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A Seminar Report On


Submitted for the partial fulfillment of the degree of
BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY In Computer Science & Technology

Submitted by: Amit Das Enroll. No. 09E1VJCSM00P007

Supervised by: Ms. Deepti Tak Lecturer, CS/IT

Submitted To: Prof. Dr. Baldev Singh (HOD- CS/IT)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur Rajasthan Technical University Kota (Rajasthan) 2012-13


Certificate Acknowledgement Abstract List of figures Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1: History 1.2: Purpose Chapter 2: About Technology 2.1: NFC Standards 2.2: Modes Of communication 2.3: Terminology 2.4: The contactless communication API 2.4.1 Anatomy Of A Contactless API MIDlet 2.5: Comparison With Existing Technologies Chapter 3: Technical issues 3.1: Functioning 3.2: Modes Of Operation Of The NFC 3.2.1: Active Mode 3.2.2: Passive Mode 3.3: The NFC Signal Interface 3.4: Using Contactless Communication API 3.5: Hardware & Basics 3.6: Advantages And Disadvantages 3.6.1: Advantages 3.6.2: Disadvantages 3.7: Applications 3.8: Devices That Uses The NFC Technology Chapter 4: Conclusion 4.1: Future Scope Appendix References

i ii iii iv 1 2 3 5 5 6 7 7 9 10 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 17 18 18 18 19 21 23 23 24 25


It is to certified that this seminar report entitled Near Field Communication, has been prepared by Amit Das under my supervision and guidance in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota (Rajasthan). This report is approved for submission and execution.


Prof. Dr. Baldev Singh (HOD-CS Department) Department of Comp. Sc. & Engg.
Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur


I am grateful to Prof. (Dr.) Baldev Singh, Head, Computer Science & Engineering Department for his helping attitude with a keen interest in completing this seminar in time. I am deeply grateful to my mentor Ms. Deepti Tak, Lecturer, Computer Science & Engineering Department for her guidance, constant motivation, commanding supervision and valuable discussions throughout this work. Despite her busy academic schedule, she has always been kind enough to spare his valuable time to discuss the work which eventually given direction and shape to this work. I extend my heartiest gratitude to all the teachers, who extended their cooperation to steer the topic towards its successful completion. I am also thankful to Non-teaching staff of the department to support in preparation of this seminar work. I would like to thank my family for their constant support and encouragement.

Date: Place: Jaipur Amit Das


Near field communication (NFC) is a set of standards for smartphones and similar devices to establish radio communication with each other by touching them together or bringing them into close proximity, usually no more than a few centimeters. Present and anticipated applications include contactless transactions, data exchange, and simplified setup of more complex communications such as Wi-Fi. Communication is also possible between an NFC device and an unpowered NFC chip, called a "tag". NFC standards cover communications protocols and data exchange formats, and are based on existing radio-frequency identification (RFID) standards including ISO/IEC 14443 and FeliCa. The standards include ISO/IEC 18092 and those defined by the NFC Forum, which was founded in 2004 by Nokia, Philips and Sony, and now has more than 160 members. The Forum also promotes NFC and certifies device compliance. At its core, all NFC is doing is identifying us, and our bank account, to a computer. The technology is simple. It's a short-range, low power wireless link evolved from radio-frequency identification (RFID) tech that can transfer small amounts of data between two devices held a few centimeters from each other. Unlike Bluetooth, no pairing code is needed, and because it's very low power, no battery in the device being read. By tapping your phone on a contactless payment terminal in a shop, train station or coffee shop is able to identify your account (and even your personal preferences, shopping habits and even your most frequently travelled route home) and takes payment through an app on your phone. Passive NFC 'tags' on posters, in shops and on trains could contain a web address, a discount voucher, a map or a bus timetable that passers-by could touch their phones on to receive or to instantly pay for absolutely anything. The SIM card in your mobile phone is a smart card identifying your account to the network," says John Elliott, Head of Public Sector at Consult Hyperion, who's worked on the Oyster Card. "On NFC phones; the SIM is being extended to act as the Secure Element that can hold other apps such as payment cards."

