Fan Chat With Author Liz Crowe

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Fan Chat with Liz Crowe

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

9:30 – 10:30 PM EST

Liz Crowe: Hey kids. I'm here (I think. am?)

Emily: Hi Liz

Liz Crowe: ha! Ok, done playing with colors. Hi Emily

Nancy: Hi Liz..

Liz Crowe: Hi Nancy

Liz Crowe: Hey Michelle, if my Louisville Cardinals make it to the final four I may very well be
hanging out with my friends who live near you

LoverMichelle: So, cool, then we will definitely have to get together since they live less than 10
minutes from me!

Liz Crowe: they are also alums so we will stay with them but go to the games in Atlanta. Go

Beth-Ann: I'm back

Liz Crowe: Jon has a law firm in Cumming. Brockman is his last name. (He was an English
major with me at U of L. He's a bit of an early Liz book adopter too). Brb need a beer

LoverMichelle: Crazy thing about law. My nephew is a law student at Penn State, and his
girlfriend's roommate is from Cumming too. She graduates in May and is moving back here.

LoverKaren: Hi Everyone

Liz Crowe: HI Karen

Liz Crowe: did a huge beer tasting party for Google voice is hoarse. Glad we are
typing this chat

Beth-Ann: hi Karen

Nancy: Hi Karen

LoverKaren: Please feel free to jump in and ask Liz questions.

LoverMichelle: Well, ladies (and gents too) this is an open forum, and we invite you to ask your

LoverMichelle: Thanks Karen. There is no agenda here. Just lots of chit chat amongst friends.

Liz Crowe: ask away. You never know with me what I might say or give away

Liz Crowe: I'm nervous since a bunch of ARCs of my latest book went out today....just saying.

randee: Hi kids

hbheinzer: Trying to think of something witty to ask. LOL

Liz Crowe: This book 7 in a series if we are talking about Mutual Release. There are 2 more
books planned for the Stewart Realty series (but Mutual Release can easily be read as
standalone) did you mean a different book Nancy? (Have about 20 or so of them

randee: jealous of all the ARC peeps

Liz Crowe: won't be long Randee

randee: counting the days

Liz Crowe: some of them are jealous of you for having hung out in the Tap Room already!

Emily: Liz - are you going to a blog hop for this book?

LoverKaren: How much do you write per day? Do you have a set regimen? Outline or free
form writing.

randee: l can't wait til November. Please let me know if I can do anything to help. I do need to
make a beer run

hbheinzer: Who's your favorite character out of all of your books, and I'm going to say you can
NOT say Jack.

Liz Crowe: since I work writing in around owning and managing my brewery and Tap Room I
have no set regimen. If I can snatch the odd 15 minutes I will fill it with writing. When I'm on a
roll like I am with my current work in progress I will stay up really late to work on it.

Liz Crowe: My muse grabs me by the short hairs and makes me find time.

Liz Crowe: But "writing" is not my full time job, just one of the many really

Liz Crowe: Please Hb...

Liz Crowe: of course it's Jack.

hbheinzer: nope, can't say jack


Liz Crowe: after Jack?

hbheinzer: Take him out of the equation. LOL (because you can't put a pro in competition with

Liz Crowe: and only in the Stewart Series....?

hbheinzer: nope, any book

randee: is there anyone besides Jack

Liz Crowe: ha randee

hbheinzer: Yeah, rumor has it there are a ton of other characters in her books. And did you
know she wrote some that don't even have him in them. Although it'd be fun to see him make
cameos in every book from now on...

Liz Crowe: I really adore Evan Adams. The funny thing is the first books I got published were a
spinoff of the Realty series but I changed names and took the Jack and Sara and Blake contingent
out of it. Evan HAD a different name and he WAS the FIRST "hero" I got published

hbheinzer: see, was that so hard?

randee: I've read all her books

Liz Crowe: I knew he would be a bit of a foil to Jack, like Rob was but in a different way.

LoverKaren: Which book was the hardest for you to write? Of Stewart Series. Then which of
all your other books? And why?

hbheinzer: lol randee, I figured you had

randee: Hi Melanie

Melanie Codina: Hello Ladies!!

LoverMichelle: Welcome ladies ~ this is a completely open forum with no agenda. Ask your
Liz Crowe: of the Stewart Series the hardest will be the last one. But to date, I'd say Essence of
Time. Many of us know why (no spoilers) but I am VERY proud of that book and HEY! It’s an
anniversary of me starting to write it...tomorrow!

Liz Crowe: Hey Melanie!

Beth-Ann: hey ladies!

Liz Crowe: of my other books LoverKaren, it was probably Paradise Hops because I was trying
something 'new' with it--less predictability and to make that work took some doing.

