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74 Kallista Rd.

QUEENSLAND Rochedale South

QLD 4123
CLUB Inc. Phone No (07) 3341 7509

Newsletter November 2004

On Nina Peak, Hinchinbrook Island

Club News
AGM Track Closures
The AGM was held on 5 October and all committee positions Due to the recent hot and dry conditions there is a high fire danger
were filled. There are two new faces on the committee. Trevor and many tracks and areas have been closed.
Davern has taken on the position of Vice-President and Ken If you are leading a walk in the near future, check EPA's web site
Walters has taken on the position of Membership Officer. for news of track closures at
Bob, who was Vice-President last year, is now the new
Secretary. The other members of the board have been re-elected It is also best to contact the relevant park or forest office to check
to their previous positions. local conditions.
Many thanks to Patricia and Nadeen who had worked for the
committee but did not go for re-election. Also thanks to Frank
Next Newsletter
Garland for taking on the position of Training Officer. A full list of As the Editor will be away overseas till 16 December, the next
committee members is on Page 2. Newsletter will not be coming out till just before Christmas time.
We wish all members of the committee well in the year ahead. This Newsletter will follow the tradition of previous yuletide
editions by having 2 pages of jokes and funny articles for your
Probationary Members reading amusement. Many thanks to the members who sent in
At the committee meeting on26/10/2004 the following motion was those stories.
passed: All members with email addresses will be sent a notice when the
A non-member automatically becomes a Probationary Member December/January Newsletter is out. Those members who have
on his/her first walk after signing the waiver form. There is no paid for the Newsletter will of course receive it in the mail.
prescribed fee for a Probationary Member.
Comings and Goings
A Probationary Member must become an Ordinary Member on
Trevor and Diane C will be away for a month doing some
his/her 2nd walk by filling out a membership form and paying the
travelling through the USA.
prescribed fee.
Richard and Patricia K will be away for six weeks travelling
The prescribed fee for an Ordinary Member is still only $20.00.
through the Middle East.
This has been done to simplify the process for the committee and
Lynne C and John M were seen at a recent Club Social. They
potential members. It was also one of the suggestions of the
have recently returned from China.
Also seen were Paul and Barbara M who have returned from
The waiver form for the Probationary member is printed on the
Europe after doing some walks in Italy and France with Linda and
back of the Event Nomination Form. Leaders will also need to
Peter. They also did a short visit to Austria.
have Membership Forms available at each walk.

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General Information The Management Committee
Membership President Trevor Cox 3273 3484 (H)
Membership is still only $20. Please note that the financial year Vice President Trevor Davern 0412 512 202
of the Club has changed. The Club financial year will now finish Secretary Bob Gur 3345 3971 (H)
on the 30th of June each year.
Treasurer Gary Woodward 3245 2695 (H)
Members who paid $20 in the period February 2004 to July 2004
are financial till 31 January 2005. These members will receive a Outings Secretary David Kenrick 3349 8238 (H)
reminder in January 2005 to pay an additional $10.00 to bring Membership Officer Ken Walters 3344 1927 (H)
their membership in line with the new financial year.
Editor Richard Kolarski 3341 7509 (H)
Before a visitor can go on a walk, he/she must become a
Other Voluntary Positions
Probationary or Ordinary Member or be a member of an affiliated
club. Members of another bushwalking club affiliated with the Social Secretary Evelyn Campbell 3809 2354 (H)
Queensland Federation of Bushwalking Clubs or another State Training Officer Frank Garland 3341 5207 (H)
Federation are covered for Insurance.
Equipment Officer Steve Moyle 3800 3963 (H)
Probationary Membership
Supper Convenor Danuta Gur 3345 3971 (H)
The rules for Probationary Membership have just recently
changed and are outlined on the front page of this Newsletter. Federation Rep Richard Kolarski 3341 7509 (H)