List of Figures

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6

Modes of communication Anatomy of a contactless API MIDlet Comparison of NFC with existing technologies Functioning of NFC enabled devices Signal Interface Flowchart showing the flow of Applications using the Contactless Communication API



Chapter 1: Introduction
Near Field Communication or NFC is a short-range high frequency wireless communication technology which enables the exchange of data between devices over about a 10 centimeter (around 4 inches) distance. The technology is a simple extension of the ISO 14443 proximitycard standard ( contactless card, RFID) that combines the interface of a smartcard and a reader into a single device. An NFC device can communicate with both existing ISO 14443 smartcards and readers, as well as with other NFC devices, and is thereby compatible with existing contactless infrastructure already in use for public transportation and payment. NFC is primarily aimed at usage in mobile phones. Near-field Communication (NFC) is characterized as a very short-range radio communication technology with a lot of potential, especially when applied to mobile handsets. Imagine yourself using your cell phone to interact with posters, magazines, and even with products while at the store, and with such interaction initiating a request or search for related information in real-time. Other usages of NFC include the electronic wallet to make payments using your handset, the same way you do with your credit card. With NFC all this is possible. But NFC is still a young technology. That said, NFC-enabled handsets are being introduced into the market, and deployments and pilots around the world are occurring. This report explores NFC and how you can leverage it in your Java application by using the Contactless Communications API. At its core, all NFC is doing is identifying us, and our bank account, to a computer. The technology is simple. It's a short-range, low power wireless link evolved from radio-frequency identification (RFID) tech that can transfer small amounts of data between two devices held a few centimeters from each other. Unlike Bluetooth, no pairing code is needed, and because it's very low power, no battery in the device being read. By tapping your phone on a contactless payment terminal in a shop, train station or coffee shop is able to identify your account (and even your personal preferences, shopping habits and even your most frequently travelled route home) and takes payment through an app on your phone.

Chapter-1 Passive NFC 'tags' on posters, in shops and on trains could contain a web address, a discount voucher, a map or a bus timetable that passers-by could touch their phones on to receive or to instantly pay for absolutely anything. The SIM card in your mobile phone is a smart card identifying your account to the network," says John Elliott, Head of Public Sector at Consult Hyperion, who's worked on the Oyster Card. "On NFC phones, the SIM is being extended to act as the Secure Element that can hold other apps such as payment cards."NFC has a short range of about 1.5 inches. This makes it a good choice for secure transactions, such as contactless credit card payments. MasterCard and Visa are both members of the NFC Forum, and both companies have been involved in pilot programs that use NFC-enabled phones as a flash payment option. Phones could tap and go using infrastructure already in place for credit card systems such as MasterCards Pay Pass program or Visas pay Wave.

1.1 History
Near field communication (NFC) traces its roots back to radio-frequency identification (RFID). Indeed, NFC is actually a subset of RFID with a shorter communication range for security purposes. In 2004, Nokia, Sony, and Philips came together to form the NFC Forum. This group is dedicated to promoting the security, ease of use, and popularity of near field communication. It aims to educate businesses about the technology and upholds standards that allow NFC to operate between different devices. Those who wish to create NFC compliant devices must meet these standards set forth by the NFC Forum. This ensures that any user with any NFC device can use it with any other NFC device or NFC tag. Though the NFC Forum formed in 2004, it wasnt until 2006 that the group produced the first set of specifications for NFC tags. NFC tags are small objects, like a sticker, that contain information that a NFC compatible device, such as a smartphone, can intercept when passed over the NFC tag. The information on the tag is usually read-only, but certain tags do allow the device reading it to write new information to it or alter old information on the tag as well. In 2006, the specifications for smart posters were created. Smart posters hold information that an NFC compatible device can read when passed over it. It can provide all manor of information, such as information about a famous piece of artwork hanging in a museum or a short biography of a famous persons life on a poster with their image on it.

Chapter-1 The first NFC-compatible cell phone, the Nokia 6131, also surfaced during this time. As the years passed, more specifications emerged and the technology grew from payment methods to sharing videos, links, and game invites between smartphones and other NFC devices. Android produced its first NFC phone, the Samsung Nexus S, in 2010. Today the NFC markets are most dominant in Europe, Asia, and Japan, though the United States is also seeing rapid growth in this field. It is estimated that NFC will soon evolve into a popular form of payment and data exchange technology in the United States.

