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74 Kallista Rd.

QUEENSLAND Rochedale South

QLD 4123
Phone No (07) 3341 7509

Newsletter March 2001

Northbrook Gorge with its five swims provided a cool relief during the January heat.

Welcome First Aid Weekend

Welcome to our first edition for 2001. May this new century be the A weekend course in First Aid with a wilderness emphasis will be
start of many new and exciting walks for the Club and its growing run by the QAS at Boonah Hospital on June 16-17.
number of members. This Newsletter is also growing and will now It will be a fully registered course with a Senior First Aid certificate
stay as a 4 page edition. valid for three years. It includes CPR.
Club News Drive down to Boonah each day or stay the weekend.
New Management Committee Accommodation is available in the nearby National Parks,
Caravan Park or Hotel or camp in the Boonah Showground.
At the February meeting the AGM was held. The past committee
members presented their reports and a new committee was Cost at present is $100.00 per person. Limited places available.
First come, first served. $10 deposit will secure your place.
elected. Thanks to the past committee for all the hard work they
put in and best wishes to the new. See Richard Kolarski or ring 3341 7509 for more information.
The new committee members are: ___________________________________________________
Secretary Wanda Lawson 3300 9341 (H) New Members
Treasurer Patricia Kolarski 3341 7509(H)
Welcome to the following new members.
Outings Secretary Ken Fraser 3852 1607(H)
Membership Officer Ken Walters 3344 1927 (H) Ruth Bonnet Lia Johnston
Social Secretary Barbara Makepeace 3245 2186 (H) Alex Byram Judith Jones
Training Officer Steve Moyle 3800 3963 (H)
Editor Richard Kolarski 3341 7509(H) Stephen Darday Greg Jones
New Meeting Place Trevor Davern Harvey Kramer
Just a reminder that our meetings on the first Tuesday of each Esther Dobbyn Barbara Makepeace
month are now held at the East Brisbane State School, corner of Dianne Ferguson Paul Makepeace
Stanley Street and Wellington Road. Meetings start at 7:30pm. Desley Forrest Michael Menzel
Entry to the car park inside the school grounds is off Wellington
Road. Please check your street directory, as there are a number Manjit Gosal Denise Rivers
of one-way streets in the area. Jenny Gwyer Anne Saunders
General Meeting Talks Pamela Hartfield Katherine Smart
April 3rd Kevin Casey author of Australian Bush Survival Ted Hartfield Danny Strong
Skills: A Complete Guide to Surviving in the Wild will give a talk
on Bush Survival Skills. Come along and improve your skills. Mark Harvey Mary Tucker

May 1st Slide show by Ray Baker of Back Track Steve Hill Eveline Wilmen
Expeditions on Trekking in Nepal. Judy Hoch Lorraine Woodford
June 5th Slide show of past QBW walks. May Isaac
Membership Fees
Membership fees are now payable, $20 for the year 2001. This Total number of members 88
will be your last Newsletter if fees are not payed. Newsletter Deadline
First Aid Certificate Reimbursement The deadline for articles for the next newsletter is 22/5/2001.
At the Committee Meeting on 27/2/2001, it was decided that any Articles accepted if clearly handwritten or typed, but preferably by
Club member who does a First Aid Course will be reimbursed floppy disc or emailed to
30% of the course provided that the member has led or will lead a
walk for the Club this Club year.

