April 2013

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Peace Council

Nancy Waugh, Chairperson 805 Spruce Ave Barrett, MN 56311 320-528-2282 nhwaugh@runestone.net Tom Gardner P. O. Box 5 Barrett, MN 56311 320-528-6278 tgardgmc@runestone.net Tom Perry PO Box 159 Barrett, MN 56311 320-528-2342 T.RP@Live.com Terry Volker 17239 US Hwy 59 Barrett, MN 56311 320-528-2424 volkercrr@gmail.com Jan Vipond Po Box 188 Barrett, MN 56311 320-528-2421 djvipers@runestone.net Diane Puchalski 22785 Co Rd 21 Barrett, MN 56311 320-528-6208 puc@runestone.net Craig Schroeder 23877 Co Rd 21 Elbow Lake, MN 56531 218-685-6277 craig.schroeder@starbank.net Jennifer McLaughlin 11254 Co Rd 2 Barrett, MN 56311 320-986-2139 mikejen@runestone.net Youth Representative Andy Thompson

Peace Lutheran Church

APRIL 2013
APRIL SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS BRAVO! What a wonderful job the kids did on our Palm Sunday Skit! Thanks to our director, Tim Ray, musicians, Chris Ray and Karen Block, the Mens Choir for singing along, our teachers for their help, and most of all to Ryleigh, Zach, and the kids from preschool to high school! Everyone really enjoyed your performance. Thanks to the students who handed out bulletins and palm leaves, and ushered. Your service is greatly appreciated! We had a good Sunday delivering muffins. We only had a dozen kids but they went to 3 group homes and 6 private homes where everyone was very happy to see them. A great big thank you to Marlene Dreier for making all those muffins! Our April rotation is The Sower and we will be studying the parable of the seeds sown in bad and good soils. Well be planting seeds ourselves and are looking for donations of small pots to plant the seeds in. If you have pots for us, please bring them to church before April 7th or give Joyce a call and shell pick them up. Thank you! In May well be making Mothers Day cards to deliver to the care center and assisted living and to hand out in church, planting flowers in our community planters, and having our picnic in the park on the last day of Sunday School, May 19th. Please feel free to join us on any or all of these Sundays! Joyce Hanson, Director Peace Sunday School 320-528-2354 (home) 320-304-0727 (cell) baskets@runestone.net (email)

Update on the progress of the WELCA Kitchen committee . The committee has worked on organizing the shelves, drawers and updating the kitchen utensils. The following purchases have been made: Stacking Trays, Cutlery Trays, Organization Baskets, Measured Batter Bowl, Measuring Cups, smaller Spatulas for serving, Salad bowls, Cutting Board, New Dishcloths and Towels (including some donated by members), Large Size Cooker Liners, and a Farberware Knife Set. Barrett Care Center We are looking for volunteers of any ages to come on a set schedule as often as you want to help with activities at the Barrett Care Center. We need people to assist with calling bingo or crafts or do puzzles or games. We want to have set volunteers that could come at the same time and day every week or month. Please call Amanda @ 320-528-2527

Thank you to everyone who ordered an Easter Lily. Be sure to pick them up. Each one is labeled.
As of January 31, 2013 congregations and individual members of the Northwestern Minnesota Synod have contributed a total of $122,135 to the Campaignwhich brings the synod more than 50% toward its goal of raising at least $225,000 by the 2015 synod assembly. According to Jessica Nipp Hacker, Coordinator of the ELCA Malaria Campaign, This places the Northwestern Minnesota Synod in the top half of the ELCAs 65 synods so far in terms of giving to the ELCA Malaria Campaignin 23rd place!

Thanks to all of you for making a very successful Palm Sunday Brunch! Our Treasurer, Diane, reports that we took in $591.50, and our expenses were under $40, so our profit is $550. We had a great turnout, there was almost no food left over. We heard wonderful comments about the delicious meal. Thanks for all the food you brought and for helping out in the kitchen. A few of you couldn't be there, but still brought food--thanks. Special thanks to Kay for baking all of the rolls.