1.2 Purpose
The purpose of NFC is to offer a safe, two-way method of data exchange. The purpose of the NFC Foundation is to provide assistance to people in need by supporting non-profits. Near Field Communication or NFC is the next generation short-range high frequency wireless communication technology which enables the exchange of data between devices build with this technology. Mobile handsets are the main targeted devices for this technology. Services built on top of NFC enabled mobile handsets enable users to share and receive information instantly, interact with other NFC enabled devices, and even make fast and secure mobile payments. The technology is built up on the existing RFID standards. However, there are minor differences, and NFC devices cannot interact with some of the legacy systems. Near filed Communication devices are operating at at 13.56 MHz and can transfer data at up to 424 Kbits/second. Communication between two NFC enabled handsets is started and completed with a simple proximity wave or touch of the two devices to each other. The communication can also imply passive parts also in the form of an NFC tag. These tags gains power for the communication from the RF fields emitted by an active NFC device. The real power of NFC relies in combining with contactless smart card infrastructure. The mobile handset user can make transactions just by touching his phone to a NFC credit card reader or ticket gate. Payment information, such as credit cards, loyalty cards, or your travel ticket are securely stored in the integrated smart card chip inside your phone. NFC technology enables all these legacy applications to be used on an mobile phone, providing more convenient , fast , and secure way of shopping or travelling.

Chapter-1 When using an NFC enabled phone with a NFC tag the phone can read small amounts of data from the RFID service shortcut tags, so for example the service shortcut contained inside the tag is launched just with a simple touch or tap. NFC allows you to share small payloads of data between an NFC tag and an Android-powered device, or between two Android-powered devices. Tags can range in complexity. Simple tags offer just read and write semantics, sometimes with one-time-programmable areas to make the card read-only. More complex tags offer math operations, and have cryptographic hardware to authenticate access to a sector. The most sophisticated tags contain operating environments, allowing complex interactions with code executing on the tag. The data stored in the tag can also be written in a variety of formats, but many of the Android framework APIs are based around a Forum standard called NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format).


Chapter 2: About Technology

Near Field Communication is a standards-based, short-range wireless connectivity technology that enables convenient short-range communication between electronic devices. The underlying layers of NFC technology are ISO, ECMA, and ETSI standards. NFC applications can be split into the following four basic categories: 1. Touch and Go: Applications such as access control or transport/event ticketing, where the user needs only to bring the device storing the ticket or access code close to the reader. Also, for simple data capture applications, such as picking up an Internet URL from a smart label on a poster. 2. Touch and Confirm: Applications such as mobile payment where the user has to confirm the interaction by entering a password or just accepting the transaction. 3. Touch and Connect: Linking two NFC-enabled devices to enable peer to peer transfer of data such as downloading music, exchanging images or synchronizing address books. 4. Touch and Explore: NFC devices may offer more than one possible function. The consumer will be able to explore a device's capabilities to find out which functionalities and services are offered.

2.1 NFC Standards

NFC is a standard, and is ISO standards-based. The ISO 14443 Type A and Type B standards + FeliCa is a four-part international standard for contact-less smart cards operating at 13.56 MHz in close proximity with a reader antenna. The ISO 18092 standard defines communication modes for NFC Interface and Protocol.

2.2 Modes Of Communication

NFC has three modes of communication:1. Peer-to-Peer mode is defined for device to device link-level communication. Note that this mode is not supported by the Contactless Communication API. 2. Read/Write mode allows applications for the transmission of NFC Forum-defined messages. Note that this mode is not secure. This mode is supported the Contactless Communication API. 3. NFC Card Emulation mode allows the NFC-handset behave as a standard Smartcard. This mode is secure. This mode is supported by the Contactless Communication API.

Fig. 2.1 Modes of communication

2.3 Terminology
NDEF - NFC Data Exchange Format - standard exchange formats for URI, Smart Posters etc. The NDEF specification describes a common data exchange format for NFC Forum-compliant devices and NFC Forum-compliant tags. It contains the rules for constructing a valid NDEF message as an ordered and unbroken collection of NDEF records. Additionally, it defines the mechanism for specifying the types of application data encapsulated in NDEF records. RTD - Record Type Definition - An NFC-specific record type and type name which may be carried in an NDEF record. RTD provides guidelines for specifying well-known record types for inclusion in NDEF messages exchanged between NFC Forum-compliant devices, and between NFC Forum-compliant devices and tags. NDEF message - Basic message construct defined by this specification. An NDEF message contains one or more NDEF records. NDEF record - Contains a payload described by a type, a length, and an optional identifier. NDEF payload - The application data carried within an NDEF record.

