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Title of the Project


Software Requirements

Operating System Server: Windows XP or later Database Server: Microsoft SQL Server-2005 Client: Microsoft Internet Explorer Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2008

Hardware Requirements

Processor: Intel Pentium or More Ram: 512 MB Ram Hard Disk: PC with 20GB

The aim of this project is to develop an online crime report and managing system which is easily accessible to the public. The police department and the administrative department This system registers the complaints from people through online and it will also helpful to police department in catching criminals, in system and person can give any complaint at any time.

In general people in India are afraid to give a complaint in police station because they are filled with a false fear about the police department. An online complaint registration system will solve the fear of the public and which also helps police department catching criminals and taking appropriate action

An online solution is very useful as the solution is inherently distributive. This distributive characteristic of the online solution helps in getting the different police stations to share information and get in contact with one another

The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following modules 1. User 2. Administrator 3. Department

User is the Citizen can view the details regarding the crimes, the judicial laws for the crimes, and the general tips for not becoming the victim of the cyber crimes. Citizen can register himself into the System and can have his own profile. If he want to post a complaint he has to login and can post a complaint and can get the complaint mailid. If he wants to check the status of the based on the complaint mail id provided he can view the status. If he thinks that his complaint is unchecked and he has not getting the justice he can send the reminders also.

Administrator places an important role in this System. Is accessible only to VIPS in the Department like SP, DCP, etc... By using this module they can give any caution to police department.

Supervisors are the officers in the police department and CID department. They receive the complaints in the form of reports which are generated by the Administrator by seeing the complaints given by the citizens. They have to take the particular action depending on the crime. They can give the suggestions to the Administrator as the part of the investigation on the crime.

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