Liz Crowe: It's my fav stand alone.

randee: I can't imaging writing EOT

randee: did you cry when you wrote EOT

hbheinzer: I can't imagine writing either of those two! But they both turned out amazing

Liz Crowe: I was in such a strange place in my personal life this time last year. But I had it in
my head that Rob and Blake's story had to be told. So I channeled some of my frustrated energy
into it I guess and wrote the bulk of it on a patio at the Hotel Galvez in Galveston TX. If I could
I'd go there to write Good Faith.

Melanie Codina: Hi Liz =) and I Essence of Time has to be one of my all-time favs...ever!!

Liz Crowe: it is this old, amazingly cool, and definitely haunted hotel.

Liz Crowe: thanks Melanie.

LoverMichelle: So you totally switched gears from Stewart Reality with Mutual Release. How
did that book come about?

Jen: Hi

Liz Crowe: I will say that my current WIP Red Card, which will be the third book in the Black
Jack Gentlemen series is turning out to be a bit of a challenge, but Hans, my well-known muse is
showing me the way if you will.

Melanie Codina: I am a little nervous about Good Faith since it will be the end...the anticipation
of it will drive me crazy!

Liz Crowe: You know, I wouldn't say I switched gears necessarily. Evan and Julie's story was
compelling and challenging and I wanted to represent it from their young ages, as a coming of
age novel in a way for them both. I went back further for them which is a departure for me but
Jack gets his turn as a teen soon with House Rules!
Melanie Codina: Hi Jen!

Liz Crowe: I think Julie is my fav female character, ever, with Elle Kensington from Turkish
Delights a close second.

randee: I don't want it to end. I bet none of us do

LoverKaren: Follow up question Liz, have you ever shelved a book because plot or character
just didn't turn out to your liking.

Liz Crowe: she has way more of me than any character, sans the tough background.

Angela Harris: What would you say is the hardest part of the writing/publishing process?

Jen: Elle was a GREAT character Liz! But, Julie is my fav

Melanie Codina: Oh good question LoverKaren

Liz Crowe: Not yet LoverKaren...wait! That is a lie. Hang on.....

LoverMichelle: haha

LoverKaren: Haha

Liz Crowe: Yes, I have something loosely called ExPats (but there was a book that came out
recently called "The Expats" which was entertaining but I digress). My Expats was started as an
answer to a publisher's request. But it was going nowhere for me so I shelved it.

Liz Crowe: I was an ExPat for many years but I think the novel from that will be less about
"romance" and more about "coping."

Jen: Any plans for a spin off with Sean Garrison's Brother Liam? I'd Love to read about him!

Liz Crowe: Jen I don't know that I will. I tried it once and it went in a different direction and
become one of my fav ménage books: Honey Red! I will likely let Cheeky Blonde stand alone
for now. Goodness knows I have lots to plot and plan already.

Liz Crowe: You know that all the sabotage elements in that book (Cheeky Blonde) came
DIRECTLY From Michigan brewery owners, including one pretty famous one, Larry Bell, of
Bell's Brewing (you may have heard of Oberon)

Liz Crowe: Randee I did cry when I wrote the end of EoT

Melanie Codina: I was wondering if those sabotage elements were based on possible events...

Jen: Yep, we've had Bell's, interesting!

Liz Crowe: sorry I just saw that question. I cried when I revised it, when I edited it (twice) and
when I just reread it because a bunch of other best sellers were not holding my interest

Liz Crowe: Larry Bell is an asshole, but he loves his Beer Wench (although he sees me as
competition for sure...someday)

Liz Crowe: whoops, can we cuss in here?

Beth-Ann: if we can't you're in trouble love.

Stephanie: LOL!

LoverMichelle: yes, you may cuss!

Liz Crowe: I polled my fellow brewery owners Melanie and asked them their "nightmare
scenario" OR what they would do to sabotage (not that we would.) there are many things that
came up, I used 3 or 4 of them.

LoverMichelle: This is your room, so do whatever you want to make yourself comfortable.

Jen: Know of any good Craft Beer joints near Tampa? He should see you as competition; your
Beer is so good! We took what we had left to a party last weekend; everyone asked were we got
it, and so your beer and books were really chatted up that night, seeing I was using your
Romance keychain to open them

Melanie Codina: So Honey Red was originally supposed to be connected to Cheeky Blonde??
Funny part is when I read Cheeky Blonde, I wondered if it was connected and actually went and
checked the names to make sure I didn’t have something wrong, lol

LoverKaren: How do you keep up such an exhausting writing schedule, with a family and a

Liz Crowe: Melanie I wouldn’t be too nervous about Good Faith. It's going to be a tough book
on many levels but a very very very satisfactory ending (lots of redemption for a couple of soon
to be key characters)

Liz Crowe: Yeah, Melanie it was. I wasn't happy with what was being suggested about it, how I
would have to change it for the existing publisher to take it so I said, "nope, thanks." and gave to
the one publisher I have who lets me have my voice.