2.4 The Contactless Communication API

The Contactless Communication API Java specification, led by Nokia and defined under the Java Community Process as JSR-257, defines a set of APIs for proximity, contactless-based communication. The API consists of five Java packages, as follows:

Java package

Interfaces Tag Connection Target Listener Target Properties Transaction Listener NDEF Record Listener NDEFTagCon nection

Classes Tag Connection Target Listener Target Properties Transaction Listener NDEF Message NDEF Record NDEF Record Type

Exceptions Contactless Exception

javax.microedition.contactless A mandatory package that contains all the target discovery and classes common to all targets javax.microedition.contactl ess.ndf An optional package for communicating with NDEF formatted data tags javax.microedition.contac tless.rf An optional package for communicating with RFID (no NDEF formatted data) tags javax.microedition.contac An optional package for communicating with external smartcards javax.microedition.contac tless.visual An optional package for reading and generating visual tags

Plain Tag Connection

ISO14443Con nection

Image Properties Visual Tag Connection

Symbology Manager

Visual Tag Coding Exception

2.4.1 Anatomy Of A Contactless API MIDlet Let's now cover the elements of a typical mobile Java application (MIDlet) that uses the Contactless Communication API looks. This is illustrated next where we have the following typical elements: 1. The Java Runtime with JSR-257 implementation, 2. The MIDlet application running on a handset, 3. RFID/NFC transponder, controllers, and baseband, 4. A SIM card, as well as secure and external elements.

Fig 2.2 Anatomy of a contactless API MIDl

External Readers External readers include contactless payment readers in Point of Sale stations, ticketing systems on transportation systems, external radio, visual tags such as NFC, RFID and barcodes, or Smartcards. Secure Elements Secure elements (SE) can be internal or external elements; example of a secure element is a Java Card-based smartcard. MIDlets can access secure elements by using the Security and Trust Services API (SATSA), and/or the Contactless Communication API (JSR 257). External readers access internal secure elements directly via the RFID circuitry (using the Card Emulation mode).

2.5 Comparison With Existing Technologies

THE PRESENT USAGES OF CONTACTLESS TECHNOLOGIES Bluetooth wireless technology was designed to replace cables between cell phones, laptops, and other computing and communication devices within a 10-meter range. Wi-Fi technology was designed and optimized for Local Area Networks (LAN); it provides an extension or replacement of wired networks for dozens of computing devices within a +100-meter range. ZigBee wireless technology is a standard enabling control and monitoring capabilities for industrial and residential applications within a +100-meter range. IrDA is a short range (< 1 meter), line-of-sight communication standard for exchange of data over infrared light. IrDA interfaces are frequently used in computers and mobile phones. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is an automatic identification method, relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags. An RFID tag is a small object that can be attached to or incorporated into a product. RFID tags contain silicon chips to enable them to receive and respond to queries from an RFID reader/writer.

Contactless smart cards incorporate a chip (microprocessor) that communicates with a card reader through RFID technology. Examples of contactless smart card communications are ISO/IEC 14443 and FeliCa, which allow communications at distances up to 10 cm.

Although there is always room for more wireless technology, on one hand, some argue that introducing a new standard, such as NFC, alongside 802.11 and Bluetooth may prove to be an uphill battle. On the other hand, some would argue that they do not think NFC really steps on Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. They simply do not see NFC being used to download pictures from digital cameras, or as a WLAN. NFC is demonstrably too slow. At 212 kilobits per second, NFCs data rate is nearer a 55K modem than the 1- or 7-Mbps speeds of either Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. And, both Sony and Philips have 802.11 and Bluetooth products, with each insisting the NFC standard would complement the more established wireless networks. Like VDC these market leaders believe there is room for a simple, less-expensive solution. In fact, with the everincreasing complexity and cost of adding Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, price could become a major deciding factor for OEMs and manufacturers. NFC reportedly would cost 20 per chip. Bluetooth is expected to drop to $4-5 per radio. If the promise of affordable chips is realized, NFC technology could be effectively leveraged in the near-to-mid term for payment and security/access applications. Along with affordability, power drain issues have become of utmost importance within 802.11 and Bluetooth markets. By using a chip, rather than a battery, NFC hopes to stand out against the rest. As a result, VDC sees NFC-enabled devices connecting myriad un-powered items such as RFID tags and smart-cards within the next three to five years. Others, however, are quick to dismiss any notion of NFC being a giant killer. While Bluetooth and Wi-Fi have a range anywhere between 33-300 ft, NFC deals in inches.

