MMR Poster 1

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A d a m A n s a r i , R a n v i r C h e e m a , M e g a n F e r n a n d e s , F a d u m a H u s s e i n , B e c c i L o c k h a r t , B r e m l a P a r a m a r a j a h , S a b a h S i r a j u d d i n , G r a c e Wo n g

The MMR 'Scandal'


* Measles, mumps and rubella are highly infectious diseases. The MMR vaccine consists of attenuated versions of measles, mumps and rubella which triggers the immune system to produce antibodies against these viruses. The single vaccine is not available through the NHS as it requires 6 separate injections to be given which increases the risk of children contracting the viruses between the injections. * Andrew Wakeeld published a paper in the Lancet in 1998 proclaiming the MMR vaccine may be linked with autism and gastrointestinal pathologies. He based his study on a sample of 12 children with behavioural symptoms linked to the MMR vaccine. * At a press conference he said that it is more prudent to use single vaccine as opposed to the triple until it could be ruled out as an environmental trigger. Eight of the twelve children studied blamed the MMR vaccine, saying the symptoms of autism had set in within days of vaccination at approximately 14 months. Wakeeld publishes Lancet article and press conference at Royal Free London 1998 2001 Wakeeld resigns from the Royal Free Hospital and University College Medical School


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Brian Deer's investigation published on The Sunday Times


Media & Public Trust


The Health Protection Agency warns of a measles epidemic

Wakeeld still practising in Austin, Texas, still supporting MMR autism link 2010 GMC conclude 2 year hearing - Wakeeld for professional misconduct 2013

Wakeeld under GMC investigation


Media is considered to be the greatest inuence on public risk perception of the MMR vaccine December 2001; Tony Blair claimed the vaccine was safe for his son Leo, but declined to state whether he had actually given it despite active government promotions. 32% of coverage in 2002 circulated Leo Blair; compared to 25% for Wakeeld. Most of the coverage in 2002 was by generalist reporters with no background in science reporting, with comments on complex immunology and epidemiology associated matters, with stories mainly fed by the antiMMR vaccine lobby Recent news stories surrounding safety of MMR vaccine still contribute to ongoing debate and why some parents still refuse it. 2012 news

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