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Special Coming Events Scenic Railway, past Juliet’s Balcony, Vera’s Grotto, Katoomba
Falls and the coal mines, scrambling across a spectacular
Blue Mountains Extended Trip landslide, past Narrowneck Ridge to Ruined Castle and Mt
This Easter the Club is planning a trip to the Blue Mountains, Solitary. Return past Ruined Castle to the Golden Stairs up onto
about 100km west of Sydney. Con Vink, our ‘Sydney Narrow Neck Plateau and return via Cliff Drive to our starting
representative’, has carried out many pre-outings to work out the point. The return walk is partly along a dirt road, but to
best places to stay, and a variety of walks to the best locations. compensate for this there are great views on both sides, as
Here is Con’s description of what is on offer… Narrowneck separates two valleys.
The Blue Mountains National Park is a fascinating area of great On most of these walks, there are “shortcuts” that may be taken
scenic beauty with a smorgasbord of walks and views. In by those who do not feel up to walking the full distance, and
November last year it was proclaimed a World Heritage Area, a “extras” for those who like a challenge. In particular, on the
tribute to its great beauty and its unique qualities so close to a Monday walk there is a lovely scramble to the top of Ruined
major city. Castle for those with a reasonable head for heights.
Those who went on last year’s trip to the Snowy Mountains will I have carried out pre-outings for almost all these walks in
tell you it was a lot of fun, and this trip should be too. I’ve sections, and will be doing a “test run” for the full walks when it
prepared some tips and walks, which I will summarise for you. gets a little cooler.
Further information can be obtained by emailing me on For our Catholic members, the shorter walks may be arranged to If you don’t have email facilities, pass allow for attendance at Mass on Easter Sunday morning and also
the message through Richard Kolarski (3341 7509). possibly the service in the afternoon on Good Friday.
Accommodation Please let me know as soon as possible if you plan to come. The
I have checked the three caravan parks in the Blue Mountains, at earlier I can make bookings, the less likelihood that we will miss
Katoomba, Leura and Blackheath. I recommend the Blackheath out on limited camping spots.
Caravan Park, 12km from Katoomba. It is small, located in a quiet Cania Gorge Extended Trip
area, well away from traffic (a problem at Leura) and crowds (a
problem at Katoomba). Sites are $8 per head per night, for a 4th to 11th August
group of 8 (maybe $9 - $10 for lesser numbers). Please let me Ring Steve (3800 3963) for more information.
know as soon as possible if you plan to come, so that I can make Budawangs and Warrumbungles
the booking before the sites are taken. Also let me know if you
plan to extend your stay. September School Holidays 22 Sept to 7 Oct
Travel The Budawangs for 1 week and Warrumbungles for 1 week.
September is the best time for these two National Parks in New
Options are road, rail and air. By road, you can enter Sydney South Wales as the wildflowers are just starting to bloom.
from the north and take the M2 (Epping Road) to meet the Great
Western Highway (M4). (The toll on the M2 is $3.30 per car.) See Richard or Patricia (3341 7509) for more information.
Alternatively, you can drive via Dubbo and Bathurst to the Blue ___________________________________________________
Mountains and avoid Sydney altogether.
Annual Reports
Flights are still cheap, but early bookings are advisable. If you
travel by air, you will need to still get to the Blue Mountains by Treasurer’s Report
other means – road or rail. Profit and Loss statement for year ending 31 January 2000
I can take three persons by car with me, with an overnight stay at Income
my place if necessary. Opening Balance $ 245.85
There is a regular and cheap train service from Sydney to the Membership Subscriptions $ 1368.00
Blue Mountains. It is about a 500m walk from Blackheath station Visitors Fees $ 225.00
to the caravan park. Donations $ 15.00
Total $ 1853.85
The Walks
I have planned four walks – two full-day leg-extenders, and two
Stationery/postage $ 228.05
shorter scenic walks. Most walks are loop circuits so that you Bank Charges $ 46.50
don’t retrace your steps on the way back.
Insurance $ 200.00
Friday 13 April: Shorter walk from Echo Point at Katoomba, down Hall Hire $ 240.00
the Giant Staircase past the Three Sisters, along Federal Pass to Total $ 714.55
Leura Forest, Marguerite Cascades, Linda Falls, Leura Falls, Surplus $ 1139.30
Bridal Veil Falls, Leura Cascades and return via Prince Henry
Cliff Walk with its many lookouts. If time and energy permits, the Patricia Kolarski
walk may be extended to Gordon Falls. There are some Outings Secretary’s Report
spectacular lookouts on this extra portion.
This past year has seen the club grow from 35 members to
Saturday 14 April: Full day walk from Evans Lookout Road around 100 members. I believe there are a few reasons for this
parking area, to the caravan park where we are staying, via dramatic increase, one of those being the hard work and
Neates Glen, Beauchamp Falls, Junction Rock, Trinity Falls, diligence of steering committee. I would like to take this
Bridal Veil Falls (there are two falls with the same name in the opportunity to thank my fellow committee members for their
park) and Govetts Leap. If you wish, we can also divert to the support through the year.
spectacular Pulpit Rock (1.5 hours return). When we reach the
caravan park, one car will take drivers to collect the cars left Another reason I believe is the diversity and quality of walks that
parked at the start of the walk. have been presented into the Club calendar during the past year.
We have seen many new areas and enjoyed the beautiful scenic
Sunday 15 April: Shorter walk from Wentworth Falls picnic area to views and I believe that this will continue this year.
Wentworth Falls, Rocket Point, National Pass Circuit to Valley of
the Waters with its many waterfalls, up to Conservation Hut and Lastly and not the least reason is the friendly nature, team work
return via the Overcliff Walk and Den Fenella. This may be and help our members have shown to our visitors and
extended by a side trip to Edinburgh Castle via Lilians Glen and newcomers to the field of bushwalking. All this has given the club
the pretty Asmodeus Pool. a very good reputation. It has been labelled as one of the more
active clubs in the Federation.
Monday 16 April: Full day walk down Furber’s Steps near the

