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opening the system unit

1.3 1.4

Checking RAM and testing the performance

Replacing and testing of hard disks Installation of CPU Processor



1.6: 2



2.1 2.2

Installation of windows server 2008 Installation of ubuntu

CHAPTER 3: DOMAIN CONTROLLER 3.1 Setup the NetBIOS name 3.2. Installing a Domain Controller 3.3: Configuring your LAN Setting and modem CONCLUSION

4 5


6 7


Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

ABBREVIATION DESCRIPTION LAN Local Area Network RAM Random access memory HDD Hard disk drive DNS Domain Name System ICT Information and communication technologies IP Internet Protocol RC Regional Commissioner GUI Graphic user interface MMC Microsoft Management Console

During my training in Regional Commissioners Office XXX region. I have been exposed in different areas of study such as assembling, installation and configuration of Communication equipments like LAN, Server, internet broadband modem and performing both preventive and corrective computer maintenance. was my first thing and also major during my training / learning. But I did it nicely after learning it through internet, also got assisted with ICTs SENIOR SUPERVISOR. The practice I made during the IPTR, I call myself as ENGINEER OF COMPUTER. The other areas I have been exposed are Installation of window server 2008,Configuration of window server 2008(this includes Installing a Domain Controller) and Also I have been exposed in areas of Computers and website ( Also I have been exposed to Computer Hardware maintenance like placing new hard disk to the CPU having non-working drives, also setting the hard drives as Master and its Slave according to the hard disk descriptions. Because any hard disk to become a master or slave it depend upon setting up the jumper.Not only that but also i have been exposed to the other areas of computer applications like Ms. word 2010,Ms excel 2010 , software installation in PC , and, etc.


Put your acknowledgement here


Repair and maintenance
It is a process whereby computer hardware devices are repaid and maintained. In this part several tasks were done such as; opening system unit, checking RAM and testing their performance, testing hard disks and opening & cleaning of mouse.

1.1 Opening of system unit System unit is the container which houses all computers electronic devices such as mother body, memory, processor, power supply, cooling system, In this task the first step was to disconnect the power cable then other cables and finally opening it to see what is inside. After opening the system the components of it were found such components are;

Figure no. 1.1

1.2 Checking RAM and testing the performance

RAM, or random access memory, is an integrated circuit on the computer that is used for data storage. RAM is volatile memory because the data stored in the memory chip will be erased when the computer is powered off. RAM is the primary storage method for loading applications. Without RAM, the computer will be unable to temporarily store data and, therefore, the user will not be able to open and run programs. If the performance of was low it upgraded by the addition of other RAM.

Identification of different types of RAM which are D and S RAM .D ram is also divided into two; DDR1 and DDR2. Installing additional RAM helps speed up a computer by enabling it to load programs much faster. Computers use random access memory to temporarily store data. Every operating system has a virtual memory manager. Virtual memory is used to help the RAM chips store data. Take, for example, running programs that require up to 128 MB or memory on a PC that has a 64 MB RAM chip. This limited amount of RAM cannot handle these kinds of programs. This is where virtual memory comes in.

Figure no. 1.2

1.3 Replacing and testing of hard disks In this task firstly disconnection of the power was done while the system unit was already opened then followed by inserting the hard disk in the system unit, then connection of data and power cables to the hard disk. A hard disk drive (often shortened as hard disk, hard drive, or HDD) is a non-volatile storage device that stores digitally encoded data on rapidly rotating platters with magnetic surfaces. Strictly speaking, "drive" refers to the motorized mechanical aspect that is distinct from its medium, such as a tape drive and its tape, or a floppy disk drive and its floppy disk. Early HDDs had removable media; however, an HDD today is typically a sealed unit (except for a filtered vent hole to equalize air pressure) with fixed media.

Connection of data cable

Connection of power cable

Figure no. 1.3 Hard disks were replaced to some computers and then tested if they function

1.4 Installation of CPU Processor The installation of CPU is actually easier than other computer components installation. The installation will probably take 10 minutes to an end. .All AMD CPUs have pins attached to the CPU, Intel socket 478 CPUs also have the pins attached to the CPU. However, the new Intel socket 775 CPUs have no pins on the CPU, only holes, the pins are located on the motherboard itself. Intel chose this path for various reasons, mainly due to the fact the 478 "Prescott" processors produced to much heat.

