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13 april. The day when someone pay revenge for us.

The day when we will feel sorry about what we did. The day when someones witness show his true color. That day feels like we want travel back time and solve our problem together. Ill tell you that day.. Reefi, devika, ardhy, sofie, and destia are known as their special personality. Genius moodmaker that everyone will miss us when we are not in school. The relation between us cant be compared from the other. One day we come to chit chat in ardhys house. But ones we come, we wont be able to going back R: guys listen up, we have to make a group name so we will be more famous than before Dv : great idea! How about 5 hero, or school united? A: thats sound too cheesy. We have to make it cooler and has a little touch of swag Ds: dynamic or mirotic? Thats sound awesome S: by the way, I havent seen your parents ardhy. Where are they? A: the have been busy since I was a kid. Dont worry about it Dv: it must be lonely for you. Hanging around in this big house alone Ds: if I were you I must miss my parents right now, dont you think? A; Its okay. I really like to be alone R: thats tragic but hey we are talking about groups name. anybody has a good idea? S: okay reefi. We are so like furios five. Have amazing talents, in this case chit chat Through happy talking suddenly the mood getting weird. The time flew by and reach the darkest point.. A: guys I will go to the bathroom. Dont go anywhere till Im comeback key? S: we wont, but hurry up. Its getting darker Dv: yeah, I dont want to take a risk at accepting my mother punishment R; but why Im suddenly feel so nervous? Ds: you always be nervous reefi, Remember! Suddenly..kompryang..the vase drop from it takes place. We look at each other before another sound coming over. Praang.. Dv: Im looking for adhy guys Ds: okay be carefull then S: something isnt right.. Dv: ahhhhhh.. R: whats wrong? Devika where are you? Devika?! Ds: I have a bad feeling, bad feeling S: reefi is that blood in the floor? All : ahhh.. Ds: we have to get out of here S: but we cant leave ardhy! R: ardhy that man! Where is he in this situation?! S: lets go out and calling for help first Ds: its locked! Guys its locked!

R: it cant be! Damn! S: what are we supposed to do right now? Ds: I dont like this situation! How do we get out of here? R: ardhy! We must find ardhy! Hes the one who live in this house. He must know the escape place S: but where is ardhy right now? Ds: I just remember. Ardhy said that he want to go to the bathroom before devika gone S: lets go before this place getting creepier And so the brave 3 child go to find his friends and escape from the danger that actually they wont be able to. D: ardhy! Where are you? S : something terrible just happened! R : We need you! Come out ardhy! S : guys we should split up and looking for ardhy! D : yea, if its like this we wont be able to find him R : great idea! Destia you go to second floor, sofie find in the outside and Im going to the basement D n S : Ok After that they split up to find ardhy. But suddenly destia scream so loud and make the situation become chiller D : AHHH S ; whats wrong?! Destia, where are you?! R : did she scream? She went to the second floor before After that reefi and sofie ging towards the second floor. But how shock they are found destia already die! R : destia! Wake up! Wake up! S : reefi.. who is that? Reefi watch out! Ahh.. R : hah?! Sofie! Ardhy?! She is your friend! We are your friend! Why you did this to me? A : because all of you did the sam thing to my sister.. FLASHBACK R : Hahaha.. you messed up with the wrong person Dera! Dr : what did I do to you guys? S : first you take away my boyfriend! And second you block our popularity! Ds : and this is what you got! Dr : ahh.. R : enough destia! Lets go home.. D : dont you dare to ruined our life again!

After they come out Ardhy, Deras brother shock and looking for his sister.. A : Dera.. what happened with you? D : your friend.. please pay revenge on them..humph A : please, not heartattack again! Please dont die! D : I beg you D : NODEERAA FLASHBACK END A ; dont you remember Dera? Someone that you murdered R : is she? .. perhaps you.. A : yes, Im her brother. And I will pay revenge on you! They fight and hurt each other. Only one choise, ardhys dead or reefis dead R : ah.. my knives it drops.. A : Ill make pay.. R : ahh.. ardhy Im sorry A : you should feel sory. My sister! She is my life! And you took it from me. I will never forgive you! R : ardhy.. ahh.. A : what the.. During the match, sofie who isnt died yet, take an opportunity to stabbed ardhy. Once she get a chance, she do that in her last breath A : ahh.. I shouldnt be like this S : ardhy we are sorry.. A : hukk.. if its like this then we all gonna die. Im sorry guys R : no we are sorry. And we will be always ibeside you. And so all of them together in peace. They realized that revenge will never bring happiness. But friend always be in your side and bring true rainbow in your life Sunk in the longing that gets heavier Can itravel back times? The blurry rains remids me of you.. And you will bring rainbow to my life My Bestfriend

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