In effect, a non-member can come along for one walk with the Federation Rep Trevor Cox 3273 3484 (H)
Club but not pay membership fees till his/her second walk. FMR Rep Richard Kolarski 3341 7509 (H)
Ordinary Membership FMR Rep 2nd Rep required
A person may become an Ordinary Member by filling out a Campsite Monitors
membership form and handing the form to a committee member Ratatat Hut Barbara Makepeace
or walk leader and paying $20.00. Ed Thistlethwaite
An Ordinary Member has the right to vote at an AGM or be Running Creek Falls Richard Kolarski
elected to a committee position. A Probationary Member has Gary Woodward
neither of these rights.
Throakban Kerry de Clauzel
Meeting Place Trevor Smith
Club Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at the Mt Superbus & Christine Harrison &
East Brisbane State School, corner of Stanley Street and Spicers Peak Cliff Harrison
Wellington Road, starting at 7:30pm.
Mt May John Brunott
There is parking within the school grounds off Wellington Road.
Consult a street directory, as there are a number of one-way
streets in the area. There is also parking in Wellington Road. Editors Pic
Tea/Coffee and cake/biscuits provided after the meeting. A coin
donation would be appreciated
Equipment for Hire
The Club has a backpack (suitable for use as
a day or through pack) for hire at $5.00 per
QBW is also looking at purchasing further
equipment in the near future. Any suggestions
for equipment to buy would be appreciated.
Also any person who has surplus equipment
and would like to donate or sell to the Club,
please contact one of the Committee members
or Steve Moyle on 3800 3963.
Bivy Bag/Pack Liners for Sale Recently seen on one of our walks, as we were exiting after dark,
The Club has purchased a quantity of pack liners from VicWalk was this snake of characteristic appearance.
suitable for through packs. They are 2 metres by 0.9 metres in a The Bandy-Bandy, Vermicella annulata, is of the cobra family and
bright orange colour. The packliners can double as an grows to about 75 cm/2.5 ft. It is a nocturnal, burrowing snake with
emergency bivvy bag and have helpful information printed on distinctive alternating black and white bands.
them. It is distributed throughout eastern and southern Australia. It is
They are available from the Club for $3.00 each or 2 for $5.00. often found under logs and rocks and on the surface only at night.
Club Shirts It is venomous but too small to be dangerous. It is not aggressive
toward humans. Prey consists of blind snakes and small lizards.
The club still has a number of Club polo shirts for sale. They are
available in XL, L, M and S size. $20.00 each
EPIRB Available for Members New Members
The Club has purchased an EPIRB. It will be available to any Susan Barnes Gil Gunthorpe
member of the Club at no charge for use on weekend or
Jeff Mark
weekday walks.
No of Ordinary Members 137
If you would like to take the EPIRB on a walk, ring 3341 7509 on
where to pick up and return the EPIRB. This is the number of renewals and new members since 1/2/2004