The AMD and Intel 478 sockets are small square objects with gold pins on the bottom, and a lever to one side. The CPU will simply drop into the socket with the lever up and lock into place when the lever is down.


Figure no. 1.4

How to install CPU First off ground yourself. Dont want to allow a static electricity discharge on your new CPU. Dont touch the power supply in the case to discharge any amount of static electricity we may have. -Unplug computer Open Case by removing screws. There are approximately 4 of them to remove.

Unscrewing the case

Slide case panel off the case

After figuring out what CPU we have, we need to install it. In this case we install an AMD socket 754 CPU and after the new socket 775 Intel CPU. 8

Socket 754
First off pull the sockets locking handle into the up position.

Now placing the CPU in the ZIF socket, the CPU is notched at one end and is also notched on the ZIF socket. Simply align as follows;

Making sure that the CPU is matched up with slot and allowing it fall gently into the slot. If it will not slide in well then check pins on CPU to insure they are not bent. If one is bent we can use a pocket knife to straighten carefully. We need to be careful if many are bent, take back to store and get a new one.

When the CPU is in the socket we need to lock it down. Push the handle all the way down and secure under its retainer.

Now we need to install the heat sink and fan. This is an easy job too tho. Around the socket there will be a black device that holds the heat sink down on the CPU; this is called the heat sink retention bracket. The heat sink itself with have two hooks on each side, with one side having a device that locks the hook in place while locking onto the retention bracket. Make sure the device is unlocked but turning it anti-clockwise before starting.

Hook one side of the heat sink to the bracket and then lower the heat sink on the CPU. The other side of the heat sink should be able to hook into the bracket now also. The heat sink should feel firmly in place but the hooks will be loose. The final step is to move that locking device clockwise till it locks into the retention bracket, this should make the heatsink secure.



There is only one thing left to do and that is to hook up CPU fan into a available power connector.

Socket 775 As we mentioned earlier Intel's new socket has its pins integrated with the actual socket and are not located on the bottom of the CPU. The new CPUs looks like this:


The new socket has a protective cover on it to stop the pins being damaged. This will need to be removed first of all


Once the cover is off open the lever and lift up the metal flap. This reveals the pins and allows the CPU to be installed.



As with all CPUs remember to look for the notch in the corner and match it up with the socket. Gently lower the CPU in the socket taking care to not bend any motherboard pins, and then lower the metal flap. Finally move the socket lever to the closed position to lock the CPUin the socket.

The CPU is now ready for the heat sink to be installed. This board is different in that it doesn't have a retention bracket. The heat sink simply slots into four holes. It is locked into place by twisting the four locking clips


RAID level-1 uses data mirroring. Two physical drives are combined into an array, and data is striped across the array. The first half of a stripe is the original data; the second half of a stripe is a mirror (that is, a copy) of the data, but it is written to the other drive in the RAID level-1 array. RAID level-1 provides data redundancy and high levels of performance, but the storage capacity is diminished. Because the data is mirrored, the capacity of the logical drive when assigned RAID level-1 is 50% of the array capacity. RAID level-1 requires two physical drives. The following illustration shows an example of a RAID level-1 logical drive.


RAID level-1 example

1. Start with two physical drives.

2. Create an array using the two physical drives.

3. Then create a logical drive within that array.

4. The data is striped across the drives, creating blocks. Notice that the data on the drive on the right is a copy of the data on the drive on the left.

With RAID level-1, if one of the physical drives fails, the controller switches read and write requests to the remaining functional drive in the RAID level-1 array. RAID level-1 offers the following advantages and disadvantages. Advantages:

100% data redundancy High performance Disadvantage: Allows only 50% of the physical drive storage capacity to be used. 14


1.6.1: Checking the status of Anti-virus. Since Anti-virus it protect your pc against harmful programs include virus, A program must be Up to dated and virus scanning should be on in order to give you full protection. In order to check the status of your anti-virus, go to start menu and select Control panel



Double click to Security center icon and, the windows will appear like this:

Figure no. 1.5 OR: you can check the status of your anti-virus by simply open the anti-virus windows.

1.6.2: Removing an error message appearing in windows. An error message can appear because of corrupted file(s) or if the program is not working appropriate. This might be caused by virus. In order to remove the error you need to logon to Registry Editor and, search the error (by typing the error message) in a find what text box. After found the suspected file, you need to delete it and, restarting you pc. Steps to be followed: 16

Go to start menu and go to run search for Registry Editor by typing the regedit then click ok.

