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theSun | MONDAY MARCH 16 2009 9

news without borders

RM5,000 rebate only for Week Ending March 13

American drought
THE US weather agency NOAA warned that the first two months
of 2009 have brought the driest start of any year nationwide

roadworthy ‘junks’ “The test is aimed at ensuring that the

old cars (participating in the auto-scrap-
scheme is government incentives and
profit from sales of new vehicles.
since keeping records began in 1895. While recent rains in
California have eased that state’s severe drought, the lack of
precipitation elsewhere is troubling farmers and firefighters.
The National Interagency Fire Centre in Boise has logged 11,814
wildfires so far this year – the most for any two-month period in
a decade and nearly 3,700 more than average.
Texas has suffered some of the worst effects of what is being
Press Digest ping scheme) are still roadworthy. Meanwhile, Federation of Automotive
called “exceptional” drought conditions in parts of the state.
Ranchers have been forced to sell their cattle because fields are
by Kong See Hoh “As long as the car, regardless of its Workshops Owners Association of Ma- too parched to feed them. Roughly 3,400 wildfires have burned make, passes the Puspakom test, the laysia president Cho Chee Seng said that in Texas since the beginning of the year.
owner can get RM5,000 rebate (for buy- given Malaysians’ habit of not repairing
OWNERS of ‘junk’ cars may not be able to ing a new Proton car).” their cars until necessary, the 10-year-old
enjoy the RM5,000 discount given by Pro- That means even if the junk is worth cars may have to be sent to the workshop Saudi sandstorm
ton under the auto-scrapping scheme. only several hundred ringgit, as long as it before they can pass the Puspakom test. A RARE wintertime sandstorm enveloped the Saudi capital of
Proton managing director Datuk Syed is certified fit for the road, its owner will The roadworthiness test requires a Riyadh and other parts of the desert kingdom, sending dozens
Zainal Abidin Syed Mohd Tahir told enjoy the RM5,000 rebate. vehicle to have: of residents to hospitals with respiratory ailments. Cars and
Nanyang Siang Pau that the scheme ap- Syed Zainal Abidin said Proton will » a good body, without rust; houses were covered by the yellow Saudi sand, which also
plies only to cars that pass Puspakom’s first apply to JPJ to cancel the registration » an engine that is in good condition and forced the capital’s international airport to shut down for a few
(Computerised Vehicle Inspection Cen- of old cars “traded in” under the scheme not emitting smoke; hours. The handful of people who ventured outdoors while the
tre) roadworthiness test. before disposing them, including for » a good braking system; and howling sandstorm raged wore surgical face masks or kept
He said the scheme is open to cars of recycling. » all lights that are of reasonable bright- handkerchiefs over their noses and mouths, according to local
any make that have been registered with In general, to recycle a vehicle means ness. media. The blinding storm also struck neighbouring Kuwait,
the Road Transport Department (JPJ) but cannibalising it for parts that are still in For an old car to pass the test, it may briefly halting oil exports and forcing the closure of the Persian
owners must first get their vehicles tested tip-top condition or can be reconditioned mean forking out RM300-400 to change a Gulf emirate’s three ports. Meteorologists say that much of the
by Puspakom. to function well. set of lights or RM2,000-2,500 to replace Saudi peninsula has not received rain for a third winter in a row,
The roadworthiness test, costing about Syed Zainal Abidin said the main the engine with a reconditioned one, making desert sand so loose that it is easily whipped up into
RM20, can be done in one day. benefits that Proton will derive from the making the scheme unattractive. sandstorms by strong northwesterly winds.

20 bodyguards protecting Speaker Sivakumar Vulture malaria

PERAK State Assembly Speaker in the country and is worried principles of democracy; or that He said: “After the incident INDIA’S endangered vulture population now faces another
V. Sivakumar, the man who is about his personal safety and they cannot reach me due to the (power grab), I became very threat that may kill those birds that survived poisoning by a
the centre of attention following that of his family. As such, he tight security (around me). careful. I would not talk to others now-banned livestock drug. The country’s Centre for Cellular
the power grab early last month, is accompanied by bodyguards “After I was elected the or take calls anyhow. Probably and Molecular Biology (CCBM) told the tabloid Mail Today yes-
said he is now accompanied by wherever he goes, he said. Tronoh assemblyman and be- because of that, they cannot terday that the scavenger birds are succumbing to a new strain
four to 20 bodyguards whenever “Frankly speaking, until now fore I was made the Speaker, I reach me. of avian malaria, which is spread by mosquitoes.
he is in the public. I have not received any phone did receive crossover offers. Sivakumar joined DAP in Wildlife experts had been puzzled as to why the vultures
He told Sin Chew Daily in an threat or offer (to jump ship), They stopped after I lodged a 1997. In 1999, he contested the continued to die long after the drug Diclofenac was no longer
interview that he has lost confi- possibly because they know I police report and since being Channing state seat but was being distributed and used in livestock. – Universal Press Syn-
dence in the political situation am one who subscribes to the appointed the Speaker.” unsuccessful. dicate

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