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Special Coming Events QBW Christmas Party (Contd)
Price: $36 per person, minimum of two nights.
QBW Christmas Party 19-21 November 2004.
Please make payment for the weekend to Gary Woodward. Gary’s
Where: Midginbil Hill Country Resort, Near Uki, Northern NSW.
phone number is 3245 2695.
Located in the Tweed Hinterland, 150km from Brisbane, about
2hrs drive. Accommodation: Bunkhouse Accommodation.
6 Rooms with 10 bunks in each.
2 Rooms with 4 bunks in each.
Each room has an ensuite bathroom.
Facilities: Fully equipped commercial kitchen & cool room
available for our use.
Use of facilities from 4pm Friday to 4pm Sunday.
BYO food, cutlery & crockery.
pillows, blankets & linen.
Free Activities: include Swimming Pool, Orienteering Course,
Tennis & Volleyball (BYO or Hire Equipment).
BYO Watercraft to paddle on nearby Clarie Hall Dam.
Activities with Fees: Horse riding, Archery, Canoeing.
 Saturday Night Group BBQ & Party and Trivia Quiz Night
at "The Barn" with Australiana Theme. Come dressed in
your best Australiana gear.
 QBW will supply the meat for the BBQ. Please bring a
dish to contribute. Let Gary Woodward know what you
will be bringing when you book.
 Bushwalking videos and slide shows.
 Tossing of the Boot competition.
 Bushwalking opportunities at Mt Warning, Nightcap NP,
Directions to Midginbil Mt Jerusalem NP.
Coming from the north (QLD) via the Gold Coast: Enquiries: Please contact Evelyn Campbell ph 3809 2354.
Take the Pacific Highway from Brisbane or the Gold Coast and
take the Tweed Valley Way exit to Murwillumbah.
Turn right at the main roundabout. Murwillumbah Railway Station
is on left, and Tourist Information Centre is on right.
Cross the bridge over the Tweed River and continue straight
through the next 2 roundabouts past the Services Club and
Sunnyside Shopping Centre (Coles). Take 2nd left turn into
Riverview St, the main road to Kyogle, Mt Warning, Uki and
Nimbin, which are signposted.
A couple of kilometres out of Murwillumbah you pass through
Bray Park. Continue on the Kyogle Road and cross the Tweed
River again, over a low-level wooden bridge. Approximately 15
kilometres from Murwillumbah you will pass through the village of
Continue through Uki heading towards Kyogle for another 11
kilometres and turn left into Doon Doon Road, which is
signposted as follows:
∗ Cram's Farm Recreation Area 7
∗ Midginbil 2
∗ Doon Doon 6
You will see the large MIDGINBIL HILL COUNTRY RESORT Party Time
sign on the corner.
Follow this road for 2.5 kilometres and turn right. After 1.4 km the Hinchinbrook Island 5-9 September 2005
bitumen ends. Continue past "The Bushranger" establishment on
Thorsborne Trail
the left, follow the road around the corner and over the rise and
Midginbil Hill is on the right. I have booked the Thorsborne Trail for six people, the maximum
party size permitted for this walk. Spread over five days this will
It is 2.5 kilometres from the turnoff into Midginbil Road. Drive up
be a fairly easy throughwalk. Five days’ food as well as camping
to the carpark and check in to Reception at the Homestead to the
gear needs to be carried but water will be available each day.
right of the Lodge Accommodation.
Also, because of the long lead-up time, I will have a waiting list
Please note: mobile phones do not work out here.
just in case someone has to pull out. If interested please phone
If coming from the north there are several options available, me on 3341 7509. Patricia Kolarski
however you need a good map of S.E. Qld and a good navigator.
Mt Diamantina
The road across the Numinbah Valley is very scenic and the one
At the same time there will be a separate trip with 5 people
through Currumbin Valley to Murwillumbah is also very pretty.
booked to climb Mt Diamantina on Hinchinbrook.
They are not the most direct or fastest route.
Contact Richard on 3341 7509 for more information.