Fig 2.3 Comparison of NFC with existing technologies


Chapter 3: Technical Issues

3.1 Functioning
Many products and devices will soon be NFC enabled, including credit cards as well as train tickets. But the mobile handset is the first target for NFC applications. Operators are the primary customers for handsets and, therefore, are the gatekeepers who will decide when NFC is to be integrated into the handsets they subsidize for their customers. Since new technologies always need to develop new markets, the industry needs to create high consumption volumes in order to reduce the cost of NFC implementation to mobile handsets. Currently, an NFC equipped mobile costs around an additional $20 to $25 per unit, so wireless operators need to secure revenues in return for their investment. Yet, mobile operators do seem increasingly positive that NFC will bring new revenues. The increasing interest in NFC technology is shown by the rising number of members of the NFC Forum Association. While it had just 4 members in 2004, it now has over 130, coming from a broad range of backgrounds: manufacturers, applications developers, financial services institutions, and more, all working together to promote the use of NFC technology in consumer electronics, mobile devices, and PCs. Such a wide group of business and technology experts is essential. The future applications are very diverse, and they need to be shaped by professionals from many fields to assess the best operational standards in order to ensure seamless interoperability between devices and a good level of security for users.

Fig 3.1 Functioning of NFC enabled devices

Chapter-3 As a sign of the times, all major handsets manufacturers are developing NFC handsets used in field trials and early commercial launches: Nokia, LG, Samsung, Motorola, Sagem. NTT DoCoMo has used the FeliCa contactless technology, which is now embedded in about 80% of the phones sold by NTT DoCoMo in Japan. There are no great technological or cost barriers for NFC to be integrated quickly into a wide range of devices - unlike cameras or Bluetooth, which were first restricted to high-end devices.

3.2 Modes Of Operation Of The NFC

3.2.1 Active Mode In this mode both the initiator and the target are using their own generated RF fields to enable communication.

3.2.2 Passive Mode In this mode the target answers to the initiator command in a load modulation scheme. The initiator generates the RF field.

3.3 The NFC Signal Interface

The specification of signal interfaces for different communication transfer speeds: Modulation Bit- representation and coding

Fig 3.2: Signal Interface

3.4 Using Contactless Communication API

The Contactless Communication API allows you to discover and exchange data with supported contactless radio and visual targets (tags). Applications using the Contactless Communication API typically follow the flow illustrated next: NFC technology has many dimensions but two are essential to enabling all of these potential applications on Mobile handsets: Security and the user interface. Of course, since the markets around the world operate in different ways, there are also numerous options to enable these variations to be addressed. In the NFC standards, security is managed by a share secure element(SE). The SEs mobile functionality with the NFC chipset, which manages communications. The SE hosts the fire walled applications and the user credentials and control security and cryptography using an onboard microprocessor and software.

Fig 3.3 Flowchart showing the flow of Applications using the Contactless Communication API

There are three ways to implement the SE: In the SIM. This has the advantage of portability, and is the preferred approach in GSM countries; it is recommended by GSMA and supported by a standard for communication between SIM and NFC chipset, the Single Wire Protocol (SWP), which was invented by Gemalto and is now standardized at ELSI. Embedded SE component. This is a separate chipset in the handset. Its principal advantage is that it is convenient for CDMA handset manufacturers to implement quickly because it doesnt require any standardization between the NFC chipset and SE. A removable SE component. This is a theoretical approach to create a removable separate chipset in the handset; there are no standards and no concrete implementations.