The window like this will appear:


Go to edit and, select find to open the find what text box:

Figure no. 1.6

Type your error message in a field the click find next to search the error in your pc: 18


After found the file, delete it and, restart your pc.

1.6.3: How to Remove Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) notifications occur when your computer hasn't passed the validation test. The validation test can be failed due to being sold a pirated (non-genuine) copy of XP, or because you have changed your XP product key to a software-generated key, or sometimes it just happens for no reason at all. The failed validation installs three types of notifications on your computer: one on the log in screen, one log in timer, and one balloon. It also stops updates from Microsoft and disables your ability to install IE7 and Windows Media Player 11. This solution can get rid of all three notifications, even though you will still not be able to update through Windows Update. You will not be able to download things from Microsoft that requires a valid license either.


Figure no. 1.7

Delete method: a: If you have only just installed Windows Genuine Advantage notifications, simply using the system restore function will remove the program. Then refuse to accept the WGA update next time Windows updates. Otherwise, proceed as detailed below. Open a Command Prompt window by clicking on Start -> Run. Type CMD and press OK. Change Directory into the System32 Folder (type cd \windows\system32)


Open a Notepad window and type the following lines:

taskkill -IM wgatray.exe del wgatray.exe del wgalogon.old

Figure no. 1.8

Highlight and copy the three lines above to the Clipboard Paste the contents of the Clipboard to Command Prompt. This should kill the wgatray.exe process from the Taskbar and immediately delete both files wgatray.exe and wgalogon.dll without the need to to go through all steps bellow.

b: Open System32 by either of the following methods:

Click "Start" -> "Run", then type "system32". Click "Okay".

Find system32 manually by clicking "Start" > "My Computer" > "(C:)" (or whatever your drive
letter is) > "WINDOWS" > "system32".


Figure no. 1.9

In "system32", go to "Tools" > "Folder options", click on the tab, "View", and uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types" if it is not already.



Check to make sure the window that comes up has a full screen of various files. The files are in alphabetical order, which makes it easier to locate the specific file. Find "WgaLogon.dll" and rename it "WgaLogon.dll.bak".

Create an empty copy of WgaLogon.dll:

Right click on a blank space in system32 and select "New" > "Text Document".


Leave the text document empty and label it "WgaLogon.dll". Press Enter (on your keyboard). You may get a warning from the above step that says, "If you change a file name extension, the file may become unusable. Are you sure you want to change it?". Click "Yes" on this warning. Be ready to complete the next two steps very quickly! Find "WgaTray.exe" in "system32" and delete it. You will then have 5 seconds to find "WgaTray.exe" in the Task Manager (the next step). Immediately open Task Manager. You can do this by pressing the Ctrl, Shift, and Esc keys simultaneously, pressing the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys simultaneously, or right clicking the Taskbar and selecting "Task Manager". Click on the process tab and click end process when "WgaTray.exe" is selected. Note: If you take longer, do not panic! All that will happen is that "WgaTray.exe" will keep reappearing in the processes list (i.e. you won't be able to delete it as required). To remove the notifications after this, return to system32. You will find two files:"WgaLogon.dll.bak" (the one you renamed) and an Application Extension (0KB) called "WgaLogon.dll". Delete the Application Extension, rename "WgaLogon.dll.bak" to "WgaLogon.dll" and repeat the steps above onwards (at a greater speed!!).


Figure no. 1.10

Restart your computer once you have finished. All the notification messages should be gone.


Chapter 2
Installation of a program is the act of putting the program onto a computer system so that it can be executed. Installation of linux (ubuntu) operating system, installation and uninstallation of antivirus were done.

2.1 Installation of windows server 2008.

Windows Server 2008 can also be installed as a Server Core installation, which is a cutdown version of Windows without the Windows Explorer GUI. Because you dont have the Windows Explorer to provide the GUI interface that you are used to, you configure everything through the command line interface or remotely using a Microsoft Management Console (MMC). The Server Core can be used for dedicated machines with basic roles such as Domain controller/Active Directory Domain Services, DNS Server, DHCP Server, file server, print server, Windows Media Server, IIS 7 web server and Windows Server Virtualization virtual server. To use Windows Server 2008 you need to meet the following hardware requirements: Component Processor Memory Requirement Minimum: 1GHz (x86 processor) or 1.4GHz (x64 processor) Recommended: 2GHz or faster Note: An Intel Itanium 2 processor is required for Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-based Systems Minimum: 512MB RAM Recommended: 2GB RAM or greater Maximum (32-bit systems): 4GB (Standard) or 64GB (Enterprise and Datacenter) Maximum (64-bit systems): 32GB (Standard) or 2TB (Enterprise, Datacenter and Itanium-based Systems) Minimum: 10GB Recommended: 40GB or greater Note: Computers with more than 16GB of RAM will require more disk space for paging, hibernation, and dump files 26