Brenda wright: Paradise Hops was my fave stand-alone. I sobbed and sobbed - like EOT

Melanie Codina: HOORAY!!! That makes me feel better Liz. I get too caught up in these
characters sometimes; thankfully I'm sure I am in like company here
Liz Crowe: Caffeine Lover Karen lots of it.

LoverMichelle: I'm convinced you never, ever sleep.

Beth-Ann: She doesn't sleep

Liz Crowe: Paradise Hops is the one book that has really polarized people. But it's just NOT a
"romance book" so we are trying to get it recategorized as just plain old "fiction" with a content
warning for explicit sex.

LoverMichelle: Beth-Ann, I don't think you do either.

Beth-Ann: LOL - she makes me look like a lump!

Brenda wright: It was really good!!

Jen: Even finding a way to combine caffeine and beer to make "barista” that keeps ya awake
right LOL that is some really great stuff! Such a cool flavor to it

Melanie Codina: Paradise Hops took me by surprise...not as much as EofT but it did. (sigh)

Liz Crowe: a lot of readers were unhappy with it because it wasn't enough "romance" or
something, I'm not completely sure but it sure did piss some folks off.

Angela Harris: Paradise Hops is my favorite Liz book all them all

Melanie Codina: Paradise Hops pissed people off??

Beth-Ann: Paradise Hops was the most polarizing book yet, I think

Jen: Paradise Hops is my now 3rd favorite, behind Mutual Release and EoT. I loved that Stand

Beth-Ann: It was either a 4- or 5-star or a 1-star review book

Brenda wright: How was it not romance?!?

Liz Crowe: thanks Angela

LoverMichelle: So people either really liked it or didn't like it. Nothing in the middle.

Beth-Ann: exactly

Brenda wright: There are stupid people everywhere!!

Liz Crowe: Melanie I had a whole group of flamers going at it on Twitter for a while.
Liz Crowe: Not fun

Melanie Codina: I would imagine it wasn't Liz...I will never understand that kind of reaction. If
you don't like something, move on and get over it. Blows me away.

Jen: I will say, Mike wanted to see what all my fuss was over your books, and I had him read
Paradise Hops, He liked it. The beer aspect helped suck him in LOL

Liz Crowe: some people who disliked it enough to say some pretty nasty things about it and all
my books. My fav. Was something about "in that realty series it takes like 10 years for those
people to get together? WTF? So unreal." please

Jen: OMFG! I'm actually laughing about what you just said Liz, that's nuts!

Melanie Codina: I thought Paradise Hops was great...and seriously about the Realty is
more REAL than your average HEA

Brenda wright: Lol! Wow!

LoverMichelle: Stewart Realty is what sucked me in and had me reading for four non-stop days.

Angela Harris: The real is what I love.

Melanie Codina: I will admit that there were a few times that I wanted to grab both Jack and
Sara and smack them both....but it was REAL

Liz Crowe: that's a theme for a lot of my books Melanie.

Beth-Ann: welcome everyone.

Liz Crowe: you'll have similar reactions to Julie and Evan but for different reasons

Brenda wright: Oh I did too Melanie!! Many times

LoverMichelle: Yes, Melanie, you are so right. I am right there with you! But then at the end of
the one when you know who finds out about his you know what. Arrggh! I sobbed!

LoverMichelle: Sorry, don't want any spoilers for anyone who hasn't read the books.

randee: if I don't care for a book I keep it to myself. We all have different tastes. I would hate
to keep someone from reading something they might like just because I didn't care for it.

Stephanie: There were times when I really wanted to strangle Julie,

Liz Crowe: Stewart Realty is the FIRST BOOK I ever wrote actually.
Brenda wright: I think I'll need to get a shatter proof case for my iPad!!!

Liz Crowe: Yes, Stephanie but she is as close to "Liz" as you will ever see in any of my books.

Liz Crowe: Bitchy, stubborn, self-protective, and slow to open up and trust. Yep. Oh and
driven to succeed I guess.

Melanie Codina: So was Stewart Realty, the first three books, intended to be one book? Or was
it always set to take 3?

Beth-Ann: those are the 'only' Julie qualities you're admitting to?

Stephanie: But based on her past, you totally understand. I just wasn't protective of Evan!

randee: I generally read a book by Liz on the deck. If I'm not sobbing, I'm yelling at jack and
Sara...I mean yelling

Effie Vernuccio: Hi ladies...just catching up with the chat...standby for my input!

