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ROHANA BINTI MOHAMED D20102043360 K/P 740606105768

Date submitted: May 15, 201



English quiz is one of the programme planned towards excellent English which is carried out with the cooperation of the club and society in the intra co-curricular activities in school in a way the planned teaching and learning activities more fun and enjoyable. The focus is actually on how the pupils able to master the different types of questions based on their skills in focusing on the technique of listening and speaking skills in answering given questions. Realizing the importance of English, the English Panel has taken various steps to serve this purpose. These include by having activities carried out in and as well outside the classroom. The activities are according to the pupils ability hoping that it will help to build their interest especially to communicate in English This programme was planned in 1 day which was in 16 of May 2011.The target group for this programme was year 4 and year 5 students . It is also hoped through the programme, the ability of the pupils in mastering English will increase and also able to expose them to face the challenging future hand in hand with the globalization era. Based on the research done, those pupils who are good in answering questions are actually have high self confidence in answering written questions and result are predictable .So it is logic to expose the pupils with these techniques and skills . So that they will create excellent result in the exam. It is indeed an important thing for pupils to realize that learning can produce happiness and friendship spirit.


The aim of the programme is to in courage the uses of English among the pupils either in the form of written or oral in more interesting and enjoyable techniques. The pupils should master the listening and speaking skills so that they are able to answer the English questions orally and able to answer the question in fast, accurate and excellent way These skills can be absorb through this play and near technique as well, besides it can build pupils confident and self reliable The English quiz was carried out purposely To get the pupils interest in mastering the English skills. To encourage the pupils to have sporting spirit in any activities held in school via extra co-curricular activities. To let the pupils have an enjoyable technique but beneficial in both ways, teachers as well as the pupils To Enhance pupils confidence in using English. To enhance and improve the listening and speaking skill To give pupils the opportunity to use English in an interesting, authentic and creative manner To provide a platform for fun and happy learning Cultivate pupils in English language skills. Improve self-esteem and their talent of pupils.

DURATION OF PROGRAMME This programme was planned in day ,which was in 16 of April 2011 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm


The target group for this programme was year 4 and year 5 .Based on a written test know as qualification test which is carried out by the club and the society. Every club and society will represent 5 participants .


Date Involvement Venue

: 16 of April 2011 : Headmaster, SAT Curriculum and all English Teachers : Dewan Lestari & Computer Laboratory, Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Utama

Main Committee Supervisor Chairperson : Mr. Ishak bin Md Noor (PPS, PJK) : Mrs. Hajah Faridah binti Mohd Pilus - Headmaster - SAT Curriculum - SAT Student Affair - SAT Co-Curriculum

Vice Chairpersons : Mrs. Rusnani binti Ahmad : Mr. Harun bin Saib Co-Ordinator Secretary Treasurer : Mrs. Puziah binti Mohamed Shariff : Mrs. Rohana binti Mohamed : Mrs. Hajah Foziah binti Ahmad

Implementation Committee Supervisor Advisor Co-Ordinator Secretary Treasurer Speakers : Mr. Ishak bin Md Noor (PPS, PJK) : Mrs. Hajah Faridah binti Mohd Pilus : Mrs. Puziah binti Mohamed Shariff : Mrs. Rohana binti Mohamed : Mrs. Hajah Foziah binti Ahmad : Mrs. Faizah binti Sanusi : Mrs. Rusnani binti Ahmad Discipline Technical Refreshment : Mrs. Nor Suhana binti Samingun : Mrs Irma Zuraini binti Zaini : Mrs. Rozihan binti Ismail Fathi

Programme tentative

Time 4.00 4.00 pm 4.10 4.30 pm




-Teachers taking attendance -Entering the hall -Welcoming speech -Briefing on the quiz competition -Quiz master starting the

4.30 5.30 pm

Quiz competition

competition -Judges evaluated the answer and marks.

5.30 5.40 pm 5.40 6.00 pm


-break session -closing

Close giving ceremony

-handed prize and souvenir

On 16 April 2011 registration was open to the participant from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm that handle by the class teacher. As the student arrived ,they were being assembled at school hall at 8.00 am a welcoming speech and short briefing on the quiz competition by the coordinator. Firstly the quiz master starting the competition with answering questions to the participants. The judges evaluate the answering and awarding marks The quiz programme was break at 5.30 pm to 5.40 pm. After the break ,there was a closing ceremony where the organizer thanked all people that involved and gave full cooperation in the making the event successful. Mr Ishak bin Md Noor, PPS, PJK, the Headmaster of Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Utama closed the ceremony by giving the closing talk and gave away the prizes to the winners. He also presented the souvenirs to all judges as an appreciation for their hard work..The English quiz was officially closed at 6.00 pm.


Pupils are very interested as this their first time having the opportunity to take part in this type of competition. The audiences are also very well disciplined and giving their full cooperation as there are also a few questions provided for them before every round. The pupils seemed to be well prepared for the competition. Able to detect the pupils who are very talented in answering oral questions The premises of our school are large and spacious with adequate facilities to conduct various activities. The premises of our school are large and spacious with adequate facilities to conduct various activities. The qualified and experienced teachers to organize the programme. The support from the school and District of Education officer especially in technique and technical. Our headmaster has a proactive vision towards language education. Our teachers have ample experiences in promoting the learning of English. Our senior teacher is creative and experienced, and she has a splendid collaborative relationships with our teaching team. The co-operation among the teachers to ensure the programme went smoothly. The interest of the pupils to participate in the competition. Get cooperation from parents to train children at home. Encouragement from the PTA to donate generous prizes to the participants. Our headmaster has a proactive vision towards language education and his wide network helps the school gain lots of resources. Our teacher has ample experiences in promoting the learning of English. Our senior teachers is creative and experienced, and she has a splendid collaborative relationship with our teaching team.

The school has been employing a second NET for a few years, which expands the manpower of the English teaching team. All of our language teachers have passed the Malaysian University English Test. The school has arranged regular co-planning meetings for teachers to have lesson planning. The Language-Rich Learning Environment (LRLE) policy has been implemented in a whole-school approach for several years. All the principles, policy and activities have been well established.

Our school has been cooperating with two experienced and well-developed e-platform companies, to support our development in e-learning.

WEAKNESS Some of the participants couldnt answer within the time given as they are a bit slow in understanding the questions read by quiz master. Some of the participants are still weak in spelling skills. .Some of them are weak in listening skills that make them unable to catch up the questions. The English proficiency level of students is generally low. There is a great diversity of learning among students. The self-motivation of students in learning language is weak. The habit of reading English books is not well established. Pupils not confidence to talk by using the language in public. First time experience of pupils to stand in-front of public, they should train more. The English books in the school library and the classrooms are inadequate.


The school should always organize activities that involved spelling skills as well as listening skills as the two skills play an important role to produce capable pupils in mastering English.

The question should not be long sentences due to the weakness of the pupils in mastering the listening skills. The quiz should consists of various types of questions not only emphasizing on grammar which suits the ability of level 2 pupils to answer.


English quiz should be one of the activity which can be carried out in class once in a while to test the ability of the students especially in listening skills as well as self confident. Pupils not confidence to talk by using the language in public.

District of Education should hold a course on technique and how to carry out this competition at their own school. This can give them experience and build their self-confident before they act for the bigger competitions.


Expectantly, may such of this programme will give a positive impact to the pupils in a way to increase their skills, eagerness and confidence in speaking as well as mastering other skills towards increasing their interest in English language. It is also hoped that the programme is able to produce more excellent pupils. Lets us together make go of it.

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