Available Disk Space

Drive Display and Peripherals Upgrade notes:

DVD-ROM drive Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher-resolution monitor Keyboard Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device

I will not discuss the upgrade process in this article, but for your general knowledge, the upgrade paths available for Windows Server 2008 shown in the table below: If you are currently running: Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition (R2, Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2) You can upgrade to: Full Installation of Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition

Full Installation of Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition Full Installation of Windows Server 2008 (R2, Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2) Enterprise Edition Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition Full Installation of Windows Server 2008 (R2, Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2) Datacenter Edition Follow this procedure to install Windows Server 2008: 1. Insert the appropriate Windows Server 2008 installation media into your DVD drive. If you don't have an installation DVD for Windows Server 2008 2. Reboot the computer.


3. When prompted for an installation language and other regional options, make your selection and press Next.

Figure no. 2.1


4. Next, press Install Now to begin the installation process.

Figure no. 2.2 5. Product activation is now also identical with that found in Windows Vista. Enter your Product ID in the next window, and if you want to automatically activate Windows the moment the installation finishes, click Next.


If you do not have the Product ID available right now, you can leave the box empty, and click Next. You will need to provide the Product ID later, after the server installation is over. Press No.

Figure no. 2.3

6. Because you did not provide the correct ID, the installation process cannot determine what kind of Windows Server 2008 license you own, and therefore you will be prompted 30

to select your correct version in the next screen, assuming you are telling the truth and will provide the correct ID to prove your selection later on.

7. If you did provide the right Product ID, select the Full version of the right Windows version you're prompted, and click Next.

Figure no. 2.4


8. Read and accept the license terms by clicking to select the checkbox and pressing Next.

9. In the "Which type of installation do you want?" window, click the only available option Custom (Advanced).

Figure no. 2.5


10. In the "Where do you want to install Windows?", if you're installing the server on a regular IDE hard disk, click to select the first disk, usually Disk 0, and click Next.

Figure no. 2.6 If you're installing on a hard disk that's connected to a SCSI controller, click Load Driver and insert the media provided by the controller's manufacturer. If you must, you can also click Drive Options and manually create a partition on the destination hard disk. 11. The installation now begins, and you can go and have lunch. Copying the setup files from the DVD to the hard drive only takes about one minute. However, extracting and uncompressing the files takes a good deal longer. After 20 minutes, the operating system is installed. The exact time it takes to install server core depends upon your hardware specifications. Faster disks will perform much faster installs Windows Server 2008 takes up approximately 10 GB of hard drive space.


The installation process will reboot your computer, so, if in step #10 you inserted a floppy disk (either real or virtual), make sure you remove it before going to lunch, as you'll find the server hanged without the ability to boot (you can bypass this by configuring the server to boot from a CD/DVD and then from the hard disk in the booting order on the server's BIOS) 12. Then the server reboots you'll be prompted with the new Windows Server 2008 type of login screen. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to log in.

Figure no. 2.7


13. Click on Other User.

14. The default Administrator is blank, so just type Administrator and press Enter.

Figure no. 2.8 35

15. You will be prompted to change the user's password. You have no choice but to press Ok.

16. In the password changing dialog box, leave the default password blank (duh, read step #15), and enter a new, complex, at-least-7-characters-long new password twice. A password like "topsecret" is not valid (it's not complex), but one like "T0pSecreT!" sure is. Make sure you remember it.


17. Someone thought it would be cool to nag you once more, so now you'll be prompted to accept the fact that the password had been changed. Press Ok.

Figure no. 2.9


Figure no. 2.10

18. Finally, the desktop appears and that's it, you're logged on and can begin working. You will be greeted by an assistant for the initial server configuration, and after performing some initial configuration tasks, you will be able to start working.

