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Biological systems not closed, and need to be described with a function of state that includes H and S Energy and Entropy changes important in living systems Gibbs Free Energy, called G, is a function of state that includes both S and E (independant of path like H and E) G = H - TS lower energy (negative H) or more disorder (positive S) and both favorable: they both can make G negative see Fig 3.4 Contibution of enthalpy and entropy to several processes 2. What is the thermodynamic criterion for a "spontaneous" process? favorable is a better term because spontanous can be thought to imply "fast and spontaneous/favorable does not have anything to do with speed 3. The standard for a favorable process (spontaneous) in an open system at constant P and T is that G be negative This page may need to be reviewed for quality. Bioenergetics refers to the transformation of energy that occurs within living organisms. In order to fuel the chemical mechanisms within cells, organisms require an input of energy. This energy is used to drive chemical reactions and help store and process information, which is essential in propagating life. Energy may be obtained from sunlight, in which the organisms are referred to asphototrophs, or it may be extracted from chemicals, in which the organisms are referred to as chemotrophs. Because energy may not be available at all times to fuel these life processes, organisms have adapted mechanisms to couple chemical reactions so that the endorgernic reaction can be occurred to improve efficiency. The chemical reactions that performed by organisms make up its metabolism. Catabolic reactions involve the break down of chemical molecules, while anabolic reactions involve the synthesis of compounds. Contents [hide] can make a reaction

1 The Laws of Thermodynamics 2 The Energy Process 3 Energy Coupling

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3.1 Gibbs Free Energy 3.2 ATP 3.3 GTP

4 Feedback 5 References

[edit]The Laws of Thermodynamics The energy processes in living organisms are defined by the basic laws of thermodynamics. The first law dictates that the total energy present in the universe always remains constant (Note: though the energy total is static, it often changes forms such as when an animal converts the chemical energy of food to mechanical energy as it moves). Meanwhile, the second law asserts that the total entropy present in the universe is ever increasing. [edit]The Energy Process For phototrophs, sunlight takes the form of potential energy, while complex molecules serve as potential energy for chemotrophs. In living organisms, energy is commonly used in the form of work. This work energy is acquired by breaking weak bonds and forming stronger bonds. Work may take the form of synthetic chemical reactions, maintaining chemical and ionic gradients (homeostasis), and transferring genetic information. This most important form of work is the polymerization of informationcontaining macromolecules, such as protein, DNA, and RNA. These macromolecules form the basis of life and are what ultimately drive lifes processes. Though mechanisms have been adapted to make the most efficient use of the acquired energy, some of it is inevitably released in the form of heat or metabolic waste products. These waste products can be eliminated from the body of an organism and consumed by bacteria or other organisms that are able to extract energy from them. Often, materials and compounds useless to one organism are energy sources for another and by this exchange energy is constantly recycled. [edit]Energy Coupling In order to increase energetic efficiency, cells often couple reactions together. Endergonic reactions are those that require an input of energy. Exergonic reactions are those that release energy. By coupling these two reactions together, the overall chemical process is made exergonic so it can occur

spontaneously due to a negative free-energy change. Using this process, unfavorable chemical reactions can be made to proceed. The basis of reaction coupling is a shared chemical intermediate. After one reaction produces one product, another can use it as a reactant to drive the production of an essential compound. [edit]Gibbs Free Energy Named after Josiah Willard Gibbs who developed the concept in 1878, the Gibbs free energy describes the overall favorability of a reaction to proceed. It is characterized by the following equation: G = H TS where G is the Gibbs free energy change, H is the change in enthalpy (heat), T is temperature (measured in Kelvins), and S is the change in entropy. A reaction, or process, will occur spontaneously if and only if G < 0 for that reaction. If G > 0 then that reaction must be coupled (see Energy Coupling) with a reaction which has G < 0 such that the overall G of the 2 reactions is <0. ATP hydrolysis is a commonly used reaction for such situations (see ATP). As the equation shows, a reaction is more favorable, the more H < 0 (i.e. the more heat is given off by the reaction) and the more S > 0 (i.e. the more disorder is increased) and the effect of entropy gained or lost is magnified by the temperature surrounding the reaction. [edit]ATP

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Most coupling reactions use the break down of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as the intermediate process to drive chemical synthesis. ATP is used as an energy-storing compound. The phosphoanhydride bond between phosphate groups found in ATP stores a significant amount of energy due to the negative charges carried by the phosphate groups. This bond stored energy that is not currently use, but available later for running reactions is called Potential energy. This energy is required to keep the negatively charged groups close to each other in the ATP molecule because they, as do all like-charged groups, repel each other. This energy can be released (Exothermic reaction) for use in the cell to do work, move things and build things by hydrolysis and breakage of the bond. ATP -> ADP + P + Energy

When carbohydartes and other foods are consumed, they are broken done by enzymes to release the energy within them. This energy released is used to reattach the phosphate molecule to ADP through Endothermic reaction which will regenerate ATP formation. ADP + P + Energy -> ATP Then, the process of bond breaking and bond forming will repeat over and over within human cells to provide energy for all the chemical reactions.


Guanosine Triphosphate (GTP) GTP (guanosine-5-triphosphate) can be used as a source of energy, just like ATP but not in any type of organisms. However GTP is only used in specific areas of the cell, namely protein synthesis. ATP and GTP are similar in structure; both have a purine base, and 3 phosphate groups, but ATP has adenine attached to the purine, whereas GTP has a guanine. The energy stored in GTP is released in the same way as ATP

a positive G means the reaction is not favorable00Note Set 3 7 4. G is a measure of the maximum useful work obtainable from any reacti

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