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Name: Yagoda Madzunkova Date: 03 / 06 / 2008 School: Johan Hajnrih Pestaloci Class: VI v Topic of the lesson: Unit 6: Fast food in the USA and the UK Type of lesson: Cultural studies

1. Objectives:
To encourage students to compare life in the UK, USA, and other countries around the world with their own lives. To revise and enrich their vocabulary. To give opportunity to the students to do the given tasks individually. To practice the ability for pair and group work. To enable students practicing the language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing.

2. Activities:
a) Of the teacher: - Explains the meaning and using of fast food. - Give background information about the traditional English and American fast food. - Give instructions for individual, pair and group work. b) Of the students: - To think of examples of fast foods or places in their country where it can be bought. - To read through the text on their own, and to match the four topics with the paragraphs A B C D. (Students book, page 61-exercise 1). -To stick the correct topics on the wallpaper. - To match the definitions with words from the text in pairs.( exercise 2). - To stick the correct words on the wallpaper. - To complete the Handout 1, individually. - To create a new caf or restaurant and to make a poster, (group work).

3. Forms and Methods:

- Frontal, individual, pair and group work.

- Direct method.

4. Teaching materials:
- Flashcards, Students book, wall papers, handouts, markers, a cassette and a cassette recorder.

5. Lesson development
5.1. Introduction I start with brief information of myself. Estimated time 1 min. I ask the students: What time do you have breakfast? What do you usually eat for breakfast? Where do you usually have your breakfast? Students answer to my questions. Then, I ask the Ss: Do you know the famous word of this food? Students answer to my question -fast food. I give the Ss background information about British fast food (fish and chips), and about the biggest chains of fast food McDonalds and Burger King. I invite the students to think of examples of fast food or places in their country where it can be bought.
Estimated time 5 min.

6.2. Main part 6.2.1. Exercise 1(Students book, page 61). I ask the students to open their Students books on page 61, and I give time to read through the text on their own, and match the topics with paragraphs. First, students read the text and match the topics. Then, I invite some volunteers to come to the board and to stick the topic of each paragraph. I play the tape for students to read, listen and check their results.
Estimated time 13 min.

6.2.2. Exercise 2 I explain the class that they must find words from the text, which mean the same as the words in the exercise. Students work in pairs. I invite some volunteers to come to the board and to stick the words with definitions.
Estimated time 7 min.

6.2.3. Handouts I give the instructions for handout 1, (Match with , which breakfast do you like, and draw your favourite breakfast.

Students do their handouts, and some of them present their work orally to the class.
Estimated time 5 min.

6.2.4. Handouts I divide the class into groups of four or five, and explain that each group must write a list of food and drink. Each group chooses a selection of food and drink from the list they made before, and writes a menu for their caf. Each group thinks of a name and phone number for their caf. Students draw pictures to illustrate the food and drink. Students write the name, and phone number in appropriate parts of the poster.
Estimated time10 min.

7. Concluding part
7.1. Students display the posters on the walls of the classroom, and read other groups work.
Estimated time 4 min.

7.2. Homework assignment: Workbook page 53; exercises 1, 2, 3. Write about your favourite sandwich!

Total time:45min.

If there is time left I give them other handouts or we play the memory game.

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