2.2 Installation of ubuntu.

Ubuntu is among of mostpolishedand and user friendly Linux OS. The following Steps were followed in installation of ubuntu. Step1; Insert the CD in your CD/DVD-ROM device and reboot the computer, select the language when asked.


Then select the second option "Install Ubuntu" and hit Enter:

Figure no. 2.11

Step3 wait for the CD to read into RAM, and when the installer appears, select the native language and click the forward button.


Figure no. 2.12

The second screens feature a map of the Earth with little red dots, so as to select the city/country. Upon the current selection of location, the time for the final system will adjust accordingly. Select the current location from drop down list situated at the bottom of the window; click the forward button after selecting the desired location.


On the third screen, select the keyboard layout that suits best(default is US English). Test the keyboard on the little text input field situated at the bottom of the window. Click the forward button after finishing with the keyboard configuration.

Figure no. 2.13

Hard disk partitioning The hard disk partitioning is easy task to handle there are three options;


1. If you want to keep your existing operating system (e.g. Dual boot with Windows XP),select the first option: Guided-resize the partition and use the freed space. 2. By keeping the existing operating system and let the installer to automatically partition the hard drive, select the second option: Guided use the entire disk. 3. Manual is the third choice at this point it is strongly suggested to use it if there is no any other operating system installed and the hard drive does not contain important data on it, follow the instruction bellow; Choose the hard drive partition (or entire hard drive if no partitions) to format and click the Delete partition button to delete the selected partitions. In the end there should be a single entry called free space, select and click the New partition button to create the root partition. Select primary for the partition type, set the size for the partition (in megabytes), leave the location for the new partition and Use as options as they are and select the mount point /(just like in the image bellow).

Figure no. 2.14 42

There is still a free space line, select and click the New partition button to create the home partition. Select Logical for the partition type, set the size of the partition (in megabytes), leave the Location for the new partition and Use as options as they are and select the mount point /home (just like in the image bellow).

There is still a free space left so select and click the new partition button to create the swap partition. Select Logical for the partition type, set the size of the partition type (in megabytes) twice the RAM (e.g. if the RAM is 512, set the size to 1024), leave the Location for the new partition option as it is and set the Use as option to swap WARNING: Be aware that all data on the selected hard drive will be ERASED and IRRECOVERABLE. Click the Forward button to continue with the installation Filling the coupe of fields by the name, user name, password and the name of computer (automatically generated).after finishing this step, click forward button again (for the last time).

Figure no. 2.15


If it is successfully arrived at this point, then it is definitely read for new ubuntu operating system. Click the install button.

The ubuntu 8.04 operating system will be installed

Figure no. 2.16


After approximately 8 to 10 pop-up widow was appears, notifying that the installation was completed and needed to restart the computer in order to use the newly installed ubuntu.

Figure no. 2.17

It was probably clicked the restart now button to see the new ubuntu operating system.



In this chapter we will talk about

3: Install a Domain Controller and DNS.
3.1 Setup the NetBIOS name To avoid any assumptions, we begin with setting the Computer Name (NetBIOS). 1. Right click on My Computer 2. Choose Properties, 3. On System Properties , click on the Computer Name tab. (See below figure)

Figure no. 3.1

4. Click Change 46

5. Type in the NetBIOS name (this will become part of the fully qualified domain name) 6. Click OK, then OK, then OK, then Yes and allow for a restart. 3.2. Installing a Domain Controller. 1. 2. 3. 4. Click the Start Button Click Programs Click Administrative Tools Click Configure Your Server Wizard

The Configure Your Server Wizard displays

Figure no. 3.2

5. Click the Next button 47

6. Choose Domain Controller 7. Click Next, then Next The Active Directory Installation Wizard displays.

Figure no. 3.3

8. Click Next 48

The Domain Controller Type window displays.

9. Click Next The Create New Domain window displays.

Figure no. 3.4

10. Click Next The New Domain Name window displays.


Figure no. 3.5

11. Enter the domain name as shown above ( 12. Click Next, then Next, then Next, then Next The DNS Registration Diagnostics window displays.


13. Choose the second radio button 14. Click Next The Permissions window displays.

Figure no. 3.6


15. Choose the second radio button and click Next. 16. Either enter PASSWORDx2, or leave it blank 17. Click Next, then Next, and wait 4 hours. 1.3. DNS Setup follows.

1. Click Ok The Local Area Connection Properties window displays.

Figure no. 3.7 52

2. Choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) 3. Place a check mark on [Show icon in...] 4. Click on the Properties button. The Local Area Connection Properties window displays.