WELCA April Meeting

On April 3 (Wednesday) we will travel to Fergus Falls to visit with Pastor Jennifer Rose at her church, First Lutheran. We will leave Barrett at 9:00am. Telephone 320-528-2257 or 320-528-2421 if you plan to attend and/or have questions.

A pril 2013

Peace Lutheran Church Council Minutes February 13, 2013

Call Meeting to Order Members present: Tom Perry, Andy Thompson, Terry Volker, Jennifer McLaughlin, Nancy Waugh, Diane Puchalski, Jan Vipond, Tom Gardner, Matthew Rose. Members Absent: Craig Schroeder, Sandy Kashmark Election of Officers: Nancy WaughPresident, Tom PerryVice President, Jennifer McLaughlinSecretary. Motion by Tom G to approve the nominations, second by Diane. MCU. Devotional TimeAsh Wednesday Service Secretarys ReportMotion to approved by Nancy, Second by Tom Perry, MCU Treasurers ReportMotion to approved by Diane, Second by Terry. MCU Pastors ReportWhile visiting member at Barrett Assisted Living, Pastor Matthew fell in parking lot and injured ankle. Injuries more extensive than initially believed with ligaments, tendons and bone injuries. Outpatient surgery is scheduled for Friday, February 15. Pastor will be homebound for 4-6 weeks. Pastor Matt welcoming visitors during recovery. Seeking interim from Synod to care for congregational care needs. Most local ELCA congregations already utilizing Interims. Workers Comp to cover partial cost of supply pastor expenses. There will be no 8 a.m. service for the time Pastor Matt is out. To be revived at a later time. Confirmation students and families have been instructed on expectations for participation during Lenten Services. Motion made by Jan, second by Jennifer to increase Sandy Perrys hours as needed in Pastor Matts absence. MCU. Old Business Church Books audited on January 16th by Kim Lang, Chuck Olson and Dick Puchalski. Reported and signed audit sheet on file. Council Training February 24th at Battle Lake, First Lutheran Church from 1:45-7: 00pm, Jan, Tom P, Tom G, Andy and Nancy likely to attend. Coffee MakerThank you to be sent for donation of Commercial Bunn which is working great. New Business Sunday School Expense ReportDiscussion of wish list. Youth room needs to be repainted and can repaint basement bathrooms at that same time. Will consider new deeper sinks or storage cabinets/vanity for basement bathrooms or other upgrades for future donations or if persons wish to give to a specific project needs. Building CommitteeCurrent committee is Tom Perry and Lee Ronhovde. Seeking additional members for input. Jan Vipond agreed to join but additional building committee members welcomed from congregation. Any persons interested to let Tom Perry know. Workers Comp/Interim Pastor. Pastor Don Berheim of Benson area has been approached as possible candidate for Interim. Additional information regarding processing of claim and disbursement of payments to be sought from Jeff Drier, insurance agent. Election of OfficersSee above Heating System== Cold air draft. Painters identified significant draft while painting near ceiling. Tom will call OTP to inquire about recommendation for how to evaluate issue. Tiles removed to provide better circulation of warm air for pipes being impacted by cold air. Release time-- There will be no release time during absence. Letters sent to release time participants. Lent (loose offering designate)Agreed to give loose offering from Lent services to be divided between Hoffman and Elbow Food shelves, but make donation in March so funds can be matched by Second Harvest. Snow removalWhile Lee is on vacation, Kyle Weets to care for snow removal. AdjournMotion made by Tom Gardner, second by Matt. MCU Closing PrayerLords Prayer Jennifer McLaughlin, Secretary

April 2103

April 2013


Online Registration for Summer Camp is now open!!! Click on any of the following for more information and to Register Now! for any of our 2013 Summer Camp Programs. Youth Onsite Sports Adventure Specialty Women's Week

We have the new 2013 Luther Crest Bible Camp brochure on the table in the back of the church or go to www.luthercrest.org or talk with Pastor Matthew find about the summer programs at Luther Crest in Alexandria.. The theme is You R the Light - Summer 2013

