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CAREs Role in Development of Georgian Agriculture

CARE Globally:
Founded in 1945, CARE is a leading, global humanitarian organization fighting poverty In 2012

CARE worked in countries


Supported more than projects


Reached more than million people


CARE in the Caucasus

since early


Priority Directions of CAREs Programme:

Program Goal: Rural Poverty, vulnerability and social injustice in the South Caucasus decreased and conditions for sustainable development improved, thereby contributing to stability and peace in the region. Domains of change:

Government Civil Society Conflict Prevention and Security Market Linkages and Market Responsiveness

Agricultural Expertise and Current Activities:

Support to Primary Production and Processing; Value chains; Extension Services and On-farm demonstrations; Input supply;

Machinery rings and Farmers cooperatives;

Access to Agricultural loans; Greenhouses; Policy influence and Advocacy work.

Geography of Agricultural support:

Kvemo Kartli;
Shida Kartli; Racha-Lechkhumi and Lower Svaneti;

Upper Svaneti;
Upper Adjara. Samtskhe Javakheti


Projects with Focus on Agriculture 08-13:

Stabilization and Integration of IDPs - (SIIMS) - Donor: Norwegian MFA Rural Development in Racha-Lechkhumi - Donor: SDC Poverty Reduction in Racha-Lechkhumi and KvemoSvaneti (COMBI) - Donor: EU/ADC Enhancing Rural Livelihoods in the Adjacent Area (ERLA) - Donor: UNHCR Farmers to Markets (FtM) - Donor: BP

OVERALL contribution to agriculture for last 5 years:

$ 6m

Community Development Initiative (CIP) - Donor: BP

Sustainable Livelihoods and Regional Planning (SLAR) - Donor DFID

Key achievements and breakthroughs:

Increased potato harvests by introducing new seed varieties and technologies;

Increased yields in livestock, vegetable growing,

cereals production and beekeeping through introducing new farming methods; Established Sustainable farmers cooperatives;

Improved access to Agricultural Loans for small

farmers in partnership with Constanta; Created sustainable model of Rural Advisory Services;

Improved irrigation.


Irrigation channels improved harvests for up to 9,800 farming families; 27 farmer groups received ag. machinery valued at 1,2 mln. GEL; 110 on-farm demonstration plots organized and up to 1,500 farmers participated in cross-visits and on-


site trainings;

Around 4,500 farmers received veterinary services and consultations on new crop varieties and cultivation and new farming practices;

Over 130 farmers received subsidized loans up to

163,000 USD to expand agricultural production.

Future focus/Recommended areas of work:

Support cooperation of farmers and commercialization process of the small farms; Ensure access to proper and inexpensive inputs and machinery services; Broad access to the extension services for the small farmers; Value chain development and attracting investments to the rural areas; Access to the financial capital (affordable agricultural loans) Proper statistical and market analysis in the regions.


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