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My sincere thanks to Ed for his help during the year as my fellow Past Walks
Outings Secretary.
Walk: Daves Creek Circuit Date: 7.01.01
56 walks successfully went out during the year, 3 additional walks Leader: Catherine Thistlethwaite.
were cancelled due to bad weather, bush fires etc. On top of
these there has been over a dozen pre-outings done by leaders There were 21 people on this popular walk. It was a glorious day
to ensure the walks did go out. for we had escaped Brisbane City's heat. We started at the
carpark and entered a rainforest passing many fig trees, lianas
Without the leaders these walks would not have been possible. I and epiphytes along with lichens, mosses and climbing plants. A
would like to thank all those members who took on the job of very diversified place indeed. There was a dramatic change in
leading the walks, for the research they did and the help they vegetation from "Rainforest to Tall Open Forest".
gave to others to get the pre-outings done.
There were great views of Woggunba Valley, Springbrook
Let’s not forget our ‘tail end Charlies”. Without them we could Plateau and the eroded caldera of the Tweed Shield Volcano.
have lost a few members. Everyone did a great job. A special The heath community was plentiful with bottle brush, banksias,
mention to Richard and Patricia who led 19 of these 56 walks she-oak, wattle and hakea.
between them.
We found a lovely cave in which to have a spell and share
The Club was also selected to be a host to the Pilgrimage, and goodies. Then on to Numinbah Lookout with a spectacular view
although the fire ban caused chaos to this event, a great deal of of the valley.
hard work went into it and it became a good success. The fire ban
caused chaos to our own calendar, but this did not stop us Surprise Rock impressed many who decided to climb down a tree
walking, thanks to modern communications (e-mail) we just went supported only by a rock.
to different areas. We then walked to Nagarigoon Falls where we had lunch and
Lastly, I would thank you all for the suggestions given to build our experienced the coolness of our surrounds. Many happy little
calendar. My sincere thanks to Ed Thistlethwaite in helping me vegemites made it back to the carpark where we all had coffee
carry out the task and may I wish you mall a very happy new year before our trip home. Thanks to all who joined me on this walk.
of walking. Catherine Thistlethwaite.
Barry Ellerington Walk: Northbrook Gorge Date: 13.01.01
Membership Officer’s Report Leader: Bill Butler