KristyG: Melanie with the good questions!

Liz Crowe: It was one with a sequel at first, ending where Sweat Equity ended (first book) then
the sequel would have been closing costs. Beth Ann convinced me to make it 3

Angela Harris: Each of Liz's books it like talking to your best friend. You love them to death
but sometime they make your blood boil.

Melanie Codina: Hi Effie and Kristy!

Liz Crowe: yes, I love that Evan...You know my fav part??

Effie Vernuccio: woo hoo! Finally made it in

LoverMichelle: Welcome everyone ~ open forum, jump in!

Liz Crowe: honestly, that first email it.

KristyG: Way to go Beth Ann.

Beth-Ann: Kristy - you're welcome.

Effie Vernuccio: Randee is right - I was yelling at Jack and Sara too...I was outraged at some of
their antics and behavior!

Liz Crowe: self-protective to a fault, I guess. Guarding the one thing they had both nurtured a
long time: their independence.
Liz Crowe: you'll see a lot of Jack's motivation and some things that might surprise you about
him in House Rules.

Melanie Codina: thanks for that Beth-ann (sarcastic voice) I am just damn glad I discovered
after all three were out. Would not have been able to handle waiting for two and three for sure.
lol, I bought Sweat Equity at 1am cause I had to continue

randee: If I could have gotten a hold of the 2 of them I would have smacked them royal

Liz Crowe: probably wouldn't have helped Randee. God knows the people around them tried!

Beth-Ann: Well, we planned it so they were released in 3 consecutive months.

randee: yes they did

Jen: Ok, so we know Jon Hamm (sigh) is the ideal Jack....Liz, who do you think would make a
great Evan? I need some new ideas for some Liz Meme's

Effie Vernuccio: I'm with you Melanie - had to buy all three. Then when I got my hands on
Essence of Time, well that wrapped around my heart

Beth-Ann: She handed them to me written and said 'there are only 3'

Liz Crowe: well there WERE only three...until Rob and Blake's story sort of sprang fully formed
into my brain.

KristyG: EoT gave me PTSD lol

Effie Vernuccio: lol Kristy

Liz Crowe: Hmmm...Evan... I know I had an idea him somewhere. Give me a minute.

Brenda wright: Nice chatting.... I've got to go....Melanie knows that I have "plans" bye!

Effie Vernuccio: tears streaming down my face with EoT, and I was crying "No, no, no...."

Beth-Ann: Bye Brenda - thanks for Chatting!

Jen: Have fun with your plans Brenda later!

Effie Vernuccio: see ya Brenda

LoverMichelle: Favorite scene: Pool scene in book 2 ~ I think I still have the email I sent you
about that scene. Holy hotness!
Melanie Codina: Essence of Time wrapped evoked every single possible emotion in
about the biggest book hangover of my life!!

randee: Kristy G that's an excellent way to phrase it. EOT is the only one I can't reread

LoverMichelle: Bye Brenda! Thanks for joining us!

Brenda wright: Bye

Melanie Codina: LOL Brenda

Jen: Pool Scene YES. But my fav. is the scene in Georgia with Jack and Sara HOT STUFF

Liz Crowe: ha. Yes, well imagine how I felt about it when I realized how it was going to end.

Effie Vernuccio: There's a pic of Evan inspiry on the R4RL page (I think) - and it's freakin'
perfect for me as Evan! I need to find it...

Melanie Codina: I can't possibly imagine that Liz

Liz Crowe: ha! Yeah, that was an excellent one Michelle and hands down one of my favorites

Liz Crowe: that that kid

Stephanie: OMG, I really have to read these past books!

KristyG: I love the pics it helps my brain

randee: I still love the picnic at the open house and the 'vitamin' discussion

Melanie Codina: You should be doing that right now Stephanie!

Effie Vernuccio: the vitamin discussion was amazing...I was like, really?

LoverMichelle: Yes, Effie, be sure and post the pic!

Stephanie: I definitely will!

Liz Crowe: so you know I'm "infamous" for epilogues that either leave you frustrated or dying
for the next book (or sad...)

Effie Vernuccio: I so appreciated that - really put a realistic spin on things

LoverMichelle: Stephanie ~ you must read them.

Effie Vernuccio: uh oh - what are you going to do to us Liz?

Liz Crowe: the epilogue to Mutual Release is no different.

Melanie Codina: oh hell!! She did it to us Effie!

Liz Crowe: and I KNOW I nearly RUINED Michelle for me with EoT....I hate that! lol

Effie Vernuccio: can I post a pic here? Do you mean to put it in R4RL again?