3.5 Hardware & Basics

NFC Device A device featuring different operating modes based on RF technology. There are three modes: tag emulation (PICC), NFC peer to peer (NFC) and reader/writer mode (PCD). NFC Devices must implement at least mandatory parts of the NFC Protocol Stack. The NFC Devices' operating modes are defined by the NFC Forum.NFC Near Field Communication: A communication technology standardized in ISO 18092 and ETSI allowing bidirectional communication between two devices based on RF technology. This is also refereed as the peer to peer (P2P) mode of NFC devices. RFID Radio Frequency Identification: technology used to identify objects carrying RF transponders. NFC and RFID technology have overlapping standards and terminology. PCD Proximity coupling device: a transmitter that can read tags based on ISO14443 (PICC). The reader emits an electromagnetic field that powers a tag/transmitter by inductivity. Communicates with PICC using load modulation scheme. PICC Proximity inductive coupling card: a transponder that can be read or written by a proximity reader. Theses tags are based on the ISO14443 standard. Such tags do not have a power supply like a battery, but are powered by the electromagnetic field of the reader (PCD).

3.6 Advantages And Disadvantages

3.6.1 Advantages: 1. Highest convenience for the user, due to intuitive usage by simply holding two devices close to each other 2. Complementary to existing wireless technologies 3. Interoperable with compatible RFID systems at 13.56 MHz 4. Allows communication, both between two powered devices and between powered and passive devices. 5. Reduced cost of electronic issuance. Multi-issue ticketing operators like mass transport operators or event ticketing operators see phenomenal cost reductions in electronic ticketing. Security-sensitive airlines have already moved to "e-ticketing" in order to reduce costs. 6. Increased revenue from interactive services. Mobile network operators and content providers earn revenue when users choose to use value added services. NFC surrounds the user with advertisements and valuable information within easy reach. 7. NFC-enabled devices drive consumption of rich media content. NFC will fuel the market for advanced personal devices that consumers use to purchase, play, store, and share rich media content. 8. Consumer preference for NFC-enabled services. Users may have no choice about which ticket they use for a service, but they typically can choose how they pay. Convenience is a strong differentiator and more convenient payment will drive adoption of contactless and NFC technology.

3.6.2 Disadvantages: 1. The system has the limitation that it can be operated only with devices under a short range i.e., around 10 cm. 2. The data transfer rate is very less at about 106kbps, 212 kbps and 424kbps. 3. Costly implementation on the electronic basis.

3.7 Applications:
NFC opens up myriad new opportunities. It will enable people to effortlessly connect digital cameras, PDAs, video set-top boxes, computers and mobile phones. With NFC it is possible to connect any two devices to each other to exchange information or access content and services easily and securely. Solution vendors argue that NFCs intuitive operation makes it particularly easy for consumers to use, while its built-in security makes it ideal for mobile payment and financial transaction applications. However, NFC-enhanced consumer devices are also targeted at applications that exchange and store personal data such as messages, pictures, and MP3 files. Applications for NFC are broad reaching, and the potential to support multiple applications via NFC exists. Consequently VDC has grouped NFC-related applications into three basic categories: Short-range, near-contact mobile transactions and applications such as access control or transport/event ticketing, where the NFC-enabled device storing the access code or ticket is presented near a reader. Mobile payment called m-commerce and applications where the customer must confirm the financial transaction by entering a password or simply accepting the interaction. Also included are applications requiring simple data capture such as picking up an Internet URL from a smart label on a poster and advertisement; Short-range, near-contact linking transactionsconnecting two NFC-enabled devices to enable a P2P transfer of data such as downloading music, exchanging images or synchronizing address books. In order to provide a more complete understanding of the real-world potential for NFC, here are some example applications for NFC-enabled devices to consider: In addition to facilitating contactless smart-card-based transactions, emerging cell-phone multimedia capabilities could be leveraged to support NFC transactions such as the purchase and download of games, music, MP3 files, videos, software, and other files to NFC-enabled handheld devices by touching NFC-enabled computers; Consumers are able to make online travel reservations using a PC and download reservations and/or tickets to a cell phone or PDA by bringing the mobile device in close proximity to the computer and checking-in for the trip or hotel stay by touching the handheld device to the terminal or kiosk at the departure gate or check-in station. No printing of documents, such as tickets and hotel receipts, is required.

