Ye Without Sin Handout

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YE WITHOUT SIN, START THE INJECTION witness a mans execution, regardless of the justice of his prosecution, is forbidden by the moral law of Christ St. Clement of Rome

Faith Communities on the Death Penalty (Capital Punishment)

The United Methodist Church:
We believe the death penalty denies the power of Christ to redeem, restore and transform all human beings...For this reason, we oppose the death penalty (capital punishment) and urge its elimination from all criminal codes.

The Episcopal Church:

The General Convention of the Episcopal Church opposes capital punishment on a theological basis that the life of an individual is of infinite worth in the sight of Almighty God, and the taking of such a human life falls within the providence of Almighty God and not within the right of Man.

The Roman Catholic Church:

Out of a commitment to the value and dignity of human life, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, by a substantial majority, voted to declare its opposition to capital punishment.

United Church of Christ

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED...the United Church of Christ reaffirms the long standing the death penalty and urges the abolition of capital punishment as a means of working for justice and maintaining a faithful witness to remember "the least of these" our sisters and brothers.

Mennonite Church USA:

In view of our Christian responsibility to value all human life we are compelled to set forth our opposition to all capital punishment.

Presbyterian Church USA

Capital punishment is an expression of vengeance which contradicts the justice of God on the cross.

Private vengeance or judicial execution serves no purpose but to perpetuate... the trauma. Killing... as a judicial act, brutalizes a society that kills.
There are certainly other Faith Communities adamantly opposed to capital punishment; they were not intentionally excluded from this list, and we are so grateful for their faithful witness.


Death Penalty
Key Concerns:

in Alabama

In 2006, The American Bar Association: Alabama Death Penalty Assessment Team found a number of problems in the states death penalty system that undermines its fairness and accuracy.

Since 1978 five (5) innocent men have been exonerated off death row.

Inadequate Counsel
No Statewide Public Defender System Many death row prisoners were represented by inexperienced counsel whose out-of-court compensation was capped at $1000.

Judicial Override
Alabama uniquely allows judges to reject the sentencing recommendation of a jury in capital cases, without limitation. More than 25% of those on death row were condemned by an elected judge despite a jurys recommendation of Life without Parole.

80% of those on death row were convicted of a crime involving a white victim, even though 65% of all murder victims in the state are African American.

Facts from reports by PHADP ( & EJI (

What can you do to help end this unjust practice in Alabama?

Contact your Senator and ask them to support Senate Bills 3034, filed by Senator Hank Sanders, which would repeal, reform or impose a three year moratorium on Alabamas death penalty. Contact your Representative and ask them to support House Bill 210, filed by Representative Merika Coleman -Evans, which would impose a three year moratorium on Alabamas death penalty. Get Educated! Visit and for more information on Alabamas death penalty. Join the mailing lists of both organizations and connect with Project Hope to Abolish the Death Penalty on Facebook to stay informed of all new developments.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this information. We hope you will join us in this pursuit of justice for all in Alabamians.
To personally connect with Alabama abolitionists or for any questions or comments related to this flyer, please contact Brandon Fountain, Development Officer, PHADP by email -

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