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Academic Course Certification Course

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Bachelor of Business in Accounting

About this Course The Bachelor of Business provides the professional qualifications specifically required and most in demand throughout the public and private business sectors. This course is offered face to face at the Institute of Business Studies under an Educational Collaboration agreement with Southern Cross University, Australia. The Bachelor of Business (Accounting) Degree will be awarded by Southern Cross University, Australia on successful completion of twenty four (24) units. This course is accredited by most leading industry bodies, giving graduates an excellent head start to their career, or a boost to their career progression. Professional Recognition Accredited by Institute of Chartered Accountants, Australia (ICAA) Certified Practising Accountants, Australia (CPA Australia) Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) Graduates are eligible for admission Institute of Public Accountants, Australia (IPA) Certified Practising Accountants, Papua New Guinea (CPA PNG) Entry Requirements Grade 12 or equivalent or, Grade 10 with Certificate in Accounting of IBS or, Equivalent to the above Registration Manager Registration is possible twice a year. Full time students would take four units in each semester to complete the course within the stipulated time. Part-time students canGraduated take up to four units in each semester in line with their work/financial commitment. Commencement of with Southern Cross University, Australia - Bachelor of Business (Information Systems) through IBS. semester one during the third week of February and semester two during the third week of June every year. Students must register by the Read More last working day prior to the date of commencement. Please check our advertisement in the National/ Post Courier for the date of commencement.
General Manager

Course Duration 3 Years Full-time Course Fee

Graduated with Deakin University, Australia - Master of Business Administration (MBA) through IBS. Read More 7/02/2012


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Academic Course Fee Summary Course Outline Unit Code & Name (Pre-requisite/Co-requisite)

Test Analyst
BSP recruits IBS Diploma in Information Technology graduate Read More

Audit Accountant Year 1 - Semester 1 COM00207 Communication in Organisations Graduated with Southern Cross University, Australia - Bachelor of Business (Accounting) through IBS. LAW10177 Introduction into Business Law of Papua New Guinea. Read More MNG10247 Managing Organisations in a Global Context MAT10248 Quantitative Methods with Economics Register Inspector

Year 1 - Semester 2 Grade 10 reformed youth, receives scholarship and graduates with Certificate in Accounting - IBS. BUS10699 Business Language and Learning Skills Read More SOC10236 Applied Ethics and Sustainability MKT00075 Marketing Principles ACC10707 Accounting for Business Manager Year 2 - Semester 1 ACC00151 Financial Accounting (MAT10251 + 3 units) ECO10250 Economics for Decision Making MAT10251 Statistical Analysis MNG00316 Principles of International Business
Graduated with Southern Cross University, Australia - Bachelor of Business (Information Systems) through IBS. Read More

General Manager

Graduated with Deakin University, Australia - Master of Business Administration (MBA) through IBS.

Read More Year 2 - Semester 2 FIN10708 Finance and Investment for Business (ACC10707) ACC10179 Papua New Guinea Taxation (ACC00151) Test Analyst LAW10178 Company Law of PNG (LAW10177) BSP recruits IBS Diploma in Information Technology graduate ACC00145 Financial Reporting (ACC00151 + 3 Units) Read More

Year 3 - Semester 1 ACC00152 Business Finance (MAT10251, ACC10707, FIN10708) Audit Accountant MNG00320 Principles and Practice of Human Resource Management Graduated with Southern Cross University, Australia - Bachelor of Business (Accounting) through IBS. ACC00146 Management Accounting (ACC00151 + 3 Units) Read More ACC00130 Auditing (LAW10178 + 10 Units) Year 3 - Semester 2 Register Inspector MNG00314 Entrepreneurship & Innovation (FIN10708) 10 reformed youth, receives scholarship and graduates with Certificate in Accounting - IBS. ACC00106 Contemporary Issues Grade in Accounting (ACC00145) MKT00150 Global Marketing (MKT00075) Read More MNG00114 Strategic Management

IBS Stars

Graduated with Southern Cross University, Australia - Bachelor of Business (Information Systems) through IBS. Read More

General Manager
Graduated with Deakin University, Australia - Master of Business Administration (MBA) through IBS. Read More

Test Analyst
BSP recruits IBS Diploma in Information Technology graduate Read More

Copyright 2011 Institute of Business Studies.

Audit Accountant

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Graduated with Southern Cross University, Australia - Bachelor of Business (Accounting) through IBS. Read More

Register Inspector
Grade 10 reformed youth, receives scholarship and graduates with Certificate in Accounting - IBS. Read More

Graduated with Southern Cross University, Australia - Bachelor of Business (Information Systems) through IBS. Read More

General Manager
Graduated with Deakin University, Australia - Master of Business Administration (MBA) through IBS. Read More 7/02/2012

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