Posters, signs, and advertisements with RFID transponders can be scanned/read using an NFCenabled device to download more information, make a purchase, such as paperless event tickets, and store other pertinent electronic data; Pictures can be taken using an NFC-enabled cell phone with an integrated digital camera. The device could then be presented/touched to a NFC-enabled television, kiosk, computer, and others, to transmit images for display and/or printing; and In conjunction with another wireless technology that may provide longer range and greater bandwidth, large files can be transferred between two devices, such as a laptop and a desktop, simply by touching the two NFC-enabled devices together. Moreover, the increased use of mobile services benefiting from synergies with NFC is becoming more apparent. By integrating NFC applications with existing mobile services, mobile operators could secure new revenue opportunities by applying service charges for adding value to the electronic cash value stored on a mobile phone via a mobile service. What about NFC and the potential for theft by RF? First, the relatively short read range gives customers control over NFC and the applications. NFC-enabled devices add another level of security over the traditional smart-card, as it can be powered on/off or include a pass code or voice biometric code for higher-volume transactions. For applications that require tighter security and perhaps anti-counterfeiting measures, chips can be used to store biometric information for identification.

3.8 Devices That Uses The NFC Technology

A wide range of devices and machines are likely to become NFC enabled. Here are some examples: 1. Mobile phones: NOKIA 6131NFC: The Nokia 6131NFC (clam cell) is commercially available since Q1/2007. The SDK for J2ME application is available for free. The phone itself supports Tag-Emulation with Mifare and JCOP, as well as the Reader/Writer and the NFC Peer-to-Peer mode. The SDK provides a full JSR257 implementation and a subset of JSR177. The NFC controller inside is from NXP whereas the SE is a G&D (Venyon) one. (Phones + J2ME and SE-SDK available to NFC-Research). NOKIA 3220: The Nokia 3220 (brick + cover) was the first NFC handset available commercially. NFC module was integrated in the removable cover of the cell phone. There are different editions of the cover: one with a secure element and one without. The SDK for the NFC and SE functionality is not available to public. The SDK has a basic implementation of the JSR257 and a proprietary implementation for the SE access. The NFC platform inside the phone comes from NXP. (Phones + J2ME and SE-SDK available to NFC-Research). WIRELESS DYNAMICS Inc. SDiD1020: The WDI SDiD1020 is an SDIO Card providing NFC functionality for PDA with a Windows Mobile operating system. The SD-Cards come with a proprietary API for Tag-Emulation, R/W-Mode as well as P2P. The IC in the SD-Card are a product of NXP. (SD-Card + SDK available to NFC-Research). SAMSUNG SGH-X700n: The Samsung SGH-X700n (brick) is the NFC edition of the SGHX700 phone. The phone comes with a NXP NFC platform inside, allowing all three operating modes (P2P, R/W, Tag). The SDK is proprietary. This phone is used for the trial in Hagen berg. (Phones + J2ME and SE-SDK available to NFC-Research).

2. Turnstiles 3. Vending machines 4. Parking meters 5. Check-out cash registers or "point-of-sale" equipment 6. ATMs 7. Office, house and garage doors 8. Personal computers 9. Posters, street signs, bus stops, local points of interest (with NFC-readable tags only) 10. Product packaging .


Chapter 4: Conclusion
Many products and devices will soon be NFC enabled, including credit cards as well as train tickets. But the mobile handset is the first target for NFC applications which are already implemented in a successful manner. Operators are the primary customers for handsets and, therefore, are the gatekeepers who will decide when NFC is to be integrated into the handsets they subsidize for their customers. When compared to the other short-range radio technologies, NFC is extremely short ranged and people-centric. Some of the other short-range communication technologies have similar characteristics, for example RFID, while others are completely different yet complimentary to NFC; for example Bluetooth and Infrared. A good scenario of such compliment is the combination of NFC and Bluetooth, where NFC is used for pairing (authenticating) a Bluetooth session used for the transfer of data.

4.1 Future Scope

NFC is based on existing contactless infrastructure around the world that is already in use by millions of people on a daily basis. NFC is not a fashionable nice-to-have technology, but actually a technology that makes peoples lives easier easier to pay for goods and services, easier to use public transport, and easier to share data between devices. At the heart of NFCs benefits is its simplicity of use holding two objects together is intuitive for everyone, young or old. NFC is building on existing systems and human actions, so it has a very good chance to be valued and used for many years to come.The NFC technology is expected to have a remarkable growth in the coming years. Almost every mobile handset will have NFC incorporated in it. The figure below shows the expected growth of NFC devices.


NDEF - NFC Data Exchange Format RTD - Record Type Definition API - Application Programming Interface ECMA - European Computer Manufacturers Association ISO - International Organization For Standardization ETSI - European Telecommunications Standard Institute RFID - Radio-Frequency Identification


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