How To Read Newspaper

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HOW TO READ NEWSPAPER Most of the students don t know, how to read a newspaper,,,,, So m discussing it . ....

as it will gives u an idea for the better understanding of Newspapers, which will further improve your approach towards newspaper reading........ ... Before i should start ,,,,, a question arises that y is it important to read the newspaper? So its answer is that in any government job exams u appear,.... they asks questi ons related to current affairs. .... so reading a newspaper will b remedy for it........nd it also helps u in es say paper where you need facts and viewpoints. For this newspapers is the best s ource...... So now lets come to point ,,,how to read newspaper Before you actually start reading newspaper, the first thing you have to do is t o keep ur pen ready nd keep seprate registers for each section or u can also use that mota vala register nd divide it many sections,,,,,,,, this will keeps your write ups in systematic manner nd it makes ur revision easy SECTIONS INCLUDE International / bilateral Economy polity/ law education essay environment nd health Finally now you see newspaper and classify all the news item under 3 Categories A B C So lets start with category A Pick some stories which you are going to read in detail, like it includes Editor ial page ,, Op-Eds,,nd Essay s ..... Try to put minimum items in this category. Category B Pick some stories which are required to update you with current happenings, but not requiring serious analysis. It includes- Events Coverage (Breaking news, Mos tly Front Page) Category C It includes Miscellaneous News ( Political news, controversies, Advertisement, P ersonal views, facts, data and page 3 masala etc) We must ignore the Category-C news. Try to avoid wasting time on controversies., ,,,,,, Start with Category B **Read first one or two paragraphs carefully and try to undrstand the issue **U have to b in touch with this issue, wherenu have pen down this isue.....prov ide some space their coz if this issue is imp will b againn in the newspa per tommorow **Glance quickly the remaining news. Read the last paragraph and you are done wi th it. ** Move on to the next news item of Category B and so on Then Category A-

**You have to put maximum of your concentration, energy and time in this Categor y. **Read the article carefully and underline wisely. **Try to relate it with the topic it has a relevance with. Be it GS or Optionals . **Make it sure that you have understood it point-wise and will be able to recall it. **Write down the points in one or two words on the top, or where you find the sp ace in the paper itself. If something is v.impt in the newspaper, preserve the paper cutting in a file As i earlier said, u have to make notes from it nd have to pen down each differe nt section ......try to revise your file at regular intrvals......

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