Angela Harris: I read both EoT and Paradise Hops at the Gyms......(weird girl crying on the
bike) I still don't think I've learned my lesson. Liz your epilogues are so amazing!

Stephanie: I'm ok with frustrated or dying for the next book...sad scares me.

Effie Vernuccio: Paradise Hops made me cry...Liz, you're always making me cry...

Liz Crowe: this one is not so much sad but will have you asking A Question for certain

Jen: The Epilogue in Mutual Release was Killer Liz, I loved it! Your epilogues are epic!

Melanie Codina: Angela, I read EofT in my car at my son's soccer practice...crazy soccer mom
where parents had to ask if I was ok

Effie Vernuccio: you're right Jen - that epilogue IS epic...hands down

Jen: will have you asking a question, and saying out loud WTF!

Stephanie: I cried in the first part of Mutual for 3 or 4 pages, I bawled. Didn't
really see that coming.

Angela Harris: Melanie Codina I'm so glad I'm not the only one

Melanie Codina: Ok, I feel better about the epilogue of MR if Jen says it was killer

Liz Crowe: yeah, Evan's story is tough. But not in a conventional "horrible childhood" way...a
bit more complex than that

Jen: You'll love it Melanie! I did cry too in the beginning of MR

Melanie Codina: Angela, it was ridiculous! I didn't even know if I was going to be able to drive
home I was so shaken by it...gosh I really am crazy!

Stephanie: I loved Evan, but I also loved Jack, so I have to go back and read the other books.

Effie Vernuccio: I'm still searching for that pic - it's so Evan to I obsess about him more
Liz Crowe: here is what one of my "other" publishers who is now a HUGE fan of this series
(that she rejected I might add kudos to Beth ann again) said about Eot: "I know how your brain
works. I saw it coming. I swear I saw it coming. But then, I nearly had a nervous breakdown
when it did."

LoverMichelle: Okay, refresh my memory of all the books that I've read. (Don't thrown
anything at me) Remind me who Evan is again?

Liz Crowe: friend of Jack's from law school. owns the Big House Brewing company

Jen: Effie, if you find it, bring it back to top in R4RL page, thanks!

Liz Crowe: married to Julie. He's not a huge factor in the books but a good friend to Jack.

Effie Vernuccio: FOUND THE PIC!!!!!

Angela Harris: Melanie, I just went into the spin class.... everyone is crying in there And trust
me you aren't crazy

Effie Vernuccio: If it's okay with Liz, I will post it after the fan chat

Liz Crowe: I always knew his story would be epic so I told it. I hope you get a chance to read it

Beth-Ann: He dumps Jack into the car and sends him off to Sara

Jen: Yay Effie! You rock!

Beth-Ann: well - into the cab and off to Sara

Beth-Ann: saving Jack from himself.

Beth-Ann: good wingman.

LoverMichelle: Yes, yes, now I remember!

Effie Vernuccio: I know...I rock a lot of things (*snicker*)

LoverMichelle: Sorry, all the books start blending after a while.

KristyG: How many more days til we get MR?

Beth-Ann: 8

Beth-Ann: it releases on 4/4

Effie Vernuccio: that's the thing Michelle - the books (storylines) do start blending because they
morph into this family, an extended family, that we need to know about, understand and learn
what's going on with them

LoverMichelle: All the books means every book I've read ~ not your books.

Liz Crowe: it's a book with a ton of layers, motivation, and stories Michelle I think you will
enjoy it. We already know Evan and Julie are married from the last books (or at least going to get
that way) so I just show the journey

Liz Crowe: Yes I'm sure of that Michelle.

Effie Vernuccio: oh, oops - I meant simply the Stewart Realty series (and their offshoots)

Angela Harris: Liz I saw both EoT and Paradise Hops coming..... It didn't change a thing about
how intense your writing is

LoverMichelle: Effie, I know what you meant. I read those books so long ago when I first
"discovered" Liz Crowe!

Jen: How did the story of Vegas Miracle come about, seriously one steamy book! So good

Liz Crowe: I don't read as much as I used to, no time, so I pick my books very carefully and
have started actually putting them aside if they dont' work for me in a few chapters.

Effie Vernuccio: Vegas Miracle rocked - you are so right, Jen!

Angela Harris: Good question Jen!

Stephanie: Michelle, you have to read MR! Definitely!!

Liz Crowe: it started with a massage I had once, in Vegas...inspiring that. So I wrote a book
around it but punched through the traditional "no-no" or marital infidelity with that one (which
displeased a few folks)

Effie Vernuccio: Michelle, I actually "hurt" when something traumatic happens to these
characters. I have to give my head a shake to remember that they are fictional characters, but I
"feel" nonetheless

Liz Crowe: I really enjoyed that book too, one the one that got picked up early then I got the
rights back and handed them over to my Favorite Publisher.