Our membership at the end of January 2001 is exactly 100. Northbrook Gorge is a hidden treasure in Brisbane Forest Park
and definitely well worth the effort.
Twelve months ago we had 46 members. Since then 32 members
have remained and 68 new members have joined. 22 walkers set out from Maiala Picnic Area for the top of
Northbrook Mountain. From a number of rocky outcrops along the
Out of the 100 members, 64 are Ordinary Members and 36 are ridge we had views to Wivenhoe Dam. There were also quite a
Probationary. (Ordinary Members are members who have either few orchids in flower along the way.
been in the Club for more than 6 months, have done 3 walks or
more, or were members of another bushwalking club previously.) After lunch we had to negotiate a long downhill section to reach
Northbrook Creek which we followed downstream until we
During the past year information has been sent to over 250 reached the gorge. From here we had to swim and rock hop
people making enquiries about the club. through the gorge. The swim was very refreshing after a long hot
I would like to thank Barry, Ed and Suzanne for filling in as the day. A 3km walk along the creek put us back with the cars and
contact person for the Club while I’ve been away. the end of an excellent walk. Barbara
Richard Kolarski Walk: Border Ranges Date: 26-28.01.01
Leader: Ed Thistlethwaite
Newsletter Report
The Newsletter was produced 4 times last year, coming out in
early March, June, September and December. It has been
distributed to all members soon after, and to people who enquire
about our Club. The position of Editor was taken up by Sandra
Rice in the second half of last year.
The focus of the Newsletter has been to be interesting,
informative and entertaining. Photos and graphics have been
included as much as possible. The quality has improved since
changing over to a newer printer.
Thanks to all the people who have contributed articles, photos Four people made their way firstly to the Big Mac at Beaudesert
and ideas for the Newsletter with a special thanks to Lynn who to regroup and continue to Forest Tops via the Lions Road at
has helped in the production. approximately 4:00pm. In clear weather the tents were set up and
Richard Kolarski in the cool a pleasant night’s sleep was obtained.
Social Secretary’s Report Fridays walk was Brindle Creek to the Antarctic Beech area past
the beautiful Selva Falls. Paul and Barbara arrived just prior to
During the year we had a mixture of social gatherings where our start of that walk. After lunch at the Antarctic Beech area we
various cofffee clubs were visited. For the coffee nights we visited proceeded along the circuit which gives a tremendous view of the
“The Three Monkeys”, Mt Coot-tha, Stones Corner Coffee Club, Mt Warning caldera. From there we could also see the
New Farm Coffee Club and Kedron. spectacular Pinnacle. Most were very impressed if not awe-
During February we had a Fish and Chip night at the Pelican Nest inspired.
at Wynnum and a similar night at Morgans in Scarborough. A Saturday found us clambering out to the Pinnacle which gives a
Pizza Night was enjoyed during July and a visit to Crushers birds-eye view of the caldera. Saturday night’s menu was iron pot
League Club for a scrumptious dinner during April. The Christmas casserole and Barbara’s beaut big hot scones followed by billy
Party was once again held at the Mt Barney Lodge and was well tea.
Sunday’s walk was from Forest Tops to Sheepstation Creek with
Thank you to all who came along to make these events a a swim at the end. A minor car shuttle with thanks to Paul
success. Best wishes facilitated this walk. Ed Thistlethwaite
Janet Ellerington and Cathy Thistlethwaite

