi may experience premonitions, dreams, and visions. Sometimes these events seem to be little more than random, impressionistic images, but at other times, they are crystal clear glimpses of past, present, or possible future events. There is much debate as to the cause of these phenomena-perhaps its the Jedis subconscious at work, or perhaps its simply a different way of sensing tremors in the Force-but these occurrences have been known to warn Jedi of impending danger or to summon them to crisis areas where their unique abilities are needed. Beware the Dark Side: The Force is like any element in nature-it has both positive and negative aspects: the Light Side and the Dark Side. The Light teaches peace and harmony. It is the constructive side of the Force from which love, understanding, and knowledge originate-it is the essence of life. Those who are at peace with themselves can learn to harness the amazing powers of the Force. The Dark Side is the counterweight of the Light. Many young students falsely believe that the Dark Side is stronger than the Light-in truth, it is only easier. The Dark Side springs from the negative and destructive impulses of all living beings-anger, fear, and hatred are symptoms. Death and war are the byproducts of the Dark Side. It is dangerously seductive to those who lack the ability to control their emotions and passions. Those who give in to the Dark Side find their abilities greatly enhanced at first, but as time passes, the Dark Side does not respond so readily. The Dark Side demands more and more of those in its power. Those who are sensitive to the Force soon learn that there is no middle ground between the Dark and the Light. For most beings-unaware of the power of the Force-the struggle between good and evil is not as powerful, not as compelling. Force those sensitive to the Force, the struggle of good versus evil, life versus death, is of utmost importance. Those who learn the ways of the Force must be careful to remember their own inner peace or they will surrender themselves to the Dark Side, as Anakin Skywalker did many, many years ago. They must be careful not to start down the path of the Dark Side, for its self-destructive ways are difficult to leave once embraced.

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