Jen: Oh the massage! LOL...Hmmm

Liz Crowe: She will be publishing the completely new and revised "Brewing Passion series"
too. I got those rights back as well.
Effie Vernuccio: you know, Liz, sometimes when these books "displease" folks in that way,
they have to remember that there may be polyandrous relationships out there that mirror the one
in Vegas Miracle

Liz Crowe: they won't come out until late 2014 at the earliest though.

Beth-Ann: That's for late 2014.

Beth-Ann: yeah, we have a full slate for 2013.

Stephanie: Lots to look forward to!

Beth-Ann: plus the Nov weekend.

Melanie Codina: Effie, i right there with you girl....

Liz Crowe: One thing I don't do is "conventional" stories. It alienates me from the bulk of
"conventional romance" readers, but it's "romance" in a way so I have a hard time convincing
readers who claim romance is formulaic (which it can be) to pick me up.

Melanie Codina: Jennifer is in the room!!

Melanie Codina: LMAO

randee: come November it's going to be nice to put faces with names

LoverKaren: Publishing question, hardest part when working with an editor; when they have to
possible nudge you in a direction you didn't think of going.

Liz Crowe: ha!

Effie Vernuccio: I think that's the challenge

LoverMichelle: So right now you are with Tri-Destiny Publishing. What happens if one of the
Big 5 publishers want to buy one of your books or even the Stewart Realty Series?

Jen: hahaha captain team Evan LOL

Captain Team Evan: yeah me and at darts

Captain Team Evan: yeah me and at darts

Beth-Ann looks at Liz and tosses that right at her

Liz Crowe: depends how much money they offer I suppose. I get the same question about my
brewery, to be honest. We are growing so fast and so smart (at least it appears that way
sometimes I wonder) that we are "ripe" for purchase.

Jen: Oh can't wait to read the Brewing Passion series! Been wondering about those!

Liz Crowe: I'm all about making it big, kids, I won't lie. I think this series deserves its spot on
the big time lists AND on premium cable as a series.

Effie Vernuccio: who are the big 5 publishers again? I know, but I can't remember exactly...

Beth-Ann: I think we have this same discussion every time we're together in Ann Arbor, right

Captain Team Evan: I agree u rock Liz

Liz Crowe: Yep. The big dogs have yet to sniff, but when they come bearing suitcases full of
money, well, I'll certainly sit down with them over a beer and see just how they will treat my
characters and my brand that I have worked so hard to build

KristyG: They come with changes it seems like that anyway

Effie Vernuccio: Your characters have some wicked "presence" that's for sure

Jen: Yes, I would LOVE to see it on cable...Mad men will need to wrap up so Jon Hamm can
play Jack


Penguin Random House

Simon & Schuster
HarperCollins Publishers
Macmillian U.S.
Hachette Book Group

Liz Crowe: I have had more than one reader say "this is like watching a TV show

Effie Vernuccio: One of the great things that you do, Liz, in your writing is you write "Holy
Shit" moments

LoverMichelle: I could definitely see The Stewart Realty Series as a TV show. Yes, without a

Effie Vernuccio: when the jaw hits the floor

LoverKaren: Michelle too quick for me.

Melanie Codina: It sure was like watching a TV show...there were ups and downs and enough
to keep you coming back for more!

Effie Vernuccio: thanks Michelle

Stephanie: There are more and more books being made into movies...

Liz Crowe: I'm in this business to make money. I won't lie. I enjoy creating books and characters
and plots people like to read, but making money from it is the goal.

randee: I've always said that when I read your books I can see it happening in my mind

Liz Crowe: "do what you love the money will follow" they say. Well after almost 48 years I
have found something I love. My issues I'm too type A to "wait" for the money. I am actively
seeking it out!

Melanie Codina: Effie...I often think when reading other books..."that is so not what Liz would
have done" LOL

Liz Crowe: yeah I love those Effie

randee: me too, Melanie

Melanie Codina: And I blame all the "Holy Shit" moments on Hans!

Jen: HI Shelley!

Melanie Codina: So really....8 more days??? I want Evan!

Liz Crowe: Lobs this back at Beth Ann: you KNOW what I will do. I'll see how much they offer
first....because we want these guys OUT there

Shelley: Hey Jen!! Sorry I am so late

Liz Crowe: 8 more days.

Liz Crowe: Hi Shelley

Captain Team Evan: I love the Holy shit moments!

Jen: Hans will have to come out and play in November LOL

Effie Vernuccio: I know - and it kinda breaks the idea of the "conventional" romance, where
everything is hearts and flowers

KristyG: I'm ready for Evan too.