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Past Walks (Contd)
Walk: Illinbah Circuit Date: 28.01.01
Leader: John Brunott
Twelve fresh walkers left the heat of Brisbane behind and met at
Canungra at 7.30am. Steve Moyle thankfully was co-leading the
walk with me. Steve led a quick pace down the steps cut out of
stone to the Gwongoorool Pool track.
After that quick pace it was down hill for approx. 8kms past small
cliffs and across several small rock gullies to reach Coomera
River for morning tea. We found out Steve brews a nice cuppa,
with even sugar and milk.
It was at this stage that we had a discussion on how to cross the
12 creek crossing. Head up, eyes up, walk slow and feel the A little further down Nixon Creek we began the rock hop to
rocks with your shoes. Steve went off with 11 walkers to tackle Boghaban Falls. The going was slow as the rocks were wet and
the 1st creek crossing with disastrous results for Lynn. She slippery. Eveline had a mishap and hurt her side, but was able to
decided to swim half way across, that certainly is one tough lady. continue.
We then headed off into the Illinbah clearing, a section containing Finally we reached the falls and began lunch. A fine mist of rain
lantana and regrowth forest. The creek crossings now become fell and this encouraged us to move on quickly. We began a
easy, however we now have to have a break to pick off the steep ascent of about 200 metres up a ridge and ended up on the
leeches from our legs and shoes (the group became professional Lower Bell Bird Circuit. From here it was a straightforward walk to
leech pickers by the end of the walk). the cars for a change of clothes and a final de-leeching.
For lunch, Steve decided to stop at the last creek crossing for Thanks to all who came on this walk which has not been done by
water and rest because the next 3kms of the walk was all zigzags the Club before. Richard
and uphill and had 180 steps. The walk to the car park included a
de-leeching and a phantom flasher. I will say no more, but it was
nice walking in the thunderstorm and rain. Recipes
Finally, it was great to see Fran and daughter Jodie walking Camp Oven Scones
together, and Christine and Andrew who are great friends from
way back. 2 cups SR flour
Thanks also to Steve, Gary, Lynn, John, Steven, Ruth and Gary 2x20ml spoons butter
for driving me home safely. John. 1 egg
1 cup milk
Walk: Kinnanes Falls Date: 11.02.01 Place flour in large bowl. Cut butter in small pieces and add to
Leader: Steve Moyle flour. Rub butter into flour using fingertips. Add egg and milk to
This is a very easy walk and is the ideal introduction to walking in flour mixture and stir quickly to just combine ingredients. Use
the bush for beginners wishing to experience the thrill of extra flour to knead dough lightly. Place handfuls of mixture into a
bushwalking. greased camp oven. Place lid on camp oven.
21 of us turned up for the walk which is an excellent number of Place a shovel full of hot coals from the fire to a smooth clear
people. area away from main fire. Place camp oven on top of coals. Place
more hot coals on lid of camp oven. Remove lid and check after
All of us appeared to enjoy the walk and the views from the top 15 minutes. Vary quantity of coals on top and below camp oven
of the mountain were quite good. The water was actually flowing to get even cooking of the scones.
over the falls which made it all the more enjoyable.
We walked up the hill to where the verandah is situated and split
into two groups. One half ventured around the verandah which is Thai Beef Salad
a narrow ledge that traverses around the cliff face about 300 500g slice rump steak (chicken breast can be used as well)
meters up and about 25 meters below the top of the cliff face.
This ledge continues for approximately 200 meters before it Dressing
comes out to the top of the cliff. juice of 2 limes
We waited here for the rest of the group that went up and over 3 tbspn fish sauce
the top with Ken. Thanks Ken for assisting. 1 chilli, seeded and chopped (leave seeds in for a hotter taste)
From here we continued on and viewed the water flowing over 1 clove garlic, chopped
the falls. We then continued our walk and came down the other
side of the mountain where we had our lunch and after lunch we 1 tbspn kaffir lime leaves, finely sliced (leave this out if you can't
made our way back to the cars and headed back to MacDonalds get fresh leaves)
at Beaudesert for a cup of coffee and a chat. 1 tbspn mint leaves, chopped
I wish to thank everyone who came on the walk. 1 piece lemon grass, finely sliced
Regards Steve 1 tbspn Coriander leaves(optional)
Salad ingredients eg. lettuce, cabbage, green beans, green
Walk: Boghaban Falls Date: 18.02.01 capsicum, sprouts, etc
Leader: Richard Kolarski To make dressing mix all ingredients in a small bowl. Dust steak
Dark rain clouds greeted 15 members as they drove to Binna with salt and pepper. Cook on hot BBQ grill, turning once, till
Bura for this creek walk. Undeterred we set off on a muddy track cooked. On large platter place chopped salad ingredients. Slice
along the Shipstern Track. Slight rain drizzled down but hardly steak into finger width strips and layer on top of salad. Pour
reached us through the thick rainforest canopy. We had morning dressing over salad and steak.
tea at Lower Ballanjui Falls which were fuller than I had ever seen Bon appetit! Barbara

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