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Past Walks
Hinchinbrook Island 19–26 June 2004
Two years in the planning, the CRASH team converged and
departed Brisbane in the early hours of Saturday morning.
Team Members:
Cautious Chris (last minute ring in)
Romantic Richard (Leader & 2nd Driver)
Amicable Andrew (Advisor and risk manager)
Sergeant Steve (Equipment Supervisor & Driver)
Handy Hadley (Social co-ordinator)
Saturday, 19th
Left Brisbane 0400hrs. Destination Mackay.
Conversation centred on trip preparations and expectations and
issues of the world.
Chris was travelling ultra-light as he was not expecting such
extra luxurious travelling capacity and decided to stock up on a
Ramsay Bay, Hinchinbrook Island
few extra essentials en-route.
We arrived tired after a good afternoon walk at perhaps the
Richard shared memories and tales of past walks. Andrew
busiest campsite at Little Ramsay Bay. There were already 12
alleviated the tyranny of distance by taking the short flight to
campers there. No one in residence was attempting Mt Bowen,
but we heard the stories of those who went before us.
Steve had his timetable with set stops, and his quick wit to catch
Warnings and precautions of native rats became apparent in the
us all out on many occasions.
evening. However all campsites were well positioned and
We also learnt that Handy Hadley had put out his lawn mower for provisioned with food camp boxes.
agistment with neighbours (a goat).
Tuesday 22nd
First Stop Matilda Truck stop @ Gympie. Stopped for the highly
Hadley decided to remain in camp, to rest up, keep the home fires
recommended Matilda Big breakfast, a choice of Bacon Eggs
burning and to entertain passing travellers. (See his following
and Sausages or Sausages Bacon and Eggs. No need for lunch
The rest of us set off early for a day of rock hopping up Warrawilla
The trip went quickly, with just a short stopover in Rockhampton
Ck. We stopped for lunch at a large flat rock overhang next to a
for a bite & stretch. Arrived Mackay that afternoon. Many thanks
serene rock pool. The going was slow as we checked our
to Hadley’s friends Vaughan and Bernadette, we enjoyed a good
positions regularly.
feed, watering at the local pub and overnight stay.
Further up the creek, the water flow decreased as we took a
Sunday, 20th
branch to the right. Soon there was no water in the creek but we
We drove to Cardwell to stay at Kookaburra Caravan Park via heard the sound of water to our left over a ridge and went to
Townsville. Just before Cardwell we enjoyed a view of the explore. To our amazement we found a magnificent waterfall.
channel and the mountains of Hinchinbrook.
As it was getting late and we had a water supply, we decided to
We planned to camp in tents ($18 for 3 sites), but got better camp around the top of the falls and to proceed early the next
value renting a cabin. We met up with Andrew after some day.
concern that he had missed his flight.
Comparatively flat areas were found next to the falls in a narrow
Monday, 21st strip where we camped on the various cascades. Some cloud was
Departure for Cardwell wharf to Hinchinbrook at 0930hrs. forming so we ensured we had an escape route to an earlier
discovered cave. The evening was relaxing as was the heat from
The glitz of the new wharf development was in contrast to the the rocks. We ate and slept under the stars with no rats or
laid back settlement of Cardwell. We unloaded the packs while annoying insects.
Steve and Richard went to secure the vehicle in storage. One of
the packs was so heavy we pondered as to its contents and as to Wednesday 23rd
whether the kitchen sink was contained within. The next morning, Steve had problems with his knee and both
We got to meet many fellow travellers, mainly southerners. One Andrew and Steve decided it was best to make their way back
of the groups had planned to venture out to Adele Island and down slowly rather than continue up to Mt Bowen.
then climb Mt Straloch and Mt Bowen. We wished them luck and Richard and I decide to leave most of our gear at the cave and
never saw them again. carry on with additional water. Our objective was to reach the
We did not see any dugong (sea cow) apart from the magnificent saddle and then to the peak of Mt Bowen.
bronze structure at the front of the ticket sales area. The Groper We came to what seemed a wall of impenetrable boulders with a
at the resort wharf was mysteriously absent from its ritual feeding cairn seemingly indicating we should veer to the south around
session. them. Unfortunately this was misleading and led to significant lost
We landed at a small wharf and walkway nestled in mangrove time. (We were to later learn on the descent that the correct path
and made our way past ancient aboriginal middens to a pristine was via a narrow crevasse between these large boulders.)
beach whose only occupants were a group of kayakers. Along this false trail we reached a rocky outcrop after
We set of along the beach around 1200 hrs, admiring clear crawling/crashing through tough grass scrub. We were feeling
waters, sunshine, rolling waves and washed up shells. Plentiful disheartened and thought we may as well just do an exploratory to
small but tasty oysters were sampled enroute. the north and then make our way down to join the others. After
much difficulty we managed to traverse to the next creek and to
We followed the well-marked Thorsborne Track and at Nina Peak our amazement we found the elusive rock cairns.
we left our main packs at the junction for the ascent. On reaching
the peak we had 360 degree views. To the north we had low- Following these cairns we easily reached the saddle and found
lying mangroves and tributaries and to our south the picture the campsite there. We decided to leave the majority of our water
postcard rugged mountainous region. for a quick ascent to the heavily clouded summit.