Angela Harris: How is your relationship with Hans, Liz? Do you like him do you hate that he
drives you at all hours of the night?

Captain Team Evan: nov im

Stephanie: Evan is amazing! I loved him!

Liz Crowe: sorry. Some things are just not for sharing, like Hans

Shelley: Evan was amazing!!

Melanie Codina: Jen, if Hans comes out to play I might have to give a good smack or two
before the good times commence

Beth-Ann: Liz: Oh, I know - we'll sit down over beers - say 'holy shit' - and then figure it out.

Angela Harris: I understand. Hans is yours :0

Angela Harris:

Liz Crowe: My relationship with Hans is a classic switch. Many times he is slave driving me
like he right now on Red Card.

Jen: We'll take our turn with him Melanie!

Effie Vernuccio: You know what is really starting to get under my skin? When you're reading a
novel, and then you exclaim "Aw, C'mon! That shit doesn't happen!"

Captain Team Evan: Evan rocks and I’m telling you he is the most romantic character of the

Liz Crowe: Then we get a "meh" review or something and he pouts and I have to grab his whip
and turn the tables on him. He likes that I think. Naughty boy

Effie Vernuccio: Oh Hans, you sly fox!

Liz Crowe: He is "terminally romantic" I think Julie calls him.

Jen: Effie, I've stopped quite a few books lately because they are just too out there!

Captain Team Evan: Addictingly so

Liz Crowe: and wait 'till you see their nicknames for each other...loved those.
Effie Vernuccio: I still can't stop the book because I feel I owe the author to finish the book
before truly passing judgment on how I felt about it

Shelley: They are good ones, Liz

Beth-Ann: They were classic.

Melanie Codina: gonna be a long 8 days

Liz Crowe: they are a great couple. I think this book will draw in a lot of new readers (or that is
what we writers have to say about this stage of the game anyway)

Captain Team Evan: I love the nicknames!

Shelley: I've got a friend of mine reading the series now, she's on book 3 & ready to kill Jack &

Liz Crowe: I have stopped so many books in the last 2 years Effie I have lost count. the author
owes ME. I paid for a book. If it doesn't work it's set aside.

Effie Vernuccio: I believe that, Liz! The fact that MR can be read as a standalone, even though
it's part of a series, is an awesome point

Captain Team Evan: I’m taking team members for sure!

Liz Crowe: a familiar stage for readers Shelley

Jen: I think it's crafted so good Liz, can really be a standalone, or fits awesome into the series,
and the new readers will want to get Floor Time to read more of our man Jack!

Shelley: I told her to hang in there...that it's all worth it in the end

Effie Vernuccio: I get what you're saying's the English teacher in me...I can't analyze,
assess, and evaluate until it's complete

LoverMichelle: Will Mutual Release be available on Amazon & B&N? I don't know why, but
some people are just "faithful" to Amazon and B&N even though they can buy the format of
their choice on All-Romance eBooks.

Beth-Ann: yes, Kobo as well.

Liz Crowe: yes, it will be live on April 4. And print a few weeks after

Jen: Yeah, I just don't have the time, if I haven't spent a lot of money, and the book is crap, I
don't finish, and don't review.
Jen: Will there be a book signing for Mutual Release, or just Good Faith?

Liz Crowe: it's a lonely, ego crushing life, this of published author but one I trust (and there are
not many of them) said to me: don't EVER think you are above writing the next book. Just write
the next book.

Captain Team Evan: I hope the read this one first cause it pumps u up for Jack n Sara story

Liz Crowe: If I had stopped after my first books flopped which they sorta did, I would never
have been at this point which is still small potatoes but bigger than some!

Melanie Codina: that sounds like great advice Liz

Beth-Ann: Jen, at this point, just a signing for Good Faith

Liz Crowe: I will sign mutual release in November but there is no official signing, no. The local
indie shops are being difficult, and B&N is too big to consider me.

Effie Vernuccio: you've got a Spartan heart, Liz - you sure there isn't any Greek in you? (LOL)

randee: not even the new book store, Liz

LoverMichelle: Liz, why haven't you hopped on board some of these Indie book signings in
Boston, Florida, Vegas, etc., or is it more of a scheduling conflict with kids and the brewery?

Liz Crowe: If I said I'd discovered my inner "Spartan" in this town I'd be tossed out of it. But
yeah, I'm stubborn that is for sure. But not without my "fuck this, fuck you, fuck all y'all"

Captain Team Evan: I don’t know Effie but she can create a Greek God real well......Love me
some Andreas!

