Toughing It Out For Nikita: Cover

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Toughing it out for Nikita


Dillon Casey plays ex-Navy SEAL Sean Pierce on Nikita.



Dillon Casey got a tough question about his tough-guy credentials. On the TV series Nikita, which airs Fridays on CW, Casey plays an ex-Navy Seal named Sean Pierce. So Casey was asked, do the people who know you in real life think that sounds about right? Or when his buddies first heard he was playing an ex-Navy Seal, did they roll their eyes? Casey was laughing before I even finished the question. Im not really a tough guy by any means, Casey admitted. Ive never actually been in a real fight. Ive had people punch me in the face. And Ive just kind of run away. A lot of people want to punch me in the face, actually. Thats the one thing that comes naturally to the Caseys, were all kind of smart-asses. Thats why I started working out so much. I was like, I have a lot of people who want to punch

me in the face, and I dont like fighting back, so maybe I can put up a front that makes it look like I possibly could kick their ass. I had to look like I might be dangerous, but its all a lie. Of course, Casey also could have addressed the problem by being less of a smart-ass. Naw. Wheres the fun in that? Canadian TV fans know Casey from his previous roles on series such as Being Erica, MVP and The Best Years. Casey, who was born in the U.S. but raised in Canada and has dual citizenship, actually had moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting and was back in the Toronto area visiting family when he auditioned for the role in Nikita, which shoots in Toronto. I dont really think of it in terms of being American or Canadian, Casey said. I guess when I went to L.A., the goal was to get on a hot American series. But its funny, in Canada everybody thinks Nikita is a Canadian series, because it shoots in Toronto. So I have to go, No, no, no, its an American series. But then I catch myself sounding like Im being defensive, as if I have something against Canada, so Im like, No, I dont hate Canada, but it is an American series, and I didnt come home to get work or anything.

So eventually I just have to let it go and say, Yeah, whatever, I have a cool job, its all good. As for Dillons character on Nikita, Sean Pierce basically has been a conflicted soul and to be honest, a bit of a candidate to snap from the moment he appeared on screen. Sean and the others basically are working for an illegal operation, Casey said. These guys, at any moment, if they decide to go left or right, theyre pretty much terrorists. Sean has been trained to put other peoples lives ahead of his own. And now he works for this underground thing that basically he always has seen as treasonous. He always has stuck around because of love, actually. He loves this girl Alex (played by Lyndsy Fonseca). Sean justifies it by saying he has to keep Alex safe. But hes so frustrated. Sean Pierce certainly doesnt sound like the kind of character youd ever want to punch in the face. But Dillon Casey? Still not a great idea. After all, he has been working out. @billharris_tv Bill Harris

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