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The Summit, Mt Bowen Sunrise, Nina Bay
At 1125 hrs we reached the summit with the assistance of GPS Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th
confirmation due to poor visibility. The cloud stopped any views Sadly we headed for home, leaving Andrew in Townsville for his
from the summit. return flight.
We had lunch, read about some of the previous expeditions, and Many thanks to Richard, Steve and to all the CRASH team that
brought back souvenir aluminium sardine can from near the made the trip memorable. Chris B
On the return we had magnificent views of the effect of swirling
cloud in high winds on a rugged landscape. Hopefully the photos Hinchinbrook Island The Alternate View
will do it justice. RASCH = Richard, Andrew, Steve, Chris and Hadley
We managed to get back to where we had left our gear at 1500 Though the air was cool, it was a perfectly blue day on the semi-
hrs from which we made a decision to push on and camp further tropical island of Hinchinbrook. At approximately 0800 hours
down at one of our preselected spots. By 1630 hrs we reached RASCH began to flit like shadows over the boulders of the creek
our first days lunch spot and decided to camp. It seemed that began their ascent to the slopes of Mt Bowen. RASCH was in
apparent that it would rain so a tent was rigged as emergency earnest, seeking its own bit of topographical tofu.
shelter. Fortunately our preparations were not required. Was I a traitor? I stayed behind because I was a sensitive
The water was suitable for swimming but I’m glad the crayfish "mouse" suffering from executive stress and needing a good rest.
weren’t out earlier. I needed to feel the incessant whisper of the surf lap over me.
Thursday 24th Husssh, husssh.....husssh, the waves spread broken shells over
the sand.
Set off for base camp at Little Ramsay Bay at a more relaxed
pace. Skies were again clear. The only days of cloud being when I was right. As the day passed, the tiredness gripping me fell away
we were at or near the peak. as though it were glass, vitrified by the healing voice of the ocean.
The boys of RASCH, where were they? The slopes seemed just a
Arrived at main camp at 1300hr. Hadley had a greatly mere arms length away but RASCH was nowhere to be seen.
appreciated cup of tea for us in no time, as well as stories of Were they hidden beneath thick vegetation absorbed in their own
adventures at the campsite. Apparently we had missed Gonzilla, private struggle?
sorry Gonnilla a Swedish tourist traveller who took an interest in
various tent designs after tales of nocturnal animals falling from That night the giant white tailed rat Uromys caudimaculatus,
trees. Hadley and Andrew had told stories of gigantic white rats gnashed its teeth in frustration. I had stashed the tucker in the
jumping from trees. We wondered whether they should seek coffin sized metal box thoughtfully provided by the government.
careers producing TV commercials. This particular animal was a phantom because it was so elusive. It
transpired however that it, Rattigan, had entered my pack though
After lunch it was off to camp at Nina Bay. Entertainment at camp it had hung from a branch by a string. It left its distinctive incisor
included opening a coconut with one of Steve’s appliances and imprints in my bar of scented soap.
wondering whether Andrew would survive the night under a
coconut grove. When the tall blonde female tourist bumped into me at the
intersection of paths that led to the HYBRID loo, I swear I saw
We had further great views of the mountain without its cloak of Rattigan large as a pussycat, with a deep whit fur underbelly,
cloud. scramble up a tree as though it were some super highway. Isn't
Friday 25th Nature wonderful! Needless to say we both did the two legged
race to the HYBRID, as the beam of yellow light from my head
Set off to be picked up by the boat. We travelled mostly along the torch arced into the darkness.
coastal route finding good oysters and views along the way.
The next morning, meters from the beach, a large dolphin with a
Some of our group went swimming at the main beach but drooping dorsal fin looped over the waves. I missed that
decided to retire when a “crocodile” was spotted sunbaking on opportunity, photographic I mean.
the beach. The apparent crocodile turned out to be a partially
buried earthmoving tyre. That night I tossed and turned in my sleep. I dreamed of a tiny
wizened baby apparently named Gertie.
We had an enjoyable trip back. The boat stopped at the far side
of the resort for the keen walkers. One of our group absented At approximately 1400 hours in the afternoon, remnants of
going on to the resort for a deserved rest and to be entertained RASCH limped into the camp. They were quite pale, so I put on a
by the locals which including a goanna and snake by the pool. billy of tea. We looked up at Mt Bowen as grey clouds settled
upon it like a spectral crown.
Hadley organised dinner at Cardwell with invited guest from the
boat and we concluded the day with a good meal and local Somewhere up there two guys were striving to reach the summit.
hospitality at the RSL Club. Hadley Sylvester

Page 5 of 6
Committee Reports
Vice President’s Report
 Attend committee meetings.
INCOME 2004 2003
 Carry out the duties of the President when the President
is unavailable. For example: Chair monthly Club Membership Receipts 2,525 2,355
meetings / Committee meetings. Pack Liners 15 49
 Participation on sub-committees and involvement in Club T-Shirts 60
special projects. For example: “What constitutes a club
walk”. Deposits - Xmas Party 1,610
2,540 4,609
 Be available to act as an emergency officer / contact for
Personal comments: Bank Charges 23 32
The present committee, although new and untried, have Bandages
performed their duties to the best of their ability. As this Christmas Party 278 1607
committee is the first since the club became incorporated some
teething problems were experienced. Armed with the knowledge Hire Hall 66
and experience gained over the past 8 months I am confident Hire Equipment (EPIRB) 30
that the future Committee will be able to ensure that committee
Insurances - Qld Fed 1,235 1,093
members roles and duties are designed and if need be, altered to
suit the requirements of the club.
Legal (Incorporation costs) 122
I have enjoyed my tenure as vice-president and wish the next
committee all the best in their future endeavours. Stationery, Postage & Copying 405 669
All The Best Rob Gur Refund Membership Fee 10
Refund X-mas Party Deposit 48
Secretary’s Report Camping Permit reimbursement 28
Due to Club Incorporation in March I have held this position for Map Purchase Reimbursement 34
only seven months. Incorporation has expanded the Secretary’s
2,158 3,591
role somewhat so it is not just taking the minutes for the
Committee Meetings. New members are now advised in writing Net Profit 382 1,018
of their membership acceptance. This is not an onerous task and
does add a bit of variety to the job. Patricia Kolarski

The Queensland Bushwalkers Club Newsletter has been AS AT 30 JUNE 2004

published five times in this shortened financial year.
The Newsletter is available as a free download off the Club web 2004 2003
site. However nine of our members have requested the CLUB FUNDS
Newsletter to be mailed out to them for the additional cost of
$15.00. Accumulated Funds 2,834 2,452
The Newsletter changed in format on the web in May from a pdf Total Club Funds 2,834 2,452
document to a MS Word document. This has improved the CURRENT ASSETS
quality of the photos in the Newsletter while still keeping the size
of the Newsletter under 500 KB in size. Bank of Queensland Choice a/c 2,614 2,452

Our web site in Geocities is free and has proved a popular way Total Current Assets 2,614 2,452
for new people to find out about our Club. It also provides a NON CURRENT ASSETS
valuable service to our members as the Calendar can be Property, Plant and Equipment 220
updated quickly in between Club meetings. The Club Home page
is receiving over 10 hits a day, the Calendar page over 7 hits a Total Non Current Assets 220
day and the Newsletter page about 3 hits a day on average. Total Assets 2,834 2,452
I would like to thank all members who have sent in walk reports, Total Liabilities 0 0
photos and articles. Your continued input is much appreciated by
Net Assets 2,834 2,452
the committee and all the other members. Richard Kolarski

Membership Statistics.
Membership at end of January 2004 130 Fixed Assets
New Members February to June 32 Property, Plant and Equipment 2004 2003
No of members who did not renew membership 45 Equipment 944
Membership at end of June 2004 117 Deduct Prov’n for Depreciation (724)
Of the 117 members, the number who: 220
Joined in 1999 8 Joined in 2002 21 The $220 represents acquisition of EPIRB at cost at year end.
The assets from the Club have been taken up at full written down
Joined in 2000 15 Joined in 2003 22 value.
Joined in 2001 19 Joined in 2004 32 (Many thanks to Chris Breitenbach, our auditor.)

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