Effie Vernuccio: oh, that's right...I forgot that the Spartans is also a name for a team

Jen: Well, I definitely be there in November, and before to stock up on more Wolverine Beer

Liz Crowe: Michelle, my presence is required daily at my "first" small business (the brewery). It
has been a much bigger monetary investment for me. It gets priority now. I am going to
Savannah in August and Gatlinburg in June but that's it.

Melanie Codina: happy birthday to us Jen!! November here we come

Effie Vernuccio: Andreas Michos....three words: In. A. Heartbeat. I'll bring the flogger.

Liz Crowe: I don't write full time. I can't just take off for book signings where ever and likely
won't ever be able to.
Shelley: It's gonna be hot in Savannah in August!

Melanie Codina: June! I forgot about Gatlinburg...

Liz Crowe: that it will be but I'm a southern girl by birth. I can take it.

LoverMichelle: I know it's different, and you have so many commitments.

Captain Team Evan: might see

Shelley: I went to school in Savannah & lived in Atlanta

Jen: Shh, Melanie, you know I wanna go to that, bragger!

Melanie Codina: Sorry Liz and Beth-Ann, but you will get full serving of me that weekend =)

Captain Team Evan: might meet ya for drink in Georgia Liz

Liz Crowe: Brewery first and the many many levels of work it requires. WRiting is truly a
"hobby" I guess if I look at it that way. Damn I should find a hobby that's less stressful!

Melanie Codina: Sorry Jen...i got really excited

Liz Crowe: I have convinced the organizers of Rom Fest to let me make an official "beer wench
beer tasting seminar" in my room. Screw all that "how I write press releases and sex scenes"

Captain Team Evan: Bragger Melanie!

Effie Vernuccio: It's times like this where I really hate being so far away from y'all...I would
love to go to Rom Fest or something like that

Liz Crowe: there is some model body builder dude who is going to show up in lederhosen...I'm

Effie Vernuccio: Apparently, something was going on in Toronto but I didn't know about it and
I missed it

Captain Team Evan: Nov in A2 w The Dirty Dozen= Epic...just sayin

Jen: Ok, may have to go for that show LOL

Angela Harris left the chat

Liz Crowe: oh there are a zillion of these "cons" Effie. I find them to only be useful if the
"reader to writer ratio" is in MY favor. many of them are author conventions and frankly that
sounds like hell to me.....

Melanie Codina: hahahaha you said

Melanie Codina: I hope he shows up after the beer tasting seminar liz

Liz Crowe: I also go to 2 or 3 large beer events. (Again, "brewery first" right now. I love it too,
most days. Sort of like I love this...most days!)

Effie Vernuccio: Hell yeah, the Dirty Dozen in A2, drinking beer and talking sex....nasty,
raunchy, wait, my husband might be there

Effie Vernuccio: actually, I'm pretty sure Rob will be there...

Captain Team Evan: there’s TV....for him Effie!

Jen: Effie, stick him in a corner with my husband, problem solved

Effie Vernuccio: True....hmmm....

LoverMichelle: Ladies, we've gone past our hour. Any final questions for Liz???

Effie Vernuccio: Good idea, Jen

Liz Crowe: Rob is invited Effie. He is adorable. Oh, so is Mike, Jen. We will install them at the
Tap Room with taxi numbers so they can get to the hotel later But I will say that kids, Hans is
calling. I have some crucial scenes to get through and I'm on a deadline (and I am my own worst
enemy about deadlines!)

Effie Vernuccio: Wicked!

Jen: Thanks Liz, Cheers to success in the future!

Melanie Codina: cool...she didn't invite my husband...I get a pass!

Shelley: Thanks Liz!!

Melanie Codina: Later Liz =)

randee: Good night kids. Thanks Liz.

Liz Crowe: haven't met your husband Melanie but I am guessing we would talk soccer

Liz Crowe: later kids

Captain Team Evan: Thanks Liz for what you give us and all u do!


Effie Vernuccio: thank you Liz, Literati Literature Lovers and all of you fabulous ladies!!!

Liz Crowe: thanks Michelle for hosting

Liz Crowe: (might see you soon)

Shelley: Keep plugging along. This is a great thing that you are doing

Stephanie: Thanks Michelle and Liz!

KristyG: My husband won't wait for an invite he'll be there. Goodnight Liz!!

Shelley: Nighty night

Effie Vernuccio: Goodnight all - don't let Hans drive you all night, Liz...he he...

Melanie Codina left the chat

Effie Vernuccio: sorry, inside voice

LoverMichelle: Yes, keep me posted if you are heading this way.

Liz Crowe: will do!

Liz Crowe: thanks again.

Stephanie left the chat

LoverMichelle: Thank you ladies for joining us. We'll get the transcript finished up within the
next day and post for you and your fans. I'll be sure and share the link!

Effie Vernuccio left the chat

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