Figure no. 3.8

5. Fill the information as shown above [ >IP address: >Subnet mask >Default Gateway: 6. Click OK and OK Remember that we are setting up also a DNS server 53

7. Click the Close button >DNS registration will start as part of the DC setup > DO NOT CLICK on skip DNS installation 8. Choose Finish, then Restart Now. 9. Once restarted click on the Finish button. 3.3: Configuring your LAN Setting and modem 3.3.1: I will give both Windows XP and Windows 7 /Vista method. the screenshot will be of only of Win7 Go to Control Panel > Network and Sharing center > Change Adapter Settings [From the left sidebar of the control panel window in windows7] and Right Click your Local Area Network and select Properties.

Figure no. 3.9 In Windows XP you simply open the Network Connections and right click and access the properties of the Local Area Network. Now on properties, make sure that Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) is checked. Double click on it to access the properties.


Now enter the following details in the respective fields

Figure no. 3.10

In Windows XP, there is only a Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) checkbox. Make sure to check it and access its properties and do the necessary things as stated above. Save all the settings and you are done configuring your LAN.

Note: LAN connection can be made by using cable known as RJ-45.

3.3.2: Connecting to the BSNL Broadband: 55

Everything is done now. Only thing left is making a dial-up connection to your HighSpeed Internet. Simply follow these instruction:

On Windows7/Vista go to Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Set up a New connection or Network.

Figure no. 3.11

Select the first option, i.e, Setup a Wireless, Broadband or Dial-up and hit Next


Select the Broadband PPPoE and enter your username, password provided to you by BSNL. Also name the connection accordingly (say, BSNL BB).

Figure no. 3.12


Now simply connect to internet and you are done. Also make a shortcut to your desktop for easy access. That was for Windows7/Vista. For XP the method is almost the same. You need to access the wizard from Network Connections > Network Tasks > Create a new connection.

4: CONCLUSION For the whole period of two months having stayed at Regional Commissioners Office Coast region (ICT department), the following conclusions were reached:
Computer maintenance and its components. Network Management and, its layout. RAID configuration for Server.

In this practical training I have learnt the big concept of Networks and computer maintenance and, its Equipments. Also the importance of performing preventive computer maintenance rather than corrective maintenance. The practices which I made during my IPTR will help me easier to become an Engineer and I can implement the concept in a real world environment. Therefore the company operate a quality management system in accordance with the requirement of the International Standard and local regulatory bodies. Ensuring that we consistently deliver to our internal and external customers, products and services that meet and / or exceed their requirement in terms of satisfaction levels ICT(at RCs office Coast region) meets requirements first RCs office quality is a way of life in all our business processes Continuous Improvement in technology and level of service guides RCs office (Coast region) focus .


The following are recommendations and suggestions to overcome the encountered challenges: Program improvement In order to improve the practical training program, teachers/lecturers should teach students on how to deal in depth with network design and administration before practical training; this is because most of the assigned tasks or duties fall under such course. Also the college should create conducive learning environment in classrooms and libraries such as teaching and learning resources especially books and computers including wireless network so as to enable students learn by doing in todays world of science and technology rather than theory learning. The department of computer science should find the alternative places for students who may fail to find the practical areas/locations for their practical training On the other hand, the organization to which students should be attached for practical training should be those which deal in depth with computer matters with suitable and conducive practical training environment and which have enough equipment in order to facilitate learning since practical training is part and parcel of learning.


APPENDICES Cable - Transmission medium of copper wire or optical fiber wrapped in a protective cover. Modem (Modulator/Demodulator) - Devices that convert digital and analog signals. Modems allow computer data (digital) to be transmitted over voice-grade telephone lines (analog). RJ-45 - Standard connectors used for unshielded twisted-pair cable. Bridge - Devices that connect and pass packets between two network segments that use the same communications protocol. Ethernet - A new Ethernet standard that supports 100 Mbps using category 5 twisted pair or fiber optic cable. LAN (Local Area Network) - A network connecting computers in a relatively small area such as a building. Ram ( Random access memory) - A primary memory . DNS(Domain Name System) maintains the domain namespace and provides translation services between these two namespaces. HDD (hard disk drive) secondary memory. Domain name - a common network name under which a collection of network devices are organized (e.g., ICT - Information and communication technologies.




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