April 2013

Water by the Numbers

For 25 years the ELCA has been committed to serving with compassion people who are most vulnerable. Through the work of ELCA World Hunger and relationships with partners around the world, the ELCA works to provide relief, development and education to communities across the United States and around the world that experience hunger, poverty and widespread health issues. One of the keys to the sustainability of a community is its access to clean water. Water is the most abundant resource on the planet: 71 percent of the earths surface is covered in it. Two-thirds of the human body is made up of water. Your skin is 70 percent water. A tree is 75 percent water. Water literally falls from the sky. But in some parts of the world, access to water is scarce. In fact, only about three-tenths of a percent of the earths water is usable by humans. The average American uses 152 gallons of water per day the majority of which comes from flushing toilets. The average five-minute shower requires between 25 and 50 gallons of water. In Kenya, though, the average person only uses 13 gallons of water per day for drinking, cooking and washing combined. In Cambodia and Uganda, they use only 4.One out of seven people in the world lack access to clean water. Millions of women around the world spend several hours a day collecting water. On average they walk a three-mile round trip to get this water to their homes. In many areas of the world a lack of clean water forces farmers to use wastewater for irrigation. As a result, more than 10 percent of people worldwide end up eating foods that could contain disease-causing organisms. Water-related illnesses result in a loss of 272 million days of school attendance for children, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Close to half of all people in developing countries are suffering at any given time from a health problem caused by dirty water or unsanitary conditions. Combined, unclean water and poor sanitation are the worlds second largest killer of children. But thanks to the work of ELCA World Hunger and its partners around the world, work is underway to bring clean water to people in nearly 60 countries. For example, in the United States ELCA congregations and partners are working to provide water to families in rural Arizona and West Virginia who dont have running water. In the Central African Republic, spring boxes supply fresh water to as many as 2,000 people at a time and last for decades. In China, irrigation canals bring water to rural communities otherwise without access to water for drinking and farming, and in Sudan, water wells provide clean water to people returning to their homeland after years of war. To take part and learn how you can help make access to clean water a reality for the entire world, visit www.ELCA.org/hunger. Statistics taken from the 2006 United Nations Development Report and the World Health Organizations March 2009 Water Scarcit y Fact File.

April 2013
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

WELCA 9am Confirmation 3:30-5:15pm

Faithful Folders 10am

SS 9:15am Worship10:30am


Confirmation 3:30-5:15pm Council 6pm



Faithful Folders 10am



SS 9:15am Worship10:30am



Ever-Blessed Quilters 9am


Ever-Blessed Quilters 9am Confirmation 3:30-5:15pm



Faithful Folders 10am



SS 9:15am Mens Choir Practice 9:40am Worship10:30am




Confirmation 3:30-5:15pm



Faithful Folders 10am



SS 9:15am Worship10:30



Serving in April

April 7th Dwaine and Annabelle Olson Jeff and Marlene Dreier April 7th

Dwaine and Annabelle Olson Jeff and Marlene Dreier

April 14th

Marilyn and Doug Frykman Scott Lee April 14th Marilyn and Doug Frykman Scott Lee

April 21st Dennis & Sandy Kashmark & family Craig & Jody Schroeder April 28th Nancy Waugh Roger & Ardis Soberg April 28th Nancy Waugh Roger & Ardis Soberg April 21st Dennis & Sandy Kashmark & family Craig & Jody Schroeder

4/7 Alveda Rhude 4/14 Jennifer McLaughlin 4/21 Maureen Volker 4/28 Kathy Dahl

Work Group #1 Doug & Marilyn Frykman Bob & Irene Shervey

Altar Guild Sandy Kashmark Jennifer Combs, Brenda Long

YOUTH WORSHIP LEADERSHIP 4/7 Maryann Thompson 4/14 Jake Combs 4/21 Erica Vipond 4/28 Devin Schack

If you are unable to be a helper on your Sunday, please call one of your work group leaders and he or she will help you find a replacement. Thank you.


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Rev. Matthew Rose, Pastor revmatthew@runestone.net cell phone: 218-770-8470 Office: 320-528-2536 email: peacelca@runestone.net


Spring Salad Luncheon

Saturday, May